The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


IN the Court of Common nas No. 2 of All- I TO Mary Harper and Lily Carlton, their hefts gheny county, Pennsylvania. Notice Is hereo and personal representative. Irt th Or-riven that an application will be made to sail phans" Court of Allegheny county. Pennsylva-court at No.

IOO, July term. lo4. on Satur- nla. No 77. December term, 1'3.

la MONEY TO LOAN. "A Crlend In need la a friend MECHANICS XJEASB as TRUST OTA, 611 Fenn are. $mm oay. April so, at o'clock m. tr it v.

01 -pa um- 1 I A5 mbl'. ntitled An Art to pro- vide for th Incorporation of. certain corpora lions." approved April 2D, 1874. and th supplements thereto, for the charter of an intend 1 corporation to be called "Braddock Lodge N.v 883, Benevolent and Protective Order of of Braddock. Pennsylvania, the character and object of which la to protect and aid Its member and their families In sickness, distress or death; to promote friendship and social Intercourse, and to oultlvat literary attainments; to evccumuiat funds for these purposes, auto tor in purpose of th purchase or leswt arisen by reason mre thsn sevn er at-be necesmsjr laare- sence.

and prayed for citation uptin said dls- WHEN you axe tired of using chemicals tipoa your skin, come to MME. GRAY, the only Dermatologist who does not bm chemicals la her preparations. Call phone or write, enclosing stamp for sample of Complexion Beautlfler. MME. GRAY, 829 Hemlock Allegheny.

P. Bell phone 149S-8 North. 4wn MATERNITY HOME Beautifully furnlsheU; private, sympathetic attendance; adoption provided- Dr. Turver, 20 years' experienc women's troubles, 68 West Genesee Buffalo. SlQwrj PERSONAL RUBBER The Greatest and Latest Novelty and RUBBER lnventtoo ever produced; MEN ONLY; write for Illustrated circular quick.

Address Appliance Dept. 7. Detroit, Mich. 325wro MISS OHLSON. graduate from Institute at Stockholm, Sweden; Swedish gymnatlcs and massage, face and scalp treatment, manicuring.

Removed to 420 Fnn ave. 41wkfglkfgl MATERNITY HOME Beautifully furnished; private sympathetic attendance; adoption provided. Dr. Turver. 20 years' experience woman's troubles.

58 West Genesee Buffalo. 4SwTo WANTED to know the whereabouts of Ralph Ferraro: toft home March 22; will be thankful for any Information. Address Dominic Ferraro. 617 Lenora East End. 44 wb PERSONAL Massage, Turkish baths; Miss Dr.

Davidson, sanitarium, 20 Seneca city. Fifth ave, cars, get off 21O0; open day and nighty 44wb EXPERT PALMIST and card reader, late of New York; satisfaction guaranteed cenia. 12 a. m. to 10 j.

m. week days. 25, Anderson Allegheny. lwPR GENERATOR Wanted, one 175 K- W. gene-n-tor, belted or direct connected to engine cf corresponding power; must be In first class condition and stand rigid inspection.

Address Carnegie Coal Carnegie. Pa. 47rr PERSONAL Ladles, Dr! La Franco's Compound, safe, speedy regulator, 25 cents. Druggists or mall. Booklet fre.

Dr. IFrnov Philadelphia. 66lkfgs MADAM BART LETT, scalp treatment, manicuring dermatologist, neck, bust developing. 24 East Robinson Allegheny. Bejl 'phone 1 'JQ2 J.

Nort h. 44wb MANICURING and massage, new assistance; Vita baths. 15 East Montgomery ave. second floor. Allegheny.

47 wm A DAM A TTERM ANN Clairvoyant a nd palmist. 121 Federal Allegheny. Bell phone 132 North 4. 48wp SCIENTIFIC massage parlors; select patronage only; tub baths; Wednesday and Friday mornings for ladies. 411 Penn ave 43wb HAVE your eyes fitted with glasses at the prescription optician.

L. J. Marks, 222 Fifth Pittsburg Pa. 3WKgniJU FINE watch repairing; six skilled watch makers working In our factory; all "rk warranted. J.

Marks. 222 Fifth ave. 48wkghijb MISS NEVIN wishes to hear from her friends about manicuring. Write 2S. Press office, Allegheny.

4WP LYNCH, clairvoyant reading, magnetic treatment, mental healing and spells broken. 118 Anderson Allegheny. 48wkfe --'r i--i--t Vic manlcnrlne and massage, 172 V. new cottAre 1 il It. near Carson st.

4Jwl PERSONAL Legal divorces procured without publicity: no chance of failure; advice free. Write M. 1430 Fifth ave. 45whk PERSONAL Louise Larson gives baths and massage at No. 5 Churcn cor.

rmni Allegheny; first floor front. 47 wb AT.t.FGTIENY PAPER-HANGING St CLEANING R13 sanuusky Allegheny. Bell phone 53-2 W. 47wb MANICURING andN electrical treatments by expert operators, under new management. MT Rosb corner Sixth ave.

4wD MATERNITY HOME Private, cared by skilled professionals; nice home. Write Box 244. Allegheny. 43 wb MME. SONNETTE.

OF NEW YORK, Celebrated clairvoyant. 818 Arch Allegheny 4Tr WOMAN'S HOSFITAL. private: sklUed treatment; -all cares: maternity cases, adoption. M. Bryuon.

Yorkist. 31 1 wro GOING to and from Penn stop at the Allegheny second-hand furniture store, 304 Chestnut near bridge. 43wb LADIES, enlarge vour bust 7 inches: no failures. Penn Specialty Mount Oliver. Pa.

47wb CONSULT the reader who reveals all mys- il Mrs. FennlcK. Old Avtry iic gheny. 46wr MADAME FjIESON, palmist; business reading; 6O11S Kirkwood East End. 43wb IODOL RHEUMATIC CURE ones tried, always recommended; price 50c.

25wkpp DR HEASLEY. chiropodist, cures Ingrowing nails. NO KNIFE. 205Nlxon Bldg. 43wb MME CLARK Famous clairvoyant; readings truthful.

21i Sandusky Allegheny. 47wb MISS RAYMER gives tub baths and massage. 411 Penn ave. 48 wm MISS BLANCH A RDE Baths, massage; new location. 323 Penn first floor.

47w-b PA PERU ANGERS save 40 per cent, by buyj Ing wall paper at 149 Frankstown. 311 MAS SAGE A BAT 1 a Ely, 02 Federal Allegheny, ground floor (rear. 46 a GET YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SUNDAY PRESS. IN EARLY 48wp LOST AND FOUND.

LOST Thursday evening, a lady's plain gold-filled watch, monogram E. on outside of case; initials B. F. B. on inside of case.

Finder please return to Miss E. Ballard. 65 Augusta Thirty-fifth ward. clfy. 4Swp WATCH FOB Lost, on Negley ave.

car -r Bavwood gold watch fob. with D. M. M. engraved.

In found, return to 743 Chislet East End. 48wp WATCH Lost. Saturday, silver watch, wltn pin, between Summerlea. Negley and Penn aves. Reward at Mrs.

Be.ldoe, Elwood Apartments, El wood and Summerlea. 47w WATCH Lost, Monday evening, April I. a' Union depot. Pittsburg, lady's gold hunt'ng case watch, marked with owner's name. Reward if returned to Room 1420 Frick Bl dir.

17 we LOST Between S. Diamond and Boggs Buhl's, pair of w-ire nippers, nickel plated; return to 2508 millinery workroom, Boggs Buhl. 48wp LOST Pocket knife, metal handle, with' owner's name engraved Satisfactory reward at Hotel Buckingham, Craft Pittsburg. 4Swr DOG Lost, a large black "Great Dana'" dog. with white spot on chest; last seen at comer Craft end Forbes st.

Reward on return'ng same to 3515 Forbes city. -J. LOST Umbrella at Fraternal Hall. McKees Rocks. Finder please return to Janitor or to R.

Rotunni, 205 Wick St. 4Swp LOST On Grant. Seventh or Liberty book New York reports. Rody P. Marshall.

506 Diamond city. 47we FOUND Cash paid for old gold and silver; watches repaired and warranted, $1. C. Hauch. Jeweler.

541 Smithfield st. 320wfikpn 20t MIS-FIT wool Ingram carpets. $5, $6 and $6 50 while they last. GOLDSMITH. 954 Penn, next to Pickering' 316 wro FOUND The White Sewing Machine 123 Sixth will clean and adjust any make of sewing machine for $1.

Bell 'phone. LtT Saturday afternoon, lady's open face gold watch and pin: initials M. E. W. Reward If left at 60, Press office.


at 75c GERBER CARRIAGE 19-27 Fifth St- 327mm EATS' FOOT OIL, 65c SIXTY-FIVE CENTS A GALLON. GERBER CARRIAGE 19-27 Fli TH tST. 321grkfpn KITCHEN-RANGE For sale. $8. used one week, cost $18.

Ill E. Montgomery Allegheny. 48wp GO-CART For sale, drop head and foot; $4 Call 614 Cliff Allegheny. 48wp NEW road cart and good buggy harness cheap. Write 74.

Press office. 46wr DOCTOR'S buggy and harness for sale. 1720 Carson St. 48 we WAGON for sale or- for hire. Allegheny.

1712 Bayard st 43 wb MACHINERY, TOOLS- ETC. HOISTING ENGINES AND DERRICKS SxlO double drum, with boiler. 7 xlO double drum, with boiler. xlO double drum, without boiler. Write for list of new and second-hand hoict-ers.

boilers, derricks, etc. CONTRACTORS' SUPPLY Park 1230ikgs NEW and second hand gas and steam engines and machinery of all kinds for sale. Repair work promptly attended to; cheapest house in the city. Address John Ashbacher formerly with J. Prager.

225 Third ave. 325ro COAL MINING MACHINERY Haulage and hoisting machinery of all kinds, complete line of wire rope, sheaves all izes. rope and rubber lined. In 6tock for quick d-liverv; prompt attention to repair work. J.

J. 714 Fifth ave. 620k fits ENGINES New gas engines of all sizes and for nil purposes, at special prices to introduce; also all kinds new machinery for sale, at lowest risible Drices: let us know vour wants, can save you money. H. V.

Clymlck. Room 17. Schmidt utaourg. 214 BELTING LEATHER. RUBBER AND CAN-vas new and second hand: bargain prices.

S. YOUNG, 1-110 PARK WAY. ALLEGHENY. 4Swep 3 ENGINES and wood working machines. Briggs Machinery Fourth and Liberty.

48wro ONE small electrical experimental lathe, new. Can be seen at 713 Lewis Block, city. 4Swr GAS and steam engines: repairing done reasonable. Prager. HO Market 43wfikr GAS ENGINE offic.


Howard st. Frame honse, 6. rooms, halls, street paved and sewered; lot 22x245. $1,550. W.

C. BUTTERFIELD 4 19 West Diamond st. Allegheny. owP HOUSE For sale, Fayette 5th ward. Allegheny: brick dwelling.

rooms, hall and bath; rented for $360 per year. J- Fester. 427 Fourth ave. Ba HOUSE For sale. $3,000.

rents for $360 frame dwelling. 8 rooms, bath. hall, vestibule; rear perch: Perrysville near pare entrance. 3. H.

Fester. 427 Fourth ave. 4n FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. FDR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Beautiful suburban home.

Ft. Wayne R. 8 miles from city; house 8 rooms, bath. gas. lot 50x33; view R.

R. and river; 5 minutes from station; cash price. $5,750, equn. will exchange for clear level suburban lots or house, vicinity of crafton and assume. 3 clear lots at $6t0 each and 5O0 In cash for house, city limits; worth $3.50 to ISO ft.

frontage: S. Negley clear, -r Improved and assume. 59x130, Penn this side Brushton price clear, for Improved and assume. JAMES A. COOPER 413 Fourth ave.

Opposite Postoffice. 4p FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 7 S. S. Ham-burgs; fine thoroughbred stock. Box 523 West Newton.

Pa. 48wp EXCHANGE clear loT for fast "driving horse. Apply 3t'25 Liberty, ave. 47 wr EXCHANGE nice city home for suburban cottage. Write 39, Press office.



CARTER SEWING MACHINE 131 Sixth st- Next Bijou. 4wikfhn I CAN buy a good second-hand sewing machine for Ten Dollars. White Sewing Machine Co 122 Sixth St. 326s FURNITURE H. H.

GOODS. FURNITURE of 4-roomed house; will se.l cheap to quick buyer; partv can lease hous-. Call No. 3 Marlier Place, between Main and Flsk -oP 1.000 yards of 60c and 75c best linoleum, remnant sizes, for 35c per yard. Goldsmith.

3.14 Penn next to Pickering's. 326 wro HOl'SEKEEPIXO Three rooms, with lease. $300. 1422 Sandusky st-. Allegheny.

44 wb BRUSSELS carpet. 25 yards, and dining room table, cheap. 909 James Allegheny, Pa. 47we FURNITURE For saleT-5-plece mahogany parlor suit. $15.

2 McKee Place. Allegheny. Perrysville ave. cars. 48wp WARDROBE For sale, a $12.

on wardrobe for $5 f0. Address H. E. 117 E. Ohio Allegheny.

eowp FURNITURE of three rooms, in good condition, less than half price. 7tJ Natchez Mt. Washington. 48wp TWO large restaurant ranges, cheap. Wabash Furniture Auction 33 Liberty Bt.

43b HOUSEHOLD goods for sale at great sacrifice, almost new. 312 Avalon 4twa COOKING STOVEfor saleT Apply 1135 Shef-field Allegheny. 44wglkr GAS RANGES. 25. samples and second-hand, cheap.

GOLDSMITH. i64 Penn. 316wro AUTOMOBILE. AUTOMOBILE Pretrv gasoline runabout for sale, cheap. Write 41.

Press office. 46'tn MISCELLANEOUS. SHOW CASES, cbunters. shelving, carpets, rugs, stoves and ranges, bed room suite, refrigerators, two large restaurant ranges, springs and mattresses, chairs, folding tied, roll top desk. etc.

Wabash Furniture Auction Liberty st. 43b CARPETS THAT ARE MIS-FITS. f09 Body Brusels and fine Wilton Velvets; and will fit any room. $10, $15. $18 and $22.50.

Don't buy until you see them. GOLDSMiTH. 954 Penn, next to Pickering's. SIBwro MONEY For sale, California gold quarters and half dollars, quarters. 5o cents; half dollars, also $1 and $3 pieces for sale.

Address C. E. Thomas. Box 2S2. Johnstown, Pa.

42wb SODA FOUNTAINS and supplies for sale. Write for catalogue. J. C. Buffum Pittsburg.

Established 1S45. 46s SODA FOUNTAIN For sale cheap. Write 19, Press office. 46s GAS RANGE -hole, with warming closet; good as new; used in restaurant 6 months; cheap. Goldsmith, 054 Penn next Pickering's.

47wjkfr SELL your household goods to GOLDSM 1 Vn he pays big cash prices for second-hand furniture. 054 "tan next to Pickering's. MHwro CAMERA For sale, a 5x7 Korana camera aril tripod, with complete outfit. Call eveninjr. 101.3 Vickroy city.

GOOD LUCK Gas Range, hath tub and holler: cost $125 brand new, $45 for all. Goldsmith 954 Penn ave next to Pickering's. 47wjkfr BICYCLE For sale, lady's Columbia bicycle; perfect condition. Write 18, Press office. Allegheny.

47wr NEW and second-hand soda fountains for sale. Write for description and catalogue. J. C. Buffum 122-124 Third Pittsburg.

46s REGISTER, refrlaerator, lunch counter, stool, office furniture, partition. 233 Diamond t. 4Swe DIAMOND RING For sale, a handsome solitaire diamond ring. Write 95, Press office. 47 A'r? WANTED Buyers of soda, fountains to write for our catalogue.

J. C. Buffum Pittsburg. 46s SAMPLES our specialty. Couches, iron beds.

stoves, misrit carpets, almost at your own price. Goldsmith S'12 Penn next to Speer. 43wio DRILL PRESS For sale, a Boyton an 1 plumber drill press, cheap. Inauire at Gran city. 2d floor.

4S)wn NEW Philippine coin, issued by United States, two varieties. 12 cents; rare coins for sale. Elder. 2o8 Sheridan Pittsburg. FOR SALE One small soda fountair with spigots; cost new $125: will sell for $50 cash.

226 Diamond st. 4 7 we SODA FOUNTAINS, supplies, fruit syrups an.1 extracts at a bargain. Call 114 Seventh st. 4Swb BIGGEST cash prices paid for second-hand furniture and carpet. Goldsmith 912 Penn next to Speer.

STEREOPTICON and moving plcturemachlne for sale. HO slides, curtain, $51. Mac. 515 Sandusky Allegheny. 46wikfr LOWUING alleys and supplies, bar fixtures.

pool tables, office, restaurant and store tables. Delp's. Fourth and Liberty. 43wep GAS ENGINE 4 office. Write 98, Press 7 we FOR SALE Four pool tables, half price what they cost.

226 Diamond st. 47we FIREPROOF SAFES JS lip. 110 Market st Fell phone 3549-4 Court. 4mji ONE Weldon Kelly coffee um (6 gal 5 dining room tables. 141 Wylle ave.

46wb WAIX. PAPER 30 rooms wall paper; all the best shades at 5oc per room. 149 Frankstown 'ave. sis BARGAINS Showcases nnd fixtures. Geo.

A. Butt, 146 Sixth Pittsburg 42wb SAFES. Safes. Safes! Rouprht. sold, exchanged.

W. r'rager. ll' Market st 43wfikr STEAM TABLE Cost sell nix AVrite Press office. 47wn GET YOUR CLASSIFIED FOR SUNDAY PRESS. ADS.

IN EARLY 48wp ABOUT 3 feet good partition for sale; see It at 42 Hamilton Iiids- 324s MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. TEN sample pianos, mahogany cases, sweet tone quality, good, reliable action: all the latest Improvements, including patent muffler pedal, and full swing music desk; regular style, will be sold this week at on easy terms; $15.00 down, and $3.00 por month. These pianos are exceptional values, and must be seen to be appreciated. HOFFMANN'S. 537 Smithfield st.

43b USED PIANOS GHICKERING. $10. STEINWAY. 126 Two of the famous old makes offered at bargain; both in very good condition and having that full, rich tone. Payments will be arranged to suit, at the old reliable HEN RICKS PIANO 611-613 Smithfield near Sixth ave.

46ika WANTED To trade a fine piano and pian- player for an aut-mobile. Address with particulars. Box 666. 18? $260 PIANO PLAYER outfit, with bench and music; used for rtisplav purposes only; $173. Hoffmann's.

537 Smithfield st. 47w om.A. ror saie. i stops. gooi lone; new.

624 Shawnee off East Aile- gheny. PIANO upright, cover. too! family sacrifices before moving, $15. Box 160U, 48wp ANGELUS Piano-Player. mnt; will tell cheap, office.

with organ attacn-Write 57. Pre Asn $4O0 no Fischer Upright Piano; has been used; in good condition. $185X). HOFFMANN'S. Kil Smithfield st.

48b FIANOLA Piano-Player. 20 rclls of music; will sell cheap. Write S2. Press office. on TYPEWRITERS.

NEW MACHINES at second-hand jrloes; Flick No. 6, $35; No. 7. $5. Bliekenscierftj Mf 211-212 Lewi ljlpck.

rituburg. 47wb CITY AND SUBURBAN. FOR SALE. A EELLEVUE BARGAIN. Reduced to $10 ono from for a quick sale.

Owner hae bought property in South and wants to dispose of this. Let lrxl47. in center of borough, with 2 rood frame dwellings renting for $57 per month. See McKLVEEN A WHITE, Real Estate "Hustlers." 604 Fark Bldg. 4p AN AVALON BARGAIN.

One-half square from car line, frame house of rooms, bath, front and rear porches, n.l modern improvements, large lot and level. Price only $4 terms, $500 cash, balance $30 00 a month. ALSO RODGER3 BELLEVUE. Frame house, 6 rooms, bath, gas and water; all modern improvements: lot level, ScrxlSu ft Price 2.tV; $400 cash. 5 par cent mortgage for balance.

BELLEVUE REALTY SAV. A TRUST CO 440 Lincoln Bellevue. FOR SALE BELLEVUE HOMES. 1 8-room all Improvements. 1 lot, Vixl.Vi, Orchard $2,500.

1 lot, 70x150, cor. Orchard and Thotnu ave. 14 lota. oCntlBO. Dakota $300 to $850.

16 lots. 40x110. Thomaa $,300 to $750. 1 lot. 45x120, Thomas ava.

$1,300. Other sites, near nsw car line; water, gas. reasonable, terms: cash 5 per cent. GEO. C.

ORTH. Owner. Rodgers and Orchard svei. Phone 2.VV-4 326wlfgkb A BARGAIN For some on who owns a vacant lot on the South Side. For Sale On-story frame house; contains stop room and two rooms In rear; will sold cheap: Is located on Carson South Side.

Writ 132. Press office. 110 HOME for sale, a sacrifice; a chance for a poor man to own his own home in a beautiful place, one square outside city, near a good school; 4-room cottage, good drilled well at the door, citv water on street; has all kinds of fruit; lot 25x125 40-foot street; snail payment down, balance as rent; tlve minutes from street cars: owner Is going away, must sell. Write IOO, East End Press office. 4Swkfe HOUSES For sale.

$2,550 each; two new fram houses, six rooms, reception haJl. bath. nt and cold water, hardwood mantels, gas. laundry: newly papered; two squares from Ingram station: one square from Crafton car line; easy payments. Aadress D.

S. GAILEY. New Kensington. Pa. 4w.

HOUSE For sale. ON EASY PAYMENTS house of 4 rooms, hall entrance, water and Inside w. 4" minutes on Frankstown ave. car: $luO cash and $15 monthly. Price Inquire THOMAS REALTY 400 Grant cor.

Fourth ave. 4okfsr MANUFACTURING SITE. For Sale Cheaper than any other In Pittsburg district: ground lOOatX-'S good building; Penna. and P. L.

E. siding Into property; McKees Rocks. Easy terms or cash. C. R.

ANDERSON. 911 South Allegheny. Pa. Phone 122 North. 228a ONLY 2 left of our neat little homes on Grove In West Park.

McKees Rocks: take West Park cars to Wayne ave. and walk down to No. 322 Orove st. 32Spa HOUSE For sale, special bargain on the Hilltop; good brick house, a rooms and bath; fronts on car line; street paved: nice location; only $2,701. Write 73, Press office.

uwt HOUSE For sale, new frame 8 rooms; on Lincoln Just finished; price terms $300 cash, balance easy payments. 402 Lowell st. 4owp GET YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SUNDAY PRESS. IN EARLY 48wp EASTfcR BARGAINS In real estate; new brick, 6 rooms, bath, gas, hot and cold water.

Inside w. c. cemented cellar; all improvements; near Penn and Main st. D. SHIELDS.

5203 Butler St. 42wb HOUSES For sale, 5 brick houses, 4 and rooms each: fith ward. Allegheny; fl.ftOO and up; can show 1 per cent investment on 1. Write owner, 52. Press office.

48p HOUSE For sale, fi rooms and bath, same is rent; West Pittsburg. 2427 Webster city. 4wp LOTS Fine building lot. 25x150. In Summit near Georgia, ave Knoxvllle.

will be sold for $NC Owner will not pay this year's tax at this price. $800 KNOXVILLE BARGAIN REAL ESTATE TRUST 311 FOURTH AVE. 47r 300 FEET TO CARS, $135. PERRYSVILLE AVE. DISTRICT.

Two building lots close to stores, for home or Investment, small monthly payments; no taxes, no Interest. 421 Federal Allegheny. 46wike LOTS For sale, a block of 6 lots. N. E.

eo-. Juno st and Troy alley, 14th ward, and fronting 166 ft. on Juno by about 103 feet deep; price terms reasonable; title perfect. John A. Wilson.

1422 Park Bldg. 42wb LOTS For sale, two choice Perrysville ave. lots, facing Rlverview Fark; at a bargain. See J. H.

Fester, admr of Samuel Wats. i state. 42 Fourth Pittsburg. OT For i-ale. in beiuttful Bellevue; beautiful corner lot; cheap, easy terms.

Fred Viereck. general delivery, Allegheny. 48wh LOT For sale. Wlnthrop facing Westminster 11th ward, Allegheny; .1 bargain J. H.

Fester. 427 Fourth ave. LOT For sale. 47xl2ii: level; Cambridge near Wlnthrop nt. very cheap.

J. H. Fester. 427 Fourth ave. 48n LOT For sale." 25x1 Sterretttwp.

10 mlrt. walk from Frankstown car; cheap for cash. Write 52. Press office. 44wn LOTS For sale cheap, good lots, near car line in Keating West View.


FINEST FARM LAND IN PENNSYLVANIA. Near Zellenopie. Elwood and Forbell Station, on Pittsburg Western Railroad. Dwelling house contains nine large rooms and every convenience of a city home, including dally mail. Large barn.

4ixSt. and outbuildings; also two other dwellings, one with storeroom. This tract of land ean be had at a very reasonable cash price or will exchange for city property. Will be a great bargain for some one. Particulars from R.

S. BRINTON. 65 Union avenue. Allegheny, Pa. 45 wb IT IS EASY to pay $150 at the rate of $6.50 monthly: yet It will secure a 10-acre farm rear Atlantic City and make you independent 'f mills and factories.

Thousands have dor.c it. Why not you? Secure a home In the tiieat Jersey health belt. Best fruit, poultry anil tru and in the world. Best mai kets. t'all or send tor free booklet P.

R. 320. DO IT TODAY. WALTER BECKER. 4:4 Fourth ave.

43a FcUR ACRES 5-room house, well. rm stream: abundance of fruit; near town; oO rms $axt down. lli acres level farm. 14 acres of heavy tim- Kr: g.od buildings; fish pond; near tow.i; $4. terms down, fend for my list of arms.

S. W. WILSON. Niles. Ohio.

we F.iRM For Sale or Rent A 35-acre farm. 12 acre orchard. 5 level fields, with spring water and all fixtures in good order; 7-room frame house, with a large barn: will make a good garden or poultry farm; one mile from station and 13 miles from Rraddock: on P. R. R.

Address Albrt Bergman, 1m.i5 Braddock Braddork. Pa. P. A. 'phone 443.

42wb FARM For sale, this Is a good little farm of 67 acres. mile from town and R. station, one ft ami a 7-room bouse: barn and all outbu. Mings; 5 acre of timber; 2 springs an 1 a small siream: good rich land; fine field wheat; immediate possession: no debts. Price terms down Send for my list of fine level aims.

S. W. Wilson. Niles. Ohio.

48wklghia GET YOUR OI-ASSIFIED ADS. IN EARLY FOR SUNDAY PRESS. 48 wn A SMALL FARM at a bis bargain: six acres, good water. 4-roomed house; 4 miles from Lai rube; lVs miie to churches, stores and schools: 12 minutes' walk to street car line; price $. James L.

Freeble. Freebie Building. Latrobe, Ta. 42wb FARM For sale bargain to quic uyer; 5 acres, on line Pennsylvania Railrc miles east Union depot; make elegant hu. kg lots, as pav.d streets to properly.

Tti, Press oilice. 4', lkfhjlf FARM 3o acres 00 Lake Coucclching. make beautiful summer home, or resort; large stone house, garden and outbuildings, near Muskoka. S. A McPherson Rama.

P. "Ontario. 43 wb FARMS for sale or exchange for city property: ask for our 14 catalogue. THE JAS. MURTHA 3oi Fifth awe.

47s OFFICES AND DESK ROOM. OFFICES TO LET. None better for the rent. $20 to $43 per month. Modern, In financial center.

FltulmmoiM Building. 3U Fourth vt. Send for prtnteil lift. COMMONWEALTH REAL. ESTATE CO 327 Fourth ave.

4kn TO LET Fine. well-lighted offices, single or suite; heated by steam; electric light, ianitor service, elevator; new Apollo building, i ourth near Wood rates reasonable. For irlans and further Information see HOME Ml Woodst 43fikr TO LET Office; $04: cheap at $iih: beautiful front Wood st. office. 1 -ii2 most central of-flc bolldlng In city; beat eievator and other service.

HOME TRUST BUILDING. Wood at. and Sixth ave. 43fhkr DESK BOOM To let. Jd month, located In beat part of Fourth ave.

Bee MANHATTAN REALTY 4AH Fourth seoTid floor. 4tp DESK "BOOM Fourth between mithfl'M and Grant, first floor front; best the street; rent Jl." per month; state business. Vnu 69. Press office. 4-kfe MISCELLANEOUS.


22 mil's from city; 41 acres of around; large house, 1 rooms, barn, chicken-bouse, also six cottag.s of ft rooms each and one of three rooms: cottages will rent for mount asked for the whola place. BARR BROS. NO. 412 GRANT ST. 4Alk LODGE ROOM.

Perfectly equipped lodge room 1n the new "Washington National Bank Building, corner Fifth ave. and Washington heat, light and janitor servlca free; elevator. Inquire, at bank. 41s TO LET acres, frame house. rm', iorch.

rases. right at Brvant station. Pittsburg Wea'ern Railroad Rent l.aK. Rutterneid. C18 West Dlamond.AIleghe.ny.

MOVING VANS AND WAGONS TO LET. Furniture packers, clean apartments for storage of roues hol goods. EHANAHAN TRANSFER ft STORAGE near Fifth ave. 214fgks STABLE A large bri'k stable; stalls for 21 head of horses, with large storsg space; Bradford near Incline. South Side.

H. Prugh. 93 South Sixteenth ft. 3V. 6s TO LET Brick stable; good stalls; wagon room: ionm for driver; South Thirteenth near Carson st.

See H. M. Prugh. South Hlxteenth sc. 326s GET YOT-R CLASSIFIED ADS.

IN EARLY FOR SUNDAY PREPS. 4Swp FOR SALE. BUSINESS STANDS. MANHATTAN REALTY 4ti Fourth Second Fl East End office. 7334 Idlewild st.

Grocery Located on one of the best East End streets; large storeroom and elegant fixtures; clean stock; doing business of $175 week; good reasons for selling. Price $0O. If you are looking for a store 'or rooming house, come In and see. out list. We can suit you.

MANHATTAN REALTY CO Fourth Second Fljor. East End office. 7334 Idlewild St. 4Sp BUSINESS For sale, hardware and house furnishing business, located in the gas belt. New Castle.

one of the most progressive towns nl the State; one of the largest factories In the Uaited Btates, located here. Wish to retire. Also will sell or rent my business block, located In most desirable rart of our town, and my lumber business and furniture factory. This is a treat opportunity. L.

A. JENNINGS. New Castle, Ind. 42wb PAPER ROUTE In-thriving Ohio town, near Pittsburg: population 8.5'; handling over 1.3 dallies aaad over I.Oiiii Sundays: clearing easily ll.Vi a month; reason for selling, proprietor in sick and In the hospital; terms. Jown, balance secured by note; this is an elegant chance for a young man to get in a prosperous husiness; price c.

88d Fourth ave. Office Old Times Hldg. CON FKCTlTvN AND CIG AU'sTORR. Located on the best business strict of Allegheny, doing a cash business of $7 to $irx per week. Rent of store and four living rooms only $25 per month.

If you want a nice, small store look this up you will make no mistake. Price It C. I. A I'D CO i Room 5, 4- Fourth ave. 4Sp SALOONS, hotels and road-houses In Newark, license vear: long leases; at prices from Jpst $roo.

$7aNM. to gVni, brewers Agents: brewers assistance assured. Call and investigate our bargains at WK.NV.KL. LKllf.liTS, NHI Broad room t2) Globe Building. Newark.

N. J. 47n ROOMING HOfSK on Penn near Joseph Home's: 12 rooms, filled with roomers: nicely Tumlshed papered ani painted throughout; clears per month above all expenses; price $hV. STR ITI.E. 1 Pittsburg Hank for f-avincs Bldg.

4e CONFECTIONERY STORK. tioofl location. storeroom and two living rooms, rent $14. doing a business of pet week Come nd look this ui. as it Is Sioney maker.

price $ii. lf CO Room l-'ti Fourth ave. BAI.i ioN- 1-oefited In Ohio; finest saloon in the town: rent only $ne three livir.s ms; this Is a tirst-class business and verv must be sold by Wednesday price oiilv HOWICK THOMl'SOX 83(1 Fourth ave. tlftlce Times Bldg. 4 CO XFE'TIONERY-For sale, in Fast End district, location on the best corner, and doing $Vai per week; has fine fixtures; ooil fountain; fresh stock; long lease; worth $.1,000: has to be sold before In days this is a bargain to anyone that wants money-maker; rite quirk.

Write 14. Press office. 45wn RESTAURANT AND RA FRY -One-of' the tlnest places In one our best Ohio towns. 7r. miles from Pittsburg; cl-irlrK a month aboe all cvpenses: reason for selling, sickness, will exchange part real estate and I art cash price H( ICK HOMPSON C.

33 Fourth ave 1 'ft: Times Pddg. 4e STORK For sale. confectionery, soda fountain. tears and toys .5 ri.imsc Millvale Write Press office. 4Swe ROOM IN P.OARDIN HOUSE forsale; newlv f'irnlshcd: on account of ill health a twicttfW; excellent stand: Highland ave.

district Writ" East F.nd Press office. 4wr CONFECT ION ER AN I A 11 FoTsa 1 e. good location In Fast End. doing a fine business; this a snap. paiticulars write 15, Pres 47wb KKi 'TlONFTl T.iv and Notion "store A splendid soft Innk stand, and three living rooms, vent invoc- Wilte Tress 47wlj FH Kl.F STAND -r in the Plttsbur-r Mark, House doitu; a nice business; vii lc nl- price Write 7o.

I'r. office --w STATION FRY SToUE and stand." I'' year, doing tine business; own.T will sell i h.iip to luv must leave city on ecc*nt heiltn tail ave 4sw! C.RIH'F.RY BUSINESS-F. sab- 11 at" I In city, good tiade; on; 1 nr. base; Invoice about 00 wl'd s.ll at r.r i.t cash, or exchance city ioerty Vsi litre or write. n-er.

1 ruth aV. ers furnished complete. al-. se.r.:i er. 73' East Ohio ny.

47ivm v7eaT RKFT In tou dclnc' business $25 cl.iv; can be cd io ave! SvT.oTN AND CAFE IN NT RK. with a to v. ars" lr-sc. good Misir. license a.

var; price si issi cash 1-e "will asist Wcr.rel Leber. Broad, room (-'. Newark. J. 47n MlLKBUSlNnSS For e.

money "maker; profitable an 1 cheap: wi.l stand Investigation. Write la-ess office 47wb Ba'kEUY AND ICE CREAM PA LOIt50 from Pittsburg; baking 2tj barrels four per rtnv; no wr.gon: good rvason for selling Write 1 2s. Press office 331 wc OFT Y'UR CLASSIFIED ADS." IN EARLY VOTt SUNDAY PRESS. 4S.wp IF youwant to buv or sell any kind of business, see 'A VAN AG 431 Fourth ave. CITY AND SUBURBAN.

WE have sold all but 12 of our 52 new good small homes in East End. Take Pianktown ave. car to Collier mal'ic up to st. Terms asy; monthly pBjments. A BARGAIN Nice brtcH house.

modern improvements on good paied street: $3. Sim. cash. OKUKub Li rv 62i0 Penn ave. Deil phone 144 East.

1 40n FOR SALE. Six rooms end reception "hall modern conveniences: tret cars pass the door. We will make terms to suit vou. GEORGE A. JONES.

1J04 Carson S. 40ikfs FASTER BARGAINS In real estate, goad frame house, f. rooms, hall, stone cellar, water, Holmes near 53J; easy terms. D. 8HD.LDS, 5203 Butler st.

42wh 7 A. K. Anderson, administrator of John II. 1 th.t of distribution had been made In the estate or said decedent upon Jsnuary 10, wardln 1 certain moneys to said Mury Hsrper and Lily Carlton. daughters of Himiiel Harper, ae-r eased, brother the present decedent, but thst after diligent search, said distributees could not be found, not having lten heard for more than fifteen years prior to the d'ui of said decedent on April 15.

ltU, whereupon petitioner filed exceptions to "aid deer, being advised that presumption of death Bad tribute, to aPIar and show cause wn, 'MM de-ree should not vacated and set aIJ'. notice ther-of ,0 be published n. ne In Pittsburg. Alleghney county, Pennsylvania, and Vlncennes, 'Knox county. Indians, aabl Citation being returnable May 4.

ll04- Now. you. your personal representatives ani heirs, are hereby notified to be and rpjirar in said Orphans' Court of Allegheny county a' Pittsburg. Pennsylvania, on said fourth day May. li4.

at li o'clock a. to answer lb citation aforesaid. GEORGE H. STENGEL. Register.

A. E. ANDERSON. Admr. and Counsel.

821 Frlck Bldg, Pittsburg, Pa. J. McCloskey, Attorney-at-Law, 424 Fifth Pittsburg. Is STATE of Pennsylvania, County cf Allegheny. in tne ourt of Common Pleas no.

1. No. SH, March term. ll4. Elisabeth Van Ryan Om-ena, by her next friend.

Armenia J. Phillips, vs. William John Owens. In a vinculo matrimonii. And now.

to wit. March U't, Us4. the court appoints Owen H. Cecil, commission to take testimony tn the above case and reiort the same to ths Court. By the Court.

From the Record. A. .1. Meuultty. Prothonntary.

(Seal) To Willis in John Owen. reiondnt: Take notice that ths undersigned, having been appointed commissioner to take testimony and report mi sam to court, will attend to the duties of his tn. pomtment at his office. Room tki, St. Nicholas Bldg.

Grant st. and Fourth Plttsburtr, on Tuesday, May 11. UH. at 1 :3 o'clock p. when and where you may attend if you ee proper.

OWEN B. L'KCIL, Commlssloner. Thomas M. A Rodv P. Marshall, 5rl and 508 Diamond st TO Lewis A.

Ijish. Inte of Pittsburg. Pn. I Whereas. Clara I be lie I.anh vour wife, h.ia filed a lllel In the Court of Common Pleas Nd.

1 of Allegheny county, of December term, No. tiisi, praying a divorce a vinculo matrimonii aualnst you, now you are hereby notified to appear In said eourt on or before Monday, the sixth day of June next. In answer the complaint the said riarathelle Lail. and In d-fault of such appearance you will be liable to hav a divorce grunted In your absence. JAMES W.

DICKSON. Sheriff of Allegheny County. Thnmns M. A Rody P. Marshall.

snd 5 Diamond Pitt-burg. Pa. TO William Newman, late of Plttebjrg. Pa. Whereas, Alice Newman, your wife, has file a libel In the Court of Common Plea No.

1 Allegheny, of December term, 1I8, No. 80. praying a divorce a vinculo matrimonii sgsln you, now vou are hereby notified to appear In said court on or before Monday, the sixth dar of June next, to answer the complaint of the said Alice Newman, and tn default of such appearance you will be liable to have a divorce granted In your absence. JAMES W. DICKSON, SherltTof Allegheny County, Murphy A Hosack, Attomeve at L.

No. U(a park Building, Pittsburg. Pa. NOTICE in hereby given that letters of ad- ministration on the estate of Cuthbert A. Woodrow.

deceased, late of Allegheny countv, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are re- 1 quested to make Immediate payment and those uoving claims or sgalnst the same will make them known without delay. A ft i D. ANDERSON. Administrator, No. 2d Larimer avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.

Wm Watson iltnrno mt lu No. 427 Dlsmond Pittsburg. It NOTICE is hereby given that letters of sd-mtntatration on the estate of Alfred 11 An. derson. deceased, late of Alleehenv Mnnir.

have been granted to the undersigned, to whom ill persons Indebted to said estate are re- quested to make Immediate payment, and those naving claims nr demands against the same will make them known without delay. SMITH. Administrator, No 2505 Wylle Pittsburg, pa. NOTICE Will the lawyer who attended to business of Henrv Gardner now deceased. make hlmelf known at once to C.

P. Krlder. lirtl.t Lyric East End. 4w INSTRUCTIONS. ANYONE backward, discouraged or old, tatght privately to reaa.

speii, write or speak cor. rectly In ten weekit by th NEW ORIGINAL McKENZIE SYNTl-wl, or money refunded; rN erences. Mrs. McKensie, lin Arch Al'ei- gheny. 45wb COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPHIC CO.

Shorthand, typewriting, mlmeijerihing. 4:12 Wood st. Bell 'phone. ,,16 Court; P. A A.

21H4 Main. 43wb DRESS CUTTING Dressmaking taignt7Vt. i terns cut. McDowell School, 4414 Jcun av 47Vh ijtr.rn i uiini, nissing ana ncsignlnii: quick and only correct method. S.

T. Tavior! School, 48 I'enn av. 4lwl TELEGRAPHY thoroughly taught, day evening classes. Pittsburg School ef Telegra phy, 541 Wood st. tin COMPLETE ad.

writing Scran ton Schools for sale. Price $2o. Write Press ofTce. 4lijkfn TELEGRATHY thoroughly" and tiracticsllv taught. 1417 Federal Allegheny.

47w MEETING NOTICES. NOTICE St. Joe Basin Placer Mining Ov ine regular annual meeting of th stock holders of the St. Joe Basin Placer Mining Co. of Colorado Springs, Colo will be held st the offices of th company, 3312 Fifth Pitts burg.

im the 19th day t.f April, a. Ikt4. at 2 o'clock for the numoa electing seven directors to serve for th en-0-Ing year end for the transaction of such other business as mv come up at said meeting. 4Hwke L. H.

CHICK, Sec. and Treas. DIVIDEND NOTICES. Mortgage Banking Company. 421 Fourth Avenue.

Plttshura. Anrll 1004. DIVIDEND The Boerd of Director have this day declared a dividend of 2 ner rent foe quarter ending March 31. I(i4, payable April lt4. W.

B. LAW TON. Secretary. Duquesn National Bank. Pittsburg.

March SI, QUARTERLY DI VI DEN The directors of this bank have this day declared a quarterly dividend of three f3 per cent, free of tax. Checks mailed to shareholders April 1, 11104. A. It. PATTERSON, Cashier.

PATENTS. PATENTS Frotect your Ideas: no allowance, no fee; confutation free: established 1N04. Mllo 1). Stevens A 816 Fourteenth Washington. 812hli A.

M. BROWN A CO. Selfer of patents, p. loters. orgsnlzers snd Ineortmrstors 0o0-il German Nat.

Bank Bldg. Wool and Sixth sve. aiKfgtks. DANCING ACADEMY. McDOUGALL Dsnclng School, all riaas now open.

27 Federal Allegheny; 4nim ilulb-r Pittsburg. Ten lessons. optn dally. 112 BUSINESS PERSONALS. TO RAGE Three storage warehouses (18 stories! ail specially equipped for storing fur.

nlture and household goods in clean separate sanitary room. HOUSEHOLD STORAGE CO 925-933 S. Canal Alleghany. Pell 7i2 Phones P. k.

A. 1IM-N. Our packing and moving dtpailment Invites your patronage. wviirrK ro, ITIIMTI hi: Movrcits. We haul furniture anywhere.

Office M8 Duqucsne way and 13 Shelby st. Both phone 45tf i 11 OA in 'or old furniture, bedroom OA Oil rMIU suites, wardrobes, gas an 1 coal range; everything. Writ potal or csil at 141 Frankstown av. 125. Charles W.

Hamilton, Attorney-at-Law, 218 Rakewell Bldg. Pittsburg. PUBLIC SALE OF Gents' Furnishing Store of MORRIS B. HARRISON, Deceased. At Ellxabeth, Allegheny County, if.

The undersigned. Administrator of the Estate of Morris B. Harrison, deceseed, will offer at Public Sale on the premises, on TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1904, AT lO O'CLOCK A. M. Th contents of said Store, consisting of Cloth.

Ing. Shoes. Cellar, 6hirts, pes. Gloves, Um breilas. Trunks, etc.

The Administrator reserves th right to offer the contents of the store as a whole, or in parcels. The store will be open for Inspection of stock on Monday. April 11, from 2 to 6 o'clock p. TERMS OF SALECASH. FIDELITY TITLE TRUST Admr.

Fourth Plttabarg. 2. C. MORROW, Auctioneer. WB HAVK MONET.

WE HAVE MONET, TO LOAN -TO LOAN On Household Furniture. Pianos. Horses and Wagons, etc. anywhere In Allegheny county, at thm LOWEST RATES EVER OFFERED. 9 10 We loan more money than any other 10 concern on the same security an4 at much iu cceaper and easier rates than oisewaere.

10 10 2J YOTJ CAN GET THE CASH TODAY 20 AND KEEP IT AS LONG OR SHORT 20 A TIME AS YOU WISH. THE LOAN 20 CAN BE PAID OFF IN EAST WEEKLf 30 OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. A3 YOUR SO CIRc*msTANCES WILL PERMIT, 30 THUS ENABLING YOU TO PAT VVITH- 30 OUT INCONVENIENCE OR WORRY, 40 40 4J You will like our rates and terms. We 50 charge for Interest only: E0 50 60 $1 for 1 month 5c. for 3 months 15c $20 for 1 month for 3 months 30c.

$30 for 1 month 15c. for 3 months 45o. $40 for 1 month 2c, for 3 months Hoc. $00 for 1 month 25c. fur months 75c 70 80 90 $loo $110 $120 $130 AND ALL OTHER AMOUNTS IN PRO- $140 PORTION UP TO $500.

$150 $160 $170 Wb loan for the Interest only and do $180 not want your security, so you need have $190 no fear of losing your furniture. $210 $220 $230 $240 $250 $2 $270 $2SO $0 $310 $32 $340 $350 $360 $370 EXTENSIONS GRANTED IN CASE OF SICKNESS. Leans made to salaried employes on personal note without security. WE EXTEND TO ALL A CORDIAL INVITATION TO CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND GET OUR TERMS IT WILL COST NOTHING FOR PARTICULARS. $380 $400 INFORMATION CHEERFULLY GUVEN.

$410 $420 $43.1 $440 $45 $400 $470 r475 480 $500 ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. PRIVATE INTERVIEW ROOMS. SPECIAL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO ALL SUBURBAN CITIES IN ALLEGHENY COUNTY. If you cannot call, fill In this blank and mall to ns, and our agent will call on you: We desire to make a loan of provided your, terms are satisfactory. Name Address.


We will make you a loan on either, on the same day you apply, withlu a couple of hour after you apply. Positively no publicity, and absolutely the lowest rates in th city. We will give you long time to pay us back, and a discount If th note Is paid before due. You can pay in small easy payments, either weekly or monthly, as you get paid, and will not miss the money. LET US TAKE UP YOUR BILLS.

Get them all In one place, where every payment made counts, and In this way you will soon out of deot. WE GIVE ADDITIONAL TIME IN CASE OF SICKNESS. WE ARE LOAN HEADQUARTERS. ALLEGHENY COUNTY TRUST ROOM 201407 FOURTH AVE. OVER BALTIMORE DAIRY LUNCH.


Strictly Confidential. Easy Payment. ratea In the We charge nothing for paper, nor wm rhnrr. anything In advance. rive you the full amount asked for.

TO ttir PAin IN SMALL MONTHLY PAY- I MENTS. LOANS MADE UPON ONE rtOUit IN 1 n. 11 yuu uwv loan company and want more money ny will i NY rail nn oa without delav and we pay It for you and advance YOU AN AMOUNT YOU WANT. cti nr write end ret our rate If you WANT MONEY CHEAP AND QUICK. THE PITTS BURG LOAN COMPANY.

TEE PITTSBURG LOAN COM PANT. 406 SMITHFIELD STREET. 4o SMITHFIELD STREET. Second floor front, it 43s YOU CAN'T HAVE ALL YOU WANT. Yon Tnav reouire several thousand dollars.

That's all rlghti we can let you have It right away at 6 per cent. But perhaps you want only a few dollars. As a rule the small borrower is made to pay a higher rate. But that's not our wav. We have one rate for every body, big or little, rich or poor.

And our rtte is 6 per cent, tne inwrai me Aiii-Riiruif county. We accept as security diamonds. watches, lewelry. furs, clothing, etc. Oar fire proof vaults are protected from burglars by electricity.

pf.R MARKET STREET LOAN OFFICE, 214 MARKET STREET. NEAR THIRD AVENUE. CAPITAL. $250,000. "THE OLD RELIABLE LOAN OF ICL lends money sny amount at -SIX PER CENT Oat (No extra charges of any kind) On Diamonds.


In one location nearly half a century. 44gik 6 PER CENT. 6 PER CENT. 6 PER CENT. OUR RATE SIX PER CENT.

Bring your Watch. Diamonds or Jewelry to us and borrow what money you need. DE ROT'S. 643 SMITHFIELD near Seventh Ave. ESTABLISHED OVER 5Q YEARS.

MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE Re-tall merchants, teamster, boarding houses, without security; payments. Largest business to 48 principal cities. Tolman. 4oa Smith Block- MONEY LOANED salsried people, teamster. boarding houses.

Lowest rate, easy payments. Salary Security 907 Fltasimons 331 Fourth sve. 71ds HORSES AND COWS. HORSE Wanted, well seasoned, for fumlturt wagon; weight about 1.20O pound, and a rt over 8 years old. Write 46, Press office.

48p HORSE Wanted, one good strong farm horse about 1.350 or 1.400; cheap. Address 1108 Fayette Allegheny. 48wp FIVE HORSES For sale. Frankstown ave. App'y barn, 233 47e BAY HORSE, l.0O 8 years old; govt bargain.

Mike Samuel, 2904 Ridge st 47we HOtfE-Rir hors for sale. $75. $mm $4 $1. 000,000 TO LOAN At one to honest WORKMEN. MECHANICS.

MERCHANTS. GEN ERA PUBLIC At leu than one-half the uual rates of interest charged by any other Lease. Trust or Loan Company in Pittsburg or Allegheny. WE MAKE LOAN a ON Furniture. Piano Organs.

Fixtures. Horses. Wagons. Etc. Eta.


TRANSACTIONS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL SPECIAL ROOM FOR LADIES. COURTEOUS AND KIND TREATMENT ACCORDED TO ALL. If you cannot conveniently call at our office. All in the following blank and mail to us, and we will send to you. MECHANICS' LEASE A TRUST Fourth Floor Bijou Building.

611 Penn The Leading Private Bankers, Will remove 'on or about April 1 to their hand some new quarters on the second floor of ths sam building. MECHANICS' LEASE TRUST 401-402 Bijou 611 Penn av. Bell 'phone 380 Grant. P. A.

Main 2331 Pleas have your confidential agent call on When Nam All dress Directions Car linn, eto. Married or single MECHANICS LEASE A TRUST 401-402 Bijou Penn are. MONEY" MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY WHEN IN NEED OF MONEY, DEAL WITH THE HOUSEHOLD LOAN rOMl'iKv Tut- a11 MOST RELIABLE MONEY LENDERS IN THE CITY. TJlAVl! A Of AT ovrp OUR RATES AR TH F. SAME TO EVERYONE.

WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW. WE ORIGINATE OTHERS IMITATE. Do you owe several small bills and want to concentrate them all in on place? It is far better to owe on concern than many, especially If you deal with a company that will treat you right at all times one that will live up to all promises, one that will make a comrsci that will suit' you. We make loans In miase or email amounts, for snor. -1 long time, on FURNITURE, PIANOS.


All loans made promptly and In strict conlidence. Will guarantee lowest rates Jn the city. I- No inquiry among friends or neighbors. If you cannot call, write or telephone us. We will call.





WE WILL FORFEIT $100. We will give you a guarantee not to take the goods, as wa loan for th ln- 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 tvo 55 60 65 70 75 AO 85 90 US $110 $125 $150 terest only. $175 $200 $225 $250 $275 You run no risk In placing your loaa with us. We have $1,000,000 to loan and will let you make terms to suit yourself. We are here to do business, and will not turn any deserving customer away.

EXTENSIONS GRANTED IN CASE OF SICKNESS OR MlSFORTUNlC. We make a specially of loans from $10 to $500, and can give you th amount the day you ask for It. $300 $325 $.150 $375 $4 0 $425 $450 $475 $50 AMERICAN LOAN 216 Sixth et. 43s MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Our plan Is th fairest and most convenient to borrowers.

Rates the lowest. made on houe-hold furniture and other Personal Property without removal. Transactions strictly private. Easy payments. No expense unless loan Is made.

We also loan money to SALARIED PEOPLE OP GOOD CHARACTER, holding permanent positions, upon their Individual notes without' other security. THE UNION LOAN INSTITUTION. 421 Wood Rooms 3u5 and 3O0. MONEY to loan In sums to suit on household furniture, pianos, without removal; also cn collateral security; easy payments; confidential. JQ.

SMITH. 413 Fourth ave. MONEY TO LOAN Easy payments: builders' loans same terms. B. B.

BLACK, 243 Fourth second -o-r. 327 wpn GET YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS. IN EARLY FOR SUNDAY PRESS. 48wp FINANCIAL MORTGAGES MORTGAGES $4,000 fmoney waiting) to loan on mortgages; will divide in smaller amounts to suit. Thomas Realty 4 Grant t.

ne WE have plenty of MONEY tor good mortgages; bring deed. FIDELTY HOME REALTY 812 Fourth ave. 134s A LARGE private fund for mortgages. 4H to 6 per cent; also local agent for United Security Trust Co. of Philadelphia.

L. K. Mearkle 309 Fourth ave. 48s HAVE $50,000 to Invest in mortgages on city property. M- Bell.

Time Building. aigwlkfhro MONEY to loan on mortgages: large cr small amounts; 5 and 6 per cent- THOMAS REALTY 400 Grant St. 41s STOCK For sale. 18 shares W. A.

Lindssy Co. stok: pay $100; must be sold. Robert M. Ewlng. 307 Fourth ave.

43b MONEY to loan at lowest rates. W. f. WEITERHAUSEN. 717 E.

Ohio St. 815glkts INDIVIDL'AL loans on first and second mortgages or good collateral. 6 per cent, P. O. Box 1603.

42b GET YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SUNDAY PRESS- IN EARLY 48wp MONEY to loan: mort irtgagee; quick service. 430 Fourth ave ilVa an. Reliance Real Estat Geo. C.

Norrls Co. $1,000 to $200,000 to loan. 417 Fourth av. 229fi 11 Jt or so much land as mi for. and the erectloa thefwoa a building or w-i, 1 1 these -T-.

the benefits and privileges of said Aet of Assembly and the supplements thereto. ill above application la now on file In the prothon-otary's office. JOS r. MAYHUGH. Solicitor for Petitioners.

CHARTER APPLICATION NOTICE J. A. beatty. 433 Fifth av Pittsburg. NOTICE 1 hereby given thst an application will be made to the governor of Pennsylvania, on the 16th day of April, A.

D. 1904. by Henry Ihrig. Samuel A. McCutcheon and John Landerman, under the act of assembly entitled.

An act to provide for th Incorporation and regulatl', of certain corporation," approved Aprlf. 1974. and th supplements thereto, for tb charter of an Intended corporation, to be called DIAMOND FRONT. INCORPORATED, the character and object of which is "the manufacture of. and dealing In dairy and other food products, with power by Its directors, to sell, lease or release.

Its real estate, without the consent of a majority of the stock In value, consenting and agreeing thereto, before making the same, or any express or speoiil authority or power of the stockholders except as may be provided by the by-laws; with further power in the said directors of making, altering and amending Its by-laws at any meeting of said direc tors to be called for that purpose." and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges or said act of assembly and supplements thereto. J. A. BEATTY. Solicitor.

NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the Cherry Lane Land Company, Ltd held at Its office In the City of Pittsburg. 518 Fout-h on the 23d ilar of December. 1'3. all the members of said Association, and all par- tie Interested In the ssme being present, a resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the stockholders and members, that sail Association be dissolved and all its business and affair closed up, and subsequently by unanimous vote of all th parties interested.

A. J. TannehllL James II. Payne, and DairlJ Flanlgan were chosen Liquidating Trustees, and accepted said trust. All persons indebted to or having claims against said Association will present the same to the undersigned at the office of the company.


Conrad Miller. Attorney-st-Law, No. 426 Fourth Pittsburg. Pa. STATE of Pennsylvania.

County of Allegheny. sa. in tne 1 nurt of common t'leu no. i. No.

752. December term, 193. Anntu Mildel vs. Joseph Shidel. Libel In divorce a vinculo matrimonii.

To Joseph Shidel, respondent: The suopoena ana alias subpoena In the above cae having been returned non est Inventus, you art hereby notified end required to apeper In said court or common Pleas No. I on the first Mon day of June, A. D. to answer the petition and libel filed in said rase. JAMES W.

DICKSON. Sheriff. William J. Barton, Attorney-st-Ls Yoder I Bldg. Pittsburg.

NOTICE Is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of James W. Barton, deceased, late of Allegheny county, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will -take them known without delay. MARY P. ARBUCKLE. Executrix.

No. 8122 Carnegl Pittsburg, Fa. E. W. Arthur, Attomey-at-La 1412 Park Building.

Pittsburg. Pa. NOTICE Is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Fred Stuckman, de ceased, late of Harwkck iCheiwIck). Allegheny county, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims or demands sgalnst ths some will make them known without delay. E.

W. ARTHUR. Administrator. 1413 Park JJuildtng. Pittsburg.

Pa C. F. E. J. McKenna, Attomeys-st-Law, 433 Fifth Pittsburg.

Pa NOTICE is hereby given thst letters testamentary on the estate of Bernard Rogers, deceased, late of Crafton. Allegheny County, have been granted to t.e undersigned, to whom all persona indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay. JOHN ROGERS. Executor. IB Qrandvlew Crafton.

A. H. A H. H. Rowand, Attorneys-at-Law.

4 "8 Grant Pittsburg. Pa. NOTICE Is hereby given that letters of admin istration on the estate of Charles E. toiren- dale, deceased, late of Allegheny county, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay. STEPHEN NEWBURN.

WM. M'CLURE. FELIX TSCHUDY. Administrators. 224 Federal Pittsburg.

Pa. William I- Goullon. Attorney-at-Law. 422 Bake well Building. NOTICE Is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Gottfried Fahrbach.

de ceased, late of the elty of Pittsburg, Allegheny county, have been granted to the undersigned. to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are I requested to make immediate payment. ni those having claims or demands sgalnst th same will make them known without delay. WILLIAM GOTTFRIED Aid MAC Exeoutor. 99 Forty-fourth city.

E. W. Arthur, Attorney-at-Lew. 1412 Park Building, Pittsburg, Pa. NOTICE Is hereby given that letters cf administration on the estste of John Hill, deceased.

late of Allegheny county, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment and those having claims or demands against th same will make them known without delay. E. W. ARTHUR. Administrator.

1412 Park Building, lburg Pa; NOTICE is hereby given thst letters testamentary on the estate of Michael O'Brien, deceased, 1st of 64 Kerr Woods Run, Allegheny county, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the sam win make tnem known witn-out delay. PATRICK O'BRIEN. Exeoutor. It Ashton st. Allegheny.

Pa. E. W. Arthur, Attorney-at-Law, 1412 Park Bulldlnsr. Pittsburg.

Pa. NOTICE la hereby given that letters of admin istration on the estate 01 xnomss r. jxooie, deceased, late of Allegheny county, have been granted to th undersigned, to whom all per sons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate pavment and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay. E. ARTHUR, Administrator.

1412 Park Building, Pittsburg, Pa. E. a. Coll. Attorney at Law, 422 Fifth Pittsburg.

Pa. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testa. mentary on the estate of Alice Dowey, deceased, late of Allegheny county, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all per sons Indebted to said estste are requested to made immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay. JAMES DOWEY. Executor.

102 Henderson Allegheny. Pa. Jos M. Friedman, Attorney-st-Law, 40 Grant Pittsburg. Pa.

NOTICE Is hereby given that letters it admin Istrstlon on Jhe estate of John de ceased, late of Allegheny county, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all sons Indebted to said estate are re'iuested to make immediate payment end those having claims or demands sgalnst the same mill make them known without delay. SIMON K. HEIMBUECHER. Adm'r. 636 Smithfield Pittsburg.

Fa. Lewis M. Alpern, Attorney-at-Law, No 422 Diamond st. NOTICE is hereby grren that Joseph Lubith, lately in the grocery business at No. HVt Bi ad lock Braddcck.

under the -vie of th "Ohio Fresh Egg A Butter Company." has sold out said place of business to Philip Rjderus. who will continue said business at the ssme stand. JOSEPH LUB1CH. Braddock. Pa.

Tehruary 8. 1001. I NOTICE is hereby given thst letters testamentary on the estate of John Hopkins, de ceased, late or Allegheny county, nave been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demsnds sgsinst the same will make them known without delsy. SARAH A. TAGOART HOPKINS.

DAVID P. HOPKINS. Executors. 1523 Irwin svenue, Allegheny. Pa.

J. Weitershausen. Notary Public. NOTICE Is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate cf Tberesla Hell, deceased, late of Allegheny City. Allegheny county, have been granted to the under.

gned to whom all persons Indebted to said estste sre requested to mske Immediate payment and those having claims or demands against the earn will make them known without delay. MARY HEIL. TILUE HEIL, 916 Plks Allegheny, Pa. Execu tors. Pettes A McAllister, Attorneys -a t-Lw.

41 Frick Pittsburg. Pa. NOTICE is hereby given thst letters of administration on the estste of Lui Lehnhsrdt, de. ceased, let of Allegheny county, hs ve been granted to th undersigned, to whom all per son indebted to said estate are requested to I nake immediate payment, and these claims or demands sgainst th same I them known without dHsy 1 B. H.

PETTES. Admin having 111 make dmlnlstrator. 4 IS Friek Bldg, Pittsburg, pa. I i v-.

The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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