The 20th century's greatest engineering achievements - [PPT Powerpoint] (2024)

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The 20th century's greatest engineering achievements

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National Income($ USA 1960 r.)

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adów National

Income($ USA 1960 r.)Selected countries

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Number of hours to manufacture 100 lb cotton

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Relative productivity(GDP/one working hour, USA=100)

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Sectoral differences in rate of growth (Great Britain)

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Prices of steel

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Labor productivity growth (USA)

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Labor productivity growth (USA)

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Foreword by Neil Armstrong Neil Alden Armstrong (ur. 5 sierpnia 1930 w Wapakoneta, Ohio) -

dowódca misji Apollo 11 Start 16 lipca 1969 r. z Centrum Lotów Kosmicznych na Przylądku Canaveral. Po trzech dniach Apollo 11 wszedł na orbitę Księżyca. Armstrong i Aldrin przeszli do modułu księżycowego. Astronauci wylądowali na Księżycu 20 lipca 1969 roku.

Neil Alden Armstrong (born August 5, 1930 in Wapakoneta, Ohio) is a former American astronaut, test pilot, university professor, and United States Naval Aviator. He is the first person to set foot on the Moon. His first spaceflight was aboard Gemini 8 in 1966, for which he was the command pilot. On this mission, he performed the first manned docking of two spacecraft together with pilot David Scott.

„In the closing year of the 20th century, a rather impressive consortium of 27 professional engineering societies, representing nearly every engineering discipline, gave its time, resources, and attention to a nationwide effort to identify and communicate the ways that engineering has affected our lives. Each organization independently polled its membership to learn what individual engineers believed to be the greatest achievements in their respective fields. Because these professional societies were unrelated to each other, the American Association of Engineering Societies and the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) helped to coordinate the effort.

The likelihood that the era of creative engineering is past is nil. It is not unreasonable to suggest that, with the help of engineering, society in the 21st century will enjoy a rate of progress equal to or greater than that of the 20th. It is a worthy goal.”

„To jest mały krok człowieka, ale wielki krok ludzkości”

"That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind"

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The 20th century's greatest engineering achievements

1. Electrification2. Automobile3. Airplane4. Water Supply and

Distribution5. Electronics6. Radio and Television7. Agricultural

Mechanization8. Computers9. Telephone10. Air Conditioning and


11. Highways12. Spacecraft13. Internet (174)

14. Imaging15. Household Appliances16. Health Technologies17. Petroleum and

Petrochemical Technologies

18. Laser and Fiber Optics19. Nuclear Technologies20. High-performance


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Afterword by Arthur C. Clarke

Sir Arthur Charles Clarke (born December 16, 1917), a British author and inventor, most famous for his science-fiction novel 2001: A Space Odyssey, and for collaborating with director Stanley Kubrick

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Afterword by Arthur C. Clarke

My first serious attempt at technological prediction began in 1961 in the journal that has published most of my scientific writings— Playboy magazine. They were later assembled in Profiles of the Future (Bantam Books, 1964).

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Afterword by Arthur C. Clarke

Let us begin with the earliest ones— the wheel, the plough, bridle and harness, metal tools, glass. (I almost forgot buttons—where would we be without those?)

Moving some centuries closer to the present, we have writing, masonry (particularly the arch), moveable type, explosives, and perhaps the most revolutionary of all inventions because it multiplied the working life of countless movers and shakers— spectacles.

The harnessing and taming of electricity, first for communications and then for power, is the event that divides our age from all those that have gone before. I am fond of quoting the remark made by the chief engineer of the British Post Office, when rumors of a certain Yankee invention reached him: “The Americans have need of the Telephone—but we do not. We have plenty of messenger boys.” I wonder what he would have thought of radio, television, computers, fax machines—and perhaps above all—e-mail and the World Wide Web. The father of the WWW, Tim Berners-Lee, generously suggested I may have anticipated it in my 1964 short story "Dial F for Frankenstein” (Playboy again!).

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Afterword by Arthur C. Clarke

As I reluctantly approach my 85th birthday I have two main hopes—I won’t call them expectations—for the future. The first is carbon 60—better known as Buckminsterfullerene, which may provide us with materials lighter and stronger than any metals. It would revolutionize every aspect of life and make possible the Space Elevator, which will give access to near-Earth space as quickly and cheaply as the airplane has opened up this planet.

The other technological daydream has suddenly come back into the news after a period of dormancy, probably caused by the “cold fusion” fiasco. It seems that what might be called low-energy nuclear reactions may be feasible, and a claim was recently made in England for a process that produces 10 times more energy than its input. If this can be confirmed—and be scaled up—our world will be changed beyond recognition. It would be the end of the Oil Age—which is just as well because we should be eating oil, not burning it.

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Electrification - Early Years

Electrification in the United States public and private investment. Early in the century the distribution of electric power was largely concentrated in cities served by privately owned utility companies (investor-owned utilities, or IOUs).

Thomas Edison the first commercial power plant in 1882. In 1903 the first steam turbine generator, pioneered by Charles

Curtis, was put into operation at the Newport Electric Corporation in Newport, Rhode Island.

In 1917 an IOU known as American Gas & Electric (AG&E) established the first long-distance high-voltage transmission line-and the plant from which the line ran was the first major steam plant to be built at the mouth of the coal mine that supplied its fuel, virtually eliminating transportation costs. A year later pulverized coal was used as fuel for the first time at the Oneida Street Plant in Milwaukee.

All of these innovations, and more, emerged from engineers working in the private sector.

By the end of the century, IOUs account for almost 75 percent of electric utility generating capacity in the United States. In 1998, the country's 3,170 electric utilities produced 728 gigawatts of power-530 gigawatts of which were produced by 239 IOUs. (The approximately 2,110 nonutilities generated another 98 gigawatts.)

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Rural Electrification

The inhabitants of New York, Chicago, and other cities across the country enjoyed the gleaming lights and the new labor-saving devices powered by electricity, life in rural America remained difficult. On 90 percent of American farms the only artificial light came from smoky, fumy lamps. Water had to be pumped by hand and heated over wood-burning stoves.

In the 1930s President Franklin Delano Roosevelt saw the solution of this hardship as an opportunity to create new jobs, stimulate manufacturing, and begin to pull the nation out of the despair and hopelessness of the Great Depression. On May 11, 1935, he signed an executive order establishing the Rural Electrification Administration (REA). One of the key pieces of Roosevelt's New Deal initiatives, the REA would provide loans and other assistance so that rural cooperatives—basically, groups of farmers—could build and run their own electrical distribution systems.

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Rural Electrification

The model for the system came from an engineer. In 1935, Morris Llewellyn Cooke, a mechanical engineer who had devised efficient rural distribution systems for power companies in New York and Pennsylvania, had written a report that detailed a plan for electrifying the nation's rural regions. Appointed by Roosevelt as the REA's first administrator, Cooke applied an engineer's approach to the problem, instituting what was known at the time as "scientific management"—essentially systems engineering. Rural electrification became one of the most successful government programs ever enacted. Within 2 years it helped bring electricity to some 1.5 million farms through 350 rural cooperatives in 45 of the 48 states. By 1939 the cost of a mile of rural line had dropped from $2,000 to $600. Almost half of all farms were wired by 1942 and virtually all of them by the 1950s.

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AC or DC?

Generation, transmission, and distribution—the same then as now. But back at the very beginning, transmission was a matter of intense debate. On one side were proponents of direct current (DC), in which electrons flow in only one direction. On the other were those who favored alternating current (AC), in which electrons oscillate back and forth. The most prominent advocate of direct current was none other than Thomas Edison. If Benjamin Franklin was the father of electricity, Edison was widely held to be his worthy heir. Edison's inventions, from the lightbulb to the electric fan, were almost single-handedly driving the country's—and the world's—hunger for electricity.

However, Edison's devices ran on DC, and as it happened, research into AC had shown that it was much better for transmitting electricity over long distances. Championed in the last 2 decades of the 19th century by inventors and theoreticians such as Nikola Tesla and Charles Steinmetz and the entrepreneur George Westinghouse, AC won out as the dominant power supply medium. Although Edison's DC devices weren't made obsolete—AC power could be readily converted to run DC appliances—the advantages AC power offered made the outcome virtually inevitable.

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AC or DC?

With the theoretical debate settled, 20th-century engineers got to work making things better—inventing and improving devices and systems to bring more and more power to more and more people. Most of the initial improvements involved the generation of power. An early breakthrough was the transition from reciprocating engines to turbines, which took one-tenth the space and weighed as little as one-eighth an engine of comparable output. Typically under the pressure of steam or flowing water, a turbine's great fan blades spin, and this spinning action generates electric current.

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AC or DC?

Steam turbines—powered first by coal, then later by oil, natural gas, and eventually nuclear reactors—took a major leap forward in the first years of the 20th century. Key improvements in design increased generator efficiency many times over. By the 1920s high pressure steam generators were the state of the art. In the mid-1920s the investor-owned utility Boston Edison began using a high-pressure steam power plant at its Edgar Station. At a time when the common rate of power generation by steam pressure was 1 kilowatt hour per 5 to 10 pounds of coal, the Edgar Station—operating a boiler and turbine unit at 1,200 pounds of steam pressure-generated electricity at the rate of 1 kilowatt-hour per 1 pound of coal. And the improvements just kept coming. AG&E introduced a key enhancement with its Philo plant in southeastern Ohio, the first power plant to reheat steam, which markedly increased the amount of electricity generated from a given amount of raw material. Soon new, more heat-resistant steel alloys were enabling turbines to generate even more power. Each step along the way the energy output was increasing. The biggest steam turbine in 1903 generated 5,000 kilowatts; in the 1960s steam turbines were generating 200 times that.

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At the beginning of the 20th century, following a struggle between the direct-current systems favored by Thomas Edison and the alternating-current systems championed by Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse, electric power was poised to become the muscle of the modern world.

1903 Steam Turbine Generator (The steam turbine generator invented by Charles G. Curtis and developed into a practical steam turbine by William Le Roy Emmet is a significant advance in the capacity of steam turbines. Requiring one-tenth the space and weighing one-eighth as much as reciprocating engines of comparable output, it generates 5,000 kilowatts and is the most powerful plant in the world.)

1908 First solar collector (William J. Bailley of the Carnegie Steel Company invents a solar collector with copper coils and an insulated box.)

1910s Vacuum light bulbs (Irving Langmuir of General Electric experiments with gas-filled lamps, using nitrogen to reduce evaporation of the tungsten filament, thus raising the temperature of the filament and producing more light. To reduce conduction of heat by the gas, he makes the filament smaller by coiling the tungsten.

1913Southern California Edison brings electricity to Los Angeles (Southern California Edison puts into service a 150,000-volt line to bring electricity to Los Angeles. Hydroelectric Power is generated along the 233-mile-long aqueduct that brings water from Owens Valley in the eastern Sierra.)

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1917 First long-distance high-voltage transmission line (The first long-distance high-voltage transmission line is established by American Gas & Electric (AG&E), an investor-owned utility. The line originates from the first major steam plant to be built at the mouth of a coal mine, virtually eliminating fuel transportation costs.)

1920s High-pressure steam power plants (Boston Edison's Edgar Station becomes a model for high-pressuresteam power plants worldwide by producing electricity at the rate of 1 kilowatt-hour per pound of coal at a time when generators commonly use 5 to 10 pounds of coalto produce 1 kilowatt-hour. The key was operating a boiler and turbine unit at 1,200 pounds of steam pressure, a unique designdeveloped under the supervision of IrvingMoultrop.)

1920s Windmills used to drive generators (Windmills with modified airplane propellers marketed by Parris-Dunn and Jacobs Wind are used to drive 1- to 3- kilowatt DC generators on farms in the U.S. Plains states. At first these provide power for electric lights and power to charge batteries for crystal radio sets, bug later they supply electricity for motor-driven washing machines, refrigerators, freezers and power tools.)

1920s First Plant to Reheat Steam (In Philo, Ohio, AG&E introduces the first plant to reheat steam, thereby increasing the amount of electricity generated from a given amount of raw material. Soon new, more heat-resistant steel alloys are enabling turbines to generate even more power.)

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1931 Introduction of bulk-power, utility-scale wind energy conversion systems (The 100-kilowatt Balaclava wind generator on the shores of the Caspian Sea in Russia marks the introduction of bulk-power, utility-scale wind energy conversion systems. This machine operates for about 2 years, generating 200,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity. A few years later, other countries, including Great Britain, the United States, Denmark, Germany, and France, begin experimental large-scale wind plants.)

1933 Tennessee Valley Authority (Congress passes legislation establishing the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). Today the TVA manages numerous dams, 11 steam turbine power plants, and two nuclear power plants. Altogether these produce 125 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity a year.)

1935 First generator at Hoover Dam begins operation (The first generator at Hoover Dam along the Nevada-Arizona border begins commercial operation. More generators are added through the years, the 17th and last one in 1961.)

1935 Rural Electrification Administration bring electricity to many farmers (President Roosevelt issues an executive order to create the Rural Electrification Administration (REA), which forms cooperatives that bring electricity to millions of rural Americans. Within 6 years the REA has aided the formation of 800 rural electric cooperatives with 350,000 miles of power lines.)

1942 Grand Coulee Dam completed (Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River in Washington State is completed. With 24 turbines, the dam eventually brings electricity to 11 western states and irrigation to more than 500,000 acres of farmland in the Columbia Basin.)

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1953 Seven-state power grid (The American Electric Power Company (AEP) commissions a 345,000-volt system that interconnects the grids of seven states. The system reduces the cost of transmission by sending power where and when it is needed rather than allowing all plants to work at less than full capacity.)

1955 Nuclear power plant power entire town (On July 17, Arco, Idaho, becomes the first town to have all its electrical needs generated by a nuclear power plant. Arco is 20 miles from the Atomic Energy Commission’s National Reactor Testing Station, where Argonne National Laboratory operates BORAX (Boiling Reactor Experiment) III, an experimental nuclear reactor.)

1955 New York draws power from nuclear power plant (That same year the Niagara-Mohawk Power Corporation grid in New York draws electricity from a nuclear generation plant, and 3 years later the first large-scale nuclear power plant in the United States comes on line in Shippingport, Pennsylvania. The work of Duquesne Light Company and the Westinghouse Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, this pressurized-water reactor supplies power to Pittsburgh and much of western Pennsylvania.)

1959 First large geothermal electricity-generating plant (New Zealand opens the first large geothermal electricity-generating plant driven by steam heated by nonvolcanic hot rocks. The following year electricity is produced from a geothermal source in the United States at the Geysers, near San Francisco, California.)

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1961 France and England connect electrical grids (France and England connect their electrical grids with a cable submerged in the English Channel. It carries up to 160 megawatts of DC current, allowing the two countries to share power or support each other’s system.)

1964 First large-scale magnetohydrodynamics plant (The Soviet Union completes the first large-scale magnetohydrodynamics plant. Based on pioneering efforts in Britain, the plant produces electricity by shooting hot gases through a strong magnetic field.)

1967 750,000 volt transmission line developed (The highest voltage transmission line to date (750,000 volts) is developed by AEP. The same year the Soviet Union completes the Krasnoyansk Dam power station in Siberia, which generates three times more electric power than the Grand Coulee Dam.)

1978 Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (Congress passes the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA), which spurs the growth of nonutility unregulated power generation. PURPA mandates that utilities buy power from qualified unregulated generators at the "avoided cost"—the cost the utility would pay to generate the power itself. Qualifying facilities must meet technical standards regarding energy source and efficiency but are exempt from state and federal regulation under the Federal Power Act and the Public Utility Holding Company Act. In addition, the federal government allows a 15 percent energy tax credit while continuing an existing 10 percent investment tax credit.)

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1980s California wind farms (In California more than 17,000 wind machines, ranging in output from 20 to 350 kilowatts, are installed on wind farms. At the height of development, these turbines have a collected rating of more than 1,700 megawatts and produce more than 3 million megawatt-hours of electricity, enough at peak output to power a city of 300,000.)

1983 Solar Electric Generating Stations (Solar Electric Generating Stations (SEGs) producing as much as 13.8 megawatts are developed in California and sell electricity to the Southern California Edison Company.)

1990s U.S. bulk power system evolves into three major grids (The bulk power system in the United States evolves into three major power grids, or interconnections, coordinated by the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC), a voluntary organization formed in 1968. The ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) interconnection is linked to the other two only by certain DC lines.)

1992 Operational 7.5- kilowatt solar dish prototype system developed (A joint venture of Sandia National Laboratories and Cummins Power Generation develops an operational 7.5-kilowatt solar dish prototype system using an advanced stretched-membrane concentrator.)

1992 Energy Policy Act (The Energy Policy Act establishes a permanent 10 percent investment tax credit for solar and geothermal powergenerating equipment as well as production tax credits for both independent and investor-owned wind projects and biomass plants using dedicated crops.)

2000 Semiconductor switches enable long-range DC transmission (By the end of the century, semiconductor switches are enabling the use of long-range DC transmission.)

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Looking Forward

Instrumental in a whole host of improvements has been the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), established by public- and investor-owned energy producers in the wake of the 1965 blackout and now including member organizations from some 40 countries. EPRI investigates and fosters ways to enhance power production, distribution, and reliability, as well as the energy efficiency of devices at the power consuming end of the equation. Reliability has become more significant than ever. In an increasingly digital, networked world, power outages as short as 1/60th of a second can wreak havoc on a wide variety of microprocessor-based devices, from computer servers running the Internet to life support equipment. EPRI's goal for the future is to improve the current level of reliability of the electrical supply from 99.99 percent (equivalent to an average of one hour of power outage a year) to a standard known as the 9-nines, or 99.9999999 percent reliability.

As the demand for the benefits of electrification continues to grow around the globe, resourcefulness remains a prime virtue. In some places the large-scale power grids that served the 20th century so well are being supplemented by decentralized systems in which energy consumers—households and businesses—produce at least some of their own power, employing such renewable resources as solarand wind power. Where they are available, schemes such as net metering, in which customers actually sell back to utility companies extra power they have generated, are gaining in popularity. Between 1980 and 1995, 10 states passed legislation establishing net metering procedures and another 26 states have done so since 1995. Citizens of the 21st-century world, certainly no less hungry for electrification than their predecessors, eagerly await the next steps.

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When Thomas Edison did some future gazing about transportation during a newspaper interview in 1895, he didn't hedge his bets. "The horseless carriage is the coming wonder," said American's reigning inventor. "It is only a question of a short time when the carriages and trucks in every large city will be run with motors." Just what kind of motors would remain unclear for a few more years.

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Of the 10,000 or so cars that were on the road by the start of the 20th century, three-quarters were electric or had external combustion steam engines, but the versatile and efficient gas-burning internal combustion power plant was destined for dominance. Partnered with ever-improving transmissions, tires, brakes, lights, and other such essentials of vehicular travel, it redefined the meaning of mobility, an urge as old as the human species.

The United States alone—where 25 million horses supplied most local transportation in 1900—had about the same number of cars just three decades later. The country also had giant industries to manufacture them and keep them running and a vast network of hard-surfaced roads, tunnels, and bridges to support their conquest of time and distance. By century's end, the average American adult would travel more than 10,000 miles a year by car.

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Other countries did much of the technological pioneering of automobiles. A French military engineer, Nicholas-Joseph Cugnot, lit the fuse in 1771 by assembling a three-wheeled, steam-powered tractor to haul artillery. Although hopelessly slow, his creation managed to run into a stone wall during field trials—history's first auto accident. About a century later, a German traveling salesman named Nicholaus Otto constructed the first practical internal combustion engine; it used a four stroke cycle of a piston to draw a fuel-air mixture into a cylinder, compress it, mechanically capture energy after ignition, and expel the exhaust before beginning the cycle anew. Shortly thereafter, two other German engineers, Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz, improved the design and attached their motors to various vehicles.

These ideas leaped the Atlantic in the early 1890s, and within a decade all manner of primitive cars—open topped, bone-jarring contraptions often steered by tillers—were chugging along the streets and byways of the land. They were so alarming to livestock that Vermont passed a state law requiring a person to walk in front of a car carrying a red warning flag, and some rural counties banned them altogether. But even cautious farmers couldn't resist their appeal, memorably expressed by a future titan named Henry Ford: "Everybody wants to be somewhere he ain't. As soon as he gets there he wants to go right back."

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Behind Ford's homespun ways lay mechanical gifts of a rare order. He grew up on a farm in Dearborn, Michigan, and worked the land himself for a number of years before moving to Detroit, where he was employed as a machinist and then as chief engineer of an electric light company. All the while he tinkered with cars, displaying such obvious talents that he readily found backers when he formed the Ford Motor Company in 1903 at the age of 40.

The business prospered from the start, and after the introduction of the Model T in 1908, it left all rivals in the dust. The Tin Lizzie, as the Model T was affectionately called, reflected Ford's rural roots. Standing seven feet high, with a four-cylinder, 20-horsepower engine that produced a top speed of 45 miles per hour, it was unpretentious, reliable, and remarkably sturdy. Most important from a marketing point of view, it was cheap—an affordable $850 that first year—and became astonishingly cheaper as the years passed, eventually dropping to the almost irresistible level of $290. "Every time I lower the price a dollar, we gain a thousand new buyers," boasted Ford. As for the cost of upkeep, the Tin Lizzie was a marvel. A replacement muffler cost 25 cents, a new fender $2.50.

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What made such bargain prices possible was mass production, a competitive weapon that Henry Ford honed with obsessive genius. Its basis, the use of standardized, precision-made parts, had spun fortunes for a number of earlier American industrialists—armaments maker Samuel Colt and harvester king Cyrus McCormick among them. But that was only the starting point for Ford and his engineers. In search of efficiencies they created superb machine tools, among them a device that could simultaneously drill 45 holes in an engine block. They mechanized steps that were done by hand in other factories, such as the painting of wheels. Ford's painting machine could handle 2,000 wheels an hour. In 1913, with little fanfare, they tried out another tactic for boosting productivity: the moving assembly line, a concept borrowed from the meat-packing industry.

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Pork Packing in Cincinnati 1873

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Assembly Line

At the Ford Motor Company the assembly line was first adopted in the department that built the Model T's magneto, which generated electricity for the ignition system. Previously, one worker had assembled each magneto from start to finish. Under the new approach, however, each worker performed a single task as the unit traveled past his station on a conveyer belt. "The man who puts in a bolt does not put on the nut," Ford explained. "The man who puts on the nut does not tighten it."

The savings in time and money were so dramatic that the assembly line approach was soon extended to virtually every phase of the manufacturing process. By 1914 the Ford factory resembled an immense river system, with subassemblies taking shape along tributaries and feeding into the main stream, where the chassis moved continuously along rails at a speed of 6 feet per minute. The time needed for the final stage of assembly dropped from more than 12 hours to just 93 minutes. Eventually, new Model Ts would be rolling off the line at rates as high as one every 10 seconds.

So deep-seated was Henry Ford's belief in the value of simplicity and standardization that the Tin Lizzie was the company's only product for 19 years, and for much of that period it was available only in black because black enamel was the paint that dried the fastest. Since Model Ts accounted for half the cars in the world by 1920, Ford saw no need for fundamental change.

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Assembly Line

Nonetheless, automotive technology was advancing at a rapid clip. Disk brakes arrived on the scene way back in 1902, patented by British engineer Frederick Lanchester. The catalytic converter was invented in France in 1909, and the V8 engine appeared there a year later. One of the biggest improvements of all, especially in the eyes of women, was the self-starter. It was badly needed. All early internal combustion engines were started by turning over the motor with a hand crank, a procedure that required a good deal of strength and, if the motor happened to backfire, could be wickedly dangerous, breaking many an arm with the kick. In 1911, Charles Kettering, a young Ohio engineer and auto hobbyist, found a better way— a starting system that combined a generator, storage battery, and electric motor. It debuted in the Cadillac the following year and spread rapidly from there.

Even an innovation as useful as the self-starter could meet resistance, however. Henry Ford refused to make Kettering's invention standard in the Model T until 1926, although he offered it as an option before that.

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Assembly Line

Sometimes buyers were the ones who balked at novelty. For example, the first truly streamlined car—the 1934 Chrysler Airflow, designed with the help of aeronautical engineers and wind tunnel testing—was a dud in the marketplace because of its unconventional styling. Power steering, patented in the late 1920s by Francis Davis, chief engineer of the Pierce-Arrow Motor Car Company, didn't find its way into passenger cars until 1951. But hesitantly accepted or not, major improvements in the automobile would keep coming as the decades passed. Among the innovations were balloon tires and safety-glass windshields in the 1920s; frontwheel drive, independent front suspension, and efficient automatic transmissions in the 1930s; tubeless and radial tires in the 1940s; electronic fuel injection in the 1960s; and electronic ignition systems in the 1970s. Engineers outside the United States were often in the vanguard of invention, while Americans continued to excel at all of the unseen details of manufacturing, from glass making and paint drying to the stamping of body panels with giant machines. (Process innovation)

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Continuing Developments

Brutal competition was a hallmark of the business throughout the 20th century. In 1926 the United States had no fewer than 43 carmakers, the high point. The fastest rising among them was General Motors, whose marketing strategy was to produce vehicles in a number of distinct styles and price ranges, the exact opposite of Henry Ford's road to riches. GM further energized the market with the concept of an annual model change, and the company grew into a veritable empire, gobbling up prodigious amounts of steel, rubber and other raw materials, and manufacturing components such as spark plugs and gears in corporate subsidiaries.

As the auto giants waged a war of big numbers, some carmakers sold exclusivity. Packard was one. Said a 1930s advertisem*nt: "The Packard owner, however high his station, mentions his car with a certain satisfaction—knowing that his choice proclaims discriminating taste as well as a sound judgment of fine things." Such a car had to be well engineered, of course, and the Packard more than met that standard. So did the lovingly crafted Rolls-Royce from Great Britain and the legendary Maybach Zeppelin of Germany, a 1930s masterpiece that had a huge 12-cylinder engine and a gearbox with eight forward and four reverse gears. (The Maybach marque would be revived by Mercedes seven decades later for a car with a 550-horsepower V12 engine, ultra-advanced audio and video equipment, precious interior veneers, and a price tag over $300,000.)

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Continuing Developments

At the other extreme was the humble, economical Volkswagen —literally, "people's car"—designed by engineer Ferdinand Porsche. World War II delayed its production, but it became a runaway worldwide hit in the 1950s and 1960s, eventually eclipsing the Model T's record of 15 million vehicles sold. Japan, a leader in the development of fuel-efficient engines and an enthusiastic subscriber to advanced manufacturing techniques, also became a major global player, the biggest in the world by 1980.

The automobile's crucial role in shaping the modern world is apparent everywhere. During the 19th century, suburbs tended to grow in a radial pattern dictated by trolley lines; the car has allowed them to spring up anywhere within commuting distance of the workplace—frequently another suburb. Malls, factories, schools, fast-food restaurants, gas stations, motels, and a thousand other sorts of waystops and destinations have spread out across the land with the ever-expanding road network. Taxis, synchronized traffic lights, and parking lots sustain modern cities. Today's version of daily life would be unthinkable without the personal mobility afforded by wheels and the internal combustion engine.

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Continuing Developments

The automobile remains an engineering work in progress, with action on many fronts, much of it prompted by government regulation and societal pressures. Concerns about safety have put seatbelts and airbags in cars, led to computerized braking systems, and fostered interest in devices that can enhance night vision or warn of impending collisions. Onboard microprocessors reduce polluting emissions and maximize fuel efficiency by controlling the fuel-air ratio. New materials—improved steels, aluminum, plastics, and composites—save weight and may add structural strength.

As for the motive power, engineers are working hard on designs that complement or may someday even supplant the internal combustion engine. One avenue of research involves electric motors whose power is generated by fuel cells that draw electrical energy from an abundant substance such as hydrogen. Unlike all-electric cars, hybrids don't have to be plugged in to be recharged; instead, their battery is charged by either the gasoline engine or the electric motor acting as a generator when the car slows. Manufacturing has seen an ongoing revolution that would dazzle even Henry Ford, with computers greatly shortening the time needed to design and test a car, and regiments of industrial robots doing machining and assembly work with a degree of speed, strength, precision, and endurance that no human can match.

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1901The telescope shock absorber developed (C. L. Horock designs the "telescope" shock absorber, using a piston and cylinder fitted inside a metal sleeve, with a one-way valve built into the piston. As air or oil moves through the valve into the cylinder, the piston moves freely in one direction but is resisted in the other direction by the air or oil. The result is a smoother ride and less lingering bounce. The telescope shock absorber is still used today.)

1901 Olds automobile factory starts production (The Olds automobile factory starts production in Detroit. Ransom E. Olds contracts with outside companies for parts, thus helping to originate mass production techniques. Olds produces 425 cars in its first year of operation, introducing the three-horsepower "curved-dash" Oldsmobile at $650. Olds is selling 5,000 units a year by 1905.)

1902 Standard drum brakes are invented (Standard drum brakes are invented by Louis Renault. His brakes work by using a cam to force apart two hinged shoes. Drum brakes are improved in many ways over the years, but the basic principle remains in cars for the entire 20th century; even with the advent of disk brakes in the 1970s, drum brakes remain the standard for rear wheels.

1908 William Durant forms General Motors (William Durant forms General Motors. His combination of car producers and auto parts makers eventually becomes the largest corporation in the world.

1908 Model T introduced (Henry Ford begins making the Model T. First-year production is 10,660 cars. ( (Cadillac is awarded the Dewar Trophy by Britain’s Royal Automobile Club for a demonstration of the precision and interchangeability of the parts from which the car is assembled. Mass production thus makes more headway in the industry.

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1911 Electric starter introduced (Charles Kettering introduces the electric starter. Until this time engines had to be started by hand cranking. Critics believed no one could make an electric starter small enough to fit under a car’s hood yet powerful enough to start the engine. His starters first saw service in 1912 Cadillacs.

1913 First moving assembly line for automobiles developed (Ford Motor Company develops the first moving assembly line for automobiles. It brings the cars to the workers rather than having workers walk around factories gathering parts and tools and performing tasks. Under the Ford assembly line process, workers perform a single task rather than master whole portions of automobile assembly. The Highland Park, Michigan, plant produces 300,000 cars in 1914. Ford’s process allows it to drop the price of its Model T continually over the next 14 years, transforming cars from unaffordable luxuries into transportation for the masses.

1914 First car body made entirely of steel (Dodge introduces the first car body made entirely of steel, fabricated by the Budd Company. The Dodge touring car is made in Hamtramck, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit.

1919 First single foot pedal to operate coupled four-wheel brakes (The Hispano-Suiza H6B, a French luxury car, demonstrates the first single foot pedal to operate coupled four-wheel brakes. Previously drivers had to apply a hand brake and a foot brake simultaneously.

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1922 First American car with four-wheel hydraulic brakes (The Duesenberg, made in Indianapolis, Indiana, is the first American car with four-wheel hydraulic brakes, replacing ones that relied on the pressure of the driver’s foot alone. Hydraulic brakes use a master cylinder in a hydraulic system to keep pressure evenly applied to each wheel of the car as the driver presses on the brake pedal.

1926 First power steering system (Francis Wright Davis uses a Pierce-Arrow to introduce the first power steering system. It works by integrating the steering linkage with a hydraulics system.

1931 First modern independent front suspension system (Mercedes-Benz introduces the first modern independent front suspension system, giving cars a smoother ride and better handling. By making each front wheel virtually independent of the other though attached to a single axle, independent front suspension minimizes the transfer of road shock from one wheel to the other.

1934 First successful mass-produced front-wheel-drive car (The French automobile Citroën Traction Avant is the first successful mass-produced front-wheel-drive car. Citroën also pioneers the all-steel unitized body-frame structure (chassis and body are welded together). Audi in Germany and Cord in the United States offer front-wheel drive.

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1935 Flashing turn signals introduced (A Delaware company uses a thermal interrupter switch to create flashing turn signals. Electricity flowing through a wire expands it, completing a circuit and allowing current to reach the lightbulb. This short-circuits the wire, which then shrinks and terminates contact with the bulb but is then ready for another cycle. Transistor circuits begin taking over the task of thermal interrupters in the 1960s.

1939 First air conditioning system added to automobiles (The Nash Motor Company adds the first air conditioning system to cars.

1940 Jeep is designed (Karl Pabst designs the Jeep, workhorse of WWII. More than 360,000 are made for the Allied armed forces. ( (Oldsmobile introduces the first mass-produced, fully automatic transmission.

1950s Cruise control is developed (Ralph Teeter, a blind man, senses by ear that cars on the Pennsylvania Turnpike travel at uneven speeds, which he believes leads to accidents. Through the 1940s he develops a cruise control mechanism that a driver can set to hold the car at a steady speed. Unpopular when generally introduced in the 1950s, cruise control is now standard on more than 70 percent of today’s automobiles.

1960s Efforts begin to reduce harmful emissions (Automakers begin efforts to reduce harmful emissions, starting with the introduction of positive crankcase ventilation in 1963. PCV valves route gases back to the cylinders for further combustion. With the introduction of catalytic converters in the 1970s, hydrocarbon emissions are reduced 95 percent by the end of the century compared to emissions in 1967.

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1966 Electronic fuel injection system developed (An electronic fuel injection system is developed in Britain. Fuel injection delivers carefully controlled fuel and air to the cylinders to keep a car’s engine running at its most efficient.

1970s Airbags become standard (Airbags, introduced in some models in the 1970s, become standard in more cars.Originally installed only on the driver's side, they begin to appear on the front passenger side as well.

1970s Fuel prices escalate, driving demand for fuel-efficient cars (Fuel prices escalate, driving a demand for fuel-efficient cars, which increases the sale of small Japanese cars. This helps elevate the Japanese automobile industry to one of the greatest in the world.

1980s Japanese popularize "just in time" delivery of auto parts (The Japanese popularize "just in time" delivery of auto parts to factory floors, thus reducing warehousing costs. They also popularize statistical process control, a method developed but not applied in the United States until the Japanese demonstrate how it improves quality.

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1985 Antilock braking system (ABS) available on American cars (The Lincoln becomes the first American car to offer an antilock braking system (ABS), which is made by Teves of Germany. ABS uses computerized sensing of wheel movement and hydraulic pressure to each wheel to adjust pressure so that the wheels continue to move somewhat rather than "locking up" during emergency braking.

1992 Energy Policy Act of 1992 encourages alternative-fuel vehicles (Passage of the federal Energy Policy Act of 1992 encourages alternative- fuel vehicles. These include automobiles run with mixtures of alcohols and gasoline, with natural gas, or by some combination of conventional fuel and battery power.

1997 First American carmaker offers automatic stability control (Cadillac is the first American carmaker to offer automatic stability control, increasing safety in emergency handling situations.

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Not a single human being had ever flown a powered aircraft when the 20th century began. By century's end, flying had become relatively common for millions of people, and some were even flying through space. The first piloted, powered, controlled flight lasted 12 seconds and carried one man 120 feet. Today, nonstop commercial flights lasting as long as 15 hours carry hundreds of passengers halfway around the world.

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Airplane -Early Years

The first of aviation's hurdles—getting an airplane off the ground with a human controlling it in a sustained flight—presented a number of distinct engineering problems: structural, aerodynamic, control, and propulsion. As the 19th century came to a close, researchers on both sides of the Atlantic were tinkering their way to solutions. But it was a fraternal pair of bicycle builders from Ohio who achieved the final breakthrough.

Orville and Wilbur Wright learned much from the early pioneers, including Paris-born Chicago engineer Octave Chanute. In 1894, Chanute had compiled existing information on aerodynamic experiments and suggested the next steps. The brothers also benefited from the work during the 1890s of Otto Lilienthal, a German inventor who had designed and flown several different glider models. Lilienthal, and some others, had crafted wings that were curved, or cambered, on top and flat underneath, a shape that created lift by decreasing the air pressure over the top of the wing and increasing the air pressure on the bottom of the wing. By experimenting with models in a wind tunnel, the Wrights gathered more accurate data on cambered wings than the figures they inherited from Lilienthal, and then studied such factors as wing aspect ratios and wingtip shapes.

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Airplane - Control Surfaces

Lilienthal and others had also added horizontal surfaces behind each wing, called elevators, that controlled the glider's pitch up and down, and Lilienthal used a vertical rudder that could turn his glider right or left. But the third axis through which a glider could rotate— rolling to either left or right—remained problematic. Most experimenters of the day thought roll was something to be avoided and worked to offset it, but Wilbur Wright, the older of the brothers, disagreed. Wilbur's experience with bicycles had taught him that a controlled roll could be a good thing. Wilbur knew that when cyclists turned to the right, they also leaned to the right, in effect "rolling" the bicycle and thereby achieving an efficient, controlled turn. Wilbur realized that creating a proper turn in a flying machine would require combining the action of the rudder and some kind of roll control. While observing the flight of turkey vultures gliding on the wind, Wilbur decided that by twisting the wings—having the left wing twist upward and the right wing twist downward, or vice versa—he would be able to control the roll. He rigged a system that linked the twisting, called wing warping, to the rudder control. This coordination of control proved key. By 1902 the Wrights were flying gliders with relative ease, and a year later, having added an engine they built themselves, Orville made that historic first powered flight—on December 17, 1903.

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Airplane - Control Surfaces

As happens so often in engineering, however, the first solution turned out not to be the best one. A crucial improvement soon emerged from a group of aviation enthusiasts headed by famed inventor Alexander Graham Bell. The Wrights had shared ideas with Bell's group, including a young engine builder named Glenn Curtiss, who was soon designing his own airplanes. One of the concepts was a control system that replaced wing warping with a pair of horizontal flaps called ailerons, positioned on each wing's trailing edge. Curtiss used ailerons, which made rolls and banking turns mechanically simpler; indeed, aileron control eventually became the standard. But the Wrights were furious with Curtiss, claiming patent infringement on his part. The ensuing legal battle dragged on for years, with the Wrights winning judgments but ultimately getting out of the business and leaving it open to Curtiss and others.

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Airplane - WWI

World War I's flying machines, which served at first only for reconnaissance, were soon turned into offensive weapons, shooting at each other and dropping bombs on enemy positions.

Some of the most significant developments involved the airframe itself. The standard construction of fabric stretched over a wood frame and wings externally braced with wire was notoriously vulnerable in the heat of battle. Some designers had experimented with metal sheathing, but the real breakthrough came from the desk of a German professor of mechanics named Hugo Junkers. In 1917 he introduced an all-metal airplane, the Junkers J4, that turned out to be a masterpiece of engineering. Built almost entirely of a relatively lightweight aluminum alloy called duralumin, it also featured steel armor around the fuel tanks, crew, and engine and strong, internally braced cantilevered wings. The J4 was virtually indestructible, but it came along too late in the war to have much effect on the fighting.

In the postwar years, Junkers and others made further advances based on the J4's features. For one thing, cantilevering made monoplanes—which produce less drag than biplanes—more practical. Using metal also led to what is known as stressed-skin construction, in which the airframe's skin itself supplies structural support, reducing weighty internal frameworking. New, lighter alloys also added to structural efficiency, and wind tunnel experiments led to more streamlined fuselages.

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Airplane -Early Commercial

As early as 1911, airplanes had been used to fly the mail, and it didn't take long for the business world to realize that airplanes could move people as well. The British introduced a cross-channel service in 1919 (as did the French about the same time), but its passengers must have wondered if flying was really worth it. They traveled two to a plane, crammed together facing each other in the converted gunner's co*ckpit of the De Havilland 4; the engine noise was so loud that they could communicate with each other or with the pilot only by passing notes. Clearly, aircraft designers had to start paying attention to passenger comfort.

Steady accumulation of improvements, fostered by the likes of American businessman Donald Douglas, who founded his own aircraft company in California in 1920. By 1933 he had introduced an airplane of truly revolutionary appeal, the DC-1 (for Douglas Commercial). Its 12-passenger cabin included heaters and soundproofing, and the all-metal airframe was among the strongest ever built.

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Airplane -Early Commercial

By 1936 Douglas's engineers had produced one of the star performers in the whole history of aviation, the DC-3. This shiny, elegant workhorse incorporated just about every aviation-related engineering advance of the day, including almost completely enclosed engines to reduce drag, new types of wing flaps for better control, and variable-pitch propellers, whose angle could be altered in flight to improve efficiency and thrust. The DC-3 was roomy enough for 21 passengers and could also be configured with sleeping berths for long-distance flights. Passengers came flocking. By 1938, fully 80 percent of U.S. passengers were flying in DC-3s and a dozen foreign airlines had adopted the planes. DC-3s are still in the air today, serving in a variety of capacities, including cargo and medical relief, especially in developing countries.

Aviation's next great leap forward, however, was all about power and speed. In 1929 a 21-year-old British engineer named Frank Whittle had drawn up plans for an engine based on jet propulsion, a concept introduced near the beginning of the century by a Frenchman named Rene Lorin. German engineer Hans von Ohain followed with his own design, which was the first to prove practical for flight. In August 1939 he watched as the first aircraft equipped with jet engines, the Heinkel HE 178, took off.

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Airplane - WW II, Jet Engines

In 1942 Adolf Galland—director general of fighters for the Luftwaffe, veteran of the Battle of Britain, and one of Germany's top aces—flew a prototype of one of the world's first jets, the Messerschmitt ME 262. "For the first time, I was flying by jet propulsion and there was no torque, no thrashing sound of the propeller, and my jet shot through the air," he commented. "It was as though angels were pushing." As Adolf Galland and others soon realized, the angels were pushing with extraordinary speed. The ME 262 that Galland flew raced through the air at 540 miles per hour, some 200 mph faster than its nearest rivals equipped with piston-driven engines. It was the first operational jet to see combat, but came too late to affect the outcome of the war. Shortly after the war, Captain Chuck Yeager of the U.S. Air Force set the bar even higher, pushing an experimental rocket-powered plane, the X-1, past what had once seemed an unbreachable barrier: the speed of sound. This speed varies with air temperature and density but is typically upward of 650 mph. Today's high performance fighter jets can routinely fly at two to three times that rate.

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Airplane - WW II, Jet Engines

The jet engine had a profound impact on commercial aviation. As late as the 1950s transatlantic flights in propeller-driven planes were still an arduous affair lasting more than 15 hours. But in the 1960s aircraft such as Boeing's classic 707, equipped with four jet engines, cut that time in half. The U.S. airline industry briefly flirted with a plane that could fly faster than sound, and the French and British achieved limited commercial success with their own supersonic bird, the Concorde, which made the run from New York to Paris in a scant three and a half hours. Increases in speed certainly pushed commercial aviation along, but the business of flying was also demanding bigger and bigger airplanes. Introduced in 1969, the world's first jumbo jet, the Boeing 747, still holds the record of carrying 547 passengers and crew.

Building such behemoths presented few major challenges to aviation engineers, but in other areas of flight the engineering innovations have continued. As longer range became more important in commercial aviation, turbojet engines were replaced by turbofan engines, which greatly improved propulsive efficiency by incorporating a many-bladed fan to provide bypass air for thrust along with the hot gases from the turbine. Engines developed in the last quarter of the 20th century further increased efficiency and also cut down on air pollution.

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Airplane -Computers, Private Planes

Computers entered the co*ckpit and began taking a role in every aspect of flight. So-called fly-by-wire control systems, for example, replaced weighty and complicated hydraulic and mechanical connections and actuators with electric motors and wire-borne electrical signals. The smaller, lighter electrical components made it easier to build redundant systems, a significant safety feature. Other innovations also aimed at improving safety. Special collision avoidance warning systems onboard aircraft reduce the risk of midair collisions, and Doppler weather radar on the ground warns of deadly downdrafts known as wind shear, protecting planes at the most vulnerable moments of takeoff and landing.

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Airplane -Computers, Private Planes

General aviation, the thousands of private planes and business aircraft flown by more than 650,000 pilots in the United States alone, actually grew to dwarf commercial flight. Of the 19,000 airports registered in the United States, fewer than 500 serve commercial craft. In 1999 general aviation pilots flew 31 million hours compared with 2.7 million for their commercial colleagues. Among the noteworthy developments in this sphere was Bill Lear's Model 23 Learjet, introduced in 1963. It brought the speed and comfort of regular passenger aircraft to business executives, flew them to more airports, and could readily adapt to their schedules instead of the other way around. General aviation is also the stomping ground of innovators such as Burt Rutan, who took full advantage of developments in composite materials (see High Performance Materials) to design the sleek Voyager, so lightweight and aerodynamic that it became the first aircraft to fly nonstop around the world without refueling.

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Airplane - Timeline

Efforts to tackle the engineering problems associated with powered flight began well before the Wright brothers' famous trials at Kitty Hawk. In 1804 an English baronet, Sir George Cayley, launched modern aeronautical engineering by studying the behavior of solid surfaces in a fluid stream and flying the first successful winged aircraft of which we have any detailed record. And of course Otto Lilienthal's aerodynamic tests in the closing years of the 19th century influenced a generation of aeronautical experimenters.

1901 First successful flying model propelled by an internal

combustion engine Samuel Pierpont Langley builds a gasoline-powered version of his tandem-winged "Aerodromes." the first successful flying model to be propelled by an internal combustion engine. As early as 1896 he launches steam-propelled models with wingspans of up to 15 feet on flights of more than half a mile.

1903 First sustained flight with a powered, controlled airplane Wilbur and Orville Wright of Dayton, Ohio, complete the first four sustained flights with a powered, controlled airplane at Kill Devil Hills, 4 miles south of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. On their best flight of the day, Wilbur covers 852 feet over the ground in 59 seconds. In 1905 they introduce the Flyer, the world’s first practical airplane.

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Airplane - Timeline

1904 Concept of a fixed "boundary layer" described in paper by Ludwig Prandtl German professor Ludwig Prandtl presents one of the most important papers in the history of aerodynamics, an eight-page document describing the concept of a fixed "boundary layer," the molecular layer of air on the surface of an aircraft wing. Over the next 20 years Prandtl and his graduate students pioneer theoretical aerodynamics.

1910 First take off from a ship Eugene Ely pilots a Curtiss biplane on the first flight to take off from a ship. In November he departs from the deck of a cruiser anchored in Hampton Roads, Virginia, and lands onshore.In January 1911 he takes off from shore and lands on a ship anchored off the coast of California. Hooks attached to the plane's landing gear, a primitive version of the system of arresting gear and safety barriers used on modern aircraft carriers.

1914 Automatic gyrostabilizer leads to first automatic pilot Lawrence Sperry demonstrates an automatic gyrostabilizer at Lake Keuka, Hammondsport, New York. A gyroscope linked to sensors keeps the craft level and traveling in a straight line without aid from the human pilot. Two years later Sperry and his inventor father, Elmer, add a steering gyroscope to the stabilizer gyro and demonstrate the first "automatic pilot."

1914-1918 Dramatic improvements in structures and control and propulsion systems During World War I, the requirements of higher speed, higher altitude, and greater maneuverability drive dramatic improvements in aerodynamics, structures, and control and propulsion system design.

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Airplane - Timeline

1915 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Congress charters the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, a federal agency to spearhead advanced aeronautical research in the United States.

1917 The Junkers J4, an all-metal airplane, introduced Hugo Junkers, a German professor of mechanics introduces the Junkers J4, an all-metal airplane built largely of a relatively lightweight aluminum alloy called duralumin.

1918 Airmail service inaugurated The U. S. Postal Service inaugurates airmail service from Polo Grounds in Washington, D.C., on May 15. Two years later, on February 22, 1920, the first transcontinental airmail service arrives in New York from San Francisco in 33 hours and 20 minutes, nearly 3 days faster than mail delivery by train.

1919 U.S. Navy aviators make the first airplane crossing of the North Atlantic U.S. Navy aviators in Curtiss NC-4 flying boats, led Lt. Cdr. Albert C. Read, make the first airplane crossing of the North Atlantic, flying from Newfoundland to London with stops in the Azores and Lisbon.A few months later British Capt. John Alco*ck and Lt. Albert Brown make the first nonstop transatlantic flight, from Newfoundland to Ireland.

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Airplane - Timeline

1919 Passenger service across the English Channel introduced Britain and France introduce passenger service across the English Channel, flying initially between London and Paris. 1919 the first nonstop transatlantic flight, from Newfoundland to Ireland.

1925-1926 Introduction of lightweight, air-cooled radial engines The introduction of a new generation of lightweight, air-cooled radial engines revolutionizes aeronautics, making bigger, faster planes possible.

1927 First nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic On May 21, Charles Lindbergh completes the first nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic, traveling 3,600 miles from New York to Paris in a Ryan monoplane named the Spirit of St. Louis. On June 29, Albert Hegenberger and Lester Maitland complete the first flight from Oakland, California, to Honolulu, Hawaii. At 2,400 miles it is the longest open-sea flight to date.

1928 First electromechanical flight simulator Edwin A. Link introduces the Link Trainer, the first electromechanical flight simulator. Mounted on a base that allows the co*ckpit to pitch, roll, and yaw, these ground-based pilot trainers have closed hoods that force a pilot to rely on instruments. The flight simulator is used for virtually all U.S. pilot training during WWII.

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Airplane - Timeline

1933 Douglas introduces the 12-passenger twinengine DC-1 In that summer Douglas introduces the 12-passenger twin-engine DC-1, designed by aeronautical engineer Arthur Raymond for a contract with TWA. A key requirement is that the plane can take off, fully loaded, if one engine goes out. In September the DC-1 joins the TWA fleet, followed 2 years later by the DC-3, the first passenger airliner capable of making a profit for its operator without a postal subsidy. The DC-3’s range of nearly 1,500 miles is more than double that of the Boeing 247. As the C-47 it becomes the workhorse of WWII.

1933 First modern commercial airliner In February, Boeing introduces the 247, a twin-engine 10-passenger monoplane that is the first modern commercial airliner. With variable-pitch propellers, it has an economical cruising speed and excellent takeoff. Retractable landing gear reduces drag during flight.

1935 First practical radar British scientist Sir Robert Watson-Watt patents the first practical radar (for radio detection and ranging) system for meteorological applications. During World War II radar is successfully used in Great Britain to detect incoming aircraft and provide information to intercept bombers.

1935 First transpacific mail service Pan American inaugurates the first transpacific mail service, between San Francisco and Manila, on November 22, and the first transpacific passenger service in October the following year. Four years later, in 1939, Pan Am and Britain’s Imperial Airways begin scheduled transatlantic passenger service.

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Airplane - Timeline

1937 Jet engines designed Jet engines designed independently by Britain’s Frank Whittle and Germany’s Hans von Ohain make their first test runs. (Seven years earlier, Whittle, a young Royal Air Force officer, filed a patent for a gas turbine engine to power an aircraft, but the Royal Air Ministry was not interested in developing the idea at the time. Meanwhile, German doctoral student Von Ohain was developing his own design.) Two years later, on August 27, the first jet aircraft, the Heinkel HE 178, takes off, powered by von Ohain’s HE S-3 engine.

1939 First practical singlerotor helicopters Russian emigre Igor Sikorsky develops the VS-300 helicopter for the U.S. Army,one of the first practical singlerotor helicopters.

1939-1945 World War II spurs innovation A world war again spurs innovation. The British develop airplane-detecting radar just in time for the Battleof Britain.At the same time the Germans develop radiowave navigation techniques. The both sides develop airborne radar, useful for attacking aircraft at night. German engineers produce the first practical jet fighter, the twin-engine ME 262, which flies at 540 miles per hour, and the BoeingCompany modifies its B-17 into the high-altitude Flying Fortress. Later it makes the 141-foot-wingspan long-range B-29 Superfortress. In Britain the Instrument Landing System (ILS) for landing in bad weather is put into use in 1944.

1947 Sound barrior broken U.S. Air Force pilot Captain Charles "Chuck" Yeager becomes the fastest man alive when he pilots the Bell X-1 faster than sound for the first time on October 14 over the town of Victorville, California.

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Airplane - Timeline

1949 First jet-powered commercial aircraft The prototype De Havilland Comet makes its first flight on July 27. Three years later the Comet starts regular passenger service as the first jet-powered commercial aircraft, flying between London and South Africa.

1950s B-52 bomber Boeing makes the B-52 bomber. It has eight turbojet engines, intercontinental range, and a capacity of 500,000 pounds.

1952 Discovery of the area rule of aircraft design Richard Whitcomb, an engineer at Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, discovers and experimentally verifies an aircraft design concept known as the area rule. A revolutionary method of designing aircraft to reduce drag and increase speed without additional power, the area rule is incorporated into the development of almost every American supersonic aircraft. He later invents winglets, which increase the lift-to-drag ratio of transport airplanes and other vehicles.

1963 First small jet aircraft to enter mass production The prototype Learjet 23 makes its first flight on October 7. Powered by two GE CJ610 turbojet engines, it is 43 feet long, with a wingspan of 35.5 feet, and can carry seven passengers (including two pilots) in a fully pressurized cabin. It becomes the first small jet aircraft to enter mass production, with more than 100 sold by the end of 1965.

1969 Boeing 747 Boeing conducts the first flight of a wide-body, turbofan-powered commercial airliner, the 747, one of the most successful aircraft ever produced.

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Airplane - Timeline

1976 Concorde SST introduced into commercial airline service The Concorde SST is introduced into commercial airline service by both Great Britain and France on January 21. It carries a hundred passengers at 55,000 feet and twice the speed of sound, making the London to New York run in 3.5 hours—half the time of subsonic carriers. But the cost per passenger-mile is high, ensuring that flights remain the privilege of the wealthy. After a Concorde accident kills everyone on board in July 2000, the planes are grounded for more than a year. Flights resume in November 2001, but with passenger revenue falling and maintenance costs rising, British Airways and Air France announce they will decommission the Concorde in October 2003.

1986 Voyager circumnavigates the globe (26,000 miles) nonstop in 9 days Using a carbon-composite material, aircraft designer Burt Rutan crafts Voyager for flying around the world nonstop on a single load of fuel. Voyager has two centerline engines, one fore and one aft, and weighs less than 2,000 pounds (fuel for the flight adds another 5,000 pounds). It is piloted by Jeana Yeager (no relation to test pilot Chuck Yeager) and Burt’s brother Dick Rutan, who circumnavigate the globe (26,000 miles) nonstop in 9 days.

1990s B-2 bomber developed Northrop Grumman develops the B-2 bomber, with a "flying wing" design. Made of composite materials rather than metal, it cannot be detected by conventional radar. At about the same time, Lockheed designs the F-117 stealth fighter, also difficult to detect by radar.

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Airplane - Timeline

1995 First aircraft produced through computer-aided design and engineering Boeing debuts the twin-engine 777, the biggest two-engine jet ever to fly and the first aircraft produced through computer-aided design and engineering. Only a nose mockup was actually built before the vehicle was assembled—and the assembly was only 0.03 mm out of alignment when a wing was attached.

1996-1998 Joint research program to develop second-generation supersonic airliner NASA teams with American and Russian aerospace industries in a joint research program to develop a second-generation supersonic airliner for the 21st century. The centerpiece is the Tu-144LL, a first-generation Russian supersonic jetliner modified into a flying laboratory. It conducts supersonic research comparing flight data with results from wind tunnels and computer modeling.

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Water Supply and Distribution

Indoor plumbing was rare, especially in the countryside, and in cities it was inadequate at best. Tenements housing as many as 2,000 people typically had not one bathtub. Raw sewage was often dumped directly into streets and open gutters; untreated industrial waste went straight into rivers and lakes, many of which were sources of drinking water; attempts to purify water consistently fell short, and very few municipalities treated wastewater at all.

As a result, waterborne diseases were rampant. Each year typhoid fever alone killed 25 of every 100,000 people (Wilbur Wright among them in 1912). Dysentery and diarrhea, the most common of the waterborne diseases, were the nation's third leading cause of death. Cholera outbreaks were a constant threat.

As the century began, the most pressing task was to find better ways to make water clean. The impetus came from the discovery only a few years before the turn of the century that diseases such as typhoid and cholera were actually traced to microorganisms living in contaminated water. Treatment systems in place before then had focused on removing particulate matter suspended in water, typically by using various techniques that caused smaller particles to coagulate into heavier clumps that would settle out and by filtering the water through sand and other fine materials. Some harmful microorganisms were indeed removed in this way, but it wasn't good enough. One more step was necessary, and it involved the use of a chemical called chlorine. Known at the time for its bleaching power, chlorine also turned out to be a highly effective disinfectant, and it was just perfect for sterilizing water supplies: It killed a wide range of germs, persisted in residual amounts to provide ongoing protection, and left water free of disease and safe to drink.

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Water Supply and DistributionEarly Years

In 1908, Jersey City, New Jersey, became the first municipality in the United States to institute chlorination of its water supply, followed that same year by the Bubbly Creek plant in Chicago. As had happened in European cities that had also introduced chlorination and other disinfecting techniques, death rates from waterborne diseases—typhoid in particular—began to plummet. By 1918 more than 1,000 American cities were chlorinating 3 billion gallons of water a day, and by 1923 the typhoid death rate had dropped by more than 90 percent from its level of only a decade before. By the beginning of World War II, typhoid, cholera, and dysentery were, for all practical purposes, nonexistent in the United States and the rest of the developed world.

As the benefits of treatment became apparent, the U.S. Public Health Service set standards for water purity that were continually revised as new contaminants were identified—among them industrial and agricultural chemicals as well as certain natural minerals such as lead, copper, and zinc that could be harmful at high levels. In modern systems, computerized detection devices now monitor water throughout the treatment process for traces of dangerous chemical pollutants and microbes; today's devices are so sophisticated that they can detect contaminants on the order of parts per trillion. More recently, the traditional process of coagulation, sedimentation, and filtration followed by chemical disinfectionhas been complemented by other disinfecting processes, including both ultraviolet radiation and the use of ozone gas (first employed in France in the early 1900s).

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Water Supply and Distribution

One important way to improve water quality, of course, is to reduce the amount of contamination in the first place. As early as 1900, engineers in Chicago accomplished just that with an achievement of biblical proportions: They reversed the flow of the Chicago River. Chicago had suffered more than its fair share of typhoid and cholera outbreaks, a result of the fact that raw sewage and industrial waste were dumped directly into the Chicago River, which flowed into Lake Michigan, the source of the city's drinking water. In a bold move, Rudolph Hering, chief engineer of the city's water supply system, developed a plan to dig a channel from the Chicago River to rivers that drained not into Lake Michigan but into the Mississippi. When the work was finished, the city's wastewater changed course with the river, and drinking water supplies almost immediately became cleaner.

City fathers in Chicago and elsewhere recognized that wastewater also would have to be treated, and soon engineers were developing procedures for handling wastewater that paralleled those being used for drinking water. It wasn't long before sewage treatment plants became an integrated part of what was fast becoming a complex water supply and distribution system, especially in major metropolitan centers. In addition to treatment facilities, dams, reservoirs, and storage tanks were being constructed to ensure supplies; mammoth tunnel-boring machines were leading the way in the building of major supply pipelines for cities such as New York; networks of water mains and smaller local distribution pipes were planned and laid throughout the country; and pumping stations and water towers were built to provide the needed pressure to support indoor plumbing. Seen in its entirety, it was a highly engineered piece of work.

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Water Supply and DistributionThirsty Cities

As the nation's thirst continued to grow, even more was required of water managers—and nowhere more so than in California. The land of the gold rush and sunny skies, of rich alluvial soils and seemingly limitless opportunities, had one major problem—it didn't have nearly enough water. The case was the worst in Los Angeles, where a steadily increasing population and years of uneven rainfall were straining the existing supply from the Los Angeles River. To deal with the problem, the city formed its first official water department in 1902 and put just the right man in the job of superintendent and chief engineer. William Mulholland had moved to Los Angeles in the 1870s as a young man and had worked as a ditch tender on one of the city's main supply channels. In his new capacity he turned first to improving the existing water supply, adding reservoirs, enlarging the entire distribution network, and instituting the use of meters to discourage the wasting of water.

But Mulholland's vision soon reached further, and in 1905 citizens approved a $1.5 billion bond issue that brought his revolutionary plan into being. Work soon began on an aqueduct that would bring the city clear, clean water from the Owens River in the eastern Sierra Nevada, more than 230 miles to the north. Under Mulholland's direction, some 5,000 workers toiled on the project, which was deemed one of the most difficult engineering challenges yet undertaken in America. When it was completed, within the original schedule and budget, commentators marveled at how Mulholland had managed to build the thing so that the water flowed all the way by the power of gravity alone. At a lavish dedication ceremony on November 5, 1913, water finally began to flow. Letting his actions speak for him, Mulholland made one of the shortest speeches on record: "There it is. Take it!"

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Water Supply and Distribution Thirsty Cities

Los Angeles took what Mulholland had provided, but still the thirst grew. Indeed, throughout the 20th century communities in the American West took dramatic steps to get themselves more water. Most notable is undoubtedly the combined building of the Hoover Dam and the Colorado River Aqueduct in the 1930s and early 1940s. The dam was the essence of multipurposefulness. It created a vast reservoir that could help protect against drought, it allowed for better management of the Colorado River's flow and controlled dangerous flooding, and it provided a great new source of hydroelectric power. The aqueduct brought the bountiful supply of the Colorado nearly 250 miles over and through deserts and mountains to more than 130 communities in Southern California, including the burgeoning metropolis of Los Angeles. Other major aqueduct projects in the state included the California Aqueduct, supplying the rich agricultural lands of the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys. The unparalleled growth of the entire region quite simply would have been impossible without such efforts.

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Water Supply and DistributionOngoing Challenge

The American West set the model Egypt building of the Aswan High Dam in the 1960s created the third-largest reservoir in the world, tamed the disastrous annual flooding of the Nile, and provided controlled irrigation for more than a million acres of arid land. Built a few miles upriver from the original Aswan Dam (built by the British between 1898 and 1902), the Aswan High Dam was a gargantuan project involving its share of engineering challenges as well as the relocation of thousands of people and some of Egypt's most famous ancient monuments. Spanning nearly two miles, the dam increased Egypt's cultivable land by 30 percent

in many cases, they don't have the water to work with in the first place. desalination —the treatment of seawater to make it drinkable. desalination is now a viable process, and more than 7,500 desalination plants are in operation around the world, the vast majority of them in the desert countries of the Middle East.

Two main (but costly) processes are used to desalinate seawater. reverse osmosis, involves forcing the water through permeable membranes made of

special plastics that let pure water through but filter out salts and any other minerals or contaminants.

distillation, in which the water is heated until it evaporates, then condensed, a process that separates out any dissolved minerals.

For a shockingly high proportion of the world's population, clean water is still the rarest of commodities. By some estimates, more than two billion people on the planet have inadequate supplies of safe drinking water. In the developing world, more than 400 children die every hour from those old, deadly scourges—cholera, typhoid, and dysentery.

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Water Supply and DistributionFuture Technology

smaller-scale solutions. A case in point is a relatively simple device invented by Ashok Gadgil, an Indian-born research scientist working at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California. When a new strain of cholera killed more than 10,000 people in southeastern India and neighboring countries in 1992 and 1993, Gadgil and a graduate student assistant worked to find an effective method for purifying water that wouldn't require the cost-prohibitive infrastructure of treatment plants.

Their device was simplicity itself: a compact box containing an ultraviolet light suspended above a pan of water. Water enters the pan, is exposed to the light, and then passes to a holding tank. At the rate of 4 gallons a minute, the device kills all microorganisms in the water, with the only operating expense being the 40 watts of power needed for the ultraviolet lamp. Dozens of these devices, which can be run off a car battery if need be, are now in use around the world—from Mexico and the Philippines to India and South Africa, where it provides clean drinking water to a rural health clinic. Regions using the simple treatment have reported dramatic reductions in waterborne diseases and their consequences.

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Water Supply and DistributionTimeline

1900 Sanitary and Ship Canal opens in Chicago In Chicago the Main Channel of the Sanitary and Ship Canal opens, reversing the flow of the Chicago River. The 28-mile, 24-foot-deep, 160-foot-wide drainage canal, built between Chicago and the town of Lockport, Illinois, is designed to bring in water from Lake Michigan to dilute sewage dumped into the river from houses, farms, stockyards, and other industries. Directed by Rudolph Hering, chief engineer of the Commission on Drainage and Water Supply, the project is the largest municipal earth-moving project of the time.

1913 Los Angeles–Owens River Aqueduct The Los Angeles–Owens River Aqueduct is completed, bringing water 238 miles from the Owens Valley of the Sierra Nevada Mountains into the Los Angeles basin. The project was proposed and designed by William Mulholland, an immigrant from Ireland who taught himself geology, hydraulics, and mathematics and worked his way up from a ditch tender on the Los Angeles River to become the superintendent of the Los Angeles Water Department. Mulholland devised a system to transport the water entirely by gravity flowand supervised 5,000 construction workers over 5 years to deliver the aqueduct within original time and cost estimates.

1913 Activated sludge process In Birmingham, England, chemists experiment with the biosolids in sewage sludge by bubbling air through wastewater and then letting the mixture settle; once solids had settled out, the water was purified. Three years later, in 1916, this activated sludge process is put into operation in Worcester, England, and in 1923 construction begins on the world’s first large-scale activated sludge plant, at Jones Island, on the shore of Lake Michigan.

1914 Sewerage Practice, Volume I: Design of Sewers Boston engineers Leonard Metcalf and Harrison P. Eddy publish American Sewerage Practice, Volume I: Design of Sewers, which declares that working for "the best interests of the public health" is the key professional obligation of sanitary engineers. The book becomes a standard reference in the field for decades.

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Water Supply and DistributionTimeline

1915 New Catskill Aqueduct is completed In December the new Catskill Aqueduct is completed. The 92-mile-long aqueduct joins the Old Croton Aqueduct system and brings mountain water from west of the Hudson River to the water distribution system of Manhattan. Flowing at a speed of 4 feet per second, it delivers 500 million gallons of water daily.

1919 Formula for the chlorination of urban water Civil engineer Abel Wolman and chemist Linn H. Enslow of the Maryland Department of Health in Baltimore develop a rigorous scientific formula for the chlorination of urban water supplies. (In 1908 Jersey City Water Works, New Jersey, became the first facility to chlorinate, using sodium hypochlorite, but there was uncertainty as to the amount of chlorine to add and no regulation of standards.) To determine the correct dose, Wolman and Enslow analyze the bacteria, acidity, and factors related to taste and purity. Wolman overcomes strong opposition to convince local governments that adding the correct amounts of otherwise poisonous chemicals to the water supply is beneficial—and crucial—to public health. By the 1930s chlorination and filtration of public water supplies eliminates waterborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid, hepatitis A, and dysentery. The formula is still used today by water treatment plants around the world.

1930 Hardy Cross method Hardy Cross, civil and structural engineer and educator, develops a method for the analysis and design of water flow in simple pipe distribution systems, ensuring consistent water pressure. Cross employs the same principles for the water system problem that he devised for the "Hardy Cross method" of structural analysis, a technique that enables engineers—without benefit of computers—to make the thousands of mathematical calculations necessary to distribute loads and moments in building complex structures such as multi-bent highway bridges and multistory buildings.

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Water Supply and DistributionTimeline

1935 Hoover Dam In September, President Franklin D. Roosevelt speaks at the dedication of Hoover Dam, which sits astride the Colorado River in Black Canyon, Nevada. Five years in construction, the dam ends destructive flooding in the lower canyon; provides water for irrigation and municipal water supplies for Nevada, Arizona, and California; and generates electricity for Las Vegas and most of Southern California.

1937 Delaware Aqueduct System Construction begins on the 115-mile-long Delaware Aqueduct System. Water for the system is impounded in three upstate reservoir systems, including 19 reservoirs and three controlled lakes with a total storage capacity of approximately 580 billion gallons. The deep, gravityflow construction of the aqueduct allows water to flow from Rondout Reservoir in Sullivan County into New York City’s water system at Hillview Reservoir in Westchester County, supplying more than half the city’s water. Approximately 95 percent of the total water supply is delivered by gravity with about 5 percent pumped to maintain the desired pressure. As a result, operating costs are relatively insensitive to fluctuations in the cost of power.

1938-1957 Colorado–Big Thompson Project The Colorado–Big Thompson Project (C-BT), the first trans-mountain diversion of water in Colorado, is undertaken during a period of drought and economic depression. The C-BT brings water through the 13-mile Alva B. Adams Tunnel, under the Continental Divide, from a series of reservoirs on the Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains to the East Slope, delivering 230,000 acre-feet of water annually to help irrigate more than 600,000 acres of farmland in northeastern Colorado and to provide municipal water supplies and generate electricity for Colorado’s Front Range.

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Water Supply and DistributionTimeline

1951 First hard rock tunnel-boring machine built Mining engineer James S. Robbins builds the first hard rock tunnel-boring machine (TBM). Robbins discovers that if a sharp-edged metal wheel is pressed on a rock surface with the correct amount of pressure, the rock shatters. If the wheel, or an array of wheels, continually rolls around on the rock and the pressure is constant, the machine digs deeper with each turn. The engineering industry is at first reluctant to switch from the commonly used drill-and-blast method because Robbins’s machine has a $10 million price tag.

1955 Ductile cast-iron pipe becomes the industry standard Ductile cast-iron pipe, developed in 1948, is used in water distribution systems. It becomes the industry standard for metal due to its superior strength, durability, and reliability over cast iron. The pipe is used to transport potable water, sewage, and fuel, and is also used in fire-fighting systems.

1960s Kuwait begins using seawater desalination technology Kuwait is the first state in the Middle East to begin using seawater desalination technology, providing the dual benefits of fresh water and electric power. Kuwait produces fresh water from seawater with the technology known as multistage flash (MSF) evaporation. The MSF process begins with heating saltwater, which occurs as a byproduct of producing steam for generating electricity, and ends with condensing potable water. Between the heater and condenser stages are multiple evaporator-heat exchanger subunits, with heat supplied from the power plant external heat source. During repeated distillation cycles coldseawater is used as a heat sink in the condenser.

1970s Aswan High Dam The Aswan High Dam construction is completed, about 5 kilometers upstream from the original Aswan Dam (1902). Known as Saad el Aali in Arabic, it impounds the waters of the Nile to form Lake Nasser, the world’s third-largest reservoir, with a capacity of 5.97 trillion cubic feet. the relocation of thousands of people and floods some of Egypt’s monuments and temples, which are later raised. But the new dam controls annual floods along the Nile, supplies water for municipalities and irrigation, and provides Egypt with more than 10 billion kilowatt-hours of electric power every year.

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Water Supply and DistributionTimeline

1980s Bardenpho process James Barnard, a South African engineer, develops a wastewater treatment process that removes nitrates and phosphates from wastewater without the use of chemicals. Known as the Bardenpho process, it converts the nitrates in activated sludge into nitrogen gas, which is released into the air, removing a high percentage of suspended solids and organic material.

1996 UV Waterworks Ashok Gadgil, a scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California, invents an effective and inexpensive device for purifying water. UV Waterworks, a portable, low-maintenance, energy-efficient water purifier, uses ultraviolet light to render viruses and bacteria harmless. Operating with hand-pumped or hand-poured water, a single unit can disinfect 4 gallons of water a minute, enough to provide safe drinking water for up to 1,500 people, at a cost of only one cent for every 60 gallons of water—making safe drinking water economically feasible for populations in poor and rural areas all over the world.

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Barely stifled yawns greeted the electronics novelty that was introduced to the public in mid-1948. "A device called a transistor, which has several applications in radio where a vacuum tube ordinarily is employed, was demonstrated for the first time yesterday at Bell Telephone Laboratories," noted an obviously unimpressed New York Times reporter on page 46 of the day's issue.

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Electronics -New Gadget

The roots of the triumph reach deep. Germanium and silicon, along with a number of other crystalline materials, are semiconductors, so-called because they neither conduct electricity well, like most metals, nor block it effectively, as do insulators such as glass or rubber. Back in 1874 a German scientist named Ferdinand Braun identified a surprising trait of these on-the-fence substances: Current tends to flow through a semicon-ductor crystal in only one direction. This phenomenon, called rectification, soon proved valuable in wireless telegraphy, the first form of radio communication.

When electromagnetic radio waves traveling through the atmosphere strike an aerial, they generate an alternating (two-way) electric current. However, earphones or a speaker must be powered by direct (one-way) current. Methods for making the conversion, or rectification, in wireless receivers existed in the closing years of the 19th century, but they were crude. In 1899 Braun patented a superior detector consisting of a semiconductor crystal touched by a single metal wire, affectionately called a "cat's whisker." His device was popular with radio hobbyists for decades, but it was erratic and required much trial-and-error adjustment.

Another route to rectification was soon found, emerging from Thomas Edison's work on the electric lightbulb. Back in 1883 Edison had observed that if he placed a small metal plate in one of his experimental bulbs, it would pick up an electric current that somehow managed to cross the bulb's vacuum from the hot filament. Not long afterward, a British engineer named John Ambrose Fleming noticed that even when the filament carried an alternating current (which Edison hadn't tried), the current passing through the vacuum always traveled from the hot filament to the plate, never the other way around. Early in the new century Fleming devised what he called an "oscillation valve"—a filament and plate in a vacuum bulb. It rectified a wireless signal much more reliably than Braun's crystals.

By then the nature of the invisible current was understood. Experiments in the 1890s by the British physicist Joseph John Thomson had indicated that a flood of infinitesimally small particles—electrons, they would be called—was whizzing through the vacuum at the incredible speed of 20,000 miles per second. Their response to signal oscillations was no less amazing. "So nimble are these little electrons," wrote Fleming, "that however rapidly we change the rectification, the plate current is correspondingly altered, even at the rate of a million times per second.„

In 1906 the American inventor Lee De Forest modified Fleming's vacuum tube in a way that opened up broad new vistas for electrical engineers. Between the filament and the plate he inserted a grid like wire that functioned as a kind of electronic faucet: changes in a voltage applied to the grid produced matching changes in the flow of current between the other two elements. Because a very small voltage controlled a much larger current and the mimicry was exact, the device could serve as an amplifier. Rapidly improved by others, the three-element tube—a triode—made long-distance telephone calls possible, enriched the sound of record players, spawned a host of electronic devices for control or measurement, gave voice to radio by the 1920s, and helped launch the new medium of television in the 1930s. Today, vacuum tubes are essential in high-powered satellite transmitters and a few other applications. Some modern versions are no bigger than a pea.

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Electronics - Vacuum Switches

In addition to amplifying an electric signal, triodes can work as a switch, using the grid voltage to simply turn a current on or off. During the 1930s several researchers identified rapid switching as a way to carry out complex calculations by means of the binary numbering system—a way of counting that uses only ones and zeros rather than, say, the 10 digits of the decimal system.

Vacuum tubes, being much faster than any mechanical switch, were soon enlisted for the new computing machines. But because a computer, by its nature, requires switches in very large numbers, certain shortcomings of the tubes were glaringly obvious. They were bulky and power hungry; they produced a lot of waste heat; and they were prone to failure. The first big, all-electronic computer, a calculating engine known as ENIAC that went to work in 1945, had 17,468 vacuum tubes, weighed 30 tons, consumed enough power to light 10 homes, and required constant maintenance to keep it running.

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Electronics -Transitors

In late 1947 John Bardeen and Walter Brattain at Bell Labs. Their invention essentially consisted of two "cat's whiskers" placed very close together on the surface of an electrically grounded chunk of germanium. A month later a colleague, William Shockley, came up with a more practical design—a three-layer semiconductor sandwich. The outer layers were doped with an impurity to supply extra electrons, and the very thin inner layer received a different impurity to create holes. Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley would share a Nobel Prize in physics as inventors of the transistor.

Although Shockley's version was incorporated into a few products where small size and low power consumption were critical — the transistor didn't win widespread acceptance by manufacturers until the mid-1950s, because Germanium transistors suffered performance limitations. A turning point came in early 1954, when Morris Tanenbaum at Bell Labs and Gordon Teal at Texas Instruments (TI), working independently, showed that a transistor could be made from silicon—a component of ordinary sand. These transistors were made by selective inclusion of impurities during silicon single crystal growth and TI manufactured Teal’s version primarily for military applications. poorly suited for large volume production, in early 1955, he and Calvin Fuller at Bell Labs produced high performance silicon transistors by the high temperature diffusion of impurities into silicon wafers sliced from a highly purified single crystal.

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Electronics -Transitors

in 1958, Jack Kilby, an electrical engineer at Texas Instruments who had been asked to design a transistorized adding machine, came up with a bold unifying strategy. By selective placement of impurities, he realized, a crystalline wafer of silicon could be endowed with all the elements necessary to function as a circuit. As he saw it, the elements would still have to be wired together, but they would take up much less space. In his laboratory notebook, he wrote: "Extreme miniaturization of many electrical circuits could be achieved by making resistors, capacitors and transistors & diodes on a single slice of silicon."

1959, Robert Noyce, then at Fairchild Semiconductor, independently arrived at the idea of an integrated circuit and added a major improvement. His approach involved overlaying the slice of silicon with a thin coating of silicon oxide, the semiconductor's version of rust. From seminal work done a few years earlier by John Moll and Carl Frosch at Bell Labs, as well as by Fairchild colleague Jean ho*rni, Noyce knew the oxide would protect transistor junctions because of its excellent insulating properties. It also lent itself to a much easier way of connecting the circuit elements. Delicate lines of metal could simply be printed on the coating; they would reach down to the underlying components via small holes etched in the oxide. By 1965 integrated circuits—chips as they were called—embraced as many as 50 elements. That year a physical chemist named Gordon Moore, cofounder of the Intel Corporation with Robert Noyce, wrote in a magazine article: "The future of integrated electronics is the future of electronics itself." He predicted that the number of components on a chip would continue to double every year, an estimate that, in the amended form of a doubling every year and a half or so, would become known in the industry as Moore's Law.

The densest chips of 1970 held about 1,000 components. Chips of the mid-1980s contained as many as several hundred thousand. By the mid-1990s some chips the size of a baby's fingernail embraced 20 million components.

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Electronics -Microprocessors

In the early 1950s a transistor about as big as an eraser cost several dollars. By the mid-1970s, when transistors were approaching the size of a bacterium, they cost mere hundredths of a cent apiece. By the late 1990s the price of a single transistor was less than a hundred-thousandth of a cent—sometimes far less, mere billionths of a cent, depending on the type of chip.

Some chips provide electronic memory, storing and retrieving binary data. Others are designed to execute particular tasks with maximum efficiency—manipulating audio signals or graphic images, for instance. Still others are general-purpose devices called microprocessors. Instead of being tailored for one job, they do whatever computational work is assigned to them by software instructions.

The first microprocessor was produced by Intel in 1971. Dubbed the 4004, it cost about $1,000 and was as powerful as ENIAC, the vacuum tube monster of the 1940s. Faster versions soon followed from Intel, and other companies came out with competing microprocessors, with prices dropping rapidly toward $100.

Engineers and scientists are exploring three-dimensional architectures for circuits, seeking organic molecules that may be able to spontaneously assemble themselves into transistors and, on the misty edge of possibility, experimenting with mysterious quantum effects that might be harnessed for computation.

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Electronics - Timeline

1904 Thermionic valve, or diode invented Sir John Ambrose Fleming, a professor of electrical engineering and the first scientific adviser for the Marconi Company, invents the thermionic valve, or diode, a two-electrode rectifier. Building on the work of Thomas Edison, Fleming devises an "oscillation valve"—a filament and a small metal plate in a vacuum bulb. He discovers that an electric current passing through the vacuum is always unidirectional.

1907 Triode patented Lee De Forest, an American inventor, files for a patent on a triode, a three-electrode device he calls an Audion. He improves on Fleming’s diode by inserting a gridlike wire between the two elements in the vacuum tube, creating a sensitive receiver and amplifier of radio wave signals. The triode is used to improve sound in long-distance phone service, radios, televisions, sound on film, and eventually in modern applications such as computers and satellite transmitters.

1940 Ohl discovers that impurities in semiconductor crystals create photoelectric properties Russell Ohl, a researcher at Bell Labs, discovers that small amounts of impurities in semiconductor crystals create photoelectric and other potentially useful properties. When he shines a light on a silicon crystal with a crack running through it, a voltmeter attached to the crystal registers a half-volt jump. The crack, it turns out, is a natural P-N junction, with impurities on one side that create an excess of negative electrons (N) and impurities on the other side that create a deficit (P). Ohl’s crystal is the precursor of modern-day solar cells, which convert sunlight into electricity. It also heralds the coming of transistors.

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Electronics -Timeline

1947 First pointcontact transistor John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, and William B. Shockley of Bell Labs discover the transistor. Brattain and Bardeen build the first pointcontact transistor, made of two gold foil contacts sitting on a germanium crystal. When electric current is applied to one contact, the germanium boosts the strength of the current flowing through the other contact. Shockley improves on the idea by building the junction transistor—"sandwiches" of N- and P-type germanium. A weak voltage applied to the middle layer modifies a current traveling across the entire "sandwich." In November 1956 the three men are awarded the Nobel Prize in physics.

1952 First commercial device to apply Shockley’s junction transistor Sonotone markets a $229.50 hearing aid that uses two vacuum tubes and one transistor—the first commercial device to apply Shockley’s junction transistor. Replacement batteries for transistorized hearing aids cost only $10, not the nearly $100 of batteries for earlier vacuum tube models.

1954 First transistor radio Texas Instruments introduces the first transistor radio, the Regency TR1, with radios by Regency Electronics and transistors by Texas Instruments. The transistor replaces De Forest’s triode, which was the electrical component that amplified audio signals—making AM (amplitude modulation) radio possible. The door is now open to the transistorization of other mass production devices.

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Electronics -Timeline

1954 First truly consistent mass-produced transistor is demonstrated Gordon Teal, a physical chemist formerly with Bell Labs, shows colleagues at Texas Instruments that transistors can be made from pure silicon—demonstrating the first truly consistent mass-produced transistor. By the late 1950s silicon begins to replace germanium as the semiconductor material out of which almost all modern transistors are made.

1955 Silicon dioxide discovery Carl Frosch and Link Derick at Bell Labs discover that silicon dioxide can act as a diffusion mask. That is, when a silicon wafer is heated to about 1200°C in an atmosphere of water vapor or oxygen, a thin skin of silicon dioxide forms on the surface. With selective etching of the oxide layer, they could diffuse impurities into the silicon to create P-N junctions. Bell Labs engineer John Moll then develops the all-diffused silicon transistor, in which impurities are diffused into the wafer while the active elements are protected by the oxide layer. Silicon begins to replace germanium as the preferred semiconductor for electronics.

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Electronics - Timeline

1958-1959 Integrated circuit invented Jack Kilby, an electrical engineer at Texas Instruments and Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor independently invent the integrated circuit. In September 1958, Kilby builds an integrated circuit that includes multiple components connected with gold wires on a tiny silicon chip, creating a "solid circuit." (On February 6, 1959, a patent is issued to TI for "miniaturized electronic circuits.") In January 1959, Noyce develops his integrated circuit using the process of planar technology, developed by a colleague, Jean ho*rni. Instead of connecting individual circuits with gold wires, Noyce uses vapor-deposited metal connections, a method that allows for miniaturization and mass production. Noyce files a detailed patent on July 30, 1959.

1962 MOSFET is invented The metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) is invented by engineers Steven Hofstein and Frederic Heiman at RCA's research laboratory in Princeton, New Jersey. Although slower than a bipolar junction transistor, a MOSFET is smaller and cheaper and uses less power, allowing greater numbers of transistors to be crammed together before a heat problem arises. Most microprocessors are made up of MOSFETs, which are also widely used in switching applications.

1965 Automatic adaptive equalizer invented by Robert Lucky The automatic adaptive equalizer is invented in 1965 at Bell Laboratories by electrical engineer Robert Lucky. Automatic equalizers correct distorted signals, greatly improving data performance and speed. All modems still use equalizers.

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Electronics - Timeline

1967 First handheld calculator invented A Texas Instruments team, led by Jack Kilby, invents the first handheld calculator in order to showcase the integrated circuit. Housed in a case made from a solid piece of aluminum, the battery-powered device fits in the palm of a hand and weighs 45 ounces. It accepts six-digit numbers and performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, printing results up to 12 digits on a thermal printer.

1968 Bell Labs team develops molecular beam epitaxy Alfred Y. Cho heads a Bell Labs team that develops molecular beam epitaxy, a process that deposits single-crystal structures one atomic layer at a time, creating materials that cannot be duplicated by any other known technique. This ultra-precise method of growing crystals is now used worldwide for making semiconductor lasers used in compact disc players. (The term epitaxy is derived from the Greek words epi, meaning "on" and taxis, meaning "arrangement.")

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Electronics - Timeline

1970 The first CD-ROM patented James T. Russell, working at Battelle Memorial Institute's Pacific Northwest Laboratories in Richland, Washington, patents the first systems capable of digital-to-optical recording and playback. The CD-ROM (compact disc read-only memory) is years ahead of its time, but in the mid-1980s audio companies purchase licenses to the technology. (See computers.) Russell goes on to earn dozens of patents for CD-ROM technology and other optical storage systems.

1971 Intel introduces "computer on a chip" Intel, founded in 1968 by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, introduces a "Computer on a chip," the 4004 four-bit microprocessor, design by Frederico fa*ggin, Ted Hoff, and Stan Mazor. It can execute 60,000 operations per second and changes the face of modern electronics by making it possible to include data processing hundreds of devices. A 4004 provides the computing power for NASA's Pioneer 10 spacecraft, launched the following year to survey Jupiter. 3M Corporation introduces the ceramic chip carrier, designed to protect integrated circuits when they are attached or removed from circuit boards. The chip is bonded to a gold base inside a cavity in the square ceramic carrier, and the package is then hermetically sealed.

1972 Home video game systems become available In September, Magnavox ships Odyssey 100 home game systems to distributors. The system is test marketed in 25 cities, and 9,000 units are sold in Southern California Alone during the first month at a price of $99.95. In November, Nolan Bushnell forms Atari and ships Pong, a coin-operated video arcade game, designed and built by Al Alcorn. The following year Atari introduces its home version of the game, which soon outstrips Odyssey 100.

1974 Texas Instruments introduces the TMS 1000 Texas Instruments introduces the TMS 1000, destined to become the most widely used computer on a chip. Over the next quarter-century, more than 35 different versions of the chip are produced for use in toys and games, calculators, photcopying machines, appliances, burglar alarms, and jukeboxes. (Although TI engineers Michael Cochran and Gary Boone create the first microcomputer, a four-bit microprocessor, at about the same time Intel does in 1971, TI does not put its chip on the market immediately, using it in a calculator introduced in 1972.)

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Electronics - Timeline

1980 First circuit boards that have built-in self-testing technology Chuck Stroud, while working at Bell Laboratories, develops and designs 21 different microchips and three different circuit boards—the first to employ built-in self-testing (BIST) technology. BIST results in a significant reduction in the cost, and a significant increase in the quality of producing electronic components.

1997 IBM develops a copper-based chip technology IBM announces that it has developed a copper-based chip technology, using copper wires rather than traditional aluminum to connect transistors in chips. Other chip manufacturers are not far behind, as research into copper wires has been going on for about a decade. Copper, the better conductor, offers faster performance, requires less electricity, and runs at lower temperatures, This breakthrough allows up to 200 million transistors to be placed on a single chip.

1998 Plastic transistors developed A team of Bell Labs researchers—Howard Katz, V. Reddy Raju, Ananth Dodabalapur, Andrew Lovinger, and chemist John Rogers—present their latest findings on the first fully "printed" plastic transistor, which uses a process similar to silk screening. Potential uses for plastic transistors include flexible computer screens and "smart" cards, full of vital statistics and buying power, and virtually indestructible.

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Radio and Television -Background

Many people doubted that such a thing was possible, but a young inventor named Guglielmo Marconi proceeded to make good on the promise, using cumbersome sparking devices on observation boats to transmit Morse code messages to land stations a few miles away.

A hundred years later that trickle of dots and dashes had evolved into mighty rivers of information. When another America's Cup competition was held in New Zealand in early 2000, for instance, every detail of the action—the swift maneuvers, straining sails, sunlight winking in spray—was captured by television cameras and then relayed up to a satellite and back down again for distribution to audiences around the world. The imagery rode on the same invisible energy that Marconi had harnessed: radio waves.

Any radio or television signal of today, of course, amounts to only a minuscule fraction of the electromagnetic flow now binding the planet together. Day and night, tens of thousands of radio stations broadcast voice and music to homes, cars, and portable receivers, some that weigh mere ounces. Television pours huge volumes of entertainment, news, sports events, children's programming, and other fare into most households in the developed world. (The household penetration of TV in the United States is 98 percent and average daily viewing time totals 7 hours.) Unrivaled in reach and immediacy, these electronic media bear the main burden of keeping the public informed in times of crisis and provide everyday coverage of the local, regional, and national scenes. But mass communication is only part of the story. Police and fire departments, taxi and delivery companies, jetliner pilots and soldiers all communicate on assigned frequencies. Pagers, cell phones, and wireless links for computers fill additional slices of the spectrum, a now precious realm administered by national and international agencies. As a force for smooth functioning and cohesion of society, radio energy has no equal.

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Radio and Television -Early Advances

The scientific groundwork for radio and television was laid by the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell, who in 1864 theorized that changes in electrical and magnetic forces send waves spreading through space at 186,000 miles per second. Light consists of such waves, Maxwell said, adding that others might exist at different frequencies. In 1888 a German scientist named Heinrich Hertz confirmed Maxwell's surmise with an apparatus that used sparks to produce an oscillating electric current; the current, in turn, generated electromagnetic energy that caused matching sparks to leap across a gap in a receiving loop of wire a few yards away. And in 1900 brilliant inventor Nikola Tesla was granted two patents for basic radio concepts and devices that inspired others after him.

Fascinated by such findings, Guglielmo Marconi, son of an Irish heiress and Italian aristocrat, began experimenting with electricity as a teenager and soon was in hot pursuit of what he called "wireless telegraphy." In the system he developed, Hertzian sparks created the electromagnetic waves, but Marconi greatly extended their effective range by electrically grounding the transmitter and aerial. At the heart of his receiver was a device called a coherer—a bulb containing iron filings that lost electrical resistance when hit by high-frequency waves. The bulb had to be tapped to separate the filings and restore sensitivity after each pulse was received.

As evidenced by his America's Cup feat in 1899, Marconi was a master of promotion. In 1901 he gained worldwide attention by transmitting the letter "s"—three Morse pips—across the Atlantic. Although his equipment didn't work well over land, he built a successful business by selling wireless telegraphy to shipping companies, maritime insurers, and the world's navies. Telegraphy remained his focus. He didn't see a market beyond point-to-point communication.

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Radio and Television - Technology Develops

Meanwhile, other experimenters were seeking ways to generate radio waves steadily rather than as sparkmade pulses. Such continuous waves might be electrically varied—modulated—to convey speech or music. In 1906 that feat was achieved by a Canadian-American professor of electrical engineering, Reginald Fessenden. To create continuous waves, he used an alternator, designed by General Electric engineer Ernst Alexanderson, that rotated at very high speed. Unfortunately, the equipment was expensive and unwieldy, and Fessenden, in any event, was a poor businessman, hatching such unlikely profit schemes as charging by the mile for transmissions.

Fortune also eluded Lee De Forest, another American entrepreneur who tried to commercialize continuous-wave transmissions. In his case the waves were generated with an arc lamp, a method pioneered by Valdemar Poulsen, a Danish scientist. De Forest himself came up with one momentous innovation in 1906—a three-element vacuum tube, or triode, that could amplify an electrical signal. He didn't really understand how it worked or what it might mean for radio, but a young electrical engineer at Columbia University did. In 1912, Edwin Howard Armstrong realized that, by using a feedback circuit to repeatedly pass a signal through a triode, the amplification (hence the sensitivity of a receiver) could be increased a thousandfold. Not only that, but at its highest amplification the tube ceased to be a receiving device and became a generator of radio waves. An all-electronic system was at last feasible.

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Radio and Television - Technology Develops

By the early 1920s, after further refinements of transmitters, tuners, amplifiers, and other components, the medium was ready for takeoff. Broadcasting, rather than point-to-point communication, was clearly the future, and the term "wireless" had given way to "radio," suggesting omnidirectional radiation. In the business world, no one saw the possibilities more clearly than David Sarnoff, who started out as a telegrapher in Marconi's company. After the company was folded into the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) in 1919, Sarnoff rose to the pinnacle of the industry. As early as 1915 he wrote a visionary memo proposing the creation of a small, cheap, easily tuned receiver that would make radio a "household utility," with each station transmitting news, lectures, concerts, and baseball games to hundreds of thousands of people simultaneously. World War I delayed matters, but in 1921 Sarnoff demonstrated the market's potential by broadcasting a championship boxing match between heavyweights Jack Dempsey and Georges Carpentier of France. Since radios weren't yet common, receivers in theaters and in New York's Times Square carried the fight—a Dempsey knockout that thrilled the 300,000 gathered listeners. By 1923 RCA and other American companies were producing half a million radios a year.

Advertising quickly became the main source of profits, and stations were aggregated into national networks—NBC in 1926, CBS in 1928. At the same time, the U.S. government took control of the spectrum to deal with the increasing problem of signal interference. Elsewhere, some governments chose to go into the broadcasting business themselves, but the American approach was inarguably dynamic. Four out of five U.S. households had radio by the late 1930s. Favorite network shows such as The Jack Benny Program drew audiences in the millions and were avidly discussed the next day. During the Depression and the years of war that followed, President Franklin D. Roosevelt regularly spoke to the country by radio, as did other national leaders.

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Radio and Television - Television

Major advances in radio technology still lay ahead, but many electrical engineers were now focused on the challenge of using electromagnetic waves to transmit moving images. The idea of electrically conveying pictures from one place to another wasn't new. Back in 1884 a German inventor named Paul Nipkow patented a system that did it with two disks, each identically perforated with a spiral pattern of holes and spun at exactly the same rate by motors. The first whirling disk scanned the image, with light passing through the holes and hitting photocells to create an electrical signal. That signal traveled to a receiver (initially by wire) and controlled the output of a neon lamp placed in front of the second disk, whose spinning holes replicated the original scan on a screen. In later, better versions, disk scanning was able to capture and reconstruct images fast enough to be perceived as smooth movement—at least 24 frames per second. The method was used for rudimentary television broadcasts in the United States, Britain, and Germany during the 1920s and 1930s.

But all-electronic television was on the way. A key component was a 19th-century invention, the cathode-ray tube, which generated a beam of electrons and used electrical or magnetic forces to steer the beam across a surface—in a line-by-line scanning pattern if desired. In 1908 a British lighting engineer, Campbell Swinton, proposed using one such tube as a camera, scanning an image that was projected onto a mosaic of photoelectric elements. The resulting electric signal would be sent to a second cathode-ray tube whose scanning beam re-created the image by causing a fluorescent screen to glow. It was a dazzling concept, but constructing such a setup was far beyond the technology of the day. As late as 1920 Swinton gloomily commented: "I think you would have to spend some years in hard work, and then would the result be worth anything financially?"

A young man from Utah, Philo Farnsworth, believed it would. Enamored of all things electrical, he began thinking about a similar scanning system as a teenager. In 1927, when he was just 21, he successfully built and patented his dream. But as he tried to commercialize it he ran afoul of the redoubtable David Sarnoff of RCA, who had long been interested in television. Several years earlier Sarnoff had told his board of directors that he expected every American household to someday have an appliance that "will make it possible for those at home to see as well as hear what is going on at the broadcast station." Sarnoff tried to buy the rights to Farnsworth's designs, but when his offer was rebuffed, he set about creating a proprietary system for RCA, an effort that was led by Vladimir Zworykin, a talented electrical engineer from Russia who had been developing his own electronic TV system. After several years and massive expenditures, Zworykin completed the job, adapting some of Farnsworth's ideas. Sarnoff publicized the product by televising the opening of the 1939 World's Fair in New York, but in the end he had to pay for a license to Farnsworth's patents anyway.

In the ensuing years RCA flooded the market with millions of black-and-white TV sets and also took aim at the next big opportunity—color television. CBS had an electromechanical color system in development, and it was initially chosen as the U.S. standard. However, RCA won the war in 1953 with an all-electronic alternative that, unlike the CBS approach, was compatible with black-and-white sets.

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Radio and Television - Rapid Evolution

During these years Sarnoff was also locked in a struggle with one of the geniuses of radio technology, Edwin Howard Armstrong, the man who wrested revolutionary powers from De Forest's vacuum tube. Armstrong had never stopped inventing. In 1918 he devised a method for amplifying extremely weak, high-frequency signals—the superheterodyne circuit. Then in the early 1930s he figured out how to eliminate the lightning-caused static that often plagued radio reception. His solution was a new way of imposing a signal on radio waves. Instead of changing the strength of waves transmitted at a particular frequency (amplitude modulation, or AM), he developed circuitry to keep the amplitude constant and change only the frequency (FM). The result was sound of stunning, static-free clarity.

Once again Sarnoff tried to buy the rights, and once again he failed to reach an agreement. His response this time was to wage a long campaign of corporate and governmental maneuvering that delayed the industry's investment in FM and relegated the technology to low powered stations and suboptimal frequencies. FM's advantages eventually won it major media roles nonetheless—not only in radio but also as the sound channel for television.

The engineering of radio and television was far from over. The arrival of the transistor in the mid-1950s led to dramatic reductions in the size and cost of circuitry. Videocassette recorders for delayed viewing of TV shows appeared in 1956. Screens grew bigger and more vivid, and some dispensed with cathode-ray technology in favor of new display methods that allowed them to be flat enough to hang on a wall. Cable television—the delivery of signals by coaxial cable rather than through the air—was born in 1949 and gained enormous popularity for its good reception and additional programming. The first commercial telecommunications satellite began service in 1965 and was followed by whole fleets of orbiting transmitters. Satellite television is able to provide far more channels than a conventional TV transmitter because each satellite is allocated a big slice of the electromagnetic spectrum at very high frequencies. With all new wireless technologies, finding room on the radio spectrum—a realm that ranges from waves many miles long to just a millimeter in length—is always a key issue, with conservation growing ever more important.

By century's end the move was toward a future known as high-definition television, or HDTV. The U.S. version, to be phased in over many years, will bring television sets whose digital signals can be electronically processed for superior performance and whose images are formed of more than a thousand scanned lines, yielding much higher resolution than the current 525-line standard. Meanwhile, TV's reach has extended far beyond our world. Television pictures, digitally encoded in radio waves, are streaming to Earth from space probes exploring planets and moons in the far precincts of the solar system. For this most distance dissolving of technologies, no limits are yet in sight.

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Radio and Television - Timeline

1900 Tesla granted a U.S. patents Nikola Tesla is granted a U.S. patent for a "system of transmitting electrical energy" and another patent for "an electrical transmitter"—both the products of his years of development in transmitting and receiving radio signals. These patents would be challenged and upheld (1903), reversed (1904), and finally restored (1943). 1901 Marconi picks up the first transatlantic radio signal Guglielmo Marconi, waiting at a wireless receiver in St. John’s, Newfoundland, picks up the first transatlantic radio signal, transmitted some 2,000 miles from a Marconi station in Cornwall, England. To send the signal—the three dots of the Morse letter "s"—Marconi’s engineers send a copper wire aerial skyward by hoisting it with a kite. Marconi builds a booming business using radio as a new way to send Morse code.

1904 Fleming invents the vacuum diode British engineer Sir John Ambrose Fleming invents the two-electrode radio rectifier; or vacuum diode, which he calls an oscillation valve. Based on Edison's lightbulbs, the valve reliably detects radio waves. Transcontinental telephone service becomes possible with Lee De Forest's 1907 patent of the triode, or three-element vacuum tube, which electronically amplifies signals.

1906 Christmas Eve 1906 program On Christmas Eve 1906 engineering professor Reginald Fessenden transmits a voice and music program in Massachusetts that is picked up as far away as Virginia.

1906 Audion Expanding on Fleming’s invention, American entrepreneur Lee De Forest puts a third wire, or grid, into a vacuum tube, creating a sensitive receiver. He calls his invention the "Audion." In later experiments he feeds the Audion output back into its grid and finds that this regenerative circuit can transmit signals.

1912 Radio signal amplifier devised Columbia University electrical engineering student Edwin Howard Armstrong devises a regenerative circuit for the triode that amplifies radio signals. By pushing the current to the highest level of amplification, he also discovers the key to continuous-wave transmission, which becomes the basis for amplitude modulation (AM) radio. In a long patent suit with Lee De Forest, whose three-element Audion was the basis for Armstrong’s work, the courts eventually decide in favor of De Forest, but the scientific community credits Armstrong as the inventor of the regenerative circuit.

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Radio and Television - Timeline

1917 Superheterodyne circuit While serving in the U.S. Army Signal Corps during World War I, Edwin Howard Armstrong invents the superheterodyne circuit, an eight-tube receiver that dramatically improves the reception of radio signals by reducing static and increasing selectivity and amplification. He files for a patent the following year.

1920 First scheduled commercial radio programmer Station KDKA in Pittsburgh becomes radio’s first scheduled commercial programmer with its broadcast of the Harding-Cox presidential election returns, transmitted at 100 watts from a wooden shack atop the Westinghouse Company’s East Pittsburgh plant. Throughout the broadcast KDKA intersperses the election returns and occasional music with a message: "Will anyone hearing this broadcast please communicate with us, as we are anxious to know how far the broadcast is reaching and how it is being received?"

1925 Televisor Scottish inventor John Logie Baird successfully transmits the first recognizable image—the head of a ventriloquist’s dummy—at a London department store, using a device he calls a Televisor. A mechanical system based on the spinning disk scanner developed in the 1880s by German scientist Paul Nipkow, it requires synchronization of the transmitter and receiver disks. The Televisor images, composed of 30 lines flashing 10 times per second, are so hard to watch they give viewers a headache. Charles F. Jenkins pioneers his mechanical wireless television system, radiovision, with a public transmission sent from a navy radio station across the Anacostia River to his office in downtown Washington, D.C. Jenkins’s radiovisor is a multitube radio set with a special scanning-drum attachment for receiving pictures—cloudy 40- to 48-line images projected on a six-inch-square mirror. Jenkins’s system, like Baird’s, broadcasts and receives sound and visual images separately. Three years later the Federal Radio Commission grants Charles Jenkins Laboratories the first license for an experimental television station.

1927 All-electronic television system Using his all-electronic television system, 21-year-old Utah farm boy and electronic prodigy Philo T. Farnsworth transmits images of a piece of glass painted black, with a center line scratched into the paint. The glass is positioned between a blindingly bright carbon arc lamp and Farnsworth’s "image dissector" cathode-ray camera tube. As viewers in the next room watch a cathode-ray tube receiver, someone turns the glass slide 90 degrees—and the line moves. The use of cathode-ray tubes to transmit and receive pictures—a concept first promoted by British lighting engineer A. Campbell Swinton—is the death knell for the mechanical rotating-disk scanner system.

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Radio and Television - Timeline

1928 Televisor system produces images in crude color John Logie Baird demonstrates,with the aid of two ventriloquist’s dummies, that his Televisor system can produce images in crude color by covering three sets of holes in his mechanical scanning disks with gels of the three primary colors. The results, as reported in 1929 following an experimental BBC broadcast, appear "as a soft-tone photograph illuminated by a reddish-orange light."

1929 Television camera and a cathode-ray tube receiver Vladimir Zworykin, who came to the United States from Russia in 1919, demonstrates the newest version of his iconoscope, a cathode-ray-based television camera that scans images electronically, and a cathode-ray tube receiver called the kinescope. The iconoscope, first developed in 1923, is similar to Philo Farnsworth’s "image dissector" camera tube invention, fueling the growing rivalry between the two inventors for the eventual title of "father of modern television."

1933 FM radio Edwin Howard Armstrong develops frequency modulation, or FM, radio as a solution to the static interference problem that plagues AM radio transmission, especially in summer when electrical storms are prevalent. Rather than increasing the strength or amplitude of his radio waves, Armstrong changes only the frequency on which they are transmitted. However, it will be several years before FM receivers come on the market.

1947 Transistor is invented The future of radio and television is forever changed when John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley of Bell Laboratories co-invent the transistor.

1950s Cathode-ray tube (CRT) for television monitors improved Engineers improve the rectangular cathode-ray tube (CRT) for television monitors, eliminating the need for rectangular "masks" over the round picture tubes of earlier monitors. The average price of a television set drops from $500 to $200.

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Radio and Television - Timeline

1953 RCA’s new system for commercial color adopted RCA beats out rival CBS when the National Television System Committee adopts RCA’s new system for commercial color TV broadcasting. CBS has pioneered color telecasting, but its system is incompatible with existing black-and-white TV monitors throughout the country.

1954 First coast-to-coast color television transmission The New Year’s Day Tournament of Roses in Pasadena, California, becomes the first coast-to-coast color television transmission, or "colorcast." The parade is broadcast by RCA’s NBC network to 21 specially equipped stations and is viewed on newly designed 12-inch RCA Victor receivers set up in selected public venues. Six weeks later NBC’s Camel News Caravan transmits in color, and the following summer the network launches its first color sitcom, The Marriage, starring Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy.

1954 First all-transistor radio Regency Electronics introduces the TR-1, the first all-transistor radio. It operates on a 22-volt battery and works as soon as it is switched on, unlike tube radios, which take several minutes to warm up. The TR-1 sells for $49.95; is available in six colors, including mandarin red, cloud gray and olive green; and is no larger than a package of cigarettes.

1958 Integrated circuit Jack S. Kilby of Texas Instruments and Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor, working independently, create the integrated circuit, a composite semiconductor block in which transistor, resistor, condenser, and other electrical components are manufactured together as one unit. Initially, the revolutionary invention is seen primarily as an advancement for radio and television, which together were then the nation’s largest electronics industry.

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Radio and Television - Timeline

1962 Telstar 1 Communications satellite Telstar 1 is launched by a NASA Delta rocket on July 10, transmitting the first live transatlantic telecast as well as telephone and data signals. At a cost of $6 million provided by AT&T, Bell Telephone Laboratories designs and builds Telstar, a faceted sphere 34 inches in diameter and weighing 171 pounds. The first international television broadcasts shows images of the American flag flying over Andover, Maine to the sound of "The Star-Spangled Banner." Later that day AT&T chairman Fred Kappel makes the first long-distance telephone call via satellite to Vice President Lyndon Johnson. Telstar I remains in orbit for seven months, relaying live baseball games, images from the Seattle World's Fair, and a presidential news conference.

1968 200 million television sets There are 200 million television sets in operation worldwide, up from 100 million in 1960. By 1979 the number reaches 300 million and by 1996 over a billion. In the United States the number grows from 1 million in 1948 to 78 million in 1968. In 1950 only 9 percent of American homes have a TV set; in 1962, 90 percent; and in 1978, 98 percent, with 78 percent owning a color TV.

1988 Sony "Watchman" Sony introduces the first in its "Watchman" series of handheld, battery-operated, transistorized television sets. Model FD-210, with its 1.75-inch screen, is the latest entry in a 30-year competition among manufacturers to produce tiny micro-televisions. The first transistorized TV, Philco’s 1959 Safari, stood 15 inches high and weighed 15 pounds.

1990 FCC sets a testing schedule for proposed all-digital HDTV system Following a demonstration by Phillips two years earlier of a high-definition TV (HDTV) system for satellite transmission, the Federal Communications Commission sets a testing schedule for a proposed all-digital HDTV system. Tests begin the next year, and in 1996 Zenith introduces the first HDTV-compatible front-projection television. Also in 1996, broadcasters, TV manufacturers, and PC makers set inter-industry standards for digital HDTV. By the end of the century, digital HDTV, which produces better picture and sound than analog television and can transmit more data faster, is on the verge of offering completely interactive TV.

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Agricultural MechanizationMuscles to Internal Combustion

When viewed across the span of the 20th century, the effect that mechanization has had on farm productivity—and on society itself—is profound. At the end of the 19th century it took, for example, 35 to 40 hours of planting and harvesting labor to produce 100 bushels of corn. A hundred years later producing the same amount of corn took only 2 hours and 45 minutes—and the farmers could ride in air-conditioned comfort, listening to music while they worked. And as fewer and fewer workers were needed on farms, much of the developed world has experienced a sea-change shift from rural to metropolitan living. Throughout most of its long history, agriculture—particularly the growing of crops—was a matter of human sweat and draft animal labor. Oxen, horses, and mules pulled plows to prepare the soil for seed and hauled wagons filled with the harvest—up to 20 percent of which went to feed the animals themselves. The rest of the chores required backbreaking manual labor: planting the seed; tilling, or cultivating, to keep down weeds; and ultimately reaping the harvest, itself a complex and arduous task of cutting, collecting, bundling, threshing, and loading. From early on people with an inventive flair—perhaps deserving the title of the first engineers—developed tools to ease farming burdens. Still, even as late as the 19th century, farming and hard labor remained virtually synonymous, and productivity hadn't shifted much across the centuries. At the turn of the 20th century the introduction of the internal combustion engine set the stage for dramatic changes. Right at the center of that stage was the tractor. It's not just a figure of speech to say that tractors drove the mechanization revolution. Tractors pulled plows. They hauled loads and livestock. Perhaps most importantly, tractors towed and powered the new planters, cultivators, reapers, pickers, threshers, combine harvesters, mowers, and balers that farm equipment companies kept coming out with every season. These vehicles ultimately became so useful and resourceful that farmers took to calling them simply GPs, for general purpose. But they weren't always so highly regarded. Early versions, powered by bulky steam engines, were behemoths, some weighing nearly 20 tons. Lumbering along on steel wheels, they were often mired in wet and muddy fields—practically worthless. Then in 1902 a pair of engineers named Charles Hart and Charles Parr introduced a tractor powered by an internal combustion engine that ran on gasoline. It was smaller and lighter than its steam-driven predecessors, could pull plows and operate threshing machines, and ran all day on a single tank of fuel. Hart and Parr's company was the first devoted exclusively to making tractors, a term they are also credited with introducing. Previously, tractors had been known as "traction engines."

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Agricultural MechanizationTractor Development

The Hart-Parr Model 3 tractor was a commercial success, prompting no less a businessman than Henry Ford to get into the picture. In 1917 he introduced the Fordson, weighing as little as one ton and advertised to sell for as little as $395. The Fordson soon ruled the tractor roost, accounting for 75 percent of the U.S. market share and 50 percent of the worldwide share. Nevertheless, the tractor business remained a competitive field, at least for a few decades, and competition helped foster innovations. Tractors themselves got smaller and more lightweight and were designed with a higher ground clearance, making them capable of such relatively refined tasks as hauling cultivating implements through a standing crop. Another early innovation, introduced by International Harvester in 1922, was the so-called power takeoff. This device consisted of a metal shaft that transmitted the engine power directly to a towed implement such as a reaper through a universal joint or similar mechanism; in other words, the implement "took off" power from the tractor engine. The John Deere Company followed in 1927 with a power lift that raised and lowered hitched implements at the end of each row—a time- and labor-saving breakthrough. Rubber tires designed for agricultural use came along in 1933, making it much easier for tractors to function even on the roughest, muddiest ground. And ever mindful of the power plant, engineers in the 1930s came up with diesel engines, which provided more power at a lower cost.

As tractor sales continued to climb—peaking in 1951, when some 800,000 tractors were sold in the United States—equally important developments were occurring on the other side of the hitch. Pulled and powered by tractors, an increasingly wide variety of farm implements were mechanizing just about every step in the crop-growing process, from the planting of seed to the harvesting of the final fruit. In the 1930s one particular type of machine—the combine—began to take its place beside the tractor as a must-have, especially for grain farmers. The combine had been a bold innovation when Hiram Moore developed the first marketable one in the 1830s. As its name indicated, it combined the two main tasks of grain harvesting: reaping, or cutting the stalks, and threshing, the process of separating the kernels of grain from the rest of the plant and then collecting the kernels. Early combines were pulled by large teams of horses and proved about as unwieldy as the first steam-powered tractors. But towed by the powerful new diesel tractors of the 1930s and taking their power off the tractors' engines, combines became the rage. They did it all: cutting, threshing, separating kernels from husks with blowers or vibrating sieves, filtering out straw, feeding the collected grain via conveyor belts to wagons or trucks driven alongside. This moving assembly line turned acre upon acre of waving amber fields into golden mountains of grain as if by magic.

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Agricultural MechanizationHarvesting Combines

The first self-propelled combine was developed in Australia in 1938, incorporating tractor and harvester in one, and improvements have been steady ever since. Today, the most impressive of these grain-handling machines can cut swaths more than 30 feet wide, track their own movements precisely through Global Positioning System satellites, and measure and analyze the harvest as they go. They are in no small measure responsible for a 600-fold increase in grain harvesting productivity.

The same basic combine design worked for all grain crops, but corn required a different approach. In 1900 corn was shucked by hand, the ears were thrown into a wagon, and the kernels were shelled by a mechanical device powered by horses. The first mechanical corn picker was introduced in 1909, and by the 1920s one- and two-row pickers powered by tractor engines were becoming popular. Massey-Harris brought the first self-propelled picker to the market in 1946, but the big breakthrough came in 1954, when a corn head attachment for combines became available, making it possible to shell corn in the field. The increase in productivity was dramatic. In 1900 one person could shuck about 100 bushels a day. By the end of the century, combines with eight-row heads could shuck and shell 100 bushels in less than 5 minutes!

The hay harvest also benefited from mechanization. In the 1930s mechanical hay balers were at work, but the process still required hand tying of the bales. In 1938 a man named Edwin Nolt invented a machine that automated bale tying, and the New Holland Manufacturing Company incorporated it into a pickup baler that it began marketing in 1941. As in the case of the combine, self-propelled versions soon followed.

Soon just about anything could be harvested mechanically. Pecans and other nuts are now gathered by machines that grab the trees and shake them, a method that also works for fruits such as cherries, oranges, lemons, and limes. Even tomatoes and grapes, which require delicate handling to avoid bruising, can be harvested mechanically, as can a diverse assortment of vegetables such as asparagus, radishes, cabbages, cucumbers, and peas.

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Agricultural MechanizationOther Advances

Mechanical engineering ingenuity found solutions for even more problematic crops—the worst of which was probably cotton. In the long history of cotton's cultivation, no one had come up with a better way to harvest this scraggly tenacious plant than the labor-intensive process of plucking it by hand. The cotton gin, invented in 1794 by Eli Whitney, mechanized the post-harvest process of extracting the cotton fibers from the seedpod, or boll, but no really successful efforts at mechanizing the picking of cotton occurred until the 1930s. In that decade, brothers John and Mack Rust of Texas demonstrated several different versions of a spindle picker, a device consisting of moistened rotating spindles that grabbed the cotton fibers from open bolls, leaving the rest of the plant intact; the fibers were then blown into hoppers. Spindle pickers produced cotton that was as clean as or cleaner than handpicked cotton; soon they replaced earlier stripper pickers, which stripped opened and unopened bolls alike, leaving a lot of trash in with the fibers. The Rust brothers' designs had one shortcoming: They couldn't be mass produced on an assembly line. Thus credit goes to International Harvester for developing the first commercially viable spindle picker in 1943, known affectionately as Old Red.

Whatever their nature, one thing all crops need is water, and here again the effect of mechanization has been profound. At the beginning of the 20th century, only about 16 million acres of land in the United States were irrigated, typically by intricate networks of gated channels that fed water down crop rows. Most farmers still depended almost exclusively on rain falling directly on their fields. Then in the 1940s a tenant farmer and sometime inventor from eastern Colorado named Frank Zybach devised something better—a system that consists of sprinklers attached to a pipe that runs from a hub out to a motorized tower on wheels. As the tower moves, the sprinkler pipe rotates around the hub, irrigating the field in a grand circular sweep. Now known as center pivot irrigation, Zybach's system was patented in 1952 as the Self-Propelled Sprinkling Irrigating Apparatus. Along with other mechanized systems, it has almost quadrupled irrigated acreage in the United States and has also been used to apply both fertilizers and pesticides.

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Agricultural MechanizationOther Advances

Mechanization has come to the aid of another critical aspect of agriculture—namely, soil conservation. An approach known as conservation tillage has greatly reduced, or even eliminated, traditional plowing, which can cause soil erosion and loss of nutrients and precious moisture. Conservation tillage includes the use of sweep plows, which undercut wheat stubble but leave it in place above ground to help restrict soil erosion by wind and to conserve moisture. The till plant system is another conservation-oriented approach. Corn stalks are left in place to reduce erosion and loss of moisture, and at planting time the next year the row is opened up, the seeds are planted, and the stalks are turned over beside the row, to be covered up by cultivation. This helps conserve farmland by feeding nutrients back into the soil.

As the century unfolded, everything about farming was changing—not the least its fundamental demographics. In 1900 farmers made up 38 percent of the U.S. labor force; by the end of the century they represented less than 3 percent. With machines doing most of the work, millions of farmers and farm laborers had to look elsewhere for a living—a displacement that helped fuel booms in the manufacturing and service industries, especially after World War II. It also fueled a dramatic shift in the entire culture, as metropolitan and suburban America began to replace the rural way of life. Although some may lament the passing of the agrarian way of life, in much of the developing world these transformations represent hope. The many ways in which agriculture has been changed by engineering—from new methods for land and resource management to more efficient planting and harvesting to the development of better crop varieties—offer the potential solution to the endemic problems of food shortage and economic stagnation.

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Agricultural MechanizationTimeline

In 1900 farmers represented 38 percent of the U.S. labor force. By the end of the century that number had plunged to 3 percent—dramatic evidence of the revolution in agriculture brought about by mechanization. Beginning with the internal combustion engine and moving on to rubber tires that kept machinery from sinking in muddy soil, mechanization also improved the farm implements designed for planting, harvesting, and reaping. The advent of the combine, for example, introduced an economically efficient way to harvest and separate grain. As the century closed, "precision agriculture" became the practice, combining the farmer's down-to-earth know-how with space-based technology.

1902 First U.S. factory for tractors driven by an internal combustion engine Charles Hart and Charles Parr establish the first U.S. factory devoted to manufacturing a traction engine powered by an internal combustion engine. Smaller and lighter than its steam-driven predecessors, it runs all day on one tank of fuel. Hart and Parr are credited with coining the term "tractor" for the traction engine.

1904 First crawler tractor with tracks rather than wheels Benjamin Holt, a California manufacturer of agricultural equipment, develops the first successful crawler tractor, equipped with a pair of tracks rather than wheels. Dubbed the "caterpillar" tread, the tracks help keep heavy tractors from sinking in soft soil and are the inspiration for the first military tanks. The 1904 version is powered by steam; a gasoline engine is incorporated in 1906. The Caterpillar Tractor Company is formed in 1925, in a merger of the Holt Manufacturing Company and its rival, the C. L. Best Gas Traction Company.

1905 First agricultural engineering curriculum at Iowa State College Jay Brownlee Davidson designs the first professional agricultural engineering curriculum at then-Iowa State College. Courses include agricultural machines; agricultural power sources, with an emphasis on design and operation of steam tractors; farm building design; rural road construction; and field drainage. Davidson also becomes the first president of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers in 1907, leading agricultural mechanization missions to the Soviet Union and China.

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Agricultural MechanizationTimeline

1917 Fordson tractor sells for $395 Henry Ford & Son Corporation—a spinoff of the Ford Motor Company— begins production of the Fordson tractor. Originally called the "automobile plow" and designed to work 10- to 12-acre fields, it costs as little as $395 and soon accounts for 50 percent of the worldwide market for tractors.

1918 American Harvestor manufactures the Ronning Harvestor American Harvester Company of Minneapolis begins manufacturing the horse-drawn Ronning Harvester, a corn silage harvester patented in 1915 by Minnesota farmers Andrean and Adolph Ronning. The Ronning machine uses and improves a harvester developed three years earlier by South Dakotan Joseph Weigel. The first field corn silage harvester was patented in 1892 by Iowan Charles C. Fenno.

1921 First major aerial dusting of crops U.S. Army pilots and Ohio entomologists conduct the first major aerial dusting of crops, spraying arsenate of lead over 6 acres of catalpa trees in Troy to control the sphinx caterpillar. Stricter regulations on pesticides and herbicides go into effect in the 1960s.

1922 International Harvester introduces a power takeoff International Harvester introduces a power takeoff feature, a device that allows power from a tractor engine to be transmitted to attached harvesting equipment. This innovation is part of the company’s signature Farmall tractor in 1924. The Farmall features a tricycle design with a high-clearance rear axle and closely spaced front wheels that run between crop rows. The four-cylinder tractor can also be mounted with a cultivator guided by the steering wheel.

1931 Caterpillar manufactures a crawler tractor with a diesel engine Caterpillar manufactures a crawler tractor with a diesel engine, which offers more power, reliability, and fuel efficiency than those using low-octane gasoline. Four years later International Harvester introduces a diesel engine for wheeled tractors. Several decades later diesel fuel would still be used for agricultural machinery.

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Agricultural MechanizationTimeline

1932 Rubber wheels improve the tractor An Allis-Chalmers Model U tractor belonging to Albert Schroeder of Waukesha, Wisconsin, is outfitted with a pair of Firestone 48X12 airplane tires in place of lugged steel wheels. Tests by the University of Nebraska Tractor Test Laboratory find that rubber wheels result in a 25 percent improvement in fuel economy. Rubber wheels also mean smoother, faster driving with less wear and tear on tractor parts and the driver. Minneapolis Marine Power Implement Company even markets a "Comfort Tractor" with road speeds up to 40 mph, making it usable on public roads or haulinggrain or transporting equipment.

1932 First pickup baler manufactured The Ann Arbor Machine Company of Shelbyville, IIlinois, manufactures the first pickup baler, based on a 1929 design by Raymond McDonald. Six years later Edwin Nolt develops and markets a self-tying pickup baler. The baler, attached to a tractor, picks up cut hay in the field, shapes it into a 16-18-inch bale, and knots the twine that hold the bale secure. Self-propelled hay balers soon follow.

1933 Hydraulic draft control system developed Irish mechanic Harry Ferguson develops a tractor that incorporates his innovative hydraulic draft control system, which raises and lowers attached implements—such as tillers, mowers, post-hole diggers, and plows—and automatically sets their needed depth. The David Brown Company in England is the first to build the tractor, but Ferguson also demonstrates it to Henry Ford in the United States. With a handshake agreement, Ford manufactures Ferguson’s tractor and implements from 1939 to 1948. A few years later Ferguson’s company merges with Canadian company Massey-Harris to form Massey-Ferguson.

1935 First research on conservation tillage Agronomists Frank Duley and Jouette Russell at the University of Nebraska, along with other scientists with the U.S. Soil Conservation Service, being the first research on conservation tillage. The practice involves various methods of tilling the soil, with stubble mulch and different types of plows and discs, to control wind erosion and manage crop residue. This technology is common on farms by the early 1960s.

1935 Rural Electrification Administration bring electricity to many farmers President Roosevelt issues an executive order to create the Rural Electrification Administration (REA), which forms cooperatives that bring electricity to millions of rural Americans. Within 6 years the REA has aided the formation of 800 rural electric cooperatives with 350,000 miles of power lines.

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Agricultural MechanizationTimeline

1938 First self-propelled combine In Australia, Massey-Harris introduces the first self-propelled combine—a thresher and reaper in a single machine—not drawn by a tractor or horse. Welcomed because it replaces the labor-intensive binder, handshocking, and threshing, the new combine becomes increasingly popular. By the end of the century, single-driver combines feature air-conditioned cabins that are lightly pressurized to keep out dirt and debris.

1943 First commercially viable mechanical spindle cotton picker International Harvester builds "Old Red," the first commercially viable mechanical spindle cotton picker, invented and tested by Texans John and Mack Rust beginning in 1927. The spindle picker features moistened rotating spindles that grab cotton fibers from open bolls while leaving the plant intact. The cotton fibers are then blown into waiting hoppers, free of debris.

1948 Center pivot irrigation machine invented Colorado farmer Frank Zybach invents the center pivot irrigation machine, which revolutionizes irrigation technology. The system consists of sprinklers attached to arms that radiate from a water-filled hub out to motorized wheeled towers in the field. Zybach is awarded a patent in 1952 for the "Self- Propelled Sprinkling Irrigating Apparatus."

1954 Corn head attachments for combines are introduced The John Deere and International Harvester companies introduce corn head attachments for their combines. This attachment rapidly replaces the self-propelled corn picker, which picked the corn and stripped off its husk. The corn head attachment also shells the ears in the field. The attachment allows a farmer to use just one combine, harvesting other grain crops in the summer and corn in the fall.

1956 The Gyral air seeder is patented The Gyral air seeder, which plants seeds through a pneumatic delivery system, is patented in Australia. The technology eventually evolves into large multirow machines with a trailing seed tank and often a second tank holding fertilizers.

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Agricultural MechanizationTimeline

1966 Electronic monitoring devices allow farmers to plant crops more efficiently The DICKEY-john Manufacturing Company introduces electronic monitoring devices for farmers that allow them to plant crops more efficiently. Attached to mechanical planters and air seeders, the devices monitor the number and spacing of seeds being planted. The newest devices monitor the planting of up to 96 rows at a time. During the 1990s, similar devices are used at harvest time for yield mapping, or measuring and displaying the quality and quantity of a harvest as the combine moves through the field.

1994 Farmers begin using Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers Ushering in the new "precision agriculture," farmers begin using Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers to record precise locations on their farms to determine which areas need particular quantities of water, fertilizer, and pesticides. The information can be stored on a card and transferred to a home computer. Farmers can now combine such data with yield information, weather forecasts, and soil analysis to create spreadsheets. These tools enable even greater efficiency in food production.

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The machine depicted on the cover of the January 1975 issue of Popular Electronics magazine sounded impressive—"World's First Minicomputer Kit to Rival Commercial Models"—and at a price of $397 for the parts, it seemed like quite a bargain. In truth, the Altair 8800 was not a minicomputer, a term normally reserved for machines many times as powerful. Nor was it easy to use. Programming had to be done by adjusting toggle switches, the memory held a meager 256 bytes of data, and output took the form of patterns of flashing lights.

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Computers - Binary Computer

Even so, this was an authentic general-purpose digital computer, a device traditionally associated with air-conditioned sanctums and operation by a technical elite. The Altair's maker, counting on the curiosity of electronics hobbyists, hoped to sell a few hundred. Instead, orders poured in by the thousands, signaling an appetite that, by the end of the century, would put tens of millions of personal computers in homes, offices, and schools around the world. Once again, the greatest productivity tool ever invented would wildly outstrip all expectations.

When the programmable digital computer was born shortly before mid-century, there was little reason to expect that it would someday be used to write letters, keep track of supermarket inventories, run financial networks, make medical diagnoses, help design automobiles, play games, deliver e-mail and photographs across the Internet, orchestrate battles, guide humans to the moon, create special effects for movies, or teach a novice to type. In the dawn years its sole purpose was to reduce mathematical drudgery, and its value for even that role was less than compelling. One of the first of the breed was the Harvard Mark I, conceived in the late 1930s by Harvard mathematician Howard Aiken and built by IBM during World War II to solve difficult ballistics problems. The Mark I was 51 feet long and 8 feet high, had 750,000 parts and 500 miles of wiring, and was fed data in the form of punched cards—an input method used for tabulating equipment since the late 19th century. This enormous machine could do just three additions or subtractions a second.

A route to far greater speeds was at hand, however. It involved basing a computer's processes on the binary numbering system, which uses only zeros and ones instead of the 10 digits of the decimal system. In the mid- 19th century the British mathematician George Boole devised a form of algebra that encoded logic in terms of two states—true or false, yes or no, one or zero. If expressed that way, practically any mathematical or logical problem could be solved by just three basic operations, dubbed "and," "or," and "not." During the late 1930s several researchers realized that Boole's operations could be given physical form as arrangements of switches—a switch being a two-state device, on or off. Claude Shannon, a mathematician and engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), spelled this out in a masterful paper in 1938. At about the time Shannon was working on his paper, George Stibitz of AT&T's Bell Laboratories built such a device, using strips of tin can, flashlight bulbs, and surplus relays. The K-Model, as Stibitz called it (for kitchen table), could add two bits and display the result. In 1939, John Atanasoff, a physicist at Iowa State College, also constructed a rudimentary binary machine, and unknown to them all, a German engineer named Konrad Zuse created a fully functional general-purpose binary computer (the Z3) in 1941, only to see further progress thwarted by Hitler's lack of interest in long-term scientific research.

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Computers - EDVAC

The switches used in most early computers were electromechanical relays, developed for the telephone system, but they soon gave way to vacuum tubes, which could turn an electric current on or off much more quickly. The first large-scale, all-electronic computer, ENIAC, took shape late in the war at the University of Pennsylvania's Moore School of Electrical Engineering under the guidance of John Mauchly and John Presper Eckert. Like the Mark I, it was huge—30 tons, 150 feet wide, with 20 banks of flashing lights—and it too was intended for ballistics calculations, but ENIAC could process numbers a thousand times faster. Even before it was finished, Mauchly and Eckert were making plans for a successor machine called EDVAC, conceived with versatility in mind.

Although previous computers could shift from one sort of job to another if given new instructions, this was a tedious process that might involve adjusting hundreds of controls or unplugging and replugging a forest of wires. EDVAC, by contrast, was designed to receive its instructions electronically; moreover, the program, coded in zeros and ones, would be kept in the same place that held the numbers the computer would be processing. This approach—letting a program treat its own instructions as data—offered huge advantages. It would accelerate the work of the computer, simplify its circuitry, and make possible much more ambitious programming. The stored-program idea spread rapidly, gaining impetus from a lucid description by one of the most famous mathematicians in the world, John von Neumann, who had taken an interest in EDVAC.

Building such a machine posed considerable engineering challenges, and EDVAC would not be the first to clear the hurdles. That honor was claimed in the spring of 1949 by a 3,000-tube stored-program computer dubbed EDSAC, the creation of British mathematical engineer Maurice Wilkes, of Cambridge University.

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Computers - UNIVAC

Meanwhile, Eckert and Mauchly had left the Moore School and established a company to push computing into the realm of commerce. The product they envisioned, a 5,000-tube machine called UNIVAC, had a breakthrough feature—storing data on magnetic tape rather than by such unwieldy methods as punched cards. Although a few corporate customers were lined up in advance, development costs ran so high that the two men had to sell their company to the big office equipment maker Remington Rand. Their design proved a marketplace winner, however. Completed in 1951, UNIVAC was rugged, reliable, and able to perform almost 2,000 calculations per second. Its powers were put to a highly public test during the 1952 presidential election, when CBS gave UNIVAC the job of forecasting the outcome from partial voting returns. Early in the evening the computer (represented by a fake bank of blinking lights in the CBS studio) projected a landslide victory by Dwight Eisenhower over Adlai Stevenson. The prediction was made in such unequivocal terms that UNIVAC's operators grew nervous and altered the program to produce a closer result. They later confessed that the initial projection of electoral votes had been right on the mark.

By then several dozen other companies had jumped into the field. The most formidable was International Business Machines (IBM), a leading supplier of office equipment since early in the century. With its deep knowledge of corporate needs and its peerless sales force, IBM soon eclipsed all rivals. Other computer makers often expected customers to write their own applications programs, but IBM was happy to supply software for invoicing, payroll, production forecasts, and other standard corporate tasks. In time the company created extensive suites of software for such business sectors as banking, retailing, and insurance. Most competitors lacked the resources and revenue to keep pace.

Some of the computer projects taken on by IBM were gargantuan in scope. During the 1950s the company had as many as 8,000 employees laboring to computerize the U.S. air defense system. The project, known as SAGE and based on developmental work done at MIT's Lincoln Laboratory, called for a network of 23 powerful computers to process radar information from ships, planes, and ground stations while also analyzing weather, tracking weapons availability, and monitoring a variety of other matters. Each computer had 49,000 tubes and weighed 240 tons—the biggest ever built.

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Computers - Applications

Almost as complex was an airline reservation system, called SABRE, that IBM created for American Airlines in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Using a million lines of program code and two big computers, it linked agents in 50 cities and could handle millions of transactions a year, processing them at the rate of one every 3 seconds. But writing the software for SAGE or SABRE was child's play compared to what IBM went through in the 1960s when it decided to overhaul its increasingly fragmented product line and make future machines compatible—alike in how they read programs, processed data, and dealt with input and output devices. Compatibility required an all-purpose operating system, the software that manages a computer's basic procedures, and it had to be written from scratch. That job took about 5,000 person-years of work and roughly half a billion dollars, but the money was well spent. The new product line, known as System/360, was a smash hit, in good part because it gave customers unprecedented freedom in mixing and matching equipment.

By the early 1970s technology was racing to keep up with the thirst for electronic brainpower in corporations, universities, government agencies, and other such big traffickers in data. Vacuum-tube switches had given way a decade earlier to smaller, cooler, less power-hungry transistors, and now the transistors, along with other electronic components, were being packed together in ever-increasing numbers on silicon chips. In addition to their processing roles, these chips were becoming the technology of choice for memory, the staging area where data and instructions are shuttled in and out of the computer—a job long done by arrays of tiny ferrite doughnuts that registered data magnetically. Storage—the part of a computing system where programs and data are kept in readiness-had gone through punched card, magnetic tape, and magnetic drum phases; now high-speed magnetic disks ruled. High-level programming languages such as FORTRAN (for science applications), COBOL (for business), and BASIC (for beginners) allowed software to be written in English-like commands rather than the abstruse codes of the early days.

Some computer makers specialized in selling prodigiously powerful machines to such customers as nuclear research facilities or aerospace manufacturers. A category called supercomputers was pioneered in the mid-1960s by Control Data Corporation, whose chief engineer, Seymour Cray, designed the CDC 6600, a 350,000-transistor machine that could execute 3 million instructions per second. The price: $6 million. At the opposite end of the scale, below big mainframe machines like those made by IBM, were minicomputers, swift enough for many scientific or engineering applications but at a cost of tens of thousands rather than hundreds of thousands of dollars. Their development was spearheaded by Kenneth Olsen, an electrical engineer who cofounded Digital Equipment Corporation and had close ties to MIT.

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Computers - Personal Computers

Then, with the arrival of the humble Altair in 1975, the scale suddenly plunged to a level never imagined by industry leaders. What made such a compact, affordable machine possible was the microprocessor, which concentrated all of a computer's arithmetical and logical functions on a single chip—a feat first achieved by an engineer named Ted Hoff at Intel Corporation in 1971. After the Intel 8080 microprocessor was chosen for the Altair, two young computer buffs from Seattle, Bill Gates and Paul Allen, won the job of writing software that would allow it to be programmed in BASIC. By the end of the century the company they formed for that project, Microsoft, had annual sales greater than many national economies.

Nowhere was interest in personal computing more intense than in the vicinity of Palo Alto, California, a place known as Silicon Valley because of the presence of many big semiconductor firms. Electronics hobbyists abounded there, and two of them—Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak—turned their tinkering into a highly appealing consumer product: the Apple II, a plastic-encased computer with a keyboard, screen, and cassette tape for storage. It arrived on the market in 1977, described in its advertising copy as "the home computer that's ready to work, play, and grow with you." Few packaged programs were available at first, but they soon arrived from many quarters. Among them were three kinds of applications that made this desktop device a truly valuable tool for business—word processing, spreadsheets, and databases. The market for personal computers exploded, especially after IBM weighed in with a product in 1981. Its offering used an operating system from Microsoft, MS-DOS, which was quickly adopted by other manufacturers, allowing any given program to run on a wide variety of machines.

The next 2 decades saw computer technology rocketing ahead on every front. Chips doubled in density almost annually, while memory and storage expanded by leaps and bounds. Hardware like the mouse made the computer easier to control; operating systems allowed the screen to be divided into independently managed windows; applications programs steadily widened the range of what computers could do; and processors were lashed together—thousands of them in some cases-in order to solve pieces of a problem in parallel. Meanwhile, new communications standards enabled computers to be joined in private networks or the incomprehensibly intricate global weave of the Internet.

Where it all will lead is unknowable, but the rate of advance is almost certain to be breathtaking. When the Mark I went to work calculating ballistics tables back in 1943, it was described as a "robot superbrain" because of its ability to multiply a pair of 23-digit numbers in 3 seconds. Today, some of its descendants need just 1 second to perform several hundred trillion mathematical operations—a performance that, in a few years, will no doubt seem slow.

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Computers - Timeline

1936 "A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits" Electrical engineer and mathematician Claude Shannon, in his master’s thesis, "A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits," uses Boolean algebra to establish a working model for digital circuits. This paper, as well as later research by Shannon, lays the groundwork for the future telecommunications and computer industries.

1939 First binary digital computers are developed The first binary digital computers are developed. Bell Labs’s George Stibitz designs the Complex Number Calculator, which performs mathematical operations in binary form using on-off relays, and finds the quotient of two 8-digit numbers in 30 seconds. In Germany, Konrad Zuse develops the first programmable calculator, the Z2, using binary numbers and Boolean algebra—programmed with punched tape.

1939 Atanasoff-Berry Computer, the first electronic computer John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry at Iowa State College design the first electronic computer. The obscure project, called the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC), incorporates binary arithmetic and electronic switching. Before the computer is perfected, Atanasoff is recruited by the Naval Ordnance Laboratory and never resumes its research and development. However, in the summer of 1941, at Atanasoff’s invitation, computer pioneer John Mauchly of the University of Pennsylvania, visits Atanasoff in Iowa and sees the ABC demonstrated.

1943 First vacuum-tube programmable logic calculator Colossus, the world’s first vacuum-tube programmable logic calculator, is built in Britain for the purpose of breaking Nazi codes. On average, Colossus deciphers a coded message in two hours.

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Computers - Timeline

1945 Specifications of a stored-program computer Two mathematicians, Briton Alan Turing and Hungarian John von Neumann, work independently on the specifications of a stored-program computer. Von Neumann writes a document describing a computer on which data and programs can be stored. Turing publishes a paper on an Automatic Computing Engine, based on the principles of speed and memory.

1946 First electronic computer put into operation The first electronic computer put into operation is developed late in World War II by John Mauchly and John Presper Eckert at the University of Pennsylvania’s Moore School of Electrical Engineering. The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), used for ballistics computations, weighs 30 tons and includes 18,000 vacuum tubes, 6,000 switches, and 1,500 relays.

1947 Transistor is invented John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, and William B. Shockley of Bell Telephone Laboratories invent the transistor.

1949 First stored-program compute is built The Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator (EDSAC), the first stored-program computer, is built and programmed by British mathematical engineer Maurice Wilkes.

1951 First computer designed for U.S. business Eckert and Mauchly, now with their own company (later sold to Remington Rand), design UNIVAC (UNIVersal Automatic Computer)—the first computer for U.S. business. Its breakthrough feature: magnetic tape storage to replace punched cards. First developed for the Bureau of the Census to aid in census data collection, UNIVAC passes a highly public test by correctly predicting Dwight Eisenhower’s victory over Adlai Stevenson in the 1952 presidential race. But months before UNIVAC is completed, the British firm J. Lyons & Company unveils the first computer for business use, the LEO (Lyons Electronic Office), which eventually calculated the company’s weekly payroll.

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Computers - Timeline

1952 First computer compiler Grace Murray Hopper, a senior mathematician at Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation and a programmer for Harvard’s Mark I computer, develops the first computer compiler, a program that translates computer instructions from English into machine language. She later creates Flow-Matic, the first programming language to use English words and the key influence for COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language). Attaining the rank of rear admiral in a navy career that brackets her work at Harvard and Eckert-Mauchly, Hopper eventually becomes the driving force behind many advanced automated programming technologies.

1955 First disk drive for random-access storage of data IBM engineers led by Reynold Johnson design the first disk drive for random-access storage of data, offering more surface area for magnetization and storage than earlier drums. In later drives a protective "boundary layer" of air between the heads and the disk surface would be provided by the spinning disk itself. The Model 305 Disk Storage unit, later called the Random Access Method of Accounting and Control, is released in 1956 with a stack of fifty 24-inch aluminum disks storing 5 million bytes of data.

1957 FORTRAN becomes commercially available FORTRAN (for FORmula TRANslation), a high-level programming language developed by an IBM team led by John Backus, becomes commercially available. FORTRAN is a way to express scientific and mathematical computations with a programming language similar to mathematical formulas. Backus and his team claim that the FORTRAN compiler produces machine code as efficient as any produced directly by a human programmer. Other programming languages quickly follow, including ALGOL, intended as a universal computer language, in 1958 and COBOL in 1959. ALGOL has a profound impact on future languages such as Simula (the first object-oriented programming language), Pascal, and C/C++. FORTRAN becomes the standard language for scientific computer applications, and COBOL is developed by the U.S. government to standardize its commercial application programs. Both dominate the computer-language world for the next 2 decades.

1958 Integrated circuit invented Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments and Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor independently invent the integrated circuit. (see Electronics.)

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Computers - Timeline

1960 Digital Equipment Corporation introduces the "compact" PDP-1 Digital Equipment Corporation introduces the "compact" PDP-1 for the science and engineering market. Not including software or peripherals, the system costs $125,000, fits in a corner of a room, and doesn’t require air conditioning. Operated by one person, it features a cathode-ray tube display and a light pen. In 1962 at MIT a PDP-1 becomes the first computer to run a video game when Steve Russell programs it to play "Spacewar." The PDP-8, released 5 years later, is the first computer to fully use integrated circuits.

1964 BASIC Dartmouth professors John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz develop the BASIC (Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) programming language specifically for the school's new timesharing computer system. Designed for non-computer-science students, it is easier to use than FORTRAN. Other schools and universities adopt it, and computer manufacturers begin to provide BASIC translators with their systems.

1968 Computer mouse makes its public debut The computer mouse makes its public debut during a demonstration at a computer conference in San Francisco. Its inventor, Douglas Engelbart of the Stanford Research Institute, also demonstrates other user-friendly technologies such as hypermedia with object linking and addressing. Engelbart receives a patent for the mouse 2 years later.

1970 Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) Xerox Corporation assembles a team of researchers in information and physical sciences in Palo Alto, California, with the goal of creating "the architecture of information." Over the next 30 years innovations emerging from the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) include the concept of windows (1972), the first real personal computer (Alto in 1973), laser printers (1973), the concept of WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) word processors (1974), and EtherNet (1974). In 2002 Xerox PARC incorporates as an independent company—Palo Alto Research Center, Inc.

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Computers - Timeline

1975 First home computer is marketed to hobbyists The Altair 8800, widely considered the first home computer, is marketed to hobbyists by Micro Instrumentation Telemetry Systems. The build-it-yourself kit doesn’t have a keyboard, monitor, or its own programming language; data are input with a series of switches and lights. But it includes an Intel microprocessor and costs less than $400. Seizing an opportunity, fledgling entrepreneurs Bill Gates and Paul Allen propose writing a version of BASIC for the new computer. They start the project by forming a partnership called Microsoft.

1977 Apple II is released Apple Computer, founded by electronics hobbyists Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, releases the Apple II, a desktop personal computer for the mass market that features a keyboard, video monitor, mouse, and random-access memory (RAM) that can be expanded by the user. Independent software manufacturers begin to create applications for it.

1979 First laptop computer is designed What is thought to be the first laptop computer is designed by William Moggridge of GRiD Systems Corporation in England. The GRiD Compass 1109 has 340 kilobytes of bubble memory and a folding electroluminescent display screen in a magnesium case. Used by NASA in the early 1980s for its shuttle program, the "portable computer" is patented by GriD in 1982.

1979 First commercially successful business application Harvard MBA student Daniel Bricklin and programmer Bob Frankston launch the VisiCalc spreadsheet for the Apple II, a program that helps drive sales of the personal computer and becomes its first commercially successful business application. VisiCalc owns the spreadsheet market for nearly a decade before being eclipsed by Lotus 1-2-3, a spreadsheet program designed by a former VisiCalc employee.

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Computers - Timeline

1981 IBM Personal Computer released IBM introduces the IBM Personal Computer with an Intel 8088 microprocessor and an operating system—MS-DOS—designed by Microsoft. Fully equipped with 64 kilobytes of memory and a floppy disk drive, it costs under $3,000.

1984 Macintosh is introduced Apple introduces the Macintosh, a low-cost, plug-and-play personal computer whose central processor fits on a single circuit board. Although it doesn’t offer enough power for business applications, its easy-to-use graphic interface finds fans in education and publishing.

1984 CD-ROM introduced Phillips and Sony combine efforts to introduce the CD-ROM (compact disc read-only memory), patented in 1970 by James T. Russell. With the advent of the CD, data storage and retrieval shift from magnetic to optical technology. The CD can store more than 300,000 pages worth of information—more than the capacity of 450 floppy disks—meaning it can hold digital text, video, and audio files. Advances in the 1990s allow users not only to read prerecorded CDs but also to download, write, and record information onto their own disks.

1985 Windows 1.0 is released Microsoft releases Windows 1.0, operating system software that features a Macintosh-like graphical user interface (GUI) with drop-down menus, windows, and mouse support. Because the program runs slowly on available PCs, most users stick to MS-DOS. Higher-powered microprocessors beginning in the late 1980s make the next attempts—Windows 3.0 and Windows 95—more successful.

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Computers - Timeline

1991 World Wide Web The World Wide Web becomes available to the general public (see Internet).

1992 Personal digital assistant Apple chairman John Sculley coins the term "personal digital assistant" to refer to handheld computers. One of the first on the market is Apple’s Newton, which has a liquid crystal display operated with a stylus. The more successful Palm Pilot is released by 3Com in 1996.

1999 Palm VII connected organizer Responding to a more mobile workforce, handheld computer technology leaps forward with the Palm VII connected organizer, the combination of a computer with 2 megabytes of RAM and a port for a wireless phone. At less than $600, the computer weighs 6.7 ounces and operates for up to 3 weeks on two AAA batteries. Later versions offer 8 megabytes of RAM, Internet connectivity, and color screens for less than $500.

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Telephone -

"The telephone," wrote Alexander Graham Bell in an 1877 prospectus drumming up support for his new invention, "may be briefly described as an electrical contrivance for reproducing in distant places the tones and articulations of a speaker's voice." As for connecting one such contrivance to another, he suggested possibilities that admittedly sounded utopian: "It is conceivable that cables of telephone wires could be laid underground, or suspended overhead, communicating by branch wires with private dwellings, country houses, shops, manufactories, etc."

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Telephone - The Idea

It was indeed conceivable. The enterprise he helped launch that year—the forerunner of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company—would grow into one of the biggest corporations ever seen. At its peak in the early 1980s, just before it was split apart to settle an antitrust suit by the Justice Department, AT&T owned and operated hundreds of billions of dollars worth of equipment, harvested annual revenues amounting to almost 2 percent of the gross domestic product of the United States, and employed about a million people. AT&T's breakup altered the business landscape drastically, but the telephone's primacy in personal communications has only deepened since then, with technology giving Bell's invention a host of new powers.

Linked not just by wires but also by microwaves, communications satellites, optical fibers, networks of cellular towers, and computerized switching systems that can connect any two callers on the planet almost instantaneously, the telephone now mediates billions of distance—dissolving conversations every day-eight per person, on average, in the United States. As Bell foresaw in his prospectus, it is "utilized for nearly every purpose for which speech is employed," from idle chat to emergency calls. In addition, streams of digital data such as text messages and pictures now often travel the same routes as talk. Modern life and the telephone are inextricably intertwined.

At the outset, people weren't quite sure how to use this newfangled device, but they knew they wanted one—or more accurately, two, because telephones were initially sold in pairs. (The first customer, a Boston banker, leased a pair for his office and home, plus a private line to join them.) Telephony quickly found a more flexible form, however. The year 1878 saw the creation of the first commercial exchange, a manual switching device that could form pathways between any of 21 subscribers. Soon that exchange was handling 50 subscribers, and bigger exchanges, with operators handling a maze of plugs and cords to open and close circuits, quickly began popping up in communities all across America. Although the Bell system would stick with operators and plugboards for a while, an automated switchboard became available in the 1890s, invented by an Indiana undertaker named Almon Strowger, who suspected that local telephone operators were favoring his competitors. His apparatus made a connection when a caller pressed two buttons on a telephone a certain number of times to specify the other party. Soon, a 10-digit dialing wheel replaced the buttons, and it would hold sway until Touch-Tone dialing—a faster method that expressed numbers as combinations of two single—frequency tones-arrived on the scene in the 1960s.

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Telephone - Early Years

At the start of the 20th century, many basic features of telephone technology were in place. By then, the human voice was captured by a method that would remain standard for many decades: In the microphone, sound waves pressed carbon granules together, changing their electrical resistance and imposing an analogous pattern of variations on a current passing through them. The signal was carried by a pair of copper wires rather than the single iron or steel wire of the dawn years. Copper's electrical resistance was only a tenth as much, and random noise was dramatically reduced by using two wires instead of completing the circuit through the ground, as telegraphy did. In cities, unsightly webs of wires were minimized by gathering lines in lead pipes about 2 inches in diameter. The early cables, as such bundles were called, held a few dozen pairs; by 1940 about 2,000 could be packed into the pipe.

As other countries caught the telephone contagion, their governments frequently claimed ownership, but the private enterprise model prevailed in the United States, and a multitude of competitors leaped into the business as the original Bell patents expired. At the turn of the 20th century, the Bell system accounted for 856,000 phones, and the so-called independents had 600,000. Corporate warfare raged, with AT&T buying up as many of the upstarts as possible and attempting to derail the rest by refusing to connect their lines to its system. Two decades later AT&T secured its supremacy when the U.S. Senate declared it a "natural monopoly"—one that would have to accept tight governmental regulation.

During these years, all the contenders experimented with sales gimmicks such as wake-up calls and telephone-delivered sermons. Price was a major marketing issue, of course, and it dropped steadily. At the beginning of the century, the Bell system charged $99 per thousand calls in New York City; by the early 1920s a flat monthly residential rate of $3 was typical. As the habit of talking at a distance spread, some social commentators worried that community ties and old forms of civility were fraying, but the telephone had unstoppable momentum. By 1920 more than a third of all U.S. households were connected. Most had party lines, which generally put two to four households on the same circuit and signaled them with distinctive rings. Phone company publications urged party line customers to keep calls brief and not to eavesdrop on their neighbors, but such rules were often honored only in the breach.

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Telephone - Long Distance

Extending the range of telephone calls was a key engineering challenge, much tougher than for telegraphy because the higher frequency of voice-based signals caused them to fade faster as they traveled along a wire. Early on, a device called a loading coil offered a partial cure. Independently invented in 1899 by Michael Pupin of Columbia University and George Campbell of AT&T, it basically consisted of a coil of wire that was placed along a line every 6,000 feet or so, greatly diminishing attenuation in the range of frequencies suitable for voice transmission. Two years later commercial service began between Philadelphia and Chicago, and by 1911 a long-distance line stretched all the way from New York to Denver. But transcontinental service remained out of reach until Bell engineers began experimenting with the triode vacuum tube, patented in 1907 by the radio pioneer Lee De Forest as "A Device for Amplifying Feeble Electrical Currents."

De Forest's tube used a small, varying voltage on a gridlike element to impose matching variations, even at high frequencies, on a much larger flow of electrons between a heated filament and a plate. The inventor's understanding of his device was imperfect, however. He thought that ionized gas in the tube was somehow involved. In 1913 a Bell physicist named H. D. Arnold showed that, on the contrary, the completeness of the vacuum dictated the performance. Arnold and his colleagues designed superior tubes and related circuitry to amplify long-distance telephone transmissions, and service was opened between New York and San Francisco in 1915. Alexander Graham Bell made the first call, speaking to Thomas Watson, who had helped him develop a working telephone four decades earlier. The transcontinental path had 130,000 telephone poles, 2,500 tons of copper wire, and three vacuum-tube devices to strengthen the signals. A 3-minute conversation that year cost $20.70.

By the mid-1920s long distance lines connected every part of the United States. Their capacity was expanded by a technique called frequency multiplexing, which involves electronically shifting the frequencies of speech (about 200 to 3,400 cycles per second) to other frequency bands so that several calls could be sent along a wire simultaneously. After World War II, the Bell system began to use coaxial cable for this kind of multiplexing. Its design—basically a tube of electrically conducting material surrounding an insulated central wire—enabled it to carry a wide range of frequencies.

Stretching coaxial cable beneath oceans posed difficulties so daunting that the first transatlantic link, capable of carrying 36 calls at a time, wasn't established until 1956. But radio had been filling the oceanic gaps for several decades by then while also connecting ships, planes, and cars to the main telephone system or to each other. After mid-century, a previously unexploited form of radio—the microwave frequencies above a billion cycles per second—took over much of the landbased long-distance traffic. Microwaves travel in a straight line rather than following the curvature of the earth like ordinary radio waves, which means that the beam has to be relayed along a chain of towers positioned 26 miles apart on average. But their high frequency permits small antenna size and high volume. Thousands of two-way voice circuits can be crammed into a single microwave channel.

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Telephone - Switching

The never-ending need for more capacity brought steady strides in switching technology as well. A simple architecture had been developed early on. Some switching stations handled local circuits, others connected clusters of these local centers, and still others dealt with long-distance traffic. Whenever congestion occurred, the routing was changed according to strict rules. By the 1970s Bell engineers had devised electromechanical switches that could serve more than 30,000 circuits at a time, but an emerging breed of computer-like electronic switches promised speed and flexibility that no electromechanical device could match.

The move to electronic switching began in the 1960s and led to all-digital systems a decade later. Such systems work by converting voice signals into on-off binary pulses and assigning each call to a time slot in a data stream; switching is achieved by simply changing time slot assignments. This so-called time division approach also boosts capacity by packing many signals into the same flow, an efficient vehicle for transmission to and from communications satellites. Today's big digital switches can handle 100,000 or more circuits at a time, maintaining a remarkably clear signal. And like any computer, the digital circuits are versatile. In addition to making connections and generating billing information, their software enables them to provide customers with a whole menu of special services—automatically forwarding calls, identifying a caller before the phone is answered, interrupting one call with an alert of another, providing voice mail, and more.

In recent decades, long-distance transmission has undergone a revolution, with such calls migrating from microwave and coaxial cable to threadlike optical fibers that channel laser light. Because light waves have extremely high frequencies, they can be encoded with huge amounts of digital information, a job done by tiny semiconductor lasers that are able to turn on and off billions of times a second. The first fiber-optic telephone links were created in the late 1970s. The latest versions, transmitting several independently encoded streams of light on separate frequencies, are theoretically capable of carrying millions of calls at a time or vast volumes of Internet or video traffic. Today, the world is wrapped in these amazing light pipes, and worries about long-distance capacity are a thing of the past (see Lasers and Fiber Optics).

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Telephone - Cell Phones

Another technological triumph is the cell phone, a radio-linked device that is taking the world by storm. Old-style mobile telephones received their signals from a single powerful transmitter that covered an area about 50 miles in diameter, an interference-prone method that provided enough channels to connect only a couple of dozen customers at a time. Cellular technology, by contrast, uses low-powered base stations that serve "cells" just a few square miles in area. As a customer moves from one cell to another, the phone switches from a weakening signal to a stronger one on a different frequency, thus maintaining a clear connection. Because transmissions are low powered, frequencies can be reused in nonadjacent cells, accommodating thousands of callers in the same general area.

Although the principles of cellular telephony were worked out at Bell Labs in the 1940s, building such systems had to await the arrival of integrated circuits and other microelectronic components in the 1970s. In the United States, hundreds of companies saw the promise of the business, but government regulators were very slow in making a sufficiently broad band of frequencies available, delaying deployment considerably. As a result, Japan and the Scandinavian countries created the first cellular systems and have remained leaders in the technology. At the start there was plenty of room for improvement. Early cell phones were mainly installed in cars; handheld versions were as big as a brick, cost over a thousand dollars, and had a battery life measured in minutes. But in the 1990s the magic of the microchip drove prices down, shrank the phones to pocket size, reduced their energy needs, and packed them with computational powers.

By the year 2000, 100 million people in the United States and a billion worldwide were using cell phones—not just talking on them but also playing games, getting information off the Internet, and using the keyboard to send short text messages, a favorite pastime of Japanese teenagers in particular. In countries where most households still lack a telephone— China and India, for example—the first and only phone for many people is likely to be wireless. Ultimately, Alexander Graham Bell's vision of a wired world may yield to a future in which, for everyone, personal communication is totally portable.

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Telephone - Timeline

Alexander Graham Bell's invention of the telephone in 1876 rang in the era of talking at a distance. Innovators in the 20th century expanded the telephone's reach across continents and oceans, figuratively shrinking the world and connecting its citizens. Electronic switching systems and other technological advances helped customers place calls without the help of operators. By the year 2000, more than a billion people all over the world had gone wireless—using cellular technology to talk and deliver text and photos on super-lightweight telephones smaller than a deck of cards.

1900 Telephone transmission extends across and between major cities As telephone transmission extends across and between major cities, "loading coils" or inductors are placed along the lines to reduce distortion and attenuation or the loss of a signal's power. Independently invented by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company's (AT&T) George Campbell and Michael Pupin of Columbia University, the loading coils are first used commercially in New York and Boston, nearly doubling the transmission distance of open lines. Pupin is awarded the patent for the device in 1904, and AT&T pays him for its use.

1904 Fleming invents the vacuum diode British engineer Sir John Ambrose Fleming invents the two-electrode radio rectifier; or vacuum diode, which he calls an oscillation valve. Based on Edison's lightbulbs, the valve reliably detects radio waves. Transcontinental telephone service becomes possible with Lee De Forest's 1907 patent of the triode, or three-element vacuum tube, which electronically amplifies signals.

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Telephone - Timeline

1915 First transcontinental telephone call Alexander Graham Bell makes the first transcontinental telephone call to Thomas Watson-from New York to San Francisco-after trials using De Forest’s triodes successfully boost the long-distance signal. What is the world’s longest telephone line consists of 2,500 tons of copper wire, 130,000 poles, three vacuum-tube repeaters, and countless numbers of loading coils.

1919 Switching systems and rotary-dial telephones Bell System companies begin installing switching systems and rotary-dial telephones, though dial phones have been around since just before the turn of the century. The dial makes it easier for customers to place calls without an operator. The finger wheel of the dial interrupts the current in the phone line, creating pulses that correspond to the digits of the number being called.

1920 Frequency multiplexing concept AT&T develops the frequency multiplexing concept, in which frequencies of speech are shifted electronically among various frequency bands to allow several telephone calls at the same time. Metal coaxial cable eventually is used to carry a wide range of frequencies.

1947 North American Numbering Plan With the rapidly growing number of telephone customers, AT&T and Bell Labs develop the North American Numbering Plan, a system that assigns telephone numbers to customers in the United States and its territories as well as Canada and many Caribbean nations. The first three digits of a typical number identify the area being called; the next three, called the prefix, locate the closest central or switching office; and the last four digits represent the line number. Bell Labs conceives the idea of reusing radio frequencies among hexagonal "cells"—the beginning of the drive toward cellular communications. Mobile phones become an even more realistic dream with the invention of the transistor, which eventually makes them possible.

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Telephone - Timeline

1948 A Mathematical Theory of Communication Bell Labs’s Claude Shannon publishes the landmark paper "A Mathematical Theory of Communication," which provides mathematicians and engineers with the foundation of information theory. The paper seeks to answer questions about how quickly and reliably information can be transmitted.

1949 First phone to combine a ringer and handset AT&T introduces the Model 500 telephone, the first that combines a ringer and handset. The classic black rotary phone, featuring an adjustable volume control for the bell and later a variety of colors, becomes a cultural icon.

1951 Direct longdistance calling first available In a test in Englewood, New Jersey, customers are able to make long-distance calls within the United States directly, without the assistance of an operator. But it takes another decade for direct long-distance dialing to be available nationwide.

1956 First transatlantic telephone cable The first transatlantic telephone cable—the TAT-1—is installed from Scotland to Nova Scotia, providing telephone service between North America and the United Kingdom. Additional circuitry through London links Western European countries such as Germany, France, and the Netherlands. A joint project of the United States, Canada, and Britain, the TAT-1 takes 3 years and $42 million to plan and install, using 1,500 nautical miles of specially insulated coaxial cable. It handles up to 36 simultaneous calls and supplements existing telegraph and radiophone links. The first TAT-1 call is placed on September 25 by the U.K. postmaster to the chairman of AT&T and the Canadian Minister of Transport.

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Telephone - Timeline

1962 First commercial digital transmission system Illinois Bell turns on the first commercial digital transmission system, known as the T1 (Transmission One), which eventually replaces analog lines. The multiplexed system carrying voice signals has a total capacity of 1.5 million bits (or binary digits) per second and is less susceptible to electrical interference from high-tension wires. The T1 quickly becomes the main transmission system for long-distance telephone service and, eventually, local calls. Bell Systems demonstrates the first paging system at the Seattle World’s Fair. Called Bellboy, the personal pager is one of the first consumer applications for the transistor. An audible signal alerts customers, who then call their offices or homes from a regular phone to retrieve their messages.

1962 Telstar 1 Communications satellite Telstar 1 is launched by a NASA Delta rocket on July 10, transmitting the first live transatlantic telecast as well as telephone and data signals. At a cost of $6 million provided by AT&T, Bell Telephone Laboratories designs and builds Telstar, a faceted sphere 34 inches in diameter and weighing 171 pounds. The first international television broadcasts shows images of the American flag flying over Andover, Maine to the sound of "The Star-Spangled Banner." Later that day AT&T chairman Fred Kappel makes the first long-distance telephone call via satellite to Vice President Lyndon Johnson. Telstar I remains in orbit for seven months, relaying live baseball games, images from the Seattle World's Fair, and a presidential news conference.

1963 Touch-tone telephone is introduced The touch-tone telephone is introduced, with the first commercial service available in Carnegie and Greensburg, Pennsylvania, for an extra charge. The Western Electric 1500 model features 10 push buttons that replace the standard rotary dial. A 12-button model featuring the * and # keys comes out soon afterward and replaces the 10-button model.

1965 First electronic central office switching system The first electronic central office switching system, the 1 ESS, is installed in Succasunna, New Jersey, after years of research and planning and at a cost of $500 million. Switching systems switch telephone traffic through local central offices that also house transmission equipment and other support systems. The 1 ESS has the capacity to store programs and allows such features as call forwarding and speed dialing. The 4 ESS, developed by Western Electric in 1976, is the first digital switch and will remain the workhorse system for several decades before increases in the transmission of data, as well as voice signals, spur new advances.

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Telephone - Timeline

1968 First 911 call is made On February 16 the first 911 call is made in Haleyville, Alabama. Legislation calling for a single nationwide phone number for citizens to use to report fires and medical emergencies was passed by Congress in 1967, and in January 1968 AT&T announced plans to put such a system into place. An independent company, Alabama Telephone, scrambled to build its own system and succeeded in beating AT&T to the punch. The numbers 911 were chosen because they were easy to remember and did not include three digits already in use in a U.S. or Canadian area code. In Britain a national emergency number—999—had been in place since the late 1930s.

1973 First portable cell phone call is made The first portable cell phone call is made by Martin Cooper of Motorola to his research rival at Bell Labs, Joel Engel. Although mobile phones had been used in cars since the mid-1940s, Cooper’s was the first one invented for truly portable use. He and his team are awarded a patent in 1975.

1975 U.S. military begins using fiber optics The U.S. military begins using fiber optics to improve communications systems when the navy installs a fiber-optic telephone link on the USS Little Rock. Used to transmit data modulated into light waves, the specially designed bundles of transparent glass fibers are thinner and lighter than metal cables, have greater bandwidth, and can transmit data digitally while being less susceptible to interference. The first commercial applications come in 1977 when AT&T and GTE install fiber-optic telephone systems in Chicago and Boston. By 1988 and 1989, fiber-optic cables are carrying telephone calls across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

1976 Common channel interoffice signaling AT&T introduces common channel interoffice signaling, a protocol that allows software-controlled, networked computers or switches to communicate with each other using a band other than those used for voice traffic. Basically a dedicated trunk, the network separates signaling functions from the voice path, checks the continuity of the circuit, and then relays the information.

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Telephone - Timeline

1978 Public tests of a new cellular phone system Public tests of a new cellular phone system begin in Chicago, with more than 2,000 trial customers and mobile phone sets. The system, constructed by AT&T and Bell Labs, includes a group of small, low-powered transmission towers, each covering an area a few miles in radius. That test is followed by a 1981 trial in the Washington-Baltimore area by Motorola and the American Radio Telephone Service. The Federal Communications Commission officially approves commercial cellular phone service in 1982, and by the late 1980s commercial service is available in most of the United States.

1990s (Mid) Voice Over Internet Protocols The advent of Voice Over Internet Protocols (VoIP)—methods of allowing people to make voice calls over the Internet on packet-switched routes— starts to gain ground as PC users find they can lower the cost of their long-distance calls. VoIP technology is also useful as a platform that enables voice interactions on devices such as PCs, mobile handhelds, and other devices where voice communication is an important feature.

2000 100 million cellular telephone subscribers The number of cellular telephone subscribers in the United States grows to 100 million, from 25,000 in 1984. Similar growth occurs in other countries as well, and as phones shrink to the size of a deck of cards, an increasingly mobile society uses them not only for calling but also to access the Internet, organize schedules, take photographs, and record moving images.

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Air Conditioning and Refrigeration

Which of the appliances in your home would be the hardest to live without? The most frequent answer to that question in a recent survey was the refrigerator. Over the course of the 20th century, this onetime luxury became an indispensable feature of the American home, a mainstay in more than 99.5 percent of the nation's family kitchens by century's end.

But the engineering principle on which it is based, mechanical refrigeration, has had even more far-reaching effects, through both refrigeration itself and its close cousin, air conditioning. Taken together, these cooling technologies have altered some of our most fundamental patterns of living. Our daily chores are different. What we eat and how we prepare food have both changed. The kinds of buildings we live and work in and even where we choose to live across the whole length and breadth of the United States all changed as a result of 20th-century expertise at keeping things cool.

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Air Conditioning and Refrigeration

Look back for a moment to the world before the widespread use of refrigeration and air conditioning—a world that was still very much present well into the first decades of the 20th century. Only fresh foods that could be grown locally were available, and they had to be purchased and used on a daily basis. Meat was bought during the daily trip to the butcher's; the milkman made his rounds every morning. If you could afford weekly deliveries of ice blocks—harvested in the winter from frozen northern lakes—you could keep some perishable foods around for 2 or 3 days in an icebox. As for the nonexistence of air conditioning, it made summers in southern cities—and many northern ones—insufferable. The nation's capital was a virtual ghost town in the summer months. As late as the 1940s, the 60-story Woolworth Building and other skyscrapers in New York City were equipped with window awnings on every floor to keep direct sunlight from raising temperatures even higher than they already were. Inside the skyscrapers, ceiling and table fans kept the humid air from open windows at least moving around. Throughout the country, homes were built with natural cooling in mind. Ceilings were high, porches were deep and shaded, and windows were placed to take every possible advantage of cross-ventilation.

By the end of the century all that had changed. Fresh foods of all kinds were available just about anywhere in the country all year round—and what wasn't available fresh could be had in convenient frozen form, ready to pop into the microwave. The milkman was all but gone and forgotten, and the butcher now did his work behind a counter at the supermarket. Indeed, many families concentrated the entire week's food shopping into one trip to the market, stocking the refrigerator with perishables that would last a week or more. And on the air-conditioning side of the equation, just about every form of indoor space—office buildings, factories, hospitals, and homes—was climate-controlled and comfortable throughout the year, come heat wave or humidity. New homes looked quite different, with lower rooflines and ceilings, porches that were more for ornament than practicality, and architectural features such as large plate glass picture windows and sliding glass doors. Office buildings got a new look as well, with literally acres of glass stretching from street level to the skyscraping upper floors. Perhaps most significant of all, as a result of air conditioning, people started moving south, reversing a northward demographic trend that had continued through the first half of the century. Since 1940 the nation's fastest-growing states have been in the Southeast and the Southwest, regions that could not have supported large metropolitan communities before air conditioning made the summers tolerable.

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Air Conditioning and Refrigeration

Mechanical refrigeration, whether for refrigeration itself or for air conditioning, relies on a closed system in which a refrigerant—basically a compound of elements with a low boiling point—circulates through sets of coils that absorb and dissipate heat as the refrigerant is alternately compressed and allowed to expand. In a refrigerator the circulating refrigerant draws heat from the interior of the refrigerator, leaving it cool; in an air conditioner, coils containing refrigerant perform a similar function by drawing heat and moisture from room air.

This may sound simple, but it took the pioneering genius of a number of engineers and inventors to work out the basic principles of cooling and humidity control. Their efforts resulted in air conditioning systems that not only were a real benefit to the average person by the middle of the 20th century but also made possible technologies in fields ranging from medical and scientific research to space travel.

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Air Conditioning and Refrigeration

Prominent among air-conditioning pioneers was Willis Haviland Carrier. In 1902, Carrier, a recent graduate of Cornell University's School of Engineering, was working for the Buffalo Forge Company on heating and cooling systems. According to Carrier, one foggy night while waiting on a train platform in Pittsburgh he had a sudden insight into a problem he had been puzzling over for a while—the complex relationship between air temperature, humidity, and dew point. He realized that air could be dried by saturating it with chilled water to induce condensation. After a number of experimental air conditioning installations, he patented Dew Point Control in 1907, a device that, for the first time, allowed for the precise control of temperature and humidity necessary for sophisticated industrial processes. Carrier's early air conditioner was put to use right away by a Brooklyn printer who could not produce a good color image because fluctuations of heat and humidity in his plant kept altering the paper's dimensions and misaligning the colored inks. Carrier's system, which had the cooling power of 108,000 pounds of ice a day, solved the problem. That same principle today makes possible the billion-dollar facilities required to produce the microcircuits that are the backbone of the computer industry. Air conditioners were soon being used in a variety of industrial venues. The term itself was coined in 1906 by a man named Stuart Cramer, who had applied for a patent for a device that would add humidity to the air in his textile mill, reducing static electricity and making the textile fibers easier to work with. Air-conditioning systems also benefited a host of other businesses, enumerated by Carrier himself: "lithography, the manufacture of candy, bread, high explosives and photographic films, and the drying and preparing of delicate hygroscopic materials such as macaroni and tobacco." At the same time, it did not go unnoticed that workers in these air-conditioned environments were more productive, with significantly lower absentee rates. Comfort cooling, as it became known, might just be a profitable commodity in itself.

Carrier and others set out to explore the potential. In 1915 he and several partners formed the Carrier Engineering Corporation, which they dedicated to improving the technology of air conditioning. Among the key innovations was a more efficient centrifugal (as opposed to piston-driven) compressor, which Carrier used in the air conditioners he installed in Detroit's J. L. Hudson Department Store in 1924, the first department store so equipped. Office buildings soon followed.

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Air Conditioning and Refrigeration

Even as Willis Carrier was pioneering innovations in industrial air conditioners, a number of others were doing the same for comfort cooling. Beginning in 1899, consulting engineer Alfred Wolff designed a number of cooling systems, including prominent installations at the New York Stock Exchange, the Hanover National Bank, and the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. The public was exposed to air conditioning en masse at the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904, where they enjoyed the air-conditioned Missouri State Building. Dozens of movie theaters were comfort cooled after 1917, the result of innovations in theater air conditioning by Fred Wittenmeier and L. Logan Lewis, with marquees proclaiming "It's 20 degrees cooler inside." Frigidaire engineers introduced a room cooler in 1929, and they, along with other companies such as Kelvinator, General Electric, and York, pioneered fully air-conditioned homes soon after.

Refrigerators did not represent quite as much of a revolution. Many people at the turn of the century were at least familiar with the concept of a cool space for storing food—the icebox. But true mechanical refrigeration—involving that closed system of circulating refrigerant driven by a compressor—didn't come along in any kind of practical form until 1913. In that year a man named Fred Wolf invented a household refrigerator that ran on electricity (some earlier mechanical refrigerators had run on steam-driven compressors that were so bulky they had to be housed in a separate room). He called it the Domelre, for Domestic Electric Refrigerator, and sold it for $900. It was a quick hit but was still basically an adaptation of the existing icebox, designed to be mounted on top of it. Two years later Alfred Mellowes introduced the first self-contained mechanical refrigerator, which was marketed by the Guardian Refrigerator Company. Mellowes had the right idea, but Guardian didn't make what it could of it. In 2 years the company produced a mere 40 machines.

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Air Conditioning and Refrigeration

Into the breach stepped one of the giants of the automotive industry, William Durant, president of General Motors. Realizing the potential of Guardian's product, he bought the company in 1918, renamed it Frigidaire, and put some of GM's best engineering and manufacturing minds to work on mass production. A few years later Frigidaire also bought the Domelre patent and began churning out units, introducing improvements with virtually each new production run.

Other companies, chief among them Kelvinator and General Electric, added their own improvements in a quest for a share of this obviously lucrative new market. By 1923 Kelvinator, which had introduced the first refrigerator with automatic temperature control, held 80 percent of market share, but Frigidaire regained the top in part by cutting the price of its units in half—from $1,000 in 1920 to $500 in 1925. General Electric ended up as industry leader for many years with its Monitor Top model—named because its top—mounted compressor resembled the turret of the Civil War ship-and with innovations such as dual temperature control, which enabled the combining of separate refrigerator and freezer compartments into one unit.

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Air Conditioning and Refrigeration

Market forces and other concerns continued to drive innovations. Led by Thomas Midgley, chemical engineers at Frigidaire solved the dangerous problem of toxic, flammable refrigerants—which had been known to leak, with fatal consequences—by synthesizing the world's first chlorofluorocarbon, to which they gave the trademarked name Freon. It was the perfect refrigerant, so safe that at a demonstration before the American Chemical Society in 1930 Midgley inhaled a lungful of the stuff and then used it to blow out a candle. In the late 1980s, however, chlorofluorocarbons were found to be contributing to the destruction of Earth's protective ozone layer. Production of these chemicals was phased out and the search for a replacement began.

At about the same time Frigidaire was introducing Freon it also turned its attention to the other side of the mechanical refrigeration business: air conditioning. Comfort cooling for the home had been hampered by the fact that air conditioners tended to be bulky affairs that had been designed specifically for large-scale applications such as factories, theaters, and the like. In 1928 Carrier introduced the "Weathermaker," the first practical home air conditioner, but because the company's main business was still commercial, it was slow to turn to the smaller-scale designs that residential applications required. Frigidaire, on the other hand, was ready to apply the same expertise in engineering and manufacturing that had allowed it to mass produce—literally by the millions—the low-cost, small-sized refrigerators that were already a fixture in most American homes. In 1929 the company introduced the first commercially successful "room cooler," and a familiar list of challengers—Kelvinator, GE, and this time Carrier—quickly took up the gauntlet. Window units came first, then central whole-house systems. Without leaving home, Americans could now escape everything from the worst humid summers of the Northeast and Midwest to the year-round thermometer-busting highs of the South and desert Southwest.

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Air Conditioning and Refrigeration

At about the same time that both refrigeration and air conditioning were becoming significantly more commonplace, both also went mobile. In 1939 Packard introduced the first automobile air conditioner, a rather awkward affair with no independent shut-off mechanism. To turn it off, the driver had to stop the car and the engine and then open the hood and disconnect a belt connected to the air conditioning compressor. Mechanical engineers weren't long in introducing needed improvements, ultimately making air conditioning on wheels so de rigueur that even convertibles had it.

But as wonderful as cool air for summer drives was, it didn't have anywhere near the impact of the contribution of Frederick McKinley Jones, an inventor who was eventually granted more than 40 patents in the field of refrigeration and more than 60 overall. On July 12, 1940, Jones—a mechanic by training but largely self-taught—was issued a patent for a roof-mounted cooling device that would refrigerate the inside of a truck. Jones's device was soon adapted for use on trains and ships. Hand in hand with Clarence Birdseye's invention of flash freezing, Jones's refrigeration system made readily available—no matter what the season—all manner of fresh and frozen foods from every corner of the nation and, indeed, the world.

Small but incrementally significant improvements continued as the century unfolded, making refrigeration and air conditioning systems steadily more efficient and more affordable—and increasingly widespread. The range of applications has grown as well, with mechanical refrigeration playing a role in everything from medical research and computer manufacturing to space travel. Without, for example, the controlled, air-conditioned environment in spacecraft and spacesuits, humans would never have made it into space—or walked on the Moon—-even with all the other engineering hurdles overcome. But most of us don't have to go quite so far to appreciate the benefits of keeping cool. They're right there for us, each time we open the refrigerator door and reach for something cold to drink.

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Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Timeline

Keeping cool has been a human preoccupation for millennia, but until the 20th century most efforts were ineffective. People tried everything from draping saturated mats in doorways to the installation of water-powered fans. Even Leonardo da Vinci designed and built a mechanical ventilating fan, the first of its kind. The modern system—involving the exchange of hot, moist air for cool, dry air by way of a circulating refrigerant—was first used in industrial settings. Indeed, a North Carolina textile engineer named Stuart Cramer, impressed with how the latest system of controlling the heat and humidity in his plant improved the cloth fibers, coined the term "air conditioning" in 1906. Since then comfort of cool is no longer considered a luxury but a fact of modern existence.

1902 Comfort cooling system installed at the New York Stock Exchange A 300-ton comfort cooling system designed by Alfred Wolff is installed at the New York Stock Exchange. Using free cooling provided by waste-steam-operated refrigeration systems, Wolff’s system functions successfully for 20 years.

1902 First office building with an air-conditioning system installed The Armour Building in Kansas City, Missouri, becomes the first office building to install an air-conditioning system. Each room is individually controlled with a thermostat that operates dampers in the ductwork, making it also the first office building to incorporate individual "zone" control of separate rooms.

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Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Timeline

1904 A self-contained mechanical refrigerator is displayed at the St. Louis World's Fair A self-contained mechanical refrigerator is displayed at the St. Louis World's Fair by Brunswick Refrigerating Co., which specializes in designing small refrigerators for residences and butcher shops. The ammonia refrigerating system is mounted on the side of a wooden icebox-type refrigerator. Thousands of attendees at the World's Fair also experience the public debut of air conditioning in the Missouri State Building. The system uses 35,000 cubic feet of air per minute to cool a 1,000- seat auditorium, the rotunda, and various other rooms.

1906 First office building specifically designed for air conditioning. In Chicago, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Larkin Administration Building is the first office building specifically designed for air conditioning. The system uses safe, nonflammable carbon dioxide as a refrigerant.

1906 Patent filed for "dew point control" system Willis Carrier files for a patent on his "dew point control" system. Carrier has studied the science of humidity control after designing a rudimentary air-conditioning system for a Brooklyn printing plant in 1902. This and subsequent designs allow him to devise a precise method of controlling humidity using refrigerated water sprays, thereby allowing the manufacture of air-conditioning systems to be standardized.

1906 First air-conditioned hospital Boston Floating Hospital becomes the first air-conditioned hospital, using a system designed by Edward Williams to maintain the hospital wards at about 70°F with a relative humidity of 50 percent. The hospital’s five wards are individually controlled by thermostats. Williams’s system features "reheat" in which cooled air is heated slightly to lower its humidity.

1907 Air-conditioning equipment installed in dining and meeting rooms at Congress Hotel in Chicago Air-conditioning equipment designed by Frederick Wittenmeier is installed in dining and meeting rooms at Congress Hotel in Chicago. This is one of the first systems designed by Wittenmeier for hotels and movie theaters. His firm, Kroeschell Brothers Ice Machine Company, installs hundreds of cooling plants into the 1930s.

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Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Timeline

1914 Aircooled, electric, self-contained household refrigerating unit is marketed Fred Wolf, Jr., markets an aircooled, electric, self-contained household refrigerating unit, the Domelre (Domestic Electric Refrigerator), in Chicago. The system is designed to be placed on top of any icebox, operating automatically using a thermostat. The first household refrigerating system to feature ice cubes, the Domelre uses air to cool the condenser, unlike other household refrigerators that need to be hooked up to water.

1916 Flash-freezing system for preserving food products developed Clarence Birdseye begins experiments in quick-freezing. Birdseye develops a flash-freezing system that moves food products through a refrigerating system on conveyor belts. This causes the food to be frozen very fast, minimizing ice crystals.

1923 Electrically refrigerated ice cream dipping cabinet is marketed An electrically refrigerated ice cream dipping cabinet is marketed by Nizer and shortly after by Frigidaire. These cabinets use a refrigeration system to chill alcohol-based antifreeze, which surrounds ice cream cans placed in wells in the cabinet. The alcohol is later replaced by salt brine.

1927 Gas-fired household absorption refrigerators become popular Gas-fired household absorption refrigerators that do not require electricity are marketed to rural areas in the United States. One, the Electrolux, marketed in Sweden since 1925, becomes very popular.

1927 First refrigerator to be mass produced with a completely sealed refrigerating system General Electric introduces the first refrigerator to be mass produced with a completely sealed refrigerating system. Nicknamed "The Monitor Top" for its distinctive round refrigerating unit, resembling the gun turret of the Civil War ironclad ship Monitor, the refrigerator is produced over the next 10 years and is so reliable that thousands are still in use today.

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Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Timeline

1928 Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) refrigerants are synthesized Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) refrigerants are synthesized for Frigidaire by the General Motors Research Lab team of Thomas Midgley, Albert Henne, and Robert McNary. Announced publicly in 1930 and trademarked as Freon, CFCs are the first nontoxic and nonflammable refrigerating fluids, making it possible for refrigerators and air conditioners to be used with complete safety.

1929 First room cooler goes on the market Frigidaire markets the first room cooler. The refrigeration unit, which uses sulfur dioxide refrigerant and has a capacity of one ton (12,000 BTUH), is designed to be located outside the house or in the basem*nt.

1930 Smaller air-conditioning units appear on trains With the advent of the centrifugal chiller, smaller air-conditioning units become feasible for trains. In 1930 the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad tests a unit designed by Willis Carrier on the "Martha Washington"the dining car on the Columbian, running between Washington, D.C. and New York. To test the system, the car is heated to 93°F. The heat is then turned off and the air conditioner turned on. Within 20 minutes, the temperature in the dining car is a comfortable 73°F.

1931 "Hot- Kold" year-round central air-conditioning system for homes on the market Frigidaire markets the "Hot- Kold" year-round central air-conditioning system for homes. During the early 1930s, a number of manufacturers design central air conditioners for homes, a market that grows slowly until the 1960s, when lower costs make it affordable for many new homes.

1931 A heat pump air-conditioning system in Los Angeles office building Southern California Edison Company installs a heat pump air-conditioning system in its Los Angeles office building. Since a refrigeration system moves heat from one place to another, the same principle can be used to remove heat in summer or add heat in winter by engineering the system to be reversible.

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Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Timeline

1932 First overnight train with air conditioning Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad begins running the first overnight train with air conditioning, the George Washington, between New York and Washington. Four years later United Air Lines uses air conditioning in its "three miles a minute" passenger planes.

1936 Albert Henne synthesizes refrigerant R-134a Albert Henne, coinventor of the CFC refrigerants, synthesizes refrigerant R-134a. In the 1980s this refrigerant is hailed as the best nonozone-depleting replacement for CFCs.

1938 A window air conditioner using Freon is marketed A window air conditioner using Freon is marketed by Philco-York. Featuring a beautiful wood front, the Philco air conditioner can simply be plugged into an electrical outlet.

1939 Air conditioning offered as an option in a Packard automobile Packard Motor Car Company markets an automobile with air conditioning offered as an option for $274. The refrigeration compressor runs off the engine, and the system has no thermostat. It discharges the cooled air from the back of the car.

1947 Mass-produced, low-cost window air conditioners become possible Mass-produced, low-cost window air conditioners become possible as a result of innovations by engineer Henry Galson, who sets up production lines for a number of manufacturers. In 1947, 43,000 window air conditioners are sold in the United States. For the first time, many homeowners can enjoy air conditioning without having to buy a new home or renovate their heating system.

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Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Timeline

1969 More than half of new automobiles are equipped with air conditioning More than half of new automobiles (54 percent) are equipped with air conditioning, which is soon a necessity, not only for comfort but also for resale value. By now, most new homes are built with central air conditioning, and window air conditioners are increasingly affordable.

1987 Minimum energy efficiency requirements set The National Appliance Energy Conservation Act mandates minimum energy efficiency requirements for refrigerators and freezers as well as room and central air conditioners.

1987 The Montreal Protocol The Montreal Protocol serves as an international agreement to begin phasing out CFC refrigerants, which are suspected of contributing to the thinning of the earth’s protective, high-altitude ozone shield.

1992 Minimum energy efficiency standards set for commercial buildings The U.S. Energy Policy Act mandates minimum energy efficiency standards for commercial buildings, using research and standards developed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers.

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Highways -Early Years

At the turn of the century a few thousand people owned cars; in 1922 about 10 million did, and that number more than doubled in the next few years. Sharing their need for decent roads were fast-growing fleets of trucks and buses. And the federal government was thinking big. Congress had just authorized funds to help states create a 200,000-mile web of smooth-surfaced roads that would connect with every county seat in the nation.

It was just a beginning. Ahead lay engineering feats beyond anything Durant could have foreseen: the construction of conduits that can safely handle thousands of cars an hour and endure years of punishment by 18-wheel trucks, expressways and beltways to speed traffic in and around cities, swirling multilevel interchanges, arterial tunnels and mighty suspension bridges. Ahead, as well, lay a host of social and economic changes wrought by roads—among them, spreading suburbs, the birth of shopping malls and fast-food chains, widened horizons for vacationers, a revolution in manufacturing practices, and a general attuning of the rhythms of daily life, from errands to entertainment to the personal mobility offered by the car. Expansion of the network would also bring such indisputable negatives as traffic congestion and air pollution, but the knitting together of the country with highways has barely paused since the first automobiles rolled forth from workshops about a century ago.

Rails ruled the transportation scene then. Like other developed nations, the United States had an intricate system of railroad tracks reaching to almost every sizable community in the land. Virtually all long-distance travel was by train, and electric trolleys running on rails served as the main people movers in cities. The United States also had more than 2 million miles of roads, but practically all were unsurfaced or only lightly layered with broken stone. A "highway census" performed by the federal government in 1904 found a grand total of 141 miles of paved roads outside cities. In rainy weather, travel in the countryside became nightmarish, and even in good conditions, hauling loads over the rough roads was a laborious business; it was cheaper to ship fruit by rail from California to an urban market in the East than to deliver it by wagon from a farm 15 miles away. As for anyone contemplating a lengthy drive in one of the new horseless carriages, an ordeal was in store. The first crossing of the continent by car in 1903 required 44 days of hard driving. By train the trip took just 4 days.

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Highways - WWI Lessons

But cars had the irresistible advantage of flexibility, allowing drivers to go wherever they wanted, whenever they wanted, provided suitable roads were available. Efforts to accommodate motorized travel were soon launched by all levels of government, with particular emphasis on relieving the isolation of farmers. Beginning in 1907 the federal Office of Public Roads built experimental roads to test concrete, tars, and other surfacing materials. The agency also trained engineers in the arts of road location, grading, and drainage, then sent them out to work with state highway departments, which selected the routes and set the construction standards. Federal-state partnerships became the American way of road building, with the states joining together to harmonize their needs.

When the United States entered World War I in 1917, trucks carrying extra-heavy loads of munitions and other supplies pounded many sections of highway to ruin. Even so, shippers were so impressed by their performance that the trucking industry boomed after the war, and new highways were engineered accordingly. During the 1920s, states increased the recommended thickness of concrete pavement on main roads from 4 inches to at least 6 and set the minimum pavement width at 20 feet. Extensive research was done on soil types to ensure adequate underlying support. Engineers improved old roads by smoothing out right-angle turns and banking the curves. At the same time, much research was done on signs, pavement markings, and other methods of traffic control. The first four-way, three-color traffic light appeared in Detroit in 1920.

Europe provided some compelling lessons in road construction. In Italy, whose heritage included raised paved roads that allowed Roman armies to move swiftly across the empire, private companies began to build toll highways called autostrade in the mid-1920s. Although not especially well suited for fast-moving traffic, their limited-access design minimized disruption of the flow, and safety was further enhanced by the elimination of intersections with other roads or with railways. These features were also incorporated into the first true expressways, the national network of autobahns built in Germany between 1929 and 1942. The 1,310-mile system consisted of twin 30-foot-wide roadways separated by a grassy central strip, which significantly boosted capacity while allowing higher speeds.

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Highways - Growing Network

The United States adopted the four-lane, limited-access scheme for relatively modest highways in Connecticut and California in the late 1930s and then produced a true engineering masterpiece, the Pennsylvania Turnpike, whose initial 164-mile section opened in 1940. A model for future high-speed, heavy-duty routes, the turnpike had a 10-foot median strip and a 200-foot total right-of-way. Each lane was 12 feet wide; curves were long and banked; grades were limited to 3 feet in a hundred; feeder and exit lanes merged smoothly with the main traffic streams; and the concrete pavement was surpassingly sturdy—9 inches thick, with a reinforcement of welded steel fabric. Travel time between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh was reduced by as much as 6 hours, but not for free. The Pennsylvania Turnpike was a toll road, and it did such an active business that many other states soon created their own turnpike authorities to construct similar self-financing superhighways.

As the nation's highway network grew, the challenge of leaping over water barriers inspired some structural wonders. One was the George Washington Bridge, which opened in 1931. To connect the island of Manhattan with New Jersey, Swiss-born engineer Othmar Ammann suspended a 3,500-foot, eight-lane roadway—the longest span in the world at the time—between a pair of lattice-steel towers on either side of the Hudson River. Special machinery spun and compressed the 105,000 miles of wires that went into the cables, and everything was made strong enough to support a second deck added later. In 1937, San Francisco was joined to Marin County with an even longer suspension span—4,200 feet. The Golden Gate Bridge, designed by Joseph Strauss, was built to withstand the swift tides and high winds of the Golden Gate strait. One of its tower supports had to be built almost a quarter-mile from shore in water 100 feet deep. A million tons of concrete went into the massive anchors for the cable ends.

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Highways - Growing Network

The United States would eventually need half a million highway bridges, most of them small and unmemorable, some ranking among the loveliest structures ever created. Roads, too, aspired to beauty at times. During the 1920s and 1930s, parkways that meandered through pristine landscapes were laid out around New York City, and the National Park Service constructed scenic highways such as Skyline Drive along Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains. In general, however, highways have done far more to alter the look of America than to celebrate it.

Beginning in the 1920s, residential communities left the old urban trolley lines far behind and spread outward from cities via roads. Stores, factories, and other businesses followed, sometimes aggregating into mini-metropolises themselves. As roads were improved to serve commuters and local needs, the outward migration accelerated, producing more traffic, which required more roads—almost limitlessly, it often seemed. In the late 1940s, for example, California began building an extensive system of express highways in and around Los Angeles and San Francisco, only to have congestion steadily worsen and a major expansion of the freeway system become necessary just a decade later.

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Highways - Interstates

The long-distance links of the nation's road system were under pressure as well, and federal and state highway officials sketched some grand plans to meet the expected demand. One of the boldest dreamers of all was President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a man who loved long drives through the countryside in a car. He suggested that the government buy a 2-mile-wide strip of land stretching from one coast to the other, with some of it to be sold for development and the rest used for a magnificent toll highway. By 1944 this scheme had been brought down to earth by Congress, which passed a bill offering the states 50 percent federal funding of a 40,000-mile arterial network. Little could be done with a war on, however, and progress was fitful in its hectic aftermath. But President Dwight D. Eisenhower turned that basic vision into one of the greatest engineering projects in history.

As a former military man, Eisenhower was keenly interested in transportation. When he was a young lieutenant in 1919, he had traveled from Washington to San Francisco with a caravan of cars and trucks, experiencing delays and breakdowns of every kind and averaging 5 miles an hour on the miserable roads. At the opposite extreme, he had noted the swift movement of German forces on autobahns when he was commanding Allied forces in Europe during World War II. The United States, he was convinced, needed better highways.

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Highways - Interstates

Getting legislation—and funding—through Congress was no small task. In 1954 Eisenhower appointed an advisory committee, chaired by his wartime colleague General Lucius Clay, to establish consensus among the many parties to the nation's road-building program. It took 2 years, but the quiet diplomacy and technical expertise of the committee's executive secretary, a Bureau of Public Roads engineer named Frank Turner, ultimately helped steer legislation through the political shoals in both the House and the Senate. In 1956 Eisenhower signed into law the act initiating the epic enterprise known as the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways. It called for the federal government to pay $25 billion—90 percent of the estimated total cost-toward building limited-access expressways that would crisscross the nation and speed traffic through and around cities.

The network, to be completed by 1972, would incorporate some older toll roads, and its length was ultimately set at 44,000 miles. Four 12-foot lanes were the stipulated minimum, and many sections would have more, along with 10-foot shoulders. The system would include 16,000 entrances and exits, dozens of tunnels, and more than 50,000 overpasses and bridges. To ensure that the roads would hold up under the anticipated truck traffic, hundreds of different pavement variations were tested for 2 years at a site in Illinois.

The price tag for the interstate highway system turned out to be five times greater than anticipated, and work went on for 4 decades—not without controversy and contention, especially on the urban front. Several cities, refusing to sacrifice cherished vistas or neighborhoods to an expressway, chose to do without. By the mid-1970s cities were permitted to apply some of their highway funds to mass transit projects such as subways or rail lines. But for the most part the great project moved inexorably forward, and by the 1990s cars, trucks, and buses were traveling half a trillion miles a year on the interstates—a good deal more safely than on other U.S. roads.

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Highways - Ongoing Improvement

For the trucking industry the system was a boon. Trucks had been siphoning business from the railroads for decades, and the interstates contributed to a further withering of the nation's rail network by enabling trucks to travel hundreds of miles overnight to make a delivery. By the end of the 20th century, more and more American manufacturers had adopted a Japanese production system that dispenses with big stockpiles of materials. Instead, parts and supplies are delivered to a factory—generally by truck—at the exact moment when they are needed. This so-called just-in-time approach, which yields big savings in inventory expenses, turned the nation's highways into a kind of virtual warehouse. Sometimes trucking firms partner with railroads by piggybacking trailers on flatcars for long-distance legs of their journeys, but America's highways have the upper hand in freight hauling, as they do in the movement of people-far more so than in most other developed countries. Today, about 70 percent of all freight deliveries in the United States are made by trucks.

Highways continue to engender more highways by their very success. As traffic grows, engineers are working to improve pavements, markings, crash barriers, and other design elements, and they wage an unending war against congestion, sometimes by tactics as simple as adding lanes or straightening curves, sometimes with megaprojects such as the digging of a 3.5-mile, eight-lane tunnel beneath downtown Boston. It's a journey with no end in sight; Americans crave mobility, and wheels will always need roads.

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Highways - Timeline

1905 Office of Public Roads The Office of Public Roads (OPR) is established, successor to the Office of Road Inquiry established in 1893. OPR’s director, Logan Waller Page, who would serve until 1919, helps found the American Association of State Highway Officials and lobbies Congress to secure the Federal Aid Highway Program in 1916, giving states matching funds for highways.

1910 Asphalt manufactured from oil-refining byproducts Gulf Oil, Texas Refining, and Sun Oil introduce asphalt manufactured from byproducts of the oil-refining process. Suitable for road paving, it is less expensive than natural asphalt mined in and imported from Venezuela. The new asphalt serves a growing need for paved roads as the number of motor vehicles in the United States soars from 55,000 in 1904 to 470,000 in 1910 to about 10 million in 1922. Garrett Morgan, an inventor with a fifth-grade education and the first African-American in Cleveland to own a car, invents the electric, automatic traffic light.

1913 First highway paved with portland cement The first highway paved with portland cement, or concrete, is built near Pine Bluff, Arkansas, 22 years after Bellefontaine, Ohio, first paved its Main Street with concrete. Invented in 1824 by British stone mason Joseph Aspdin from a mix of calcium, silicon, aluminum, and iron minerals, portland cement is so-named because of its similarity to the stone quarried on the Isle of Portland off the English coast.

1917 Wisconsin adopts road numbering system Wisconsin is the first state to adopt a numbering system as the network of roads increases. The idea gradually spreads across the country and replaces formerly named trails and highways.

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Highways - Timeline

1919 MacDonald appointed head of federal Bureau of Public Roads Thomas MacDonald is appointed to head the federal Bureau of Public Roads (BPR), successor to OPR. During his 34-year tenure he helps create the Advisory Board on Highway Research, which becomes the Highway Research Board in 1924 and the Transportation Research Board in 1974. Among other things, BPR operates an experimental farm in Arlington, Virginia, to test road surfaces.

1920 Yellow traffic lights William Potts, a Detroit police officer, refines Garrett Morgan’s invention by adding the yellow light. Red and green traffic signals in some form have been in use since 1868, but the increase in automobile traffic requires the addition of a warning signal.

1923 Uniform system of signs State highway engineers across the country adopt a uniform system of signage based on shapes that include the octagonal stop sign.

1925 Numbering system for interstate highways BPR and state highway representatives create a numbering system for interstate highways. East-west routes are designated with even numbers, north-south routes with odd numbers. Three-digit route numbers are given to shorter highway sections, and alternate routes are assigned the number of the principal line of traffic preceded by a one.

1927 Holland Tunnel Completion of the Holland Tunnel beneath the Hudson River links New York City and Jersey City, New Jersey. It is named for engineer Clifford Holland, who solves the problem of venting the build-up of deadly car exhaust by installing 84 electric fans, each 80 feet in diameter.

1930s (Late) Air-entrained concrete introduced Air-entrained concrete, one of the greatest advancements in concrete technology, is introduced. The addition of tiny air bubbles in the concrete provides room for expansion when water freezes, thus making the concrete surface resistant to frost damage.

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Highways - Timeline

1932 Autobahn opens The opening of a 20-mile section of Germany’s fledgling autobahn, regarded as the world’s first superhighway, links Cologne and Bonn. By the end of the decade the autobahn measures 3,000 kilometers and inspires U.S. civil engineers contemplating a similar network. Today the autobahn covers more than 11,000 kilometers.

1937 Route 66 completed The paving of Route 66 linking Chicago and Santa Monica, California, is complete. Stretching across eight states and three time zones, the 2,448-mile-long road is also known as "The Mother Road" and "The Main Street of America." For the next half-century it is the country’s main thoroughfare, bringing farm workers from the Midwest to California during the Dust Bowl and contributing to California’s post-World War II population growth. Officially decommissioned in 1985, the route has been replaced by sections of Interstate-55, I-44, I-40, I-15, and I-10.

1937 Golden Gate Bridge The Golden Gate Bridge opens and connects San Francisco with Marin County. To construct a suspension bridge in a region prone to earthquakes, engineer Joseph Strauss uses a million tons of concrete to hold the anchorages in place. Its two main towers each rise 746 feet above the water and are strung with 80,000 miles of cable.

1940 Pennsylvania Turnpike The Pennsylvania Turnpike opens as the country’s first roadway with no cross streets, no railroad crossings, and no traffic lights. Built on an abandoned railroad right of way, it includes 7 miles of tunnels through the mountains, 11 interchanges, 300 bridges and culverts, and 10 service plazas. By the mid-1950s America’s first superhighway extends westward to the Ohio border, north toward Scranton, and east to Philadelphia for a total of 470 route miles.

1944 Federal Aid Highway Act The Federal Aid Highway Act authorizes the designation of 40,000 miles of interstate highways to connect principal cities and industrial centers.

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Highways - Timeline

1949 First concrete pavement constructed using slipforms The first concrete pavement constructed using slipforms is built in O’Brian and Cerro Counties, Iowa.

1952 Chesapeake Bay Bridge The Chesapeake Bay Bridge, the world’s largest continuous over-water steel structure, opens, linking Maryland’s eastern and western shores of the bay. Spanning 4.35 miles, the bridge has a vertical clearance of 186 feet to accommodate shipping traffic. In 1973 another span of the bridge opens to ease increasing traffic. By the end of the century, more than 23 million cars and trucks cross the bridge each year.

1952 Walk/Don’t Walk signal The first "Walk/Don’t Walk" signal is installed in New York City.

1956 New Federal Aid Highway Act President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs a new Federal Aid Highway Act, committing $25 billion in federal funding. Missouri is the first state to award a highway construction contract with the new funding. The act incorporates existing toll roads, bridges, and tunnels into the system and also sets uniform interstate design standards.

1956 Lake Pontchartrain Causeway opens Lake Pontchartrain Causeway opens, connecting New Orleans with its north shore suburbs. At 24 miles it is the world’s longest over-water highway bridge. Made up of two parallel bridges, the causeway is supported by 95,000 hollow concrete pilings sunk into the lakebed. It was originally designed to handle 3,000 vehicles per day but now carries that many cars and trucks in an hour.

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Highways - Timeline

1960s Reflective paint for highway markings developed Paint chemist and professor Elbert Dysart Botts develops a reflective paint for marking highway lanes. When rainwater obscures the paint’s reflective quality, Botts develops a raised marker that protrudes above water level. Widely known as Botts’ Dots, the raised markers were first installed in Solano County, California, along a section of I-80. They have the added benefit of making a drumming sound when driven over, warning drivers who veer from their lanes.

1962 Pavement standards The AASHO (American Association of State Highway Officials) road test near Ottawa, Illinois, which subjects sections of pavements to carefully monitored traffic loads, establishes pavement standards for use on the interstate system and other highways.

1964 Chesapeake Bay Bridge- Tunnel opens The Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel opens, connecting Virginia Beach and Norfolk to Virginia’s Eastern Shore. Its bridges and tunnels stretch 17.6 miles shore to shore and feature a pair of mile-long tunnels that run beneath the surface to allow passage above of commercial and military ships. In 1965 the bridge-tunnel is named one of the "Seven Engineering Wonders of the Modern World" in a competition that includes 100 major projects.

1966 Highway Safety Act The Highway Safety Act establishes the National Highway Program Safety Standards to reduce traffic accidents.

1973 Interstate 70 opens west of Denver Interstate 70 in Colorado opens from Denver westward. It features the 1.75-mile Eisenhower Memorial Tunnel, the longest tunnel in the interstate program.

1980s and 1990s Introduction of the open-graded friction course Introduction of the open-graded friction course, allowing asphalt to drain water more efficiently and thus reducing hydroplaning and skidding, and Superpave, or Superior Performing Asphalt Pavement, which can be tailored to the climate and traffic of each job, are among refinements that improve the country’s 4 million miles of roads and highways, 96 percent of which are covered in asphalt. By the end of the century, 500 million tons of asphalt will be laid every year.

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Highways - Timeline

1986 Fort McHenry Tunnel in Baltimore opens The Fort McHenry Tunnel in Baltimore opens and at 1.75 miles is the longest and widest underwater highway tunnel ever built by the immersed-tube method. The tunnel was constructed in sections, then floated to the site and submerged in a trench. It also includes a computer-assisted traffic control system and communications and monitoring systems.

1987 Sunshine Skyway Bridge completed The Sunshine Skyway Bridge is completed, connecting St. Petersburg and Bradenton, Florida. At 29,040 feet long, it is the world’s largest cable-stayed concrete bridge. Twenty-one steel cables support the bridge in the center with two 40-foot roadways running along either side of the cable for an unobstructed view of the water.

1990s Big Dig begins Work begins in Boston on the Big Dig, a project to transform the section of I-93 known as the Central Artery, an elevated freeway built in the 1950s, into an underground tunnel. Scheduled for completion in 2004, it will provide a new harbor crossing to Logan Airport and replace the I-93 bridge across the Charles River.

1993 Glenn Anderson Freeway/Transitway opens The Glenn Anderson Freeway/ Transitway, part of I-105, opens in Los Angeles, featuring a light rail train that runs in the median. Sensors buried in the pavement monitor traffic flow, and closed-circuit cameras alert officials to accidents.

1993 Interstate system praised Officially designated the Dwight D. Eisenhower System of Interstate and Defense Highways, the interstate system is praised by the American Society of Civil Engineers as one of the "Seven Wonders of the United States" and "the backbone of the world’s strongest economy."

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Spacecraft - Sputnik After

The event was so draped in secrecy that, despite its historic nature, no pictures were taken. But no one who was there—nor, for that matter, anyone else who heard of it—would ever forget the moment. With a blinding glare and a shuddering roar, the rocket lifted from its concrete pad and thundered into the early evening sky, soaring up and up and up until it was nothing more than a tiny glowing speck. On the plains of Kazakhstan, on October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union had just launched the first-ever spacecraft, its payload a 184-pound satellite called Sputnik.

In the days and weeks that followed, the whole world tracked Sputnik's progress as it orbited the globe time and again. Naked-eye observers could see its pinpoint of reflected sunlight tracing across the night sky, and radios picked up the steady series of beeps from its transmitter. For Americans it was a shocking realization. Here, at the height of the Cold War, was the enemy flying right overhead. For the nascent U.S. space program, it was also a clear indication that the race into space was well and truly on—and that the United States was behind.

That race would ultimately lead to what has been called the most spectacular engineering feat of all time: landing humans on the Moon and bringing them safely back. But much more would come of it as well. Today literally thousands of satellites orbit the planet—improving global communications and weather forecasting; keeping tabs on climate change, deforestation, and the status of the ozone layer; making possible pinpoint navigation practically everywhere on Earth's surface; and, through such satellite-borne observatories as the Hubble Space Telescope, opening new eyes into the deepest reaches of the cosmos. The Space Shuttle takes astronauts, scientists, and engineers into orbit, where they perform experiments on everything from new medicines to superconductors. The Shuttle now also ferries crews to and from the International Space Station, establishing a permanent human presence in space. Venturing farther afield, robotic spacecraft have toured the whole solar system, some landing on planets and others making spectacular flybys, sending back reams of data and stunning close-up images of planets, moons, asteroids, and even comets.

In making all this possible, aerospace engineers have also propelled advances in a wide range of fields, from electronics to materials composition. Indeed, even though some critics contend that spaceflight is no more than a romantic and costly adventure, space technologies have spawned many products and services of practical use to the general public, including everything from freeze-dried foods to desktop computers and Velcro.

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Spacecraft - Early Leaders

Sputnik was only the beginning, but it was also the culmination of efforts to get into space that dated back to the start of the 20th century. Of the several engineering challenges that had to be addressed along the way, the first and foremost was building a rocket engine with enough thrust to overcome the pull of gravity and lift a vehicle into orbit. Rockets themselves had been around for centuries, almost exclusively as weapons of war, driven by the burning of solid fuels such as gunpowder. By the 19th century it was clear to experimenters that, although solid fuel could launch missiles along shallow trajectories, it couldn't create enough thrust to send a rocket straight up for more than a few hundred feet. You just couldn't pack enough gunpowder into a rocket to blast it beyond Earth's gravity.

Three men of the 20th century can justly lay claim to solving the problem and setting the stage for spaceflight. Working independently, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in Russia, Robert Goddard in the United States, and Hermann Oberth in Germany designed and, in Goddard's and Oberth's cases, built rocket engines propelled by liquid fuel, typically a mixture of kerosene or liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. Tsiolkovsky took the first step, publishing a paper in 1903 that mathematically demonstrated how to create the needed thrust with liquid fuels. Among his many insights was the notion of using multistage rockets; as each rocket expended its fuel, it would be jettisoned to reduce the overall weight of the craft and maintain a fuel-to-weight ratio high enough to keep the flight going. He also proposed guidance systems using gyroscopes and movable vanes positioned in the exhaust stream and developed formulas still in use today for adjusting a spacecraft's direction and speed to place it in an orbit of virtually any given height.

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Spacecraft - Early Leaders

Goddard was the first to launch a liquid-fuel rocket, in 1926, and further advanced the technology with tests of guidance and stabilization systems. He also built pumps to feed fuel more efficiently to the engine and developed the mechanics for keeping engines cool by circulating the cold liquid propellants around the engine through a network of pipes. In Germany, Oberth was garnering similar successes in the late 1920s and 1930s, his gaze fixed steadily on the future. One of the first members of the German Society for Space Travel, he postulated that rockets would someday carry people to the Moon and other planets.

One of Oberth's protégés was responsible for rocketry's next advance. Wernher von Braun was a rocket enthusiast from an early age, and when he was barely out of his teens, the German army tapped him to develop a ballistic missile. The 20-year-old von Braun saw the work as an opportunity to further his own interests in spaceflight, but in the short term his efforts led to the V- 2, or Vengeance Weapon 2, used to deadly effect against London in 1944. (His rocket design worked perfectly, von Braun told a friend, "except for landing on the wrong planet.") After the war, von Braun and more than a hundred of his rocket engineers were brought to the United States, where he became the leading figure in the nation's space program from its earliest days in the 1950s to its grand achievements of the 1960s.

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Spacecraft - Space Race

With the Soviet Sputnik success, U.S. space engineers were under pressure not just to catch up but to take the lead. Less than 5 months later, von Braun and his team successfully launched America's first spacecraft, the satellite Explorer 1, on January 31, 1958. Several months after that, Congress authorized the formation of an agency devoted to spaceflight. With the birth of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the U.S. space program had the dedicated resources it needed for the next great achievement: getting a human being into space.

Again the Soviet Union beat the Americans to the punch. In April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space, followed only a few weeks later by the American Alan Shepard. Gagarin's capsule managed one Earth orbit along a preset course over which he had virtually no control, except the timing of when retro-rockets were fired to begin the descent. Shepard simply went up and came back down on a suborbital flight, although he did experiment with some astronaut-controlled maneuvers during the flight, firing small rockets positioned around the capsule to change its orientation. Both were grand accomplishments, and both successes depended on key engineering advances. For example, Shepard's capsule, Freedom 7, was bell shaped, a design developed by NASA engineer Maxime fa*get. The wide end would help slow the capsule during reentry as it deflected the heat of atmospheric friction. Other engineers developed heat-resistant materials to further protect the astronaut's capsule during reentry, and advances in computer technology helped control both flights from start to finish. But the United States was still clearly behind in the space race.

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Spacecraft - Space Race

Then, barely 6 weeks after Shepard's flight and months before John Glenn became the first American to orbit Earth, President John F. Kennedy threw down the gauntlet in what was to become a major battle in the Cold War. "I believe," said Kennedy, "that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth."

NASA's effort to meet Kennedy's challenge was divided into three distinct programs, dubbed Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo, each of which had its own but related agenda. The Mercury program focused on the basics of getting the astronaut up and returning him safely. Gemini, named for the twins of Greek mythology, fulfilled its name in two ways. First, each Gemini flight included two astronauts, whose main task was to learn to maneuver their craft in space. Second, the overall goal of the program was to have two spacecraft rendezvous and link together, a capability deemed essential for the final Moon missions. Engineers had at least three different ideas about how to accomplish rendezvous. Gemini astronaut Buzz Aldrin, whose doctoral thesis had been on just this subject, advocated a method founded on the basic principle of orbital mechanics that a craft in a lower orbit travels faster than one in a higher orbit (to offset the greater pull of gravity at a lower altitude). Aldrin argued that a spacecraft in a lower orbit should chase one in a higher orbit and, as it approached, fire thrusters to raise it into the same orbit as its target. The system was adopted, and on March 16, 1966, Gemini 8, with Neil Armstrong and David Scott aboard, achieved the first docking in space, physically linking up with a previously launched, unmanned Agena rocket.

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Spacecraft - Apollo

Armstrong and Aldrin would, of course, go on to greater fame with the Apollo program—the series of missions that would finally take humans to the surface of the Moon. Apollo had the most complex set of objectives. Engineers had to design and build three separate spacecraft components that together made up the Apollo spacecraft. The service module contained life-support systems, power sources, and fuel for in-flight maneuvering. The conical command module would be the only part of the craft to return to Earth. The lunar module would ferry two members of the three-man crew to the lunar surface and then return them to dock with the combined service and command modules. Another major task was to develop new tough but lightweight materials for the lunar module and for spacesuits that would protect the astronauts from extremes of heat and cold. And then there was what has often seemed the most impossible challenge of all. Flight engineers had to perfect a guidance system that would not only take the spacecraft across a quarter of a million miles to the Moon but also bring it back to reenter Earth's atmosphere at an extremely precise angle that left very little room for error (roughly six and half degrees, give or take half a degree). If the angle was too steep, the capsule would burn up in the atmosphere, too shallow and it would glance off the atmosphere like a stone skimming the surface of a pond and hurtle into space with no possibility of a second chance.

Launching all that hardware—40 tons of payload—called for a rocket of unprecedented thrust. Von Braun and his rocket team again rose to the challenge, building the massive Saturn V, the largest rocket ever created. More than 360 feet long and weighing some 3,000 tons, it generated 7.5 million pounds of thrust and propelled all the Apollo craft on their way without a hitch. On July 16, 1969, a Saturn V launched Apollo 11 into space. Four days later, on July 20, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to set foot on the Moon, thus meeting Kennedy's challenge and winning the space race. After the tragic loss of astronauts Virgil I. (Gus) Grissom, Edward H. White, and Roger B. Chaffee during a launchpad test for Apollo 1, the rest of the Apollo program was a spectacular success. Even the aborted Apollo 13 mission proved how resourceful both the astronauts in space and the engineers on the ground could be in dealing with a potentially deadly catastrophe—an explosion aboard the service module. But with the space race won and with increasing cost concerns as well as a desire to develop other space programs, the Moon missions came to an end in 1972.

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Spacecraft - Exploring Galaxies

NASA turned its attention to a series of robotic, relatively low-cost science and discovery missions. These included the Pioneer probes to Jupiter and Saturn; the twin Viking craft that landed on Mars; and Voyagers 1 and 2, which explored the outer planets and continue to this day flying beyond the Solar System into interstellar space. Both the Soviet Union and the United States also built space stations in the 1970s. Then, in 1981 the United States ramped up its human spaceflight program again with the first of what would be, at last count, scores of Space Shuttle missions. An expensive breakthrough design, the Shuttle rises into space like any other spacecraft, powered by both solid- and liquid-fuel rockets. But upon reentering the atmosphere, the craft becomes a glider, complete with wings, rudder, and landing gear—but no power. Shuttle pilots put their craft through a series of S turns to control its rate of descent and they get only one pass at landing. Among the many roles the Shuttle fleet has played, the most significant may be as a convenient though costly spacebased launchpad for new generations of satellites that have turned the world itself into a vast arena of instant communications.

As with all of the greatest engineering achievements, satellites and other spacecraft bring benefits now so commonplace that we take them utterly for granted. We prepare for an impending snowstorm or hurricane and tune in to our favorite news source for updates, but few of us think of the satellites that spied the storm brewing and relayed the warning to Earth. Directly and indirectly, spacecraft and the knowledge they have helped us gain not only contribute in myriad ways to our daily well-being but have also transformed the way we look at our own blue planet and the wider cosmos around us.

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Spacecraft - Timeline

1903 Paper mathematically demonstrates liftoff with liquid fuels Konstantin Tsiolkovsky publishes a paper in Russia that mathematically demonstrates how to achieve liftoff with liquid fuels. He also proposes using multistage rockets, which would be jettisoned as they spent their fuel, and guidance systems using gyroscopes and movable vanes positioned in the exhaust stream. His formulas for adjusting a spacecraft’s direction and speed to place it in any given orbit are still in use today.

1915 Goddard establishes that it is possible to send a rocket to the Moon Robert Goddard experiments with reaction propulsion in a vacuum and establishes that it is possible to send a rocket to the Moon. Eleven years later, in 1926, Goddard launches the first liquid-fuel rocket.

1942 Successful launch of a V-2 rocket Ten years after his first successful rocket launch, German ballistic missile technical director Wernher von Braun achieves the successful launch of a V-2 rocket. Thousands of V-2s are deployed during World War II, but the guidance system for these missiles is imperfect and many do not reach their targets. The later capture of V-2 rocket components gives American scientists an early opportunity to develop rocket research techniques. In 1949, for example, a V-2 mated to a smaller U.S. Army WAC Corporal second-stage rocket reaches an altitude of 244 miles and is used to obtain data on both high altitudes and the principles of two-stage rockets.

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Spacecraft - Timeline

1957 Sputnik I On October 4 the Soviet Union launches Sputnik I using a liquid-fueled rocket built by Sergei Korolev. About the size of a basketball, the first artificial Earth satellite weighs 184 pounds and takes about 98 minutes to complete one orbit. On November 3 the Soviets launch Sputnik II, carrying a much heavier payload that includes a passenger, a dog named Laika.

1958 United States launches its first satellite The United States launches its first satellite, the 30.8-pound Explorer 1. During this mission, Explorer 1 carries an experiment designed by James A.Van Allen, a physicist at the University of Iowa, which documents the existence of radiation zones encircling Earth within the planet’s magnetic field. The Van Allen Radiation Belt, as it comes to be called, partially dictates the electrical charges in the atmosphere and the solar radiation that reaches Earth. Later that year the U.S. Congress authorizes formation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

1959 Luna 3 probe flies past the Moon The Soviet Union’s Luna 3 probe flies past the Moon and takes the first pictures of its far side. This satellite carries an automated film developing unit and then relays the pictures back to Earth via video camera.

1960 TIROS 1 launched Weather satellite TIROS 1 is launched to test experimental television techniques for a worldwide meteorological satellite information system. Weighing 270 pounds, the aluminum alloy and stainless steel spacecraft is 42 inches in diameter and 19 inches high and is covered by 9,200 solar cells, which serve to charge the onboard batteries. Magnetic tape recorders, one for each of two television cameras, store photographs while the satellite is out of range of the ground station network. Although it is operational for only 78 days, TIROS 1 proves that a satellite can be a useful tool for surveying global weather conditions from space.

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Spacecraft - Timeline

1961 Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human in space On April 12, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, in Vostok I, becomes the first human in space. Launching from Baikonur Cosmodrome, he completes one orbit of Earth in a cabin that contains radios, instrumentation, life-support equipment, and an ejection seat. Three small portholes give him a view of space. At the end of his 108-minute ride, during which all flight controls are operated by ground crews, he parachutes to safety in Kazakhstan.

1961 Alan B. Shepard, Jr. becomes the second human in space On May 5 astronaut Alan B. Shepard, Jr., in Freedom 7, becomes the second human in space. Launched from Cape Canaveral by a Mercury-Redstone rocket, Freedom 7—the first piloted Mercury spacecraft—reaches an altitude of 115 nautical miles and a speed of 5,100 miles per hour before splashing down in the Atlantic Ocean. During his 15-minute suborbital flight, Shepard demonstrates that individuals can control a vehicle during weightlessness and high G stresses, supplying researchers on the ground with significant biomedical data.

1962 John Glenn is the first American to circle Earth John Glenn becomes the first American to circle Earth, making three orbits in his Friendship 7 Mercury spacecraft. Glenn flies parts of the last two orbits manually because of an autopilot failure and during reentry leaves the normally jettisoned retro-rocket pack attached to his capsule because of a loose heat shield. Nonetheless, the flight is enormously successful. The public, more than celebrating the technological success, embraces Glenn as the personification of heroism and dignity.

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Spacecraft - Timeline

1963 Syncom communications satellites launched On February 14 NASA launches the first of a series of Syncom communications satellites into near-geosynchronous orbit, following procedures developed by Harold Rosen of Hughes Aircraft. In July, Syncom 2 is placed over the Atlantic Ocean and Brazil at 55 degrees longitude to demonstrate the feasibility of geosynchronous satellite communications. It successfully transmits voice, teletype, facsimile, and data between a ground station in Lakehurst, New Jersey, and the USNS Kingsport while the ship is off the coast of Africa. It also relays television transmissions from Lakehurst to a ground station in Andover, Maine. Forerunners of the Intelsat series of satellites, the Syncom satellites are cylinders covered with silicon solar cells that provide 29 watts of direct power when the craft is in sunlight (99 percent of the time). Nickel-cadmium rechargeable batteries provide power when the spacecraft is in Earth’s shadow.

1965 Edward H. White, Jr. is the first American to perform a spacewalk The second piloted Gemini mission, Gemini IV, stays aloft for four days, (June 3-7), and astronaut Edward H. White, Jr. performs the first extravehicular activity (EVA)—or spacewalk—by an American. This critical task will have to be mastered before a landing on the Moon.

1968 Apollo 8 flight to the Moon views Earth from lunar orbit. Humans first escape Earth’s gravity on the Apollo 8 flight to the Moon and view Earth from lunar orbit. Apollo 8 takes off from the Kennedy Space Center on December 21 with three astronauts aboard—Frank Borman, James A. Lovell, Jr., and William A. Anders. As their ship travels outward, the crew focuses a portable television camera on Earth and for the first time humanity sees its home from afar, a tiny "blue marble" hanging in the blackness of space. When they arrive at the Moon on Christmas Eve, the crew sends back more images of the planet along with Christmas greetings to humanity. The next day they fire the boosters for a return flight and splash down in the Pacific Ocean on December 27.

1969 Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to walk on the Moon Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to walk on the Moon. The first lunar landing mission, Apollo 11 lifts off on July 16 to begin the 3-day trip. At 4:18 p.m. EST on July 20, the lunar module—with astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin E. (Buzz) Aldrin—lands on the Moon’s surface while Michael Collins orbits overhead in the command module. After more than 21 hours on the lunar surface, they return to the command module with 20.87 kilograms of lunar samples, leaving behind scientific instruments, an American flag, and other mementos, including a plaque bearing the inscription: "Here Men From Planet Earth First Set Foot Upon the Moon. July 1969 A.D. We came in Peace For All Mankind."

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Spacecraft - Timeline

1971 First space station, Salyut 1 The Soviet Union launches the world’s first space station, Salyut 1, in 1971. Two years later the United States sends its first space station, Skylab, into orbit, where it hosts three crews before being abandoned in 1974. Russia continues to focus on long-duration space missions, launching the first modules of the Mir space station in 1986.

1972 Pioneer 10 sent to the outer solar system Pioneer 10, the first mission to be sent to the outer solar system, is launched on March 2 by an Atlas-Centaur rocket. The spacecraft makes its closest approach to Jupiter on December 3, 1973, after which it is on an escape trajectory from the Solar System. NASA launches Pioneer 11 on April 5, 1973, and in December 1974 the spacecraft gives scientists their closest view of Jupiter, from 26,600 miles above the cloud tops. Five years later Pioneer 11 makes its closest approach to Saturn, sending back images of the planet’s rings, and then heads out of the solar system in the opposite direction from Pioneer 10. The last successful data acquisitions from Pioneer 10 occur on March 3, 2002, the 30th anniversary of its launch date, and on April 27, 2002. Its signal is last detected on January 23, 2003, after an uplink is transmitted to turn off the last operational experiment.

1975 NASA launches two Mars space probes NASA launches two Mars space probes, Viking 1 on August 20 and Viking 2 on November 9, each consisting of an orbiter and a lander. The first probe lands on July 20, 1976, the second one on September 3. The Viking project’s primary mission ends on November 15, 11 days before Mars’s superior conjunction (its passage behind the Sun), although the two spacecraft continue to operate for several more years. The last transmission reaches Earth on November 11, 1982. After repeated efforts to regain contact, controllers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory close down the overall mission on May 21, 1983.

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Spacecraft - Timeline

1977 Voyager I and Voyager 2 are launched Voyager I and Voyager 2 are launched on trajectories that take them to Jupiter and Saturn. Over the next decade the Voyagers rack up a long list of achievements. They find 22 new satellites (3 at Jupiter, 3 at Saturn, 10 at Uranus, and 6 at Neptune); discover that Jupiter has rings and that Saturn's rings contain spokes and braided structures; and send back images of active volcanism on Jupiter's moon lo—the only solar body other than Earth with confirmed active volcanoes.

1981 Space Shuttle Columbia is launched The Space Shuttle Columbia, the first reusable winged spaceship, is launched on April 12 from Kennedy Space Center. Astronauts John W. Young and Robert L. Crippin fly Columbia on the first flight of the Space Transportation System, landing the craft at Edwards Air Force Base in Southern California on April 14. Using pressurized auxiliary tanks to improve the total vehicle weight ratio so that the craft can be inserted into its orbit, the mission is the first to use both liquid- and solid-propellant rocket engines for the launch of a spacecraft carrying humans.

1986 Space Shuttle Challenger destroyed during launch On the 25th shuttle flight, the Space Shuttle Challenger is destroyed during its launch from the Kennedy Space Center on January 28, killing astronauts Francis R. (Dick) Scobee, Michael Smith, Judith Resnik, Ronald McNair, Ellison Onizuka, Gregory Jarvis, and Sharon Christa McAuliffe. The explosion occurs 73 seconds into the flight when a leak in one of two solid rocket boosters ignites the main liquid fuel tank. People around the world see the accident on television. The shuttle program does not return to flight until the fall of 1988.

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Spacecraft - Timeline

1990 Hubble Space Telescope The Hubble Space Telescope goes into orbit on April 25, deployed by the crew of the Space Shuttle Discovery. A cooperative effort by the European Space Agency and NASA, Hubble is a space-based observatory first dreamt of in the 1940s. Stabilized in all three axes and equipped with special grapple fixtures and 76 handholds, the space telescope is intended to be regularly serviced by shuttle crews over the span of its 15-year design life.

1998 International Space Station The first two modules of the International Space Station are joined together in orbit on December 5 by astronauts from the Space Shuttle Endeavour. In a series of spacewalks, astronauts connect cables between the two modules—from the United States and Zarya from Russia—affix antennae, and open the hatches between the two spacecraft. 2000 Expedition One of the International Space Station On October 31 Expedition One of the International Space Station is launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan—the same launch-pad from which Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space. Prior to its return on March 21, 2001, the crew conducts scientific experiments and prepares the station for long-term occupation.

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Internet -

The conference held at the Washington Hilton in October 1972 wasn't meant to jump-start a revolution. Staged for a technological elite, its purpose was to showcase a computer-linking scheme called ARPANET, a new kind of network that had been developed under military auspices to help computer scientists share information and enable them to harness the processing power of distant machines. Traffic on the system was still very light, though, and many potential users thought it was too complex to have much of a future.

In the conference hall at the hotel was an array of terminals whose software permitted interactions with computers hundreds or thousands of miles away. The invitees were encouraged to experiment—try out an air traffic control simulator, play chess against an electronic foe, explore databases. There had been some problems in setting up the demonstrations. At one point, a file meant to go to a printer in the hall was mistakenly directed to a robotic turtle, resulting in a wild dance. But it all worked when it had to, convincing the doubters and engaging their interest so effectively that, as one of the organizers said, they were "as excited as little kids." Within a month, traffic on the network increased by two-thirds. In a few more years, ARPANET hooked up with other networks to become a connected archipelago called the Internet. By the end of the 20th century, more than 100 million people were thronging Internet pathways to exchange e-mail, chat, check the news or weather, and, often with the aid of powerful search engines to sift for useful sites, navigate the vast universe of knowledge and commerce known as the World Wide Web. Huge electronic marketplaces bloomed. Financial services, the travel industry, retailing, and many other businesses found bountiful opportunities online. Across the world, the connecting of computers via the Internet spread information and rearranged human activities with seismic force.

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Internet -

All this began in an obscure branch of the U.S. Department of Defense called the Advanced Research Projects Agency, or ARPA. In the 1960s a number of computer scientists at universities and research laboratories across the country received ARPA funding for projects that might have defense-related potential—anything from graphics to artificial intelligence. With the researchers' needs for processing power steadily growing, ARPA decided to join its scattered mainframes into a kind of cooperative, allowing the various groups to draw on one another's computational resources. Responsibility for creating the network was assigned to Lawrence Roberts, a young computer scientist who arrived at ARPA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1966.

Roberts was aware of a promising approach in the ideas of an MIT classmate, Leonard Kleinrock, and he later learned of related work by two other communications experts, Paul Baran and Donald Davies.

Kleinrock had written his doctoral dissertation on the flow of messages in communications networks, exploring the complexities of moving data in small chunks. At about the same time, Baran proposed a different kind of telephone network, which would turn the analog signal of a telephone into digital bits, divide the stream into blocks, and send the blocks in several different directions across a network of high-speed switches or nodes; the node nearest the destination would put the pieces back together again. Davies proposed a similar scheme, in which he called the chunks or blocks "packets," as in packet switching, and that name stuck.

Roberts, for his part, was convinced that the telephone system's method of routing signals, called circuit switching, was poorly suited for linking computers: to connect two callers, a telephone switch opens a circuit, leaving it open until the call is finished. Computers, however, often deliver data in bursts and thus don't need full-time possession of a connection. Packet switching seemed the obvious choice for ARPA's network, not only enabling several computers to share a circuit but also countering congestion problems: when one path was in heavy use, a packet could simply take another route.

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Internet - ARPANET Initially, Roberts intended to have the switching done by the mainframes that ARPA wanted to

connect. But small, speedy minicomputers were just then appearing, and an adviser, Wesley Clark of Washington University in St. Louis, persuaded him to assign one of them to each of the research centers as a switch. Unlike the mainframes, which came from a variety of manufacturers, these so-called interface message processors, or IMPs, could have standardized routing software, which would save on programming costs and allow easy upgrades. In early 1969 the job of building and operating the network was awarded to the consulting firm of Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc. (BBN), in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Although modest in size, BBN employed a stellar cast of engineers and scientists, drawn largely from nearby Harvard University and MIT.

Roberts had outlined what the IMPs would do. First, they would break data from a host mainframe into packets of about 1,000 bits each, attaching source and destination information to each packet, along with digits used to check for transmission errors. The IMPs would then choose optimal routes for the individual packets and reassemble the message at the other end. All the traffic would flow on leased telephone lines that could handle 50,000 bits per second. The BBN team, led by Robert Kahn of MIT, worked out the details and devised an implementation strategy. ARPANET was up and running at four sites by late 1969. At first, just four time-sharing computers were connected, but more hosts and nodes quickly followed, and the network was further expanded by reconfiguring the IMPs so they could accept data from small terminals as well as mainframes.

The nature of the traffic was not what ARPA had expected, however. As time went on, the computer scientists on the network used it primarily for personal communication rather than resource sharing. The first program for sending electronic mail from one computer to another was written in 1972—almost on a whim—by Ray Tomlinson, an engineer at BBN. He earned a kind of alphanumerical immortality in the process. For his addressing format he needed a symbol to clearly separate names from computer locations. He looked at the keyboard in front of him and made a swift choice: "The one that was most obvious was the@ sign, because this person was @ this other computer," he later explained. "At the time, there was nobody with an@ sign in their name that I was aware of." Trillions of e-mails would be stamped accordingly.

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Internet - TCP/IP

Packet switching soon found favor beyond the confines of ARPANET. Roberts left ARPA in 1972 to become president of one of the first companies to offer networking services to commercial customers. Several European countries had become interested in computer networking, and the U.S. government had other packet-based projects under way. Although ARPANET was presumably destined to remain a well-guarded dominion of computer scientists, some widening of its reach by connecting with other networks seemed both desirable and inevitable.

It was clear to Robert Kahn, who had headed the BBN design team, that network-to-network linkages would require an acceptance of diversity, since ARPANET's specifications for packet sizes, delivery rates, and other features of data flow were not a standard. Commonality would instead be imposed in the form of shared rules, or protocols, for communication—some of the rules to apply to the networks themselves, others meant for gateways that would be placed between networks. The job of these gateways, called routers, would be to control traffic, nothing more. What was inside the packets wouldn't matter.

To grapple with the various issues, Kahn joined forces with Vinton Cerf, who had been involved in designing the ARPANET protocols for host computers and also had experience with time-sharing systems on the ARPANET. By mid-1974 their recommendations for an overall network-to-network architecture had been accepted. Negotiations to finalize the two sets of rules, jointly known as TCP/IP (transmission control protocol/ internet protocol), took several more years, and ARPANET did not formally incorporate the new system until 1983. By then ARPA—now known as DARPA, the "D" having been added to signal a clearer focus on defense—was looking for release from its network responsibilities.

An exit presented itself in mid-decade when another U.S. government entity, the National Science Foundation (NSF), began building five supercomputing centers around the country, along with a connecting backbone of lines that were about 25 times faster than ARPANET's. At that time, research scientists of all kinds were clamoring for network access to allow the kind of easy communication and collaboration that ARPANET users had long enjoyed. NSF answered the need by helping to create a number of regional networks, then joining them together by means of the supercomputer backbone. Many foreign networks were connected. In the late 1980s ARPANET began attaching its sites to the system, and in 1990 the granddaddy of packet-switching networks was decommissioned.

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Internet - World Wide Web

Meanwhile, beyond the world of science, computer networking spread in all directions. Within corporations and institutions, small computers were being hooked together in local area networks, which typically used an extremely fast, short-range packet delivery technique called Ethernet (invented by one-time ARPANET programmer Robert Metcalfe back in 1973) and were easily attached to outside networks. On a nation-spanning scale, a number of companies built high-speed networks that could be used to process point-of-sale transactions, give corporate customers access to specialized databases, and serve various other commercial functions. Huge telecommunications carriers such as AT&T and MCI entered the business. As the 1990s proceeded, the major digital highways, including those of NSF, were linked, and on-ramps known as Internet service providers proliferated, providing customers with e-mail, chat rooms, and a variety of content via telephone lines and modems. The Internet was now a vast international community, highly fragmented and lacking a center but a miracle of connectivity.

What allowed smooth growth was the TCP/IP system of rules originally devised for attaching other networks to ARPANET. Over the years rival network-to-network protocols were espoused by various factions in the computer world, among them big telecommunications carriers and such manufacturers as IBM. But TCP/IP worked well. It was highly flexible, it allowed any number of networks to be hooked together, and it was free. The NSF adopted it, more and more private companies accepted it, and computer scientists overseas came to prefer it. In the end, TCP/IP stood triumphant as the glue for the world's preeminent network of networks.











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Internet - World Wide Web

In the 1990s the World Wide Web, an application designed to ride on top of TCP/IP, accelerated expansion of the Internet to avalanche speed. Conceived by Tim Berners-Lee, a British physicist working at the CERN nuclear research facility near Geneva, it was the product, he said, of his "growing realization that there was a power in arranging ideas in an unconstrained, weblike way." He adopted a venerable computer sciences idea called hypertext—a scheme for establishing nonlinear links between pieces of information—and came up with an architectural scheme for the Internet era. His World Wide Web allowed users to find and get text or graphics files—and later video and audio as well—that were stored on computers called servers. All the files had to be formatted in what he termed hypertext markup language (HTML), and all storage sites required a standardized address designation called a uniform resource locator (URL). Delivery of the files was guided by a set of rules known as the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), and the system enabled files to be given built-in links to other files, creating multiple information paths for exploration.

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Internet - Revolution

Although the World Wide Web rapidly found enthusiasts among skilled computer users, it didn't come into its own until appealing software for navigation emerged from a supercomputing center established at the University of Illinois by NSF. There, two young computer whizzes named Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina created a program called Mosaic, which made Web browsing so easy and graphically intuitive that a million copies of the software were downloaded across the Internet within a few months of its appearance in April 1993. The following year Andreessen helped form a company called Netscape to produce a commercial version of Mosaic. Other browsers soon followed, and staggering quantities of information moved onto servers: personal histories and governmental archives; job listings and offerings of merchandise; political tracts, artwork, and health information; financial news, electronic greeting cards, games, and uncountable other sorts of human knowledge, interest, and activity—with the whole indescribable maze changing constantly and growing exponentially.

By the end of the 20th century the Internet embraced some 300,000 networks stretching across the planet. Its fare traveled on optical fibers, cable television lines, and radio waves as well as telephone lines—and the traffic was doubling annually. Cell phones and other communication devices were joining computers in the vast weave. Some data are now being tagged in ways that allow Web sites to interact. What the future will bring is anyone's guess, but no one can fail to be amazed at the dynamism of networking. Vinton Cerf, one of the Internet's principal designers, says simply: "Revolutions like this don't come along very often."

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Internet - Timeline

1962 Kleinrock thesis describes underlying principles of packet-switching technology Leonard Kleinrock, a doctoral student at MIT, writes a thesis describing queuing networks and the underlying principles of what later becomes known as packet-switching technology. 1962 ARPA Information Processing Techniques Office J. C. R. Licklider becomes the first director of the Information Processing Techniques Office established by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA, later known as DARPA) of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). Licklider articulates the vision of a "galactic" computer network—a globally interconnected set of processing nodes through which anyone anywhere can access data and programs.

1964 On Distributed Communications Networks The RAND Corporation publishes a report, principally authored by Paul Baran, for the Pentagon called On Distributed Communications Networks. It describes a distributed radio communications network that could survive a nuclear first strike, in part by dividing messages into segments that would travel independently.

1966 ARPANET project Larry Roberts of MIT’s Lincoln Lab is hired to manage the ARPANET project. He works with the research community to develop specifications for the ARPA computer network, a packet-switched network with minicomputers acting as gateways for each node using a standard interface.

1967 Packet switching Donald Davies, of the National Physical Laboratory in Middlesex, England, coins the term packet switching to describe the lab’s experimental data transmission.

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Internet - Timeline 1968 Interface message processors Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.

(BBN) wins a DARPA contract to develop the packet switches called interface message processors (IMPs).

1969 DARPA deploys the IMPs DARPA deploys the IMPs. Kleinrock, at the Network Measurement Center at the University of California at Los Angeles, receives the first IMP in September. BBN tests the "one-node" network. A month later the second IMP arrives at Stanford, where Doug Englebart manages the Network Information Center, providing storage for ARPANET documentation. Dave Evans and Ivan Sutherland, professors researching computer systems and graphics at the University of Utah, receive the third IMP, and the fourth goes to the University of California at Santa Barbara, where Glen Culler is conducting research on interactive computer graphics.

1970 Initial ARPANET host-to-host protocol In December the Network Working Group (NWG), formed at UCLA by Steve Crocker, deploys the initial ARPANET host-to-host protocol, called the Network Control Protocol (NCP). The primary function of the NCP is to establish connections, break connections, switch connections, and control flow over the ARPANET, which grows at the rate of one new node per month.

1970 UNIX operating system At Bell Labs, Dennis Ritchie and Kenneth Thompson complete the UNIX operating system, which gains a wide following among scientists.

1972 First e-mail program Ray Tomlinson at BBN writes the first e-mail program to send messages across the ARPANET. In sending the first message to himself to test it out, he uses the @ sign—the first time it appears in an e-mail address.

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Internet - Timeline 1972 First public demonstration of the new network technology

Robert Kahn at BBN, who is responsible for the ARPANET’s system design, organizes the first public demonstration of the new network technology at the International Conference on Computer Communications in Washington, D.C., linking 40 machines and a Terminal Interface Processor to the ARPANET.

1973 Paper describes basic design of the Internet and TCP In September, Kahn and Vinton Cerf, an electrical engineer and head of the International Network Working Group, present a paper at the University of Sussex in England describing the basic design of the Internet and an open-architecture network, later known as TCP (transmission control protocol), that will allow networks to communicate with each other. The paper is published as "A Protocol for Packet Network Interconnection" in IEEE Transactions on Communications.

1975 Initial testing of packet radio networks Initial testing of packet radio networks takes place in the San Francisco area. The SATNET program is initiated in September with one Intelsat ground station in Etam, West Virginia, and another in Goonhilly Downs, England.

1976 TCP/IP incorporated At DARPA’s request, Bill Joy incorporates TCP/IP (internet protocol) in distributions of Berkeley Unix, initiating broad diffusion in the academic scientific research community.

1977 Theorynet Larry Landweber, of the University of Wisconsin, creates Theorynet, to link researchers for e-mail via commercial packet-switched networks like Telenet.

1977 Demonstration of independent networks to communicate Cerf and Kahn organize a demonstration of the ability of three independent networks to communicate with each other using TCP protocol. Packets are communicated from the University of Southern California across the ARPANET, the San Francisco Bay Packet Radio Net, and Atlantic SATNET to London and back.

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Internet - Timeline

1979 Internet Configuration Control Board DARPA establishes the Internet Configuration Control Board (ICCB) to help manage the DARPA Internet program. The ICCB acts as a sounding board for DARPA’s plans and ideas. Landweber convenes a meeting of computer researchers from universities, the National Science Foundation (NSF), and DARPA to explore creation of a "computer science research network" called CSNET.

1979 USENET USENET, a "poor man’s ARPANET," is created by Tom Truscott, Jim Ellis, and Steve Belovin to share information via e-mail and message boards between Duke University and the University of North Carolina, using dial-up telephone lines and the UUCP protocols in the Berkeley UNIX distributions.

1980 TCP/IP standard adopted U.S. Department of Defense adopts the TCP/IP (transmission control protocol/internet protocol) suite as a standard.

1981 NSF and DARPA establish ARPANET nodes NSF and DARPA agree to establish ARPANET nodes at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Purdue University, the University of Delaware, BBN, and RAND Corporation to connect ARPANET to CSNET sites on a commercial network called Telenet using TCP/IP.

1982 ARPANET hosts convert to new TCP/IP protocols All hosts connected to ARPANET are required to convert to the new TCP/IP protocols by January 1, 1983. The interconnected TCP/IP networks are generally known as the Internet.

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Internet - Timeline 1983 UNIX scientific workstation introduced Sun Microsystems

introduces its UNIX scientific workstation. TCP/IP, now known as the Internet protocol suite, is included, initiating broad diffusion of the Internet into the scientific and engineering research communities.

1983 Internet Activities Advisory Board The Internet Activities Advisory Board (later the Internet Activities Board, or IAB) replaces the ICCB. It organizes the research community into task forces on gateway algorithms, new end-to-end service, applications architecture and requirements, privacy, security, interoperability, robustness and survivability, autonomous systems, tactical interneting, and testing and evaluation. One of the task forces, soon known as "Internet Engineering," deals with the Internet’s operational needs.

1983 The Internet ARPANET, and all networks attached to it, officially adopts the TCP/IP networking protocol. From now on, all networks that use TCP/IP are collectively known as the Internet. The number of Internet sites and users grow exponentially.

1984 Advent of Domain Name Service The advent of Domain Name Service, developed by Paul Mockapetris and Craig Partridge, eases the identification and location of computers connected to ARPANET by linking unique IP numerical addresses to names with suffixes such as .mil, .com, .org, and .edu.

1985 NSF links five supercomputer centers across the country NSF links scientific researchers to five supercomputer centers across the country at Cornell University, University of California at San Diego, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, and Princeton University. Like CSNET, NSFNET employs TCP/IP in a 56-kilobits-per-second backbone to connect them.

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Internet - Timeline 1986 Internat Engineering Task Force expands The Internet

Engineering Task Force (IETF) expands to reflect the growing importance of operations and the development of commercial TCP/IP products. It is an open informal international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers interested in the evolution of the Internet architecture and its smooth operation.

1986 Senator Gore proposes new legislation for using fiber-optic technology Senator Albert Gore, of Tennessee, proposes legislation calling for the interconnection of the supercomputers centers using fiber-optic technology.

1987 UUNET and PSINET are formed UUNET is formed by Rick Adams and PSINET is formed by Bill Schrader to provide commercial Internet access. At DARPA's request, Dan Lynch organizes the first Interop conference for information purposes and to bring vendors together to test product interoperability.

1987 High-speed national research network NSF convenes the networking community in response to a request by Senator Gore to examine prospects for a high-speed national research network. Gordon Bell at NSF reports to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) on a plan for the National Research and Education Network. Presidential Science Advisor Allan Bromley champions the high-performance computing and communications initiatives that eventually implement the networking plans.

1987 Internet of administratively independent connected TCP/IP networks emerges As the NSFNET backbone becomes saturated, NSF plans to increase capacity, supports the creation of regional networks, and initiates a program to connect academic institutions, which invest heavily in campus area networks. The Internet of administratively independent connected TCP/IP networks emerges.

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Internet - Timeline

1988 NSFNET contract awarded An NSFNET contract is awarded to the team of IBM and MCI, led by Merit Network, Inc. The initial 1.5-megabits-per-second NSFNET is placed in operation.

1989 Interconnection of commercial and federal networks The Federal Networking Council (FNC), program officer from cooperating agencies, give formal approval for interconnection of commercial and federal networks. The following year ARPANET is decommissioned.

1991 World Wide Web software developed CERN releases the World Wide Web software developed earlier by Tim Berners-Lee. Specifications for HTML (hypertext markup language), URL (uniform resource locator), and HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) launch a new era for content distribution. At the University of Minnesota, a team of programmers led by Mark McCahill releases a point-and-click navigation tool, the "Gopher" document retrieval system, simplifying access to files over the Internet.

1992 Internet Society is formed The nonprofit Internet Society is formed to give the public information about the Internet and to support Internet standards, engineering, and management. The society later becomes home to a number of groups, including the IAB and IETF, and hold meetings around the world to promote diffusion of the Internet.

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Internet - Timeline

1993 Distribution of a browser accelerates adoption of the web Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina, of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, develop an easy-to-use graphical interface for the World Wide Web. Distribution of the "browser," NCSA Mosaic, accelerates adoption of the Web. The technology is eventually licensed to Microsoft as the basis for its initial Internet Explorer browser. In 1994 the team rewrites the browser, changing its name to Netscape. Later "browser wars" focus public attention on the emerging commercial Internet.

1993 Network Solutions manages domain names NSF solicits proposal to manage domain names for nonmilitary registrations and awards a 5-year agreement to Network Solutions, Inc.

1995 NSFNET decommissioned NSF decommissions the NSFNET. 1996 Telecommunications Act of 1996 President Clinton signs the

Telecommunications Act of 1996. Among its provisions it gives schools and libraries access to state-of-the-art services and technologies at discounted rates.

1998 Coordination of Internet domain names transitions from federal to private sector The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is chartered by the U.S. Department of Commerce to transition from the federal government to the private sector the coordination and assignment of Internet domain names, IP address numbers and various protocol parameters.

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Imaging -

To see with a keener eye has been a human obsession since the times of Leeuwenhoek and Galileo, considered fathers of the microscope and telescope, respectively. For centuries keener vision meant to see more clearly what was far away or what was very small—to magnify and sharpen. But in the 20th century it also came to signify all sorts of vision that once would have been deemed "magic"—the penetration of veils both around us and within us as well as the registering of forms of "light" to which human sight is utterly blind.

No less enchanting was a host of developments in the recording of images, including color photography, holography and other three-dimensional imaging, and digital photography; the invention and rapid dissemination of moving pictures and television, which quickly came to dominate Western culture; and the proliferation of cameras, camcorders, videotapes, CDs, and DVDs, which have transformed our ways of looking at the world. Imaging even came to play a vital role in such endeavors as microelectronics, where electron beams and other devices etch hundreds of millions of transistors into the surface of computer memory chips and microprocessors.

The story behind these new sorts of vision and imaging encompasses a wide range of fields, from astronomy to medicine, each with its own century-spanning plot line. Narrative threads intertwine along the way, with discoveries in one field contributing decades later to applications in another. The one common theme is how we turned new knowledge into tools that have improved our lives by changing how we see.

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Imaging -

The first dawning rays of this new age of seeing appeared—quite literally—just before the beginning of the 20th century. In 1895 a German physicist named Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen accidentally discovered a form of radiation that could penetrate opaque objects and cast ghostly images on a photographic plate. Roentgen called his discovery X-radiation (the X was for "unknown"), and to prove its existence he took a picture of his wife's hand by exposing it to a beam of its rays. The result showed the bones of her hand and a ring on her finger as dark shadows on the photographic plate. It was the first x-ray image ever deliberately recorded.

The rays were soon identified as a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths very much shorter than those of visible light. The shortness, or high frequency, of these wavelengths accounted for their penetrating power; their ability to delineate internal structure came from the fact that denser materials, such as bone, absorbed more of the rays. An American named William Coolidge soon put all this to practical effect with his 1913 invention of a vacuum tube that conveniently—and relatively safely—generated X rays. Medical doctors quickly seized on this wonderful new tool that enabled them to see, for example, how a bone was broken, or where a bullet might be lodged, or whether a lung harbored potentially lethal growths. A new field of diagnostic—and later therapeutic—medicine, radiology, was born. X rays also found their way out of the doctor's office and into the industrial world, where they were used to check for hidden cracks or other flaws in complex machinery and in structures such as bridges.

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Imaging - X-Ray

Behind X rays' power lay a principle of physics that eventually helped researchers see things that were infinitesimally small. According to this principle, a given form of radiation cannot be used to distinguish anything smaller than half its own wavelength; therefore, the shorter the wavelength, the smaller the object that can be imaged. Beginning in the 1930s, efforts to improve traditional microscopes' magnifying power—up to 5,000 times for the best optical instruments—came to fruition as several researchers across the globe began to use streams of electrons to "illuminate" surfaces. Electron microscopes, as they were called, could reveal details many times smaller than visible light could because the wavelengths of the electron beams were up to 100,000 times shorter than the wavelengths of visible light. With improvements over the years that included the ability to scan across a surface or even probe to reveal subsurface details, electron microscopes ultimately achieved magnifications of up to two million times—equivalent to enlarging a postage stamp to the size of a large city. Now scientists can see things right down to the level of individual atoms on a surface.

A related form of imaging that relied directly on X rays played a role in one of the greatest discoveries of the century. In the 1950s James Watson and Francis Crick benefited from a technique called x-ray crystallography—which records the diffraction patterns created when X rays are beamed through crystallized materials. Their less heralded colleague Rosalind Franklin used x-ray crystallography to take images of DNA, and the diffraction patterns helped them determine that the DNA molecule forms a double helix, an insight that led Watson and Crick to identify DNA as the carrier of the genetic code. But the chief use of X rays continued to be as a diagnostic tool in medicine, where they were soon joined by other exciting new imaging techniques.

A few years after Watson and Crick's seminal discovery, an American electrical engineer named Hal Anger developed a camera that could record gamma rays—electromagnetic waves of even higher frequency than X rays—emitted by radioactive isotopes. By injecting small amounts of these isotopes into the body, radiologists were able to locate areas in the body where the isotopes were taken up. Known as the scintillation camera, or sometimes simply the Anger camera, the device evolved into use in several of modern medicine's most valuable imaging tools, including positron emission tomography (PET). X-ray imaging continued to evolve as well. In the 1970s medical engineers added computers to the equation, developing the technique known as computerized axial tomography (CAT), in which multiple cross-sectional x-ray views are combined by a computer to create three-dimensional images of the body's internal structures.

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Imaging - Medical Applications

One major drawback to these approaches was that they carried the risks associated with exposure to ionizing radiation, which even in relatively small amounts can cause irreparable damage to cells and tissues. But about the same time that CAT scanning was becoming a practical tool, a less harmful—and indeed more revealing—imaging technology appeared. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) relies not on X rays or gamma rays but on the interaction of harmless radio waves with hydrogen atoms in cells subjected to a magnetic field. It took a great deal of work by radiologists, scientists, and engineers to iron out all the wrinkles in MRI, but by the 1980s it too was proving to be an indispensable diagnostic tool. Not only was MRI completely noninvasive and free of ill effects, it also could create images of nearly any soft tissue. In its most developed form it can even chart blood flow and chemical activity in areas of the brain and heart, revealing details of functioning that had never been seen before.

Completing the gamut of medical imaging techniques is ultrasound, in at least one way a unique member of the family. As its name implies, rather than using electromagnetic radiation, ultrasound imaging relies on sound waves at high frequencies. The history of seeing with sound traces back to the early years of the century, when several different European engineers discovered that high-frequency sound waves bounced off metallic, underwater objects. Timing how long an echo takes to return to a transmitter/detector made it possible to determine the object's distance; other refinements eventually gave more detailed views of size and shape. Although sound navigation and ranging (sonar), a later term, was employed to some extent in World War I to detect submarines and underwater mines, it didn't really become refined enough for practical benefit until World War II. Meanwhile, as with X rays, sonar was also being used to detect flaws in metals and welded joints.

Not until the 1940s and 1950s did researchers seriously apply the principles and technology of sonar to the medical realm. One of the many pioneers was a Scottish gynecologist named Ian Donald, known by some of his colleagues as Mad Donald for his seemingly eccentric interest in all sorts of machines and inventions. Experimenting with tissue samples and an ultrasonic metal flaw detector owned by one of his patients, Donald realized that the detector could be used to create images of dense masses and growths within less dense tissue. Some of his early clinical efforts proved disappointing, but one noted success, when he correctly diagnosed an easily removed ovarian cyst that had been misread as inoperable stomach cancer, changed everything. As Donald himself said, "There could be no turning back." In 1959 he went on to discover that particularly clear echoes were returned from the heads of fetuses, and within a decade the use of ultrasound to chart fetal development throughout pregnancy was becoming more commonplace. Today, it is considered one of the safest methods of imaging in medicine and is a routine procedure in many doctors' offices and hospitals in the developed world.

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Imaging - RADAR

Following on the heels of sonar was another imaging technology that has found an extraordinarily wide range of applications—almost everywhere, it seems, except in medicine. By 1930 researchers at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C., had developed crude equipment that used long waves at the radio end of the spectrum to locate aircraft. Then in 1935, British physicist Robert Watson-Watt designed a more practical radiowave detector that could determine not only range but also altitude. By 1938 dozens of Watson-Watt's devices—called radar, for radio detection and ranging—were linked to form a network of aircraft detectors along Britain's south and east coasts that proved extremely effective against attacking German planes throughout World War II. It is a little-known fact that an hour before the attack on Pearl Harbor, radar detected the incoming planes, though nothing was done with the information. By the end of the war, all the armed powers of the day employed radar in one form or another.

Radar has become one of the most ubiquitous of imaging technologies. Radar detectors create images of weather patterns and support the entire air traffic control system of the United States and other countries. Satellite-borne radar systems have mapped Earth's surface in exquisite detail, independent of weather or cloud cover. Radar aboard spacecraft venturing farther afield have returned images of other planets' surfaces, including stunningly detailed three-dimensional views of Venus obtained right through its otherwise impenetrable blanket of clouds. And, of course, radar is used today in traffic control worldwide, a byproduct of American traffic engineer John Barker's 1947 adaptation of radar to determine an automobile's speed.

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Imaging - Telescopes

Of all these diverse imaging accomplishments stretching across the century, perhaps the greatest revolution has been in telescopes. A telescope's light-gathering power is determined by the size of its aperture: the wider its diameter, the more light a telescope can gather and, therefore, the dimmer the celestial objects it can detect. Before 1900 the best telescopes were refractors, gathering and focusing light through a series of lenses arranged in a long tube. But refractors can get only so big before the weight of their lenses, which must be supported just at their edges, becomes too great; the practical limit turned out to be 40 inches. Reflecting telescopes, on the other hand, use a mirror to gather and focus light, and the mirror can be supported under its entire area. Improvements in mirror-making techniques after the turn of the century opened the door for the telescope revolution. Under the direction of American astronomer George Ellery Hale, engineers built a series of increasingly larger reflecting telescopes: a 60-inch version in 1908, followed by a 100-inch giant in 1918, and then a 200-inch behemoth, named after Hale and completed in 1947, 9 years after his death. This trio stood at the pinnacle for many years and unlocked a host of cosmic secrets, including the existence of galaxies and the fact that the universe is expanding. Today, the largest reflectors, using sophisticated techniques that link the light-gathering power of multiple mirrors, have effective apertures of up to 400 inches. And dramatic advances in light-sensing equipment, including photodiodes that can detect a single photon, have added to the wonders revealed.

The year after the Hale telescope was completed, a radio engineer named Karl Jansky made a discovery that initiated yet another telescopic revolution. He determined that a constant background static being picked up by sensitive radio antennas was actually coming from space. It was ultimately identified as residual radiation from the Big Bang that gave birth to the universe. Within a few years, astronomers were training radio dishes on the heavens and learning to see with a whole new set of eyes. Radio telescopes were even easier to link together; using a technique called interferometry, engineers could create radio telescopic arrays made up of dozens of individual dishes, with a combined aperture that was not inches, but miles, across.

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Imaging - Telescopes

Telescopes now also orbit Earth on satellites, the most famous being the Hubble Space Telescope, which includes several different imaging devices—optical among others—and has produced cosmic views of astounding clarity. Crucial to that clarity are detectors called charge-coupled devices (CCDs), electronic components that convert light into electrical signals that can be interpreted and manipulated by computer. The most refined CCDs consist of hundreds of millions of individual picture elements, or pixels, each capable of distinguishing tens of thousands of shades of brightness. CCDs have become essential components not only in optical telescopes but also in digital cameras, achieving resolutions that rival the best of older photographic techniques.

Hubble is not alone out there. Its spectacular optical images are only part of what we can see of space. Orbiting x-ray observatories give us a ringside view of the most violent cosmic events, from the birth of stars to the gravitational collapses that form black holes. Gamma-ray detectors tell stories of other cataclysmic events, some still so mysterious as to defy explanation. And infrared instruments, picking up dim signals from the deepest reaches of space, reveal details about the whole history of the universe, back to its very beginning. With this new breed of imaging devices the eyepiece is long gone, but the view is still riveting.

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Imaging - Timeline

Efforts to capture visions beyond the range of the normal eye have long engaged scientists and engineers. By the mid-1880s George Eastman had improved upon celluloid and at the turn of the 20th century used it with his new camera, the Brownie. That boxy little phenomenon is still remembered by many adults today, even as digital cameras record the world around us by harnessing electrons. The discovery of X rays was only the first of many achievements leading to the development of picture-making devices that today support all manner of endeavors—in the military, medical, meteorological, computer technology, and space exploration communities. As the preceding pages make clear, images—microscopic, mundane, magnificent—affect us in all aspects of our lives.

1900 Kodak Brownie camera Eastman introduces the Kodak Brownie camera. Named after popular children’s book characters, it sells for $1 and uses film that sells for 15¢ a roll. For the first time, photography is inexpensive and accessible to anyone who wants to take "snapshots." In the first year 150,000 cameras are sold, and many of the first owners are children. In the course of its long production life, the Brownie has more than 175 models; the last one is marketed as late as 1980 in England.

1913 Hot cathode x-ray tube invented William David Coolidge invents the hot cathode x-ray tube, using a thermionic tube with a heated cathode electron emitter to replace the cold, or gas, tube. All modern x-ray tubes are of the thermionic type.

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Imaging - Timeline

1913 Mammography research Albert Solomon, a pathologist in Berlin, uses a conventional x-ray machine to produce images of 3,000 gross anatomic mastectomy specimens, observing black spots at the centers of breast carcinomas. Mammography, the resulting imaging, has been used since 1927 as a diagnostic tool in the early detection of breast cancer.

1915 The hydrophone developed French professor and physicist Paul Langevin, working with Swiss physicist and engineer Constantin Chilowsky, develops the hydrophone, a high-frequency, ultrasonic echo-sounding device. The pioneering underwater sound technique is improved by the U.S. Navy and used during World War I in antisubmarine warfare as well as in locating icebergs. The work forms the basis for research and development into pulse-echo sonar (sound navigation and ranging), used on naval ships as well as ocean liners.

1931-1933 Electron microscope Ernst Ruska, a German electrical engineer working with Max Kroll, constructs and builds an electron microscope, the first instrument to provide better definition than a light microscope. Electron microscopes can view objects as small as the diameter of an atom and can magnify objects one million times. (In 1986 Ruska is awarded half of the Nobel Prize in physics. The other half is divided between Heinrich Rohrer and Gerd Binnig for their work on the scanning tunneling microscope; see 1981.)

1935 First practical radar British scientist Sir Robert Watson-Watt patents the first practical radar (for radio detection and ranging) system for meteorological applications. During World War II radar is successfully used in Great Britain to detect incoming aircraft and provide information to intercept bombers.

1939 Resonant-cavity magnetron developed Henry Boot and John Randall, at the University of Birmingham in England, develop the resonant-cavity magnetron, which combines features of two devices, the magnetron and the klystron. The magnetron, capable of generating high-frequency radio pulses with large amounts of power, significantly advances radar technology and assists the Allies during World War II.

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Imaging - Timeline

1940s Microwave radar systems MIT’s Radiation Laboratory begins investigating the development of microwave radar systems, physical electronics, microwave physics, electromagnetic properties of matter, and microwave communication principles.

1943 Radar storm detection The use of radar to detect storms begins. The U.S. Weather Radar Laboratory conducts research in the 1950s on Doppler radar, the change in frequency that occurs as a moving object nears or passes (an effect discovered for sound waves in 1842 by Austrian scientist Christian Doppler).

1946 Radar-equipped air traffic control The Civil Aviation Authority unveils an experimental radar-equipped tower for control of civil flights. Air traffic controllers soon are able to track positions of aircraft on video displays for air traffic control and ground controlled approach to airports.

1950s Medical fluoroscopy and night vision Russell Morgan, a professor of radiological science at Johns Hopkins University, Edward Chamberlain, a radiologist at Temple University, and John W. Coltman, a physicist and associate director of the Westinghouse Research Laboratories, perfect a method of screen intensification that reduces radiation exposure and improves fluoroscopic vision. Their image intensifier in fluoroscopy is now universally used in medical fluoroscopy and in military applications, including night vision.

1950s X-ray crystallography reveal helical structure of DNA Rosalind Franklin uses x-ray crystallography to create crystal-clear x-ray photographs that reveal the basic helical structure of the DNA molecule.

1950s X-ray crystallography helps solve mystery British chemists Max Perutz and Sir John Kendrew use x-ray crystallography to solve the structure of the oxygen-carrying proteins myoglobin and hemoglobin. They win the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1962.

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Imaging - Timeline

1958 Imaging device to detect tumors Hal Anger invents a medical imaging device that enables physicians to detect tumors and make diagnoses by imaging gamma rays emitted by radioactive isotopes. Now the most common nuclear medicine imaging instrument worldwide, the camera uses photoelectron multiplier tubes closely packed behind a large scintillation crystal plate. The center of the scintillation is determined electronically by what is known as Anger logic.

1959 Ultrasound Ian Donald, a professor working at the University of Glasgow’s Department of Midwifery, and his colleagues develop practical technology and applications for ultrasound as a diagnostic tool in obstetrics and gynecology. Ultrasound displays images on a screen of tissues or organs formed by the echoes of inaudible sound waves at high frequencies (20,000 or more vibrations per second) beamed into the body. The technique is used to look for tumors, analyze bone structure, or examine the health of an unborn baby.

1960 Radioisotopes for research, diagnosis, and treatment of disease Powell Richards and Walter Tucker, and many colleagues at the Bureau of Engineering Research at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory, invent a short halflife radionuclide generator that produces technetium-99m for use in diagnostic imaging procedures in nuclear medicine—a branch of medicine that uses radioisotopes for research, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. (Technetium-99m was discovered in 1939 by Emilio Segrè and Glenn Seaborg.)

1960s Optical lithography Semiconductor manufacturing begins using optical lithography, an innovative technology using a highly specialized printing process that places intricate patterns onto silicon chips, or wafers. In the first stage an image containing the defining pattern is projected onto the silicon wafer, which is coated with a very thin layer of photosensitive material called "resist." The process is still used to manufacture integrated circuits and could continue to be used through the 100-nanometer generation of devices.

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Imaging - Timeline

1960s and 1970s Space-based imaging begins Space-based imaging gets under way throughout the 1960s as Earth-observing satellites begin to trace the planet’s topography. In 1968 astronauts on Apollo 7, the first piloted Apollo mission, conduct two scientific photographic sessions and transmit television pictures to the American public from inside the space capsule. In 1973 astronauts aboard Skylab, the first U.S. space station, conduct high-resolution photography of Earth using photographic remote-sensing systems mounted on the spacecraft as well as a Hasselblad handheld camera. Landsat satellites launched by NASA between 1972 and 1978 produce the first composite multispectral mosaic images of the 48 contiguous states. Landsat imagery provides information for monitoring agricultural productivity, water resources, urban growth, deforestation, and natural change.

1962 First PET transverse section instrument Sy Rankowitz and James Robertson, working at Brookhaven National Laboratory, invent the first positron emission tomography (PET) transverse section instrument, using a ring of scintillation crystals surrounding the head. (The first application of positron imaging for medical diagnosis occurred in 1953, when Gordon Brownell and William Sweet at Massachusetts General Hospital imaged patients with suspected brain tumors.) The following year David Kuhl introduces radionuclide emission tomography leading to the first computerized axial tomography, as well as to refinements in PET scanning, which is used most often to detect cancer and to examine the effects of cancer therapy. A decade later single-photon emission tomography (SPECT) methods become capable of yielding accurate information similar to PET by incorporating mathematical algorithms by Thomas Budinger and Grant Gullberg of the University of California at Berkeley.

1972 CAT scan Engineer Godfrey Hounsfield of Britain’s EMI Laboratories and South African–born American physicist Allan Cormack of Tufts University develop the computerized axial tomography scanner, or CAT scan. With the help of a computer, the device combines many x-ray images to generate cross-sectional views as well as three-dimensional images of internal organs and structures. Used to guide the placement of instruments or treatments, CAT eventually becomes the primary tool for diagnosing brain and spinal disorders. (In 1979, Hounsfield and Cormack are awarded the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine.)

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Imaging - Timeline

1972 MRI adapted for medical purposes Using high-speed computers, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is adapted for medical purposes, offering better discrimination of soft tissue than x-ray CAT and is now widely used for noninvasive imaging throughout the body. Among the pioneers in the development of MRI are Felix Bloch and Edward Purcell (Nobel Prize winners in 1952), Paul Lauterbur, and Raymond Damadian.

1981 First scanning tunneling microscope Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer, German physicists working at the IBM Research Laboratory in Zürich design and build the first scanning tunneling microscope (STM), with a small tungsten probe tip about one or two atoms wide. In 1986, Binnig, Cal Quate, and Christoph Gerber introduce the atomic force microscope (AFM), which is used in surface science, nanotechnology, polymer science, semiconductor materials processing, microbiology, and cellular biology. For invention of the STM Binnig and Rohrer share the 1986 Nobel Prize in physics with Ernst Ruska, who receives the award for his work on electron optics.

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Imaging - Timeline

1987 Echo-planar imaging (EPI) Echo-planar imaging (EPI) is used to perform real-time movie imaging of a single cardiac cycle. (Peter Mansfield of the School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, first developed the EPI technique in 1977.) In 1993 the advent of functional MRI opens up new applications for EPI in mapping regions of the brain responsible for thought and motor control and provides early detection of acute stroke.

1990 Hubble Space Telescope The Hubble Space Telescope goes into orbit on April 25, deployed by the crew of the Space Shuttle Discovery. A cooperative effort by the European Space Agency and NASA, Hubble is a space-based observatory first dreamt of in the 1940s. Stabilized in all three axes and equipped with special grapple fixtures and 76 handholds, the space telescope is intended to be regularly serviced by shuttle crews over the span of its 15-year design life.

1990s–2000 Spacecraft imaging instruments NASA launches robotic spacecraft equipped with a variety of imaging instruments as part of a program of solar system exploration. Spacecraft have returned images not only from the planets but also from several of the moons of the gas giants.

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Household Appliances -

As a frequent purveyor of domestic dreams, Good Housekeeping magazine was on familiar ground in 1930 when it rhetorically asked its readers: "How many times have you wished you could push a button and find your meals deliciously prepared and served, and then as easily cleared away by the snap of a switch?" No such miraculous button or switch was in prospect, of course—not for cooking meals, cleaning the house, washing clothes, or any of the other homemaking chores that, by enduring custom, mainly fell to women.

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Household Appliances - Cooking

Seven decades later American women averaged 4 hours of housework a day, only a moderate decline since 1930, accompanying the movement of large numbers of women into the workforce. What changed—and had been changing since the beginning of the century—was the dramatic easing of drudgery by new household appliances. Effort couldn't be engineered out of existence by stoves, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, and other appliances, but it was radically redefined.

Consider cooking. In practically all American households by the turn of the 20th century, the work was done on cast iron stoves that burned wood or coal. A few people mourned the passing of fireplace cooking—"The open fire was the true center of home-life," wrote one wistful observer of the changeover in the middle decades of the 19th century—but the advantages of a stove were overwhelming. It used substantially less fuel than a blaze in an open hearth, didn't require constant tending, didn't blacken the walls with soot, didn't spit out dangerous sparks and embers, and, if centrally positioned, would warm a kitchen in winter much more effectively than a fireplace. It was also versatile. Heat from the perforated fire chamber was distributed to cooking holes on the top surface and to several ovens; some of it might also be directed to a compartment that kept food warm or to an apparatus that heated water. But the stove could be exasperating and exhausting, too. The fire had to be started anew each morning and fed regular helpings of fuel—an average of 50 pounds of it over the course of a day. Controlling the heat with dampers and flues was a tricky business. Touching any part of the stove's surface might produce a burn. Ashes were usually emptied twice a day. And a waxy black polish had to be applied from time to time to prevent rusting. In all, an hour or more a day was spent simply tending the stove.

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Household Appliances - Cooking

As a heat source for cooking, gas began to challenge coal and wood in the closing years of the 19th century. At that time piped gas made from co*ke or coal was widely available in cities for illumination, but incandescent lights were clearly the coming thing. To create an alternative demand for their product, many gas companies started to make and market gas stoves, along with water heaters and furnaces. A gas stove had some powerful selling points. It could be smaller than a coal- or wood-burning stove; most of its surface remained cool; and all the labor of toting fuel, starting and tending the fire, and removing the ashes was eliminated. The development of an oven thermostat in 1915 added to its appeal, as did the increasing use of natural gas, which was cheaper and less toxic than the earlier type. By 1930 gas ranges outnumbered coal or wood burners by almost two to one.

Electric stoves were still uncommon. Although they had originated around the turn of the century, fewer than one U.S. residence in 10 was wired for electricity at the time; moreover, such power was expensive, and the first electric stoves used it gluttonously. Another deficiency was the short life of their heating elements, but in 1905 an engineer named Albert Marsh solved that problem with a patented nickel-chrome alloy that could take the heat. In the next decade electric stoves acquired an oven thermostat, matching an important feature of their gas rivals. Meanwhile America was steadily being wired. By the mid-1920s, 60 percent of residences had electricity, and it was fast falling in price. As electric stoves became more competitive, they, like gas stoves, were given a squared-off shape and a white porcelain enamel surface that was easy to clean. They continued to gain ground, receiving a major boost with the introduction in 1963 of the self-cleaning oven, which uses very high temperatures—about 900°F—to burn food residue from oven walls. Today, many households split the difference in stove types, choosing gas for the range and electricity for the oven.

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Household Appliances - Irons & Toasters

The electric stove is just one of a host of household appliances based on resistance heating—the production of heat energy as current passes through an electrically resistant material. Others that appeared in the early days of electrification (especially after Albert Marsh developed the nickel-chrome resistor) included toasters, hot plates, coffee percolators, and—most welcome of all—the electric iron. The idea of a self-heated iron wasn't new; versions that burned gas, alcohol, or even gasoline were available, but for obvious reasons they were regarded warily. The usual implement for the job was a flatiron, an arm-straining mass of metal that weighed up to 15 pounds; flatirons were used several at a time, heated one after the other on the top of a stove. An electric iron, by contrast, weighed only about 3 pounds, and the ironing didn't have to be done in the vicinity of a hot stove. In short order it displaced the flatiron and became the best selling of all electric appliances. Its popularity rose still further with the introduction of an iron with thermostatic heat control in 1927 and the appearance of household steam irons a decade later.

Another hit was the electric toaster. The first successful version, brought out by General Electric in 1909, had no working parts, no controls, no sensors, not even an exterior casing. It consisted of a cage-like contraption with a single heating element. A slice of bread had to be turned by hand to toast both sides, and close attention was required to prevent burning. Better models soon followed—some with sliding drawers, some with mechanical ways of turning the bread—but the real breakthrough was the automatic pop-up toaster, conceived by a master mechanic named Charles Strite in 1919. It incorporated a timer that shut off the heating element and released a popup spring when the single slice of toast was done. After much tinkering, Strite's invention reached the consumer market in 1926, and half a million were sold within a few years. Advertisem*nts promised that it would deliver "perfect toast every time—without watching, without turning, without burning," but that wasn't necessarily the case. When more than one slice was desired, the timer didn't allow for heat retention by the toaster, producing distinctly darker results with the second piece. The manufacturer recommended allowing time between slices for cooling—not what people breakfasting in a hurry wanted to hear. Happily, toasters were soon endowed with temperature sensors that determined doneness automatically.

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Household Appliances - Vacuums & Fans

Electricity revolutionized appliances in another way, powering small motors that could perform work formerly done by muscles. The first such household device, appearing in 1891, was a rotary fan made by the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company; its blades were driven by a motor developed chiefly by Nikola Tesla, a Serbian genius who pioneered the use of alternating current. The second was a vacuum cleaner, patented by a British civil engineer named H. Cecil Booth in 1901. He hit on his idea after observing railroad seats being cleaned by a device that blew compressed air at the fabric to force out dust. Sucking at the fabric would be better, he decided, and he designed a motor-driven reciprocating pump to do the job. Soon the power of the electric motor was applied to washing machines, sewing machines, refrigerators, dishwashers, can openers, coffee grinders, egg beaters, hair dryers, knife sharpeners, and many other devices.

At the turn of the century, only about one American family in 15 employed servants, but having such a source of muscle power was devoutly craved by many and was seen as a key indicator of status. As housework was eased by electric motors and the number of servants dropped, such views changed, but some advertising copywriters insisted on describing appliances in social terms: "Electric servants can be depended on—to do the muscle part of the washing, ironing, cleaning and sewing," said a General Electric advertisem*nt in 1917; "Don't go to the Employment Bureau. Go to your Lighting Company or leading Electric Shop to solve your servant problem."

The electric servant brigade was rapidly improved. In 1907 an American inventor named James Murray Spangler created a vacuum cleaner that basically consisted of an old-fashioned carpet sweeper to raise dust and a vertical shaft electric motor to power a fan and blow the dust into an external bag. Manufactured by the Hoover Company, which bought the patent in 1908, it was hugely successful, especially after Hoover in 1926 extended the fan motor's power to a rotating brush that "beats as it sweeps as it cleans." Meanwhile, the Electrolux company in Sweden grabbed a sizable share of the market with a very different design for a vacuum cleaner—a small rolling cylinder that had a long hose and a variety of nozzles to clean furniture and curtains as well as carpets.

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Household Appliances - Washing

No aspect of housework stood in greater need of motor power than washing clothes, a job so slow and grueling when performed manually that laundresses were by far the most sought-after domestic help. In the preelectric era, Mondays were traditionally devoted to doing the laundry. First, the clothes were rubbed against a washboard in soapy water to remove most of the dirt; next they were wrung out, perhaps by running them through a pair of hand-cranked rollers; they were then boiled briefly in a vat on top of the stove; then, after removal with a stick, they were soaped, rinsed, and wrung out again; finally they were hung on a line to dry—unless it was raining. The arrival of electricity prompted many efforts to mechanize parts of this ordeal. Some early electric washing machines worked by rocking a tub back and forth; others pounded the clothes in a tub with a plunger; still others rubbed them against a washboard. A big improvement came in 1922 when Howard Snyder of the Maytag Company designed a tub with an underwater agitator whose blade forced water through the clothes to get the dirt out.

The following decade saw the introduction of completely automatic washing machines that filled and emptied themselves. Then wringers were rendered unnecessary by perforated tubs that spun rapidly to drive the water out by centrifugal force. An automatic dryer arrived in 1949, and it was soon followed by models that were equipped with sensors that allowed various temperature settings for different fabrics, that measured the moisture in the clothes, and that signaled when the drying job was done.

Like the vacuum cleaner and washing machine, most modern appliances have a long lineage. One, however, seemed to appear out of the blue, serendipitously spawned by the development of radar during World War II. Much of that work focused on a top-secret British innovation called a cavity magnetron, an electronic device that could produce powerful, high-frequency radio waves—microwaves. In 1945 a radar scientist at Raytheon Corporation, Percy Spencer, felt his hand becoming warm as he stood in front of a magnetron, and he also noted that a candy bar in his pocket had softened. He put popcorn kernels close to the device and watched with satisfaction as they popped vigorously. Microwaves, it turned out, are absorbed by water, fats, and sugars, producing heat and rapidly cooking food from the inside. From Spencer's discovery came the microwave oven, first manufactured for commercial use in 1947 and ultimately a fixture in millions of kitchens, although the household versions were not produced until the mid-1960s.

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Household Appliances -Electronics

The magic of electronics has now touched virtually every household appliance. Washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers offer a variety of cycles for different loads. Bread machines and coffeemakers complete their work at a time programmed in advance. Some microwave ovens hold scores of recipes in their electronic memory and can download more from the Internet. Robotic vacuum cleaners have made their debut. Where appliance technology will go from here is no more predictable than how habits of housework will be altered by it, but a century's worth of progress suggests that an eventful road lies ahead.

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Household Appliances - Timeline

The technologies that created the 20th century's laborsaving household devices owe a huge debt to electrification, which brought light and power into the home. Then two major engineering innovations—resistance heating and small, efficient motors—led to electric stoves and irons, vacuum cleaners, washers, dryers, and dishwashers. In the second half of the century advances in electronics yielded appliances that could be set on timers and even programmed, further reducing the domestic workload by allowing washing and cooking to go on without the presence of the human launderer or cook.

1901 Engine-powered vacuum cleaner British civil engineer H. Cecil Booth patents a vacuum cleaner powered by an engine and mounted on a horse-drawn cart. Teams of operators would reel the hoses into buildings to be cleaned.

1903 Lightweight electric iron introduced Earl Richardson of Ontario, California, introduces the lightweight electric iron. After complaints from customers that it overheated in the center, Richardson makes an iron with more heat in the point, useful for pressing around buttonholes and ruffles. Soon his customers are clamoring for the "iron with the hot point"—and in 1905 Richardson’s trademark iron is born.

1905 Electric filaments improved Engineer Albert Marsh patents the nickel and chromium alloy nichrome, used to make electric filaments that can heat up quickly without burning out. The advent of nichrome paves the way, 4 years later, for the first electric toaster.

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Household Appliances -Timeline

1907 First practical domestic vacuum cleaner James Spangler, a janitor at an Ohio department store who suffers from asthma, invents his "electric suction-sweeper," the first practical domestic vacuum cleaner. It employs an electric fan to generate suction, rotating brushes to loosen dirt, a pillowcase for a filter, and a broomstick for a handle. Unsuccessful with his heavy, clumsy invention, Spangler sells the rights the following year to a relative, William Hoover, whose redesign of the appliance coincides with the development of the small, high-speed universal motor, in which the same current (either AC or DC) passes through the appliance’s rotor and stator. This gives the vacuum cleaner more horsepower, higher airflow and suction, better engine cooling, and more portability than was possible with the larger, heavier induction motor. And the rest, as they say, is history.

1909 First commercially successful electric toaster Frank Shailor of General Electric files a patent application for the D-12, the first commercially successful electric toaster. The D-12 has a single heating element and no exterior casing. It has no working parts, no controls, and no sensors; a slice of bread must be turned by hand to toast on both sides.

1913 First electric dishwasher on the market The Walker brothers of Philadelphia produce the first electric dishwasher to go on the market, with full-scale commercialization by Hotpoint and others in 1930.

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Household Appliances -Timeline

1913 First refrigerator for home use Fred W. Wolf of Fort Wayne, Indiana, invents the first refrigerator for home use, a small unit mounted on top of an old-fashioned icebox and requiring external plumbing connections. Only in 1925 would a hermetically sealed standalone home refrigerator of the modern type, based on pre-1900 work by Marcel Audiffren of France and by self-trained machinist Christian Steenstrup of Schenectady, New York, be commercially introduced. This and other early models use toxic gases such as methyl chloride and sulfur dioxide as refrigerants. On units not hermetically sealed, leaks—and resulting explosions and poisonings—are not uncommon, but the gas danger ends in 1929 with the advent of Freon-operated compressor refrigerators for home kitchens.

1915 Calrod developed Charles C. Abbot of General Electric develops an electrically insulating, heat conducting ceramic "Calrod" that is still used in many electrical household appliances as well as in industry.

1919 First automatic pop-up toaster Charles Strite’s first automatic pop-up toaster uses a clockwork mechanism to time the toasting process, shut off the heating element when the bread is done, and release the slice with a pop-up spring. The invention finally reaches the marketplace in 1926 under the name Toastmaster.

1927 First iron with an adjustable temperature control The Silex Company introduces the first iron with an adjustable temperature control. The thermostat, devised by Joseph Myers, is made of pure silver.

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Household Appliances -Timeline

1927 First garbage disposal John W. Hammes, a Racine, Wisconsin, architect, develops the first garbage disposal in his basem*nt because he wants to make kitchen cleanup work easier for his wife. Nicknamed the "electric pig" when first introduced by the Emerson Electric Company, the appliance operates on the principle of centrifugal force to pulverize food waste against a stationary grind ring so it would easily flush down the drain.

1930s (Mid) Washing machine to wash, rinse, and extract water from clothes John W. Chamberlain of Bendix Corporation invents a device that enables a washing machine to wash, rinse, and extract water from clothes in a single operation. This eliminates the need for cumbersome and often dangerous powered wringer rolls atop the machine.

1935 First clothes dryer To spare his mother having to hang wet laundry outside in the brutal North Dakota winter, J. Ross Moore builds an oil-heated drum in a shed next to his house, thereby creating the first clothes dryer. Moore’s first patented dryers run on either gas or electricity, but he is forced to sell the design to the Hamilton Manufacturing Company the following year because of financial difficulties.

1945 Magnetron discovered to melt candy, pop corn, and cook an egg Raytheon Corporation engineer Percy L. Spencer’s realization that the vacuum tube, or magnetron, he is testing can melt candy, pop corn, and cook an egg leads to the first microwave oven. Raytheon’s first model, in 1947, stands 5.5 feet tall, weighs more than 750 pounds, and sells for $5,000. It is quickly superseded by the equally gigantic but slightly less expensive Radarange; easily affordable countertop models are not marketed until 1967.

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Household Appliances -Timeline

1947 First top-loading automatic washer The Nineteen Hundred Corporation introduces the first top-loading automatic washer, which Sears markets under the Kenmore label. Billed as a "suds saver," the round appliance sells for $239.95.

1952 First automatic coffeepot Russell Hobbs invents the CP1, the first automatic coffeepot as well as the first of what would become a successful line of appliances. The percolator regulates the strength of the coffee according to taste and has a green warning light and bimetallic strip that automatically cuts out when the coffee is perked.

1962 Spray mist added to iron Sunbeam ushers in a new era in iron technology by adding "spray mist" to the steam and dry functions of its S-5A model. The S-5A is itself an upgrade of the popular S-4 steam or dry iron that debuted in 1954.

1963 GE introduces the self-cleaning oven General Electric introduces the self-cleaning electric oven and in 1967 the first electronic oven control—beginning the revolution that would see microprocessors incorporated into household appliances of all sorts.

1972 First percolator with an automatic drip process Sunbeam develops the Mr. Coffee, the first percolator with an automatic drip process as well as an automatic cut-off control that lessens the danger of over-brewing. Mr. Coffee quickly becomes the country’s leading coffeemaker.

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Household Appliances -Timeline

1978 First electronic sewing machine Singer introduces the Athena 2000, the world’s first electronic sewing machine. A wide variety of stitches, from basic straight to complicated decorative, are available at the touch of a button. The "brain" of the system is a chip that measures less than one-quarter of an inch and contains more than 8,000 transistors.

1990s Environmentally friendly washers and dryers Environmentally friendly washers and dryers that save water and conserve energy are introduced. They include the horizontal-axis washer, which tumbles rather than agitates the clothes and uses a smaller amount of water, and a dryer with sensors, rather than a timer, that shuts the appliance off when the clothes are dry.

1997 First prototype of a robotic vacuum cleaner Swedish appliance company Electrolux presents the first prototype of a robotic vacuum cleaner. The device, billed as "the world’s first true domestic robot," sends and receives high-frequency ultrasound to negotiate its way around a room, much as bats do. In the production model, launched in Sweden a few years later, eight microphones receive and measure the returning signals to give the vacuum an accurate picture of the room. It calculates the size of a room by following around the walls for 90 seconds to 15 minutes, after which it begins a zigzag cleaning pattern and turns itself off when finished.

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Health Technologies -

In 1900 the average life expectancy in the United States was 47 years. By 2000 it was nearing 77 years. That remarkable 30-year increase was the result of a number of factors, including the creation of a safe water supply. But no small part of the credit should go to the century's wide assortment of medical advances in diagnosis, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and other forms of treatment.

Many of these improvements involved the combined application of engineering and biological principles to the traditional medical arts, giving physicians new perspectives on the body's workings and new solutions for its ills. From providing better diagnostic tools and surgical procedures to creating more effective replacements for the body's own tissues, engineering helped the 20th century's doctors successfully address such long-standing problems of human health as heart disease and infectious disease.

All through the century, improvements in imaging techniques wrought by the development of new systems—from x-ray machines to MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanners—enabled doctors to diagnose more accurately by providing a more exacting view of the body (see Imaging). One of the century's first such diagnostic devices created not a visual, but an electrical, image. In 1903, when Dutch physiologist Willem Einthoven developed the electrocardiograph, he paved the way for a more intensive scrutiny of the heart, spurring others to find better approaches and technologies for fixing its problems.

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Health Technologies - Heart

Working on the heart had long been considered too dangerous. In fact, in the last decade of the 19th century, famed Austrian surgeon Theodor Billroth declared: "Any surgeon who would attempt an operation of the heart should lose the respect of his colleagues." Even though doctors knew from electrocardiograph readings and other evidence that a heart might be malfunctioning or have anatomical defects, it was practically impossible to do anything about it while the heart was still beating. And stopping it seemed out of the question because blood had to circulate through the body continuously to keep tissues alive. In the first decades of the 20th century, surgeons performed some cardiac procedures on beating hearts, but with limited success.

Then in 1931, while caring for a patient with blood clots that were interfering with blood circulation to her lungs, a young surgeon named John Gibbon had a bold thought: What if oxygen-poor blood was pumped through an apparatus outside the body that would oxygenate it, and then was pumped back into the body? He began working on the problem, despite the skepticism of his fellow doctors. Teaming with his wife, laboratory technician Mary Hopkins, Gibbon fashioned a rudimentary heart-lung machine from a secondhand air pump, glass tubes, and a rotating drum that exposed blood to air and allowed it to pick up oxygen. Perfecting the device took more than two decades and countless experiments on animals. Then in 1953 Gibbon performed the first-ever successful procedure on a human using a heart-lung pump to maintain the patient's circulation while a hole in her heart was surgically closed. The era of open-heart surgery (so called because the chest cavity was opened up and the heart exposed) was born, and in the next decades surgeons would rely on what was simply called "the pump" to repair damaged hearts, replace defective heart valves with bioengineered substitutes, and perform thousands and thousands of life-extending coronary artery bypass operations to curb heart attacks.

The development of the pacemaker involved similar moments of insight and the nuts-and-bolts efforts of inspired individuals. For Wilson Greatbatch, an electronics wizard with an interest in medicine, the light flashed on in 1951 when he heard a discussion about a cardiac ailment called heart block, a flaw in the electrical signals regulating the basic heartbeat. "When they described it, I knew I could fix it," Greatbatch later recalled. Over the next few years he continued trying to create a device that could supply a regular signal for the heart. Then, while working on a device for recording heart sounds, he accidentally plugged the wrong resistor into a circuit, which began pulsing in a pattern he instantly recognized: the natural beat of a human heart.

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Health Technologies - Bionics

Meanwhile other researchers had devised a pacemaker in 1952 that was about the size of a large radio; the patient had to be hooked up to an external power source. A few years later electrical engineer Earl Bakken devised a battery-powered handheld pacemaker that allowed patients in hospitals to move around. In 1958 Rune Elmqvist and Åke Senning devised the first pacemaker to be implanted in a human patient. Greatbatch's major contribution in the late 1950s was to incorporate recently available silicon transistors into an implantable pacemaker, the first of which was successfully tested in animals in 1958. By 1960 Greatbatch's pacemaker was working successfully in human hearts. He went on to improve the battery power source, ultimately devising a lithium battery that could last 10 years or more. Such pacemakers are now regulating the heartbeats of more than three million people worldwide.

Both the pump and the pacemaker are examples of a key application of engineering to medicine: bionic engineering, or the replacement of a natural function or body organ with an electronic or mechanical substitute. One of the foremost champions in this field was Dutch physician Willem Kolff, inventor of the kidney dialysis machine. Though severely hampered by the Nazi occupation of his country during World War II, Kolff was able to build a machine that substituted for the kidneys' role in cleansing the blood of waste products. Like Gibbon's heart-lung device, it consisted of a pump, tubing, and a rotating drum, which in this case pushed blood through a filtering layer of cellophane. Ironically, the first patient to benefit from his dialysis machine was a Nazi collaborator.

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Health Technologies - Bionics

After the war Kolff moved to the United States, where he continued to work on bionic engineering problems. At the Cleveland Clinic he encouraged Tetsuzo Akutsu to design a prototype artificial heart. Together they created the first concept for a practical artificial heart. To others it seemed like an impossible challenge, but to Kolff the issue was simple: "If man can grow a heart, he can build one," he once declared. These first efforts, beginning in the late 1950s, did little more than eliminate fruitless lines of research. Later, as a professor of surgery and bioengineering at the University of Utah, Kolff formed a team that included physician-inventor Robert Jarvik and surgeon William DeVries. After 15 difficult years of invention and experimentation, DeVries implanted one of Jarvik's hearts—a silicone and rubber unit powered by compressed air from an external pump—in Barney Clark, who survived for 112 days. Negative press about Clark's condition during his final days slowed further progress for a while, but today more sophisticated versions of artificial hearts and ventricular-assist devices, including self-contained units that allow greater patient mobility, routinely serve as temporary substitutes while patients await heart transplants.

Kolff was not done. With his colleagues he helped improve the prosthetic arm—another major life-improving triumph of "spare parts" medicine—as well as contributing to the development of both an artificial eye and an artificial ear. Progress in all these efforts has depended on advancements in a number of engineering fields, including computers, electronics, and high performance materials. Computers and microelectronic components, for example, have made it possible for bioengineers to design and build prosthetic limbs that better replicate the mechanical actions of natural arms and legs. And first-generation biomaterials—polymers, metals, and acrylic fibers among others—have been used for almost everything from artificial heart valves and eye lenses to replacement hip, knee, elbow, and shoulder joints.

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Health Technologies - Operating Tools

Engineering processes have had an even broader effect on the practice of medicine. The 20th century's string of victories over microbial diseases resulted from the discovery and creation of new drugs and vaccines, such as the polio vaccine and the whole array of antibiotics. Engineering approaches—including manufacturing techniques and systems design—played significant roles in both the development of these medications and their wide availability to the many people around the world who need them. For example, engineers are involved in designing processes for chemical synthesis of medicines and building such devices as bioreactors to "grow" vaccines. And assembly line know-how, another product of the engineering mind, is crucial to the mixing, shaping, packaging, and delivering of drugs in their myriad forms.

It may be in the operating room rather than the pharmaceutical factory, however, that engineering has had a more obvious impact. A number of systems have increased the surgeon's operating capacity, especially during the last half of the century. One of the first was the operating microscope, invented by the German company Zeiss in the early 1950s. By giving surgeons a magnified view, the operating microscope made it possible to perform all manner of intricate procedures, from delicate operations on the eye and the small bones of the inner ear to the reconnection of nerves and even the tiniest blood vessels—a skill that has enabled more effective skin grafting as well as the reattachment of severed limbs.

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Health Technologies - Operating Tools

At about the same time as the invention of the operating microscope, a British researcher named Harold Hopkins helped perfect two devices that further revolutionized surgeons' work: the fiber-optic endoscope and the laparoscope. Both are hollow tubes containing a fiber-optic cable that allows doctors to see and work inside the body without opening it up. Endoscopes, which are flexible, can be fed into internal organs such as the stomach or intestines without an incision and are designed to look for growths and other anomalies. Laparoscopes are rigid and require a small incision, but because they are stiff, they enable the surgeon to remove or repair internal tissues by manipulating tiny blades, scissors, or other surgical tools attached to the end of the laparoscope or fed through it.

Further advances in such minimally invasive techniques began to blur the line between diagnosis and treatment. In the 1960s a radiologist named Charles Dotter erased that line altogether when he developed methods of using radiological catheters—narrow flexible tubes that can be seen with imaging devices—not just to gain views of blood vessels in and around the kidney but also to clear blocked arteries. Dotter was a tinkerer of the very best sort and was constantly inventing his own equipment, often adapting such unlikely materials as guitar strings, strips of vinyl insulation, and in one case an automobile speedometer cable to create more effective interventional tools.

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Health Technologies - Bioengineering

Adaptation was nothing new in medicine, and physicians always seemed ready to find new uses for technology's latest offspring. Lasers are perhaps the best case in point. Not long after its invention, the laser was taken up by the medical profession and became one of the most effective surgical tools of the 20th century's last 3 decades. Lasers are now a mainstay of eye surgery and are also routinely employed to create incisions elsewhere in the body, to burn away growths, and to cauterize wounds. Set to a particular wavelength, lasers can destroy brain tumors without damaging surrounding tissue. They have even been used to target and destroy viruses in the blood.

As surgeons recognized the benefits of minimally invasive procedures, which dramatically reduce the risk of infection and widen the range of treatment techniques, they also became aware that they themselves were now a limiting factor. Even with the assistance of operating microscopes attached to laparoscopic tools, surgeons often couldn't move their hands precisely enough. Then in the 1990s researchers began to realize what had long seemed a futuristic dream—using computer-controlled robots to perform operations. Beginning in 1995 Seattle surgeon Frederic Moll, with the help of an electrical engineer named Robert Younge, developed one of the first robotic surgeon prototypes—a combination of sensors, actuators, and microprocessors that translated a surgeon's hand movements into more fine-tuned actions of robotic arms holding microinstruments. Since then other robotics-minded physicians and inventors have created machines that automate practically every step of such procedures as closed-chest heart surgery, with minimal human involvement.

The list of health care technologies that have benefited from engineering insights and accomplishments continues to grow. Indeed, at the end of the century bioengineering seemed poised to be fully integrated into biological and medical research. It seemed possible that advances in understanding the genetic underpinnings of life might ultimately lead to cures for huge numbers of diseases and inherited ills—either by reengineering the human body's own cells or genetically disabling invading organisms. Certainly engineering techniques—particularly computerized analyses—had already helped identify the complexities of the code. The next step, intervening by replacing or correcting or otherwise manipulating genes and their components, seemed in the offing. Although the promise has so far remained unfulfilled, engineering solutions will continue to play a vital role in many of medicine's next great achievements.

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Health Technologies - Timeline

1903 First electrocardiograph machine Dutch physician and physiologist Willem Einthoven develops the first electrocardiograph machine, a simple, thin, lightweight quartz "string" galvanometer, suspended in a magnetic field and capable of measuring small changes in electrical potential as the heart contracts and relaxes. After attaching electrodes to both arms and the left leg of his patient, Einthoven is able to record the heart’s wave patterns as the string deflects, obstructing a beam of light whose shadow is then recorded on a photographic plate or paper. In 1924 Einthoven is awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for his discovery.

1927 First modern practical respirator Harvard medical researcher Philip Drinker, assisted by Louis Agassiz Shaw, devises the first modern practical respirator using an iron box and two vacuum cleaners. Dubbed the iron lung, his finished product—nearly the length of a small car—encloses the entire bodies of its first users, polio sufferers with chest paralysis. Pumps raise and lower the pressure within the respirator’s chamber, exerting a pull-push motion on the patients’ chests. Only their heads protrude from the huge cylindrical steel drum.

1930s Artificial pacemaker invented Albert S. Hyman, a practitioner cardiologist in New York City, invents an artificial pacemaker to resuscitate patients whose hearts have stopped. Working with his brother Charles, he constructs a hand-cranked apparatus with a spring motor that turns a magnet to supply an electrical impulse. Hyman tests his device on several small laboratory animals, one large dog, and at least one human patient before receiving a patent, but his invention never receives acceptance from the medical community.

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Health Technologies - Timeline

1933 Kouwenhoven cardiovascular research Working on rats and dogs at Johns Hopkins University, William B. Kouwenhoven and neurologist Orthello Langworthy discover that while a low-voltage shock can cause ventricular fibrillation, or arrhythmia, a second surge of electricity, or countershock, can restore the heart’s normal rhythm and contraction. Kouwenhoven’s research in electric shock and his study of the effects of electricity on the heart lead to the development of the closed-chest electric defibrillator and the technique of external cardiac massage today known as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR.

1945 First kidney dialysis machine Willem J. Kolff successfully treats a dying patient in his native Holland with an "artificial kidney," the first kidney dialysis machine. Kolff’s creation is made of wooden drums, cellophane tubing, and laundry tubs and is able to draw the woman’s blood, clean it of impurities, and pump it back into her body. Kolff’s invention is the product of many years’ work, and this patient is his first long-term success after 15 failures. In the course of his work with the artificial kidney, Kolff notices that blue, oxygen-poor blood passing through the artificial kidney becomes red, or oxygen-rich, leading to later work on the membrane oxygenator.

1948 Plastic contact lens developed Kevin Touhy receives a patent for a plastic contact lens designed to cover only the eye's cornea, a major change from earlier designs. Two years later George Butterfield introduces a lens that is molded to fit the cornea's contours rather than lie flat atop it. As the industry evolves, the diameter of contact lenses gradually shrinks.

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Health Technologies - Timeline

1950s (Late) First artificial hip replacement English surgeon John Charnley applies engineering principles to orthopedics and develops the first artificial hip replacement procedure, or arthroplasty. In 1962 he devises a low-friction, high-density polythene suitable for artificial hip joints and pioneers the use of methyl methacrylate cement for holding the metal prosthesis, or implant, to the shaft of the femur. Charnley's principles are subsequently adopted for other joint replacements, including the knee and shoulder.

1951 Artificial heart valve developed Charles Hufnagel, a professor of experimental surgery at Georgetown University, develops an artificial heart valve and performs the first artificial valve implantation surgery in a human patient the following year. The valve—a methacrylate ball in a methacrylate aortic—size tube-does not replace the leaky valve but acts as an auxiliary. The first replacement valve surgeries are performed in 1960 by two surgeons who develop their ball-in-cage designs independently. In Boston, Dwight Harken develops a double-cage design in which the outer cage separates the valve struts from the aortic wall. At the University of Oregon, Albert Starr, working with electrical engineer Lowell Edwards, designs a silicone ball inside a cage made of stellite-21, an alloy of cobalt, molybdenum, chromium, and nickel. The Starr-Edwards heart valveis born and is still in use today.

1952 First successful cardiac pacemaker Paul M. Zoll of Boston’s Beth Israel Hospital, in conjunction with the Electrodyne Company, develops the first successful cardiac pacemaker. The bulky device, worn externally on the patient’s belt, plugs into an electric wall socket and stimulates the heart through two metal electrodes placed on the patient’s bare chest. Five years later doctors begin implanting electrodes into chests. Around the same time a battery-powered external machine is developed by Earl Bakken and C. Walton Lillehei.

1953 First successful open-heart bypass surgery Philadelphia physician John H. Gibbon performs the first successful open-heart bypass surgery on 18-year-old Cecelia Bavolek, whose heart and lung functions are supported by a heart-lung machine developed by Gibbon. The device is the culmination of two decades of research and experimentation and heralds a new era in surgery and medicine. Today coronary bypass surgery is one of the most common operations performed.

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Health Technologies - Timeline

1954 First human kidney transplant A team of doctors at Boston’s Peter Bent Brigham Hospital successfully performs the first human kidney transplant. Led by Joseph E. Murray, the physicians remove a healthy kidney from the donor, Ronald Herrick, and implant it in his identical twin brother, Richard, who is dying of renal disease. Since the donor and recipient are perfectly matched, the operation proves that in the absence of the body’s rejection response, which is stimulated by foreign tissue, human organ transplants can succeed.

1960 First totally internal pacemaker Buffalo, New York, electrical engineer Wilson Greatbatch develops the first totally internal pacemaker using two commercial silicon transistors. Surgeon William Chardack implants the device into 10 fatally ill patients. The first lives for 18 months, another for 30 years.

1963 Laser treatments to prevent blindness Francis L’Esperance, of the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, begins working with a ruby laser photo-coagulator to treat diabetic retinopathy, a complication of diabetes and a leading cause of blindness in the United States. In 1965 he begins working with Bell researchers Eugene Gordon and Edward Labuda to design an argon laser for eye surgery. (They learn that the blue-green light of the argon laser is more readily absorbed by blood vessels than the red light of the ruby laser.) In early 1968, after further refinements and careful experiments, L’Esperance begins using the argon-ion laser to treat patients with diabetic retinopathy.

1970s (Late) Arthroscope introduced Advances in fiber-optics technology give surgeons a view into joints and other surgical sites through an arthroscope, an instrument the diameter of a pencil, containing a small lens and light system, with a video camera at the outer end. Used initially as a diagnostic tool prior to open surgery, arthroscopic surgery, with its minimal incisions and generally shorter recovery time, is soon widely used to treat a variety of joint problems.

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Health Technologies - Timeline

1971 First soft contact lens Bausch & Lomb licenses Softlens, the first soft contact lens. The new product is the result of years of research by Czech scientists Otto Wichterle and Drahoslav Lim and is based on their earlier invention of a "hydrophilic" gel, a polymer material that is compatible with living tissue and therefore suitable for eye implants. Soft contacts allow more oxygen to reach the eye’s cornea than do hard plastic lenses.

1972 CAT or CT scan is introduced Computerized axial tomography, popularly known as CAT or CT scan, is introduced as the most important development in medical filming since the X ray some 75 years earlier. (See Imaging)

1978 First cochlear implant surgery Graeme Clarke in Australia carries out the first cochlear implant surgery. Advances in integrated circuit technology enable him to design a multiple electrode receiver-stimulator unit about the size of a quarter.

1980s Controlled drug delivery technology developed Robert Langer, professor of chemical and biochemical engineering at MIT, develops the foundation of today’s controlled drug delivery technology. Using pellets of degradable and nondegradable polymers such as polyglycolic acid, he fashions a porous structure that allows the slow diffusion of large molecules. Such structures are turned into a dime-size chemotherapy wafer to treat brain cancer after surgery. Placed at the site where a tumor has been removed, the wafer slowly releases powerful drugs to kill any remaining cancer cells. By confining the drug to the tumor site, the wafer minimizes toxic effects on other organs.

1981 MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanner introduced The first commercial MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanner arrives on the medical market. (See Imaging.)

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Health Technologies - Timeline

1982 First permanent artificial heart implant Seattle dentist Barney Clark receives the first permanent artificial heart, a silicone and rubber device designed by many collaborators, including Robert Jarvik, Don Olsen, and Willem Kolff. William DeVries of the University of Utah heads the surgical transplant team. Clark survives for 112 days with his pneumatically driven heart.

1985 Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) approved The Food and Drug Administration approves Michel Mirowski’s implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), an electronic device to monitor and correct abnormal heart rhythms, and specifies that patients must have survived two cardiac arrests to qualify for ICD implantation. Inspired by the death from ventricular fibrillation of his friend and mentor Harry Heller, Mirowski has conceived and developed his invention almost single-handedly. It weighs 9 ounces and is roughly the size of a deck of cards.

1987 Deep-brain electrical stimulation system France’s Alim-Louis Benabid, chief of neurosurgery at the University of Grenoble, implants a deep-brain electrical stimulation system into a patient with advanced Parkinson’s disease. The experimental treatment is also used for dystonia, a debilitating disorder that causes involuntary and painful muscle contractions and spasms, and is given when oral medications fail.

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Health Technologies - Timeline

1987 First laser surgery on a human cornea New York City ophthalmologist Steven Trokel performs the first laser surgery on a human cornea, after perfecting his technique on a cow’s eye. Nine years later the first computerized excimer laser—Lasik—designed to correct the refractive error myopia, is approved for use in the United States. The Lasik procedure has evolved from both the Russian-developed radial keratotomy and its laser-based successor photorefractive keratectomy.

1990 Human Genome Project Researchers begin the Human Genome Project, coordinated by the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health, with the goal of identifying all of the approximately 30,000 genes in human DNA and determining the sequences of the three billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA. The project catalyzes the multibillion-dollar U.S. biotechnology industry and fosters the development of new medical applications, including finding genes associated with genetic conditions such as familial breast cancer and inherited colon cancer. A working draft of the genome is announced in June 2000.

Late 1950s First artificial hip replacement procedure English surgeon John Charnley applies engineering principles to orthopedics and develops the first artificial hip replacement procedure, or arthroplasty. In 1962 he devises a low-friction, high-density polythene suitable for artificial hop joints and pioneers the use of methyl methacrylate cement for holding the metal prosthesis, or implant, to the shaft of the femur. Charnley's principles are subsequently adopted for other joint replacements, including the knee and shoulder.

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Petroleum and Petrochemical Technologies

If coal was king in the 19th century, oil was the undisputed emperor of the 20th. Refined forms of petroleum, or "rock oil," became—in quite literal terms—the fuel on which the 20th century ran, the lifeblood of its automobiles, aircraft, farm equipment, and industrial machines.

The captains of the oil industry were among the most successful entrepreneurs of any century, reaping huge profits from oil, natural gas, and their byproducts and building business empires that soared to capitalism's heights. Oil even became a factor in some of the most complex geopolitical struggles in the last quarter of the 20th century, ones still playing out today.

Oil has touched all our lives in other ways as well. Transformed into petrochemicals, it is all around us, in just about every modern manufactured thing, from the clothes we wear and the medicines we take to the materials that make up our computers, countertops, toothbrushes, running shoes, car bumpers, grocery bags, flooring tiles, and on and on and on. Indeed, the products from petrochemicals have played as great a role in shaping the modern world as gasoline and fuel oils have in powering it.

It seems at first a chicken-and-egg sort of question: Which came first—the gas pump or the car pulling up to it? Gasoline was around before the invention of the internal combustion engine but for many years was considered a useless byproduct of the refining of crude oil to make kerosene, a standard fuel for lamps through much of the 19th century. Oil refining of the day—and into the first years of the 20th century—relied on a relatively simple distillation process that separated crude oil into portions, called fractions, of different hydrocarbon compounds (molecules consisting of varying arrangements of carbon and hydrogen atoms) with different boiling points. Heavier kerosene, with more carbon atoms per molecule and a higher boiling point, was thus easily separated from lighter gasoline, with fewer atoms and a lower boiling point, as well as from other hydrocarbon compounds and impurities in the crude oil mix. Kerosene was the keeper; gasoline and other compounds as well as natural gas that was often found alongside oil deposits, were often just burned off.

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Petroleum and Petrochemical Technologies

Then in the first 2 decades of the 20th century horseless carriages in increasing droves came looking for fuel. Researchers had found early on that the internal combustion engine ran best on light fuels like gasoline but distillation refining just didn't produce enough of it—only about 20 percent gasoline from a given amount of crude petroleum.Even as oil prospectors extended the rangeof productive wells from Pennsylvania through Indiana and into the vast oil fieldsof Oklahoma and Texas, the inherent inefficiency of the existing refining process was almost threatening to hold back the automotive industry with gasoline shortages.

The problem was solved by a pair of chemical engineers at Standard Oil of Indiana—company vice president William Burton and Robert Humphreys, head of the lab at the Whiting refinery, the world's largest at the time. Burton and Humphreys had tried and failed to extract more gasoline from crude by adding chemicalcatalysts, but then Burton had an idea and directed Humphreys to add pressure to the standard heating process used in distillation. Under both heat and pressure, it turned out that heavier molecules of kerosene, with up to 16 carbon atoms per molecule, "cracked" into lighter molecules such as those of gasoline, with 4 to 12 carbons per molecule, Thermal cracking, as the process came to be called, doubled the efficiency of refining, yielding 40 percent gasoline. Burton was issued a patent for the process in 1913, and soon the pumps were keeping pace with the ever-increasing automobile demand.

In the next decades other chemical engineers improved the refining process even further. In the 1920s Charles Kettering and Thomas Midgley, who would later develop Freon (see Air Conditioning and Refrigeration), discovered that adding a form of lead to gasoline made it burn smoothly, preventing the unwanted detonations that caused engine knocking. Tetraethyl lead was a standard ingredient of almost all gasolines until the 1970s, when environmental concerns led to the development of efficiently burning gasolines that didn't require lead. Another major breakthrough was catalytic cracking, the challenge that had escaped Burton and Humphreys. In the 1930s a Frenchman named Eugene Houdry perfected a process using certain silica and alumina-based catalysts that produced even more gasoline through cracking and didn't require high pressure. In addition, catalytic cracking produced forms of gasoline that burned more efficiently.

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Petroleum and Petrochemical Technologies - Refining Byproducts

Different forms of all sorts of things were coming out of refineries, driven in part by the demands of war. Houdry had also invented a catalytic process for crude oil that yielded butadiene, a hydrocarbon compound with some interesting characteristics. In the years before and during World War II it became one of two key ingredients in the production of synthetic rubber, an especially vital commodity as the war in the Pacific cut off supplies of natural rubber. The stage was now set for a revolution in petrochemical technology. As the war drove up demands for both gasoline and heavier aviation fuels, supplies of byproduct compounds—known as feedstocks—were increasing. At the same time, chemical engineers working in research labs were finding potential new uses for just those feedstocks, which they were beginning to see as vast untapped sources of raw material.

Throughout the 1920s and 1930s and into the 1940s chemical companies in Europe and the United States, working largely with byproducts of the distillation of coal tar, announced the creation of a wide assortment of new compounds with a variety of characteristics that had the common property of being easily molded—and thus were soon known simply as plastics. Engineering these new compounds for specific attributes was a matter of continual experimentation with chemical processes and combinations of different molecules. Many of the breakthroughs involved the creation of polymers—larger, more complex molecules consisting of smaller molecules chemically bound together, usually through the action of a catalyst. Sometimes the results would be a surprise, yielding a material with unexpected characteristics or fresh insights into what might be possible. Among the most important advances was the discovery of a whole class of plastics that could be remolded after heating, an achievement that would ultimately lead to the widespread recycling of plastics.

Three of the most promising new materials—polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and polyethylene—were synthesized from the same hydrocarbon: ethylene, a relatively rare byproduct of standard petroleum refinery processes. But there, in those ever-increasing feedstocks, were virtually limitless quantities of ethylene just waiting to be cracked. And here also was a moment of serendipity: readily available raw material, a wide range of products to be made from it, and a world of consumers coming out of years of war eager to start the world afresh, preferably with brand-new things.

Plastics and their petrochemical cousins, synthetic fibers, filled the bill. From injection-molded polystyrene products like combs and cutlery, PVC piping, and the ubiquitous polyethylene shopping bags and food storage containers to the polyesters, the acrylics, and nylon, all were within consumers' easy reach. Indeed, synthetic textiles became inexpensive enough to eventually capture half of the entire fiber market. All credit was owed to the ready feedstock supplies.

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Petroleum and Petrochemical Technologies - Looking for Oil

But those supplies were not as limitless as they had once seemed. With demand for petroleum—both as a fuel and in its many other synthesized forms—skyrocketing, America and other Western countries turned more and more to foreign sources, chiefly in the Middle East. At the same time, oil companies continued to search for and develop new sources, including vast undersea deposits in the Gulf of Mexico and later the North Sea. Offshore drilling presented a whole new set of challenges to petroleum engineers, who responded with some truly amazing constructions, including floating platforms designed to withstand hurricane-force winds and waves. One derrick in the North Sea called "Troll" stands in 1,000 feet of water and rises 1,500 feet above the surface. It is, with the Great Wall of China, one of only two human-made structures visible from the Moon. One way or another, the oil continued to flow. In 1900 some 150 million barrels of oil were pumped worldwide. By 2000 world production stood at 22 billion barrels—a day. But a series of crises in the 1970s, including the Arab oil embargo of 1973 and an increasing awareness of the environmental hazards posed by fossil fuels, brought more changes to the industry. Concern over an assured supply of fossil fuel encouraged prospectors, for instance, to develop new techniques for finding oil, including using the seismic waves produced artificially by literally thumping the ground to create three-dimensional images that brought hidden underground deposits into clear view and greatly reduced the fruitless drilling of so-called dry holes. Engineers developed new types of drills that not only reached deeper into the earth—some extending several miles below the surface—but could also tunnel horizontally for thousands of feet, reaching otherwise inaccessible deposits. Known reserves were squeezed as dry as they could be with innovative processes that washed oil out with injected water or chemicals and induced thermal energy. Refineries continued to find better ways to crack crude oil into more and better fuels and even developed other techniques such as reforming, which did the opposite of cracking, fashioning just-right molecules from smaller bits and pieces. And perhaps most significantly of all, natural gas—so often found with oil deposits—was finally recognized as a valuable fuel in its own right, becoming an economically significant energy source beginning in the 1960s and 1970s.

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Petroleum and Petrochemical Technologies - Environment

Initially attractive because it was cheap and relatively abundant, natural gas also held the advantage of being cleaner burning and far less damaging to the environment, factors that became increasingly important with the passage of the Clean Air Act in the 1970s. Indeed, natural gas has replaced crude oil as the most important source of petrochemical feedstocks. Petrochemical and automotive engineers had already responded to environmental concerns in a variety of ways. As early as the 1940s Germanémigré Vladimir Haensel invented a type of reforming refining process called platforming that used very small amounts of platinum as a catalyst and produced high-octane, efficient-burning fuel without the use of lead. Haensel's process, which was eventually recognized as one of the most significant chemical engineering technologies of the past 50 years, made the addition of lead to gasoline no longer necessary. Today, more than 85 percent of the gasoline produced worldwide is derived from platforming. Also well ahead of the environmental curve was Eugene Houdry, who had developed catalytic cracking; in 1956 he invented the catalytic converter, a device that removed some of the most harmful pollutants from automobile exhaust and that ultimately became standard equipment on every car in the United States. Other engineers also developed methods for removing more impurities, such as sulfur, during refining, making the process itself a cleaner affair. For its part, natural gas was readily adopted as an alternative to home heating oil and has also been used in some cities as the fuel for fleets of buses and taxicabs, reducing urban pollution. Environmental concerns have also affected the other side of the petrochemical business, leading to sophisticated processes for recycling existing plastic products. Somewhere around the middle of the 20th century, petroleum replaced coal as the dominant fuel in the United States, and petroleum processing technologies allowed petrochemicals to replace environmentally harmful coal tar chemistry. The next half-century saw this dominance continue and even take on new forms, as plastics and synthetic fibers entered the consumer marketplace. Despite increasingly complex challenges, new generations of researchers and engineers have continued to keep the black gold bonanza in full swing.

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Petroleum and Petrochemical Technologies - Timeline

When retired railroad conductor Edwin Drake struck oil in 1859 in Titusville, Pennsylvania, he touched off the modern oil industry. For the next 40 years the primary interest in oil was as a source of kerosene, used for lighting lamps. Then came the automobile and the realization that the internal combustion engine ran best on gasoline, a byproduct of the process of extracting kerosene from crude oil. As the demand grew for gasoline to power not only cars but also internal combustion engines of all kinds, chemical engineers honing their refining techniques discovered a host of useful byproducts of crude—and the petrochemical industry was born. Oil had truly become black gold.

1901 North America’s first oil gusher North America’s first oil gusher blows at the Spindletop field near Beaumont in southeastern Texas, spraying more than 800,000 barrels of crude into the air before it can be brought under control. The strike boosts the yearly oil output in the United States from 2,000 barrels in 1859 to more than 65 million barrels by 1901.

1913 High-pressure hydrogenation process developed German organic chemist Friedrich Bergius develops a high-pressure hydrogenation process that transforms heavy oil and oil residues into lighter oils, boosting gasoline production. In 1926 IG Farben Industries, where Carl Bosch had been developing similar high-pressure processes, acquires the patent rights to the Bergius process. Bergius and Bosch share a Nobel Prize in 1931.

1913 New method of oil refining Chemical engineers William Burton and Robert Humphreys of Standard Oil patent a method of oil refining that significantly increases gasoline yields. Known as thermal cracking, the chemists discover that by applying both heat and pressure during distillation, heavier petroleum molecules can be broken down, or cracked, into gasoline’s lighter molecules. The discovery is a boon to the new auto industry, whose fuel of choice is gasoline.

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Petroleum and Petrochemical Technologies - Timeline

1920s Fischer-Tropsch method By using fractional distillation, two German coal researchers create synthetic gasoline. Known as the Fischer-Tropsch method, the gasoline is produced by combining either co*ke and steam or crushed coal and heavy oil, then exposing the mixture to a catalyst to form synthetic gasoline. The process plays a critical role in helping to meet the increasing demand for gasoline as automobiles come into widespread use and later for easing gasoline shortages during World War II.

1920s-1940s Nylon, acrylics, and polyester are developed An assortment of new compounds derived from byproducts of the oil-refining process enter the market. Three of the most promising new materials—synthesized from the hydrocarbon ethylene—are polystyrene, a brittle plastic known also as styrofoam; polyvinyl chloride, used in plumbing fixtures and weather-resistant home siding; and polyethylene, which is flexible inexpensive, and widely used in packaging. New synthetic fibers and resins are also introduced, including nylon, acrylics, and polyester, and are used to make everything from clothing and sports gear to industrial equipment, parachutes, and plexiglass.

1920s-1940s New compounds derived oil-refining byproducts enter market An assortment of new compounds derived from byproducts of the oil-refining process enter the market. Three of the most promising new materials—synthesized from the hydrocarbon ethylene—are polystyrene, a brittle plastic known also as styrofoam; polyvinyl chloride, used in plumbing fixtures and weather-resistant home siding; and polyethylene, which is flexible, inexpensive, and widely used in packaging. New synthetic fibers and resins are also introduced, including nylon, acrylics, and polyester, and are used to make everything from clothing and sports gear to industrial equipment, parachutes, and plexiglass.

1921 Lead added to gasoline Charles Kettering of General Motors and his assistants, organic chemists Thomas Midgley, Jr., and T. A. Boyd, discover that adding lead to gasoline eliminates engine knock. Until the 1970s, when environmental concerns forced its removal, tetraethyl lead was a standard ingredient in gasoline.

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Petroleum and Petrochemical Technologies - Timeline

1928 Portable offshore drilling By mounting a derrick and drilling outfit onto a submersible barge, Texas oilman Louis Giliasso creates an efficient portable method of offshore drilling. The transportable barge allows a rig to be erected in as little as a day, which makes for easier exploration of the Texas and Louisiana coastal wetlands. More permanent offshore piers and platforms had been successfully operating since the late 1800s off the coast of California near Santa Barbara, where oil seepage in the Pacific had been reported by Spanish explorers as early as 1542.

1930s New process increases octane rating gasoline U.S. refineries take advantage of a new process of alkalinization and fine-powder fluid-bed production that increases the octane rating of aviation gasoline to 100. This becomes important in the success of the Royal Air Force and the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II.

1936 Catalytic cracking introduced French scientist Eugene Houdry introduces catalytic cracking. By using silica and alumina-based catalysts, he demonstrates not only that more gasoline can be produced from oil without the use of high pressure but also that it has a higher octane rating and burns more efficiently.

1942 First catalytic cracking unit is put on-stream The first catalytic cracking unit is put on-stream in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, by Standard Oil, New Jersey.

1947 Platforming invented German-born American chemical engineer Vladimir Haensel invents platforming, a process for producing cleaner-burning high-octane fuels using a platinum catalyst to speed up certain chemical reactions. Platforming eliminates the need to add lead to gasoline.

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Petroleum and Petrochemical Technologies - Timeline

1947 First commercial oil well out of sight of land A consortium of oil companies led by Kerr-McGee drills the world’s first commercial oil well out of sight of land in the Gulf of Mexico, 10.5 miles offshore and 45 miles south of Morgan City, Louisiana. Eleven oil fields are mapped in the gulf by 1949, with 44 exploratory wells in operation.

1955 First jack-up oil-drilling rig The first jack-up oil-drilling rig is designed for offshore exploration. The rig features long legs that can be lowered into the seabed to a depth of 500 feet, allowing the platform to be raised to various heights above the level of the water.

1960s Synthetic oils Synthetic oils are in development to meet the special lubricating requirements of military jets. Mobil Oil and AMSOIL are leaders in this field; their synthetics contain such additives as polyalphaolefins, derived from olefin, one of the three primary petrochemical groups. Saturated with hydrogen, olefin-carbon molecules provide excellent thermal stability. Following on the success of synthetic oils in military applications, they are introduced into the commercial market in the 1970s for use in automobiles.

1970s Mud pulse telemetry Teleco, Inc., of Greenville, South Carolina, and the U.S. Department of Energy introduce mud pulse telemetry, a system of relaying pressure pulses through drilling mud to convey the location of the drill bit. Mud pulse telemetry is now an oil industry standard, saving millions of dollars in time and labor.

1970s Digital seismology The introduction of digital seismology in oil exploration increases accuracy in locating underground pools of oil. The technique of using seismic waves to look for oil is based on determining the time interval between the sending of a sound wave (generated by an explosion, an electric vibrator, or a falling weight) and the arrival of reflected or refracted waves at one or more seismic detectors. Analysis of differences in arrival times and amplitudes of the waves tells seismologists what kinds of rock the waves have traveled through.

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Petroleum and Petrochemical Technologies - Timeline

1980s ROVs developed for subsea oil work Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) are developed for subsea oil work. Controlled from the surface, ROVs vary from beachball-size cameras to truck-size maintenance robots.

1990s New tools and techniques to reduce the costs and risks of drilling The combined efforts of private industry, the Department of Energy, and national laboratories such as Argonne and Lawrence Livermore result in the introduction of several new tools and techniques designed to reduce the costs and risks of drilling, including reducing potential damage to the geological formation and improving environmental protection. Among such tools are the near-bit sensor, which gathers data from just behind the drill bit and transmits it to the surface, and carbon dioxide/sand fracturing stimulation, a technique that allows for non-damaging stimulation of a natural gas formation. 2000 Hoover-Diana goes into operation The Hoover-Diana, a 63,000-ton deep-draft caisson vessel, goes into operation in the Gulf of Mexico. A joint venture by Exxon Mobil and BP, it is a production platform mounted atop a floating cylindrical concrete tube anchored in 4,800 feet of water. The entire structure is 83 stories high, with 90 percent of it below the surface. Within half a year it is producing 20,000 barrels of oil and 220 million cubic feet of gas a day. Two pipelines carry the oil and gas to shore.

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Lasers and Fiber Optics - If necessity is the mother of invention, the odds of a breakthrough in

telecommunications were rising fast as the 20th century passed its midpoint. Most long-distance message traffic was then carried by electrons traveling along copper or coaxial cables, but the flow was pinched and expensive, with demand greatly outstripping supply. Over the next few decades, however, the bottlenecks in long-haul communications would be cleared away by a radically new technology.

Its secret was light—a very special kind of radiance produced by devices called lasers and channeled along threads of ultrapure glass called optical fibers. Today, millions of miles of the hair-thin strands stretch across continents and beneath oceans, knitting the world together with digital streams of voice, video, and computer data, all encoded in laser light.

When the basic ideas behind lasers occurred to Columbia University physicist Charles Townes in 1951, he wasn't thinking about communications, much less the many other roles the devices would someday play in such fields as manufacturing, health care, consumer electronics, merchandising, and construction. He wasn't even thinking about light. Townes was an expert in spectroscopy—the study of matter's interactions with electromagnetic energy—and what he wanted was a way to generate extremely short-wavelength radio waves or long-wavelength infrared waves that could be used to probe the structure and behavior of molecules. No existing instrument was suitable for the job, but early one spring morning as he sat on a park bench wrestling with the problem, he suddenly recognized that molecules themselves might be enlisted as a source.

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Lasers and Fiber Optics - All atoms and molecules exist only at certain characteristic energy

levels. When an atom or molecule shifts from one level to another, its electrons emit or absorb photons—packets of electromagnetic energy with a tell-tale wavelength (or frequency) that may range from very long radio waves to ultrashort gamma rays, depending on the size of the energy shift. Normally the leaps up and down the energy ladder don't yield a surplus of photons, but Townes saw possibilities in a distinctive type of emission described by Albert Einstein back in 1917.

If an atom or molecule in a high-energy state is "stimulated" by an impinging photon of exactly the right wavelength, Einstein noted, it will create an identical twin—a second photon that perfectly matches the triggering photon in wavelength, in the alignment of wave crests and troughs, and in the direction of travel. Normally, there are more molecules in lower-energy states than in higher ones, and the lower-energy molecules absorb photons, thus limiting the radiation intensity. Townes surmised that under the right conditions the situation might be reversed, allowing the twinning to create amplification on a grand scale. The trick would be to pump energy into a substance from the outside to create a general state of excitement, then keep the self-duplicating photons bouncing back and forth in a confined space to maximize their numbers.

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Lasers and Fiber Optics - Working Lasers

Not until 1954 did he and fellow researchers at Columbia prove it could be done. Using an electric field to direct excited molecules of ammonia gas into a thumb-sized copper chamber, they managed to get a sustained output of the desired radio waves. The device was given the name maser, for microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, and it proved valuable for spectroscopy, the strengthening of extremely faint radio signals, and a few other purposes. But Townes would soon create a far bigger stir, teaming up with his physicist brother-in-law Arthur Schawlow to show how stimulated emission might be achieved with photons at the much shorter wavelengths of light—hence the name laser, with the "m" giving way to "l." In a landmark paper published in 1958 they explained that light could be reflected back and forth in the energized medium by means of two parallel mirrors, one of them only partly reflective so that the built-up light energy could ultimately escape. Six years later Townes received a Nobel Prize for his work, sharing it with a pair of Soviet scientists, Aleksandr Prochorov and Nikolai Gennadievich Basov, who had independently covered some of the same ground.

The first functioning laser—a synthetic ruby crystal that emitted red light—was built in 1960 by Theodore Maiman, an electrical engineer and physicist at the Hughes Research Laboratories. That epochal event set off a kind of evolutionary explosion. Over the next few decades lasers would take forms as big as a house and as small as a grain of sand. Along with ruby, numerous other solids were put to work as a medium for laser excitation. Various gases proved viable too, as did certain dye-infused liquids and some of the electrically ambivalent materials known as semiconductors. Researchers also developed many ways to excite a laser medium into action, pumping in the necessary energy with flash lamps, other lasers, electricity, and even chemical reactions.

As for the laser light itself, it soon came in a broad range of wavelengths, from infrared to ultraviolet, with the output delivered as either pulses or continuous beams. All laser light has the same highly organized nature, however. In the language of science, it is practically monochromatic (of essentially the same wavelength), coherent (the crests and troughs of the waves perfectly in step, thus combining their energy), and highly directional. The result is an extremely narrow and powerful beam, far less inclined to spread and weaken than a beam of ordinary light, which is composed of a jumble of wavelengths out of step with one another.

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Lasers and Fiber Optics - New Applications

Lasers have found applications almost beyond number. In manufacturing, infrared carbon dioxide lasers cut and heat-treat metal, trim computer chips, drill tiny holes in tough ceramics, silently slice through textiles, and pierce the openings in baby bottle nipples. In construction the narrow, straight beams of lasers guide the laying of pipelines, drilling of tunnels, grading of land, and alignment of buildings. In medicine, detached retinas are spot-welded back in place with an argon laser's green light, which passes harmlessly through the central part of the eye but is absorbed by the blood-rich tissue at the back. Medical lasers are also used to make surgical incisions while simultaneously cauterizing blood vessels to minimize bleeding, and they allow doctors to perform exquisitely precise surgery on the brain and inner ear.

Many everyday devices have lasers at their hearts. A CD or DVD player, for example, reads the digital contents of a rapidly spinning disc by bouncing laser light off minuscule irregularities stamped onto the disc's surface. Barcode scanners in supermarkets play a laser beam over a printed pattern of lines and spaces to extract price information and keep track of inventory.

Pulsed lasers are no less versatile than their continuous-beam brethren. They can function like optical radar, picking up reflections from objects as small as air molecules, enabling meteorologists to detect wind direction or measure air density. The reflections can also be timed to measure distances—in some cases, very great indeed. A high-powered pulsed laser, aimed at mirrors that astronauts placed on the lunar surface, was used to determine the distance from Earth to the Moon to within 2 inches. The pulses of some lasers are so brief—a few quadrillionths of a second—that they can visually freeze the lightning-fast movements of molecules in a chemical reaction. And superpowerful laser pulses may someday serve as the trigger for controlled fusion, the long-sought thermonuclear process that could provide humankind with almost boundless energy.

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Lasers and Fiber Optics - Optical Fiber

Whatever the future holds, the laser's status as a world-changing innovation has already been secured by its role in long-distance communications. But that didn't happen without some pioneering on another frontier—fiber optics. At the time lasers emerged, the ability of flexible strands of glass to act as a conduit for light was a familiar phenomenon, useful for remote viewing and a few other purposes. Such fibers were considered unsuitable for communications, however, because any data encoded in the light were quickly blurred by chaotic internal reflections as the waves traveled along the channel. Then in 1961 two American researchers, Will Hicks and Elias Snitzer, directed laser beams through a glass fiber made so thin—just a few microns—that the light waves would follow a single path rather than ricocheting from side to side and garbling a signal in the process.

This was a major advance, but practical communication with light was blocked by a more basic difficulty. As far as anyone knew, conventional glass simply couldn't be made transparent enough to carry light far. Typically, light traveling along a fiber lost about 99 percent of its energy by the time it had gone just 30 feet. Fortunately for the future of fiber optics, a young Shanghai-born electrical engineer named Charles Kao was convinced that glass could do much better.

Working at Standard Telecommunications Laboratories in England, Kao collected and analyzed samples from glassmakers and concluded that the energy loss was mainly due to impurities such as water and minerals, not the basic glass ingredient of silica itself. A paper he published with colleague George Hockham in 1966 predicted that optical fibers could be made pure enough to carry signals for miles. The challenges of manufacturing such stuff were formidable, but in 1970 a team at Corning Glass Works succeeded in creating a fiber hundreds of yards long that performed just as Kao and Hockham had foreseen. Continuing work at Corning and AT&T Bell Labs developed the manufacturing processes necessary to produce miles of high quality fiber.

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Lasers and Fiber Optics - Optical Fiber

At about the same time, researchers were working hard on developing a light source to partner with optical fibers. Their efforts were focused on semiconductor lasers, sand-grain-sized mites that could be coupled to the end of a thread of glass. Semiconducting materials are solid compounds that conduct electricity imperfectly. When a tiny sandwich of differing materials is electrically energized, laser action takes place in the junction region, and the polished ends of the materials act as mirrors to confine the light photons while they multiply prolifically.

Three traits were essential in a semiconductor laser tailored to telecommunications. It would have to generate a continuous beam rather than pulses. It would need to function at room temperature and operate for hundreds of thousands of hours without failure. Finally, the laser's output would have to be in the infrared range, optimal for transmission down a fiber of silica glass. In 1967 Morton Panish and Izuo Hayashi of Bell Labs spelled out the basic requirements in materials and design. Two other Bell Labs researchers, J. R. Arthur and A. Y. Cho, subsequently found a way to create an ultrathin layer of material at the center of the semiconductor sandwich that produced laser light with unprecedented efficiency.

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Lasers and Fiber Optics - Gossamer Web

By the mid-1970s all the necessary ingredients for fiber-optic communications were ready, and operational trials got under way. The first commercial service was launched in Chicago in 1977, with 1.5 miles of underground fiber connecting two switching stations of the Illinois Bell Telephone Company. Improvements in both lasers and fibers would keep coming after that, further widening light's already huge advantage over other methods of communication.

Any transmission medium's capacity to carry information is directly related to frequency—the number of wave cycles per second, or hertz. The higher the frequency, the more wave cycles per second, and the more information can be packed into the transmission stream. Light used for fiber-optic communications has a frequency millions of times higher than radio transmissions and 100 billion times higher than electric waves traveling along copper telephone wires. But that's just the beginning. Researchers have learned how to send multiple light streams along a fiber simultaneously, each carrying a huge cargo of information on a separate wavelength. In theory, more than a thousand distinct streams can ride along a single glass thread at the same time.

Toward the 20th century's end, one of the few lingering constraints was removed by a device that is both laser and fiber. For all the marvelous transparency of silica glass, light inevitably weakens as it travels along, requiring amplification from time to time. In the early years of fiber optics, the necessary regeneration was done by devices that converted the light signals into electricity, boosted them, and then changed them back into light again. This limited the speed of transmission because the electronic amplifier was slower than the fiber. But the 1990s saw the appearance of vastly superior amplifiers that are lasers themselves. These optical amplifiers consist of short stretches of fiber, doped with the element erbium and optically energized by an auxiliary "pump" laser. The erbium-doped amplifiers revive the fading photons every 50 miles or so without the need for electrical conversion. The amplification can occur for a relatively broad range of wavelengths, allowing roughly 40 different wavelengths to be amplified simultaneously.

For the most part the devices that switch messages from one fiber to another (as from one router to another on the Internet) still must convert a message from light to electricity and back again. Yet even as researchers and engineers actively pursue the development of all-optical switches, this last bottleneck scarcely hampers the flow of information carried on today's fiber-optic systems. Flashing incessantly between cities, countries, and continents, the prodigious torrent strains the gossamer web not at all.

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Lasers and Fiber Optics - Timeline 1917 Theory of stimulated emission Albert Einstein

proposes the theory of stimulated emission—that is, if an atom in a high-energy state is stimulated by a photon of the right wavelength, another photon of the same wavelength and direction of travel will be created. Stimulated emission will form the basis for research into harnessing photons to amplify the energy of light.

1954 "Maser" developed Charles Townes, James Gordon, and Herbert Zeiger at Columbia University develop a "maser" (for microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation), in which excited molecules of ammonia gas amplify and generate radio waves. The work caps 3 years of effort since Townes's idea in 1951 to take advantage of high-frequency molecular oscillation to generate short-wavelength radio waves.

1958 Concept of a laser introduced Townes and physicist Arthur Schawlow publish a paper showing that masers could be made to operate in optical and infrared regions. The paper explains the concept of a laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation)—that light reflected back and forth in an energized medium generates amplified light.

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Lasers and Fiber Optics - Timeline 1960 Continuously operating helium-neon gas laser invented Bell

Laboratories researcher and former Townes student Ali Javan and his colleagues William Bennett, Jr., and Donald Herriott invent a continuously operating helium-neon gas laser. The continuous beam of laser light is extracted by placing parallel mirrors on both ends of an apparatus delivering an electrical current through the helium and neon gases. On December 13, Javan experiments by holding the first telephone conversation ever delivered by a laser beam.

1960 Operable laser invented Theodore Maiman, a physicist and electrical engineer at Hughes Research Laboratories, invents an operable laser using a synthetic pink ruby crystal as the medium. Encased in a "flash tube" and book ended by mirrors, the laser successfully produces a pulse of light. Prior to Maiman’s working model, Columbia University doctoral student Gordon Gould also designs a laser, but his patent application is initially denied. Gould finally wins patent recognition nearly 30 years later.

1961 Glass fiber demonstration Industry researchers Elias Snitzer and Will Hicks demonstrate a laser beam directed through a thin glass fiber. The fiber’s core is small enough that the light follows a single path, but most scientists still consider fibers unsuitable for communications because of the high loss of light across long distances.

1961 First medical use of the ruby laser In the first medical use of the ruby laser, Charles Campbell of the Institute of Ophthalmology at Columbia- Presbyterian Medical Center and Charles Koester of the American Optical Corporation use a prototype ruby laser photocoagulator to destroy a human patient’s retinal tumor.

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Lasers and Fiber Optics - Timeline 1962 Gallium arsenide laser developed Three groups—at General Electric, IBM,

and MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory—simultaneously develop a gallium arsenide laser that converts electrical energy directly into infrared light and that much later is used in CD and DVD players as well as computer laser printers.

1963 Heterostructures Physicist Herbert Kroemer proposes the idea of heterostructures, combinations of more than one semiconductor built in layers that reduce energy requirements for lasers and help them work more efficiently. These heterostructures will later be used in cell phones and other electronic devices.

1966 Landmark paper on optical fiber Charles Kao and George Hockham of Standard Telecommunications Laboratories in England publish a landmark paper demonstrating that optical fiber can transmit laser signals with much reduced loss if the glass strands are pure enough. Researchers immediately focus on ways to purify glass.

1970 Optical fibers that meet purity standards Corning Glass Works scientists Donald Keck, Peter Schultz, and Robert Maurer report the creation of optical fibers that meet the standards set by Kao and Hockham. The purest glass ever made, it is composed of fused silica from the vapor phase and exhibits light loss of less than 20 decibels per kilometer (1 percent of the light remains after traveling 1 kilometer). By 1972 the team creates glass with a loss of 4 decibels per kilometer. Also in 1970, Morton Panish and Izuo Hayashi of Bell Laboratories, along with a group at the Ioffe Physical Institute in Leningrad, demonstrate a semiconductor laser that operates continuously at room temperature. Both breakthroughs will pave the way toward commercialization of fiber optics.

1973 Chemical vapor deposition process John MacChesney and Paul O’Connor at Bell Laboratories develop a modified chemical vapor deposition process that heats chemical vapors and oxygen to form ultratransparent glass that can be mass-produced into low-loss optical fiber. The process still remains the standard for fiber-optic cable manufacturing.

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Lasers and Fiber Optics - Timeline 1975 First commercial semiconductor laser Engineers at Laser Diode

Labs develop the first commercial semiconductor laser to operate continuously at room temperatures. The continuous-wave operation allows the transmission of telephone conversations. Standard Telephones and Cables in the United Kingdom installs the first fiber-optic link for interoffice communications after a lightning strike damages equipment and knocks out radio transmission used by the police department in Dorset.

1977 Telephone companies fiber optic trials Telephone companies begin trials with fiber-optic links carrying live telephone traffic. GTE opens a line between Long Beach and Artesia, California, whose transmitter uses a light-emitting diode. Bell Labs establishes a similar link for the phone system of downtown Chicago, 1.5 miles of underground fiber that connects two switching stations.

1980 Fiber-optic cable links major cities AT&T announces that it will install fiber-optic cable linking major cities between Boston and Washington, D.C. The cable is designed to carry three different wavelengths through graded-index fiber—technology that carries video signals later that year from the Olympic Games in Lake Placid, New York. Two years later MCI announces a similar project using single-mode fiber carrying 400 bits per second.

1987 "Doped" fiber amplifiers David Payne at England’s University of Southampton introduces fiber amplifiers that are "doped" with the element erbium. These new optical amplifiers are able to boost light signals without first having to convert them into electrical signals and then back into light.

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Lasers and Fiber Optics - Timeline 1988 First transatlantic fiber-optic cable The first

transatlantic fiber-optic cable is installed, using glass fibers so transparent that repeaters (to regenerate and recondition the signal) are needed only about 40 miles apart. The shark-proof TAT-8 is dedicated by science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, who praises "this maiden voyage across the sea on a beam of light." Linking North America and France, the 3,148-mile cable is capable of handling 40,000 telephone calls simultaneously using 1.3-micrometer wavelength lasers and single-mode fiber. The total cost of $361 million is less than $10,000 per circuit; the first transatlantic copper cable in 1956 costs $1 million per circuit to plan and install.

1991 Optical Amplifiers Emmanuel Desurvire of Bell Laboratories, along with David Payne and P. J. Mears of the University of Southampton, demonstrate optical amplifiers that are built into the fiber-optic cable itself. The all-optic system can carry 100 times more information than cable with electronic amplifiers.

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Lasers and Fiber Optics - Timeline 1996 All-optic fiber cable that uses optical amplifiers

is laid across the Pacific Ocean TPC-5, an all-optic fiber cable that is the first to use optical amplifiers, is laid in a loop across the Pacific Ocean. It is installed from San Luis Obispo, California, to Guam, Hawaii, and Miyazaki, Japan, and back to the Oregon coast and is capable of handling 320,000 simultaneous telephone calls.

1997 Fiber Optic Link Around the Globe The Fiber Optic Link Around the Globe (FLAG) becomes the longest single-cable network in the world and provides infrastructure for the next generation of Internet applications. The 17,500-mile cable begins in England and runs through the Strait of Gibraltar to Palermo, Sicily, before crossing the Mediterranean to Egypt. It then goes overland to the FLAG operations center in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, before crossing the Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal, and Andaman Sea; through Thailand; and across the South China Sea to Hong Kong and Japan.

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Nuclear Technologies - Beating swords into plowshares—that's how advocates of nuclear technology have long

characterized efforts to develop peaceful applications of the atom's energy. In an ongoing controversy, opponents point to the destructive potential and say that, despite the benefits, this is almost always a tool too dangerous to use. Beyond the controversy, however, lies the story of scientific and engineering breakthroughs that unfolded over a remarkably short period of time—with unprecedented effects on the world, for both good and ill.

Although a cloud of potential doom has shadowed the future since the first atomic bomb was tested in the New Mexico desert in July 1945, the process that led to that moment also paved the way for myriad technologies that have improved the lives of millions around the world.

It all began with perhaps the most famous formula in the history of science—Albert Einstein's deceptively simple mathematical expression of the relationship between matter and energy. E=mc2, or energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared, demonstrated that under certain conditions mass could be converted into energy and, more significantly, that a very small amount of matter was equivalent to a very great deal of energy. Einstein's formula, part of his work on relativity published in 1905, gained new significance in the 1930s as scientists in several countries were making a series of discoveries about the workings of the atom. The culmination came in late 1938, when Lise Meitner, an Austrian physicist who had recently escaped Nazi Germany and was living in Stockholm, got a message from longtime colleagues Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann in Berlin. Meitner had been working with them on an experiment involving bombarding uranium atoms with neutrons, and Hahn and Strassman were reporting a puzzling result. The product of the experiment seemed to be barium, a much lighter element. Meitner and her nephew, physicist Otto Frisch, recognized that what had occurred was the splitting of the uranium atoms, a process Meitner and Frisch were the first to call "fission." Italian physicist Enrico Fermi had achieved the same result several years earlier, also without realizing exactly what he had done. Among other things, fission converted some of the original atom's mass into energy, an amount Meitner and Frisch were able to calculate accurately using Einstein's formula. The news spread quickly through the scientific community and soon reached a much wider audience. On January 29, 1939, the New York Times, misspeaking slightly, headlined the story about the discovery: "Atomic Explosion Frees 200,000,000 Volts."

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Nuclear Technologies - Splitting the Atom

Fermi knew that when an atom splits it releases other neutrons, and he was quick to realize that under the right conditions those neutrons could go on to split other atoms in a chain reaction. This would lead to one of two things: a steady generation of energy in the form of heat or a huge explosion. If each splitting atom caused one released neutron to split another atom, the chain reaction was said to be "critical" and would create a steady release of heat energy. But if each fission event released two, three, or more neutrons that went on to split other atoms, the chain reaction was deemed "supercritical" and would rapidly cascade into an almost instantaneous, massive, explosive release of energy—a bomb. In the climate of the times, with the world on the brink of war, there was little doubt in which direction the main research effort would turn. Fermi, who had emigrated to the United States, became part of the top-secret American effort known as the Manhattan Project, which, in an astonishingly short period of time from its beginnings in 1942, turned fission's potential into the reality of the world's first atomic bombs.

The Manhattan Project, headed by General Leslie Groves of the Army Corps of Engineers, included experimental facilities and manufacturing plants in several states, from Tennessee to Washington. Dozens of top-ranking physicists and engineers took part. One of the most significant breakthroughs was achieved by Fermi himself, who in 1942 created the first controlled, self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction in a squash court beneath the stands of the University of Chicago stadium. To do it, he had built the world's first nuclear reactor, an achievement that would ultimately lead to the technology that now supplies a significant proportion of the world's energy. But it was also the first practical step toward creating a bomb.

Fermi recognized that the key to both critical and supercritical chain reactions was the fissionable fuel source. Only two potential fuels were known: uranium-235 and what was at the time still a hypothetical isotope, plutonium-239. (An isotope is a form of a given element with a different number of neutrons. The number refers to the combined total of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.) Uranium-235 exists in only 0.7 percent of natural uranium ore; the other 99.3 percent is uranium-238, a more stable isotope that tends to absorb neutrons rather than split and that can keep chain reactions from even reaching the critical stage. Plutonium-239 is created when an atom of uranium-238 absorbs a single neutron.

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Nuclear Technologies - Manhattan Project

Manhattan Project engineers first set about enriching uranium, using chemical processes to increase the proportion of fissionable uranium-235 up to levels that could produce supercritical chain reactions. Most of this work was done in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, where Fermi was also involved in building another nuclear reactor, to test whether it was really possible to sustain a critical chain reaction that would produce plutonium-239 from the original uranium fuel. Plutonium, it turned out, was an even more efficient fuel for supercritical chain reactions. Both efforts were successes and went on to provide the raw material for the first and only atomic bombs ever used in war—the Hiroshima bomb of uranium-235 enriched to 70 percent, and the Nagasaki bomb, which had a plutonium core, both ignited by implosion.

Bomb development ultimately led to thermonuclear weapons, in which the fusion of hydrogen atoms releases far greater amounts of energy. The first atomic bomb tested in New Mexico yielded the equivalent of 18 kilotons of TNT; thermonuclear hydrogen bombs yield up to 10 megatons. The Cold War drove both the United States and the Soviet Union to develop ever more lethal nuclear weapons, all based on the principles worked out and put into action by the scientists and engineers of the Manhattan Project. Although the consequences of their actions remain highly controversial, the brilliance of their technological achievements is undimmed.

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Nuclear Technologies - Peacetime Use

Fermi's reactor in Tennessee opened the door to the first peacetime use of nuclear technology. When a fissionable material splits, it can produce any of a variety of radioisotopes, unstable isotopes whose decay emits radiation that can be dangerous—as in the fallout of a nuclear bomb. In a reactor, the radiation is contained, and scientists had already discovered that, if properly handled, radioisotopes could have beneficial uses, particularly in medicine. Cancer cells, for example, are especially sensitive to radiation damage because they divide so rapidly, and doctors were learning to use small targeted doses of radiation to destroy tumors. So reaction was swift in the summer of 1946 when Oak Ridge published a list of the radioisotopes its reactor was producing in the June issue of Science. By early August the lab was sending its first radioisotope shipment to Brainard Cancer Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri.

The field of nuclear medicine is now an integral part of health care throughout the world. Doctors use dozens of different radioisotopes in both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, creating images of blood vessels, the brain, and other internal organs (see Imaging), and helping to destroy harmful growths. Radiation continues to be a mainstay of cancer treatment and has evolved to include not just targeted beams of radiation but also the implantation of small radioactive pellets and the use of so-called radiopharmaceuticals, drugs that deliver appropriate doses of radiation to specific tissues. Because even a small amount of radiation is easily detectable, researchers have also developed techniques using radioisotopes as a kind of label to tag and trace individual molecules. This labeling has proved particularly effective in the study of genetics by making it possible to identify individual DNA "letters" of the genetic code.

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Nuclear Technologies - Peacetime Use

From the start, of course, researchers had known that another use for atomic energy was as a power source. After World War II the U.S. government was quick to realize that potential as well. In 1946 President Truman signed a law that created the Atomic Energy Commission, whose mandate included not only the development of atomic weapons but also the exploration of other applications. One of these was to power navy ships, and in 1948 Captain (later Admiral) Hyman Rickover was assigned the task of developing a reactor that could serve as the power plant for a submarine. Rickover, who had been part of the Manhattan Project, would become known as "the father of the nuclear navy." Under his leadership, engineers at the Westinghouse Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory in Pennsylvania designed the first pressurized-water reactor (PWR), which ultimately became the dominant type of power plant reactor in the United States. Rickover's team pioneered new materials and reactor designs, established safety and control standards and operating procedures, and built and tested full-scale propulsion prototypes. The final result was the USS Nautilus, commissioned in 1954 as the world's first nuclear-powered vessel. Six years later the USS Triton became the first submarine to circumnavigate the globe while submerged. Soon a fleet of nuclear submarines was patrolling the world's oceans, able to stay submerged for months at a time and go for years without refueling because of their nuclear power source. Masterpieces of engineering, nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers have operated without accident for nearly 6 decades.

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Nuclear Technologies - Power Plants Even before the Nautilus was finished, nuclear power plants were about to come into

their own. On December 20, 1951, near the town of Arco, Idaho, engineers from Argonne National Laboratory started up a reactor that was connected to a steam turbine generator. When the chain reaction reached criticality, the heat of the nuclear fuel turned water into steam, which drove the generator and cranked out 440 volts, enough electricity to power four lightbulbs. It was the first time a nuclear reaction had created usable power. A few years later Arco became the world's first community to get its entire power supply from a nuclear reactor when the town's power grid was temporarily connected to the reactor's turbines.

Arco had been an experiment, but by 1957 a commercially viable nuclear power plant was operating in the western Pennsylvania town of Shippingport. It was one of the first practical manifestations of President Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace Program, established in 1953 specifically to promote commercial applications of atomic energy. Nuclear power plants of various designs were soon supplying significant percentages of energy needs throughout the developed world. There was certainly no question about the advantages. One ton of nuclear fuel produces the energy equivalent of 2 million to 3 million tons of fossil fuel. Looked at another way, 1 kilogram of coal generates 3 kilowatt-hours of electricity; 1 kilogram of oil generates 4 kilowatt-hours; and 1 kilogram of uranium generates up to 7 million kilowatt-hours. Also, unlike coal- and oil-burning plants, nuclear plants release no air pollutants or the greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. Currently, some 400 nuclear plants provide electricity around the world, including 20 percent of energy in the United States, 80 percent in France, and more than 50 percent in Japan.

But the nuclear chain reaction still carries inherent dangers, which were made frighteningly apparent during the reactor accidents at Pennsylvania's Three Mile Island plant in 1979 and Ukraine's Chernobyl plant in 1986. In each case, radiation was released into the atmosphere, a small amount at Three Mile Island but a tragically large amount at Chernobyl. Human error played a significant role in both events, but Chernobyl also revealed the need to improve safeguards in future reactor designs.

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Nuclear Technologies - Power Plants Although public sentiment in the United States turned against nuclear power for a number of years

after the Three Mile Island accident, the international growth of nuclear power continued virtually unabated, with an additional 350 nuclear plants built worldwide in the past 2 decades—almost doubling the previous total. A strong incentive for continuing to improve nuclear technology is the fact that it may offer a solution to global warming and reduce the free release of emissions such as sulfur oxides and nitrous oxides as well as trace metals. In addition, engineers in other countries and the United States have continued to refine reactor designs to improve safety. Most recently, designs have been proposed for reactors that are physically incapable of going supercritical and causing a catastrophic meltdown of the reactor's radioactive core, and such designs are ready to be moved beyond the drawing board. Nations with nuclear power plants continue to wrestle with the problem of disposing of nuclear waste—spent nuclear fuel and fission products—which can remain radioactively lethal for thousands, and even tens of thousands, of years. In the United States, most power plants store their own nuclear waste onsite in huge pools of water, while the longer-term option of a national repository, deep within the bedrock of Yucca Mountain in Nevada, continues to be debated. Other countries reprocess waste, extracting every last particle of fissionable fuel. And plans are also afoot to convert nuclear material from obsolete weapons—particularly those of the former Soviet Union—into usable nuclear fuel. Even though no new nuclear plants have been ordered in the United States since 1977, most existing facilities have requested extensions of their operating licenses—in part because of the many advantages of nuclear power over other forms of energy.

Still, developments in nuclear technology remain controversial. A case in point is the irradiation of food, approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1986 but only slowly gaining public acceptance. Irradiation involves subjecting foods to high doses of radiation, which kills harmful bacteria on spices, fruits, and vegetables and in raw meats, preventing foodborne illnesses and dramatically reducing spoilage. No residual radiation remains in the food, but—despite laboratory evidence to the contrary—critics have expressed concerns that the process may cause other chemical changes that could give rise to toxic or carcinogenic substances. Nevertheless, as its benefits become more and more obvious, irradiaton has come into wider use.

In 1970 many nations signed a nuclear nonproliferation treaty in an effort to limit the spread of nuclear weapons. That issue remains front and center in the news, even as engineers keep working to make peaceful uses of nuclear power safer. It may well be that harnessing the tremendous power of the atom will continue to be a story of both swords and plowshares.

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Nuclear Technologies - Timeline Even though the ancient Greeks correctly theorized that everything was made up

of simple particles, which they called atoms, it wasn't until the beginning of the 20th century that scientists realized the atom could be split. Nuclear physicists such as Britain's Joseph John Thomson and Denmark's Niels Bohr mapped out the atom's elementary building blocks (the electron, proton, and neutron) and paved the way for the discovery of nuclear fission—the process that transformed the atom into a new and powerful source of energy. Today atomic energy generates clean, low-cost electricity, powers some of the world's largest ships, and assists in the development of the latest health care techniques.

1905 Special theory of relativity German-born physicist Albert Einstein introduces his special theory of relativity, which states that the laws of nature are the same for all observers and that the speed of light is not dependent on the motion of its source. The most celebrated result of his work is the mathematical formula E=mc2, or energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared, which demonstrates that mass can be converted into energy. Einstein wins the Nobel Prize in physics in 1921 for his work on the photoelectric effect. 1932 Neutron is discovered English physicist and Nobel laureate James Chadwick exposes the metal beryllium to alpha particles and discovers the neutron, an uncharged particle. It is one of the three chief subatomic particles, along with the positively charged proton and the negatively charged electron. Alpha particles, consisting of two neutrons and two protons, are positively charged, and are given off by certain radioactive materials. His work follows the contributions of New Zealander Ernest Rutherford, who demonstrated in 1919 the existence of protons. Chadwick also studies deuterium, known as heavy hydrogen, an isotope of hydrogen used in nuclear reactors.

1932 co*ckcroft teams Walton to split the atom British physicist John co*ckcroft teams with Ernest Walton of Ireland to split the atom with protons accelerated to high speed. Their work wins them the Nobel Prize in physics in 1951.

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Nuclear Technologies - Timeline 1937 5-million-volt Van de Graaff generator built The Westinghouse

Corporation builds the 5-million-volt Van de Graaff generator. Named for its inventor, physicist Robert Van de Graaff, the generator gathers and stores electrostatic charges. Released in a single spark and accelerated by way of a magnetic field, the accumulated charge, equivalent to a bolt of lightning, can be used as a particle accelerator in atom smashing and other experiments.

1939 Uranium atoms are split Physicists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann of Germany, along with Lise Meitner of Austria and her nephew Otto Frisch, split uranium atoms in a process known as fission. The mass of some of the atoms converts into energy, thus proving Einstein’s original theory.

1939-1945 Manhattan Project The U.S. Army’s top-secret atomic energy program, known as the Manhattan Project, employs scientists in Los Alamos, New Mexico, under the direction of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, to develop the first transportable atomic bomb. Other Manhattan Project teams at Hanford, Washington, and Oak Ridge, Tennessee, produce the plutonium and uranium-235 necessary for nuclear fission.

1942 First controlled, self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction Italian-born physicist and Nobel winner Enrico Fermi and his colleagues at the University of Chicago achieve the first controlled, self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction in which neutrons released during the splitting of the atom continue splitting atoms and releasing more neutrons. Fermi’s team builds a low-powered reactor, insulated with blocks of graphite, beneath the stands at the university’s stadium. In case of fire, teams of students stand by, equipped with buckets of water.

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Nuclear Technologies - Timeline 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki To force the Japanese to surrender and

end World War II, the United States drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima, an important army depot and port of embarkation, and Nagasaki, a coastal city where the Mitsubishi torpedoes used in the attack on Pearl Harbor were made.

1946 First nuclear-reactor-produced radioisotopes for peacetime civilian use The U.S. Army's Oak Ridge facility in Tennessee ships the first nuclear-reactor-produced radioisotopes for peacetime civilian use to Brainard Cancer Hospital in St. Louis.

1946 Atomic Energy Commission The U.S. Congress passes the Atomic Energy Act to establish the Atomic Energy Commission, which replaces the Manhattan Project. The commission is charged with overseeing the use of nuclear technology in the postwar era.

1948 Plans to commercialize nuclear power The U.S. government’s Argonne National Laboratory, operated in Illinois by the University of Chicago, and the Westinghouse Corporation’s Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory in Pittsburgh, announce plans to commercialize nuclear power to produce electricity for consumer use.

1951 Experimental Breeder Reactor 1 Experimental Breeder Reactor 1 at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) produces the world’s first usable amount of electricity from nuclear energy. When neutrons released in the fission process convert uranium into plutonium, they generate, or breed, more fissile material, thus producing new fuel as well as energy. No longer in operation, the reactor is now a registered national historic landmark and is open to the public for touring.

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Nuclear Technologies - Timeline 1953 First of a series of Boiling Reactor Experiment reactors

BORAX-I, the first of a series of Boiling Reactor Experiment reactors, is built at INEEL. The series is designed to test the theory that the formation of steam bubbles in the reactor core does not cause an instability problem. BORAX-I proves that steam formation is, in fact, a rapid, reliable, and effective mechanism for limiting power, capable of protecting a properly designed reactor against "runaway" events.

1954 Atomic Energy Act of 1954 The U.S. Congress passes the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, amending the 1946 act to allow the Atomic Energy Commission to license private companies to use nuclear materials and also to build and operate nuclear power plants. The act is designed to promote peaceful uses of nuclear energy through private enterprise, implementing President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Atoms for Peace Program.

1955 BORAX-III provide an entire town with electricity In July, BORAX-III becomes the first nuclear power plant in the world to provide an entire town with all of its electricity. When power from the reactor is cut in, utility lines supplying conventional power to the town of Arco, Idaho (population 1,200), are disconnected. The community depends solely on nuclear power for more than an hour.

1955 First nuclear-powered submarine The USS Nautilus SSN 571, the world’s first nuclear-powered submarine, gets under way on sea trials. The result of the efforts of 300 engineers and technicians working under the direction of Admiral Hyman Rickover, "father of the nuclear navy," it is designed and built by the Electric Boat Company of Groton, Connecticut, and outfitted with a pressurized-water reactor built by the Westinghouse Corporation’s Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory. In 1958 the Nautilus is the first ship to voyage under the North Pole.

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Nuclear Technologies - Timeline 1957 International Atomic Energy Agency The International Atomic

Energy Agency is formed with 18 member countries to promote peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Today it has 130 members. The first U.S. large-scale nuclear power plant begins operation in Shippingport, Pennsylvania. Built by the federal government but operated by the Duquesne Light Company in conjunction with the Westinghouse Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, the pressurized-water reactor supplies power to the city of Pittsburgh and much of western Pennsylvania. In 1977 the original reactor is replaced by a more efficient light-water breeder reactor.

1962 First advanced gas-cooled reactor The first advanced gas-cooled reactor is built at Calder Hall in England. Intended originally to power a naval vessel, the reactor is too big to be installed aboard ship and is instead successfully used to supply electricity to British consumers. A smaller pressurized-water reactor, supplied by the United States, is then installed on Britain’s first nuclear-powered submarine, the HMS Dreadnaught.

1966 Advanced Testing Reactor The Advanced Testing Reactor at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory begins operation for materials testing and isotope generation.

1969 Zero Power Physics Reactor The Zero Power Physics Reactor (ZPPR), a specially designed facility for building and testing a variety of types of reactors, goes operational at Argonne National Laboratory-West in Idaho. Equipped with a large inventory of materials from which any reactor could be assembled in a few weeks, ZPPR operates at very low power, so the materials do not become highly radioactive and can be reused many times. Nuclear reactors can be built and tested in ZPPR for about 0.1% of the capital cost of construction of the whole power plant.

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Nuclear Technologies - Timeline 1974 Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 The Energy

Reorganization Act of 1974 splits the Atomic Energy Commission into the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). ERDA’s responsibilities include overseeing the development and refinement of nuclear power, while the NRC takes up the issue of safe handling of nuclear materials.

1979 Three Mile Island The nuclear facility at Three Mile Island near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, experiences a major failure when a water pump in the secondary cooling system of the Unit 2 pressurized-water reactor malfunctions. A jammed relief valve then causes a buildup of heat, resulting in a partial meltdown of the core but only a minor release of radioactive material into the atmosphere.

1986 Chernobyl The Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurs in Ukraine during unauthorized experiments when four pressurized-water reactors overheat, releasing their water coolant as steam. The hydrogen formed by the steam causes two major explosions and a fire, releasing radioactive particles into the atmosphere that drift over much of the European continent.

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Nuclear Technologies - Timeline 1990s U.S. Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program The U.S.

Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program pioneers new materials and develops improved material fabrication techniques, radiological control, and quality control standards.

2000 World record reliability benchmarks The fleet of more than 100 nuclear power plants in the United States achieve world record reliability benchmarks, operating annually at more than 90 percent capacity for the last decade—the equivalent of building 10 gigawatt nuclear power plants in that period. In the 21 years since the Three Mile Island accident, the fleet can claim the equivalent of 2,024.6 gigawatt-years of safe reactor operation, compared to a total operational history of fewer than 253.9 gigawatt-years before the accident. Elsewhere in the world, nuclear power energy production grows, most notably in China, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, where more than 28 gigawatts of nuclear power plant capacity is added in the last decade of the century.

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High-performance Materials - Metals

"All hail, King Steel," wrote Andrew Carnegie in a 1901 paean to the monarch of metals, praising it for working "wonders upon the earth." A few decades earlier a British inventor named Henry Bessemer had figured out how to make steel in large quantities, and Carnegie and other industry titans were now producing millions of tons of it each year, to be used for the structural framing of bridges and skyscrapers, the tracks of sprawling railway networks, the ribs and plates of steamship hulls, and a multitude of other applications extending from food cans to road signs.

In the decades to come, however, there would be many more claimants to wonder-working glory—among them other metals, polymers, ceramics, blends called composites, and the electrically talented group known as semiconductors. Over the course of the 20th century, virtually every aspect of the familiar world, from clothing to construction, would be profoundly changed by new materials. High performance materials would also make possible some of the century's most dazzling technological achievements: airplanes and spacecraft, microchips and magnetic disks, lasers and the fiber-optic highways of the Internet. And behind all that lies another, less obvious, wonder—the ability of scientists and engineers to customize matter for particular applications by manipulating its composition and microstructure: they start with a design requirement and create a material that answers it.

Of the various families of metals represented among high performance materials, steel still stands supreme in both versatility and volume of production. Hundreds of alloys are made by adding chromium, nickel, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium, or other metals to the basic steel recipe of iron plus a small but critical amount of carbon. Some of these alloys are superstrong or ultrahard; some are almost impervious to corrosion; some can withstand constant flexing; some possess certain desired electrical or magnetic properties. Highly varied microstructures can be produced by processing the metal in various ways.

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High-performance Materials - Metals

Until well into the 20th century, new steel alloys were concocted mainly by trial-and-error cookery, but steelmakers at least had the advantage of long experience—3 millennia of it, in fact. That wasn't the case with aluminum, the third most common element in Earth's crust, yet never seen in pure form until 1825. It was heralded as a marvel—light, silvery, resistant to corrosion—but the metal was so difficult to separate from its ore that it remained a rarity until the late 19th century, when a young American, Charles Martin Hall, found that electricity could pull aluminum atoms apart from tight-clinging oxygen partners. Extensive use was still blocked by the metal's softness, limiting it to such applications as jewelry and tableware. But in 1906 a German metallurgist named Alfred Wilm, by happy chance, discovered a strengthening method. He made an alloy of aluminum with a small amount of copper and heated it to a high temperature, then quickly cooled it. At first the aluminum was even softer than before, but within a few days it became remarkably strong, a change caused by the formation of minute copper-rich particles in the alloy, called precipitation hardening. This lightweight material became invaluable in aviation and other transportation applications.

In recent decades other high performance metals have found important roles in aircraft. Titanium, first isolated in 1910 but not produced in significant quantities until the 1950s, is one of them. It is not only light and resistant to corrosion but also can endure intense heat, a requirement for the skin of planes traveling at several times the speed of sound. But even titanium can't withstand conditions inside the turbine of a jet engine, where temperatures may be well above 2,000° F. Turbine blades are instead made of nickel- and cobalt-based materials known as superalloys, which remain strong in fierce heat while spinning at tremendous speed. To ensure they have the maximum possible resistance to high-temperature deformation, the most advanced of these blades are grown from molten metal as single crystals in ceramic molds.

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High-performance Materials - Polymers

Another major category of high performance materials is that of synthetic polymers, commonly known as plastics. Unknown before the 20th century, they are now ubiquitous and immensely varied. The first of the breed was created in 1907 by a Belgium-born chemist named Leo Baekeland. Working in a suburb of New York City, he spent years experimenting with mixtures of phenol (a distillate of coal tar) and formaldehyde (a wood-alcohol distillate). Eventually he discovered that, under controlled heat and pressure, the two liquids would react to yield a thick brownish resin. Further heating of the resin produced a powder, which became a useful varnish if dissolved in alcohol. And if the powder was remelted in a mold, it rapidly hardened and held its shape. Bakelite, as the hard plastic was called, was an excellent electrical insulator. It was tough; it wouldn't burn; it didn't crack or fade; and it was unaffected by most solvents. By the 1920s the translucent, amber-colored plastic was everywhere—in pipe stems and toothbrushes, billiard balls and fountain pens, combs and ashtrays. It was "the material of a thousand purposes," Time magazine said.

Other synthetic polymers soon emerged from research laboratories in the United States and Europe. Polyvinyl chloride, useful for adhesives or in hardened sheets, appeared in 1926. Polystyrene, which yielded very lightweight foams, was introduced in 1930. A few years later came a glass substitute, chemically known as polymethyl methacrylate but sold under the name of Plexiglas.

During this period of plastics pioneering, many chemists were convinced that the new materials were composed of small molecules of the sort familiar to their science. A German researcher named Hermann Staudinger had a very different vision, however. Polymers, he said, were made up of extremely long molecules comprising thousands of subunits linked together in various ways by chemical bonding between carbon atoms. His insight, ultimately honored with a Nobel Prize, won general acceptance by the mid-1930s and gave new momentum to the polymer hunt.

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High-performance Materials - More Synthetic Polymers

A leader of that effort was Wallace Carothers, a young chemist at E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. In 1930 he and his research team created neoprene, a synthetic rubber that was more resistant to corrosive chemicals than vulcanized natural rubber. The team then began trying to develop a synthetic fiber from organic building blocks that would bond in the same way amino acids join up to form the protein molecules in silk. The payoff came in 1934 when one of the researchers dipped a rod into a beaker full of syrupy melt. When he pulled the rod out, a thread of the viscous substance came with it, and the stretching and subsequent curing of the strand transformed it into a substance of remarkable strength and elasticity. This was nylon, soon produced in quantity for stockings, toothbrush bristles, and such wartime uses as parachute cloth, ropes, and reinforcement for tires. Because of its low friction and high resistance to wear, nylon also proved valuable for gears, rollers, fasteners, and zippers.

The menu of valuable polymers continued to grow steadily. Polyethylenes, suitable for making bottles, appeared in 1939. Polyester fibers, destined to be a staple of the apparel industry, arrived in 1941. A vinyl-based transparent film called Saran, useful for wrapping food, was developed in 1943. Dacron, whose applications ranged from upholstery to grafts to repair blood vessels, hit the market in 1953. Lycra spandex fiber that could stretch as much as five times its length without permanent deformation was introduced in 1958. Kevlar, a fiber five times stronger than steel on a density-adjusted basis, was launched in 1973. By 1979 the annual production volume of polymers surpassed that of all metals combined. A famously pithy bit of career advice in The Graduate, a late 1960s film, summed up the situation well: when the hero asks someone about promising fields for employment, he is told simply, "plastics."

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High-performance Materials - Ceramics

Ceramics, which include all inorganic nonmetallic materials, constitute another high performance category. Some of them are commonplace. The cement and concrete used for highways and other construction purposes are manufactured in greater volume than any other product. At the opposite extreme are synthetic diamonds, first made by General Electric in 1955 by subjecting graphite to temperatures above 3,000°F and pressures of more than a million pounds per square inch. Diamond is a paragon among materials in many ways—the hardest of all substances, the most transparent, the best electric insulator, with the highest thermal conductivity and highest melting point. As grit or small crystals, synthetic diamonds give an ultrahard coating to such industrial equipment as grinding wheels or mining drills. In addition, diamond films for optical or electronic applications can be grown by heating a carbon-containing gas such as methane to very high temperatures at low pressures. Other ceramics include oxides, carbides, nitrides, and borides, all of them very hard, brittle and resistant to corrosion, high temperatures, and electric current. Some ceramics are so strong that they have replaced steel as the armor for military vehicles.

Perhaps nowhere has the promise of ceramics been more tantalizing than in the quest for materials called superconductors, which can carry electric current with zero resistance—that is, without giving up any of the energy as heat. The phenomenon of superconductivity was discovered back in 1911 by Dutch physicist Kamerlingh Onnes. He cooled mercury to 4.2 K (-452°F), just 4 degrees above absolute zero, and observed that all electrical resistance disappeared. (Scientists commonly use the Kelvin scale for studies in the realm of the supercold, with temperatures measured in Kelvin (K). On this scale, water boils at 373 K and freezes at 273 K; absolute zero is the temperature at which molecular motion theoretically ceases.) Because such low temperatures are difficult to reach, there was much excitement in the mid-1980s when IBM researchers in Switzerland found that the ceramic lanthanum-barium-copper oxide becomes a superconductor at 35 K (-406°F). The discovery of this new class of superconductors stirred hopes of identifying substances that superconduct with no chilling at all. A decade later the threshold was up to 135 K (-217°F), but prospects for reaching still higher levels remain unclear. If they can be attained and the materials can be reliably and inexpensively fashioned into wires (not easy with brittle ceramics), the technological consequences would be immense.

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High-performance Materials - Composites

Big performance gains are already well in hand for the class of materials called composites in which one type of material is reinforced by particles, fibers, or plates of another type. Among the first engineered composites was fiberglass, developed in the 1930s. Made by embedding glass fibers in a polymer matrix, it found use in building panels, bathtubs, boat hulls, and other marine products. Since then, many metals, polymers, and ceramics have been exploited as both matrix and reinforcement. In the 1960s, for instance, the U.S. Air Force began seeking a material that would be superior to aluminum for some aircraft parts. Boron had the desired qualities of lightness and strength, but it wasn't easily formed. The solution was to turn it into a fiber that was run through strips of epoxy tape; when laid in a mold and subjected to heat and pressure, the strips yielded strong, lightweight solids—a tail section for the F-14 fighter jet, for one. While an elegant solution, boron fibers were too expensive to find wide use, highlighting the critical interplay between cost and performance that drives materials applications.

Many composites are strengthened by graphite fibers. They may be embedded in a matrix of graphite to produce a highly heat-resistant material—the lining for aircraft brakes, for example—or the matrix can be an epoxy, as with composite shafts for golf clubs or frames for tennis rackets. Other sorts of composites abound in the sports world. Skis can be reinforced with Kevlar fibers; the handlebars of some lightweight racing bikes are made of aluminum reinforced with aluminum oxide particles. Ceramic-matrix composites find use in a variety of hostile environments, ranging from outer space to the innards of an automobile engine.

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High-performance Materials - Composites

Tens of thousands of materials are now available for various engineering purposes, and new ones are constantly being created. Sometimes the effort is grandly scaled—measured in vast tonnages of a metal or polymer, for instance—but many a recent triumph is rooted in exquisite precision and control. This is especially the case in the amazing realm of electronics, built on combinations of metals, semiconductors, and oxides in miniaturized geometries—the fingernail-sized microchips of computers or CD players, the tiny lasers and threadlike optical fibers of communications networks, the magnetic particles dispersed on discs and other surfaces to record digital data. Making transistors, for example, begins with the growing of flawless crystals of silicon, since the electrical properties of the semiconductor are sensitive to minuscule amounts of impurities (in some cases, just one atom in a million or less) and to tiny imperfections in their crystalline structure. Similarly, optical fibers are composed of silica glass so pure that if the Pacific Ocean were made of the same material, an observer on the surface would have no difficulty seeing details on the bottom miles below. Such stuff is transforming our lives as dramatically as steel once did, and engineering at the molecular level of matter promises much more of the same.

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High-performance Materials - Timeline

Over the millennia human beings have tinkered with substances to devise new and useful materials not ordinarily found in nature. But little prepared the world for the explosion in materials research that marked the 20th century. From automobiles to aircraft, sporting goods to skyscrapers, clothing (both everyday and super-protective) to computers and a host of electronic devices—all bear witness to the ingenuity of materials engineers.

1907 Bakelite created Leo Baekeland, a Belgian immigrant to the United States, creates Bakelite, the first thermosetting plastic. An electrical insulator that is resistant to heat, water, and solvents, Bakelite is clear but can be dyed and machined.

1909 Precipitation hardening discovered Alfred Wilm, then leading the Metallurgical Department at the German Center for Scientific Research near Berlin, discovers "precipitation hardening," a phenomenon that is the basis for the creation of strong, lightweight aluminum alloys essential to aeronautics and other technologies in need of such materials. Many other materials are also strengthened by precipitation hardening.

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High-performance Materials - Timeline

1913 Stainless steel is rediscovered Although created earlier in the century by a Frenchman and a German, stainless steel is rediscovered by Harry Brearley in Sheffield, England, and he is credited with popularizing it. Made of iron with about 13 percent chromium and a small portion of carbon, stainless steel does not rust.

1915 Pyrex Corning research physicist Jesse Littleton cuts the bottom from a glass battery jar produced by Corning, takes it home, and asks his wife to bake a cake in it. The glass withstands the heat during the baking process, leading to the development of borosilicate glasses for kitchenware and later to a wide range of glass products marketed as Pyrex.

1925 18/8 austenitic grade steel adopted by chemical industry A stainless steel containing 18 percent chromium, 8 percent nickel, and 0.2 percent carbon comes into use. Known as 18/8 austenitic grade, it is adopted by the chemical industry starting in 1929. By the late 1930s the material’s usefulness at high temperatures is recognized and it is used in the production of jet engines during World War II.

1930 Synthetic rubber developed Wallace Carothers and a team at DuPont, building on work begun in Germany early in the century, make synthetic rubber. Called neoprene, the substance is more resistant than natural rubber to oil, gasoline, and ozone, and it becomes important as an adhesive and a sealant in industrial uses.

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High-performance Materials - Timeline

1930s Glass fibers become commercially viable Engineers at the Owens Illinois Glass Company and Corning Glass Works develop several means to make glass fibers commercially viable. Composed of ingredients that constitute regular glass, the glass fibers produced in the 1930s are made into strands, twirled on a bobbin, and then spun into yarn. Combined with plastics, the material is called fiberglass and is used in automobiles, boat bodies, and fishing rods, and is also made into material suitable for home insulation.

1933 Polyethylene discovered Polyethylene, a useful insulator, is discovered by accident by J. C. Swallow, M.W. Perrin, and Reginald Gibson in Britain. First used for coating telegraph cables, polyethylene is then developed into packaging and liners. Processes developed later render it into linear low-density polyethylene and low-density polyethylene.

1934 Nylon Experimenting over 4 years to craft an engineered substitute for silk, Wallace Carothers and his assistant Julian Hill at DuPont ultimately discover a successful process with polyamides. They also learn that their polymer increases in strength and silkiness as it is stretched, thus also discovering the benefits of cold drawing. The new material, called nylon, is put to use in fabrics, ropes, and sutures and eventually also in toothbrushes, sails, carpeting, and more.

1936 Clear, strong plastic The Rohm and Haas Company of Philadelphia presses polymethyl acrylate between two pieces of glass, thereby making a clear plastic sheet of the material. It is the forerunner of what in the United States is called Plexiglass (polyvinyl methacrylate). Far tougher than glass, it is used as a substitute for glass in automobiles, airplanes, signs, and homes.

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High-performance Materials - Timeline

1938 DuPont discovers Teflon Annoyed one day that a tank presumably full of tetrafluoroethylene gas is empty, DuPont scientist Roy Plunkett investigates and discovers that the gas had polymerized on the sides of the tank vessel. Waxy and slippery, the coating is also highly resistant to acids, bases, heat, and solvents. At first Teflon is used only in the war effort, but it later becomes a key ingredient in the manufacture of cookware, rocket nose cones, heart pacemakers, space suits, and artificial limbs and joints.

1940s Nickel-based superalloys Metallurgists develop nickel-based superalloys that are extremely resistant to high temperatures, pressure, centrifugal force, fatigue, and oxidation. The class of nickel-based superalloys with chromium, titanium, and aluminum makes the jet engine possible, andis eventually used in spacecraft as well as in ground-based power generators.

1940s Ceramic magnets Scientists in the Netherlands develop ceramic magnets, known as ferrites, that are complex multiple oxides of iron, nickel, and other metals. Such magnets quickly become vital in all high-frequency communications, including the sound recording industry. Nickel-zinc-based ceramic magnets eventually become important as computer memory cores and in televisions and telecommunications equipment.

1945 Barium titanate developed Scientists in Ohio, Russia, and Japan all develop barium titanate, a ceramic that develops an electrical charge when mechanically stressed (and vice versa). Such ceramics advance the technologies of sound recordings, sonar, and ultrasonics.

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High-performance Materials - Timeline

1946 Tupperware As a chemist at DuPont in the 1930s, Earl Tupper develops a sturdy but pliable synthetic polymer he calls Poly T. By 1947 Tupper forms his own corporation and makes nesting Tupperware bowls along with companion airtight lids. Virtually breakproof, Tupperware begins replacing ceramics in kitchens nationwide.

1950s Silicones Silicones, a family of chemically related substances whose molecules are made up of silicon-oxygen cores with carbon groups attached, become important as waterproofing sealants, lubricants, and surgical implants.

1952 Glass into fine-grained ceramics Corning research chemist S. Donald Stookey discovers a heat treatment process for transforming glass objects into fine-grained ceramics. Further development of this new Pyroceram composition leads to the introduction of CorningWare in 1957.

1953 Dacron DuPont opens a U.S. manufacturing plant to produce Dacron, a synthetic material first developed in Britain in 1941 as polyethylene terephthalate. Because it has a higher melting temperature than other synthetic fibers, Dacron revolutionizes the textiles industry.

1953 High-density polyethylene Karl Zeigler develops a method for creating a high-density polyethylene molecule that can be manufactured at low temperatures and pressures but has a very high melting point. It is made into dishes, squeezable bottles, and soft plastic materials.

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High-performance Materials - Timeline

1954 Synthetic zeolites Following work done in the late 1940s by Robert Milton and Donald Breck of the Linde Division of Union Carbide Corporation, the company markets two new families of synthetic zeolites (from the Greek for "boiling stone," referring to the visible loss of water that occurs when zeolites are heated) as a new class of industrial materials for separation and purification of organic liquids and gases. As the key materials for "cracking"—that is, separating and reducing the large molecules in crude oil—they revolutionize the petroleum and petrochemical industries. Synthetic zeolites are also put to use in soil improvement, water purification, and radioactive waste treatment, and as a more environmentally friendly replacement in detergents for phosphates.

1954 Synthetic diamonds Working at General Electric’s research laboratories, scientists use a high-pressure vessel to synthesize diamonds, converting a mixture of graphite and metal powder to minuscule diamonds. The process requires a temperature of 4,800°F and a pressure of 1.5 million pounds per square inch, but the tiny diamonds are invaluable as abrasives and cutting points.

1955 High molecular weight polypropylene developed Building on the work of Karl Ziegler, Giullo Natta in Italy develops a high molecular weight polypropylene that has high tensile strength and is resistant to heat, ushering in an age of "designer" polymers. Polypropylene is put to use in films, automobile parts, carpeting, and medical tools.

1959 "Float" glass developed British glassmakers Pilkington Brothers announce a revolutionary new process of glass manufacturing developed by engineer Alastair Pilkington. Called "float" glass, it combines the distortion-free qualities of ground and polished plate glass with the less expensive production method of sheet glass. Tough and shatter-resistant, float glass is used in windows for shops and skyscrapers, windshields for automobiles and jet aircraft, submarine periscopes, and eyeglass lenses.

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High-performance Materials - Timeline

1960s Large single crystals of silicon grown Engineers begin to grow large single crystals of silicon with nearly perfect purity and perfection. The crystals are then sliced into thin wafers, etched, and doped to become semiconductors, the basis for the electronics industry. Borosilicate glass is developed for encapsulating radioactive waste. Better but more expensive trapping materials are made from crystalline ceramic materials zirconolite and perovskite and from the most widespread material of all for containing radioactivity—carefully designed cements.

1962 Nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) alloy shape memory Researchers at the Naval Ordnance Laboratory in White Oak, Maryland, discover that a nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) alloy has so-called shape memory properties, meaning that the metal can undergo deformation yet "remember" its original shape, often exerting considerable force in the process. Although the shape memory effect was first observed in other materials in the 1930s, research now begins in earnest into the metallurgy and practical uses of these materials. Today a number of products using Ni-Ti alloys are on the market, including eyeglass frames that can be bent without sustaining permanent damage, guide wires for steering catheters into blood vessels in the body, and arch wires for orthodontic correction.

1964 Acrylic paints Chemists develop acrylic paints, which dry more quickly than previous paints and drip and blister less. They are used for fabric finishes in industry and on automobiles.

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High-performance Materials - Timeline

1964 Carbon fiber developed British engineer Leslie Phillips makes carbon fiber by stretching synthetic fibers and then heating them to blackness. The result is fibers that are twice as strong as the same weight of steel. Carbon fibers find their way into bulletproof vests, high performance aircraft, automobile tires, and sports equipment.

1970s Amorphous metal alloys created Amorphous metal alloys are made by cooling molten metal alloys extremely rapidly (more than a million degrees a second), producing a glassy solid with distinctive magnetic and mechanical properties. Such alloys are put to use in signal and power transformers and as sensors.

1977 Electrically conducting organic polymers discovered Researchers Hideki Shirakawa, Alan MacDiarmid, and Alan Heeger announce the discovery of electrically conducting organic polymers. These are developed into light-emitting diodes (LEDs), solar cells, and displays on mobile telephones. The three are awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 2000.

1980s Rare earth metals Materials engineers develop "rare earth metals" such as iron neodymium boride, which can be made into magnets of high quality and permanency for use in sensors, computer disk drives, and automobile electrical motors. Other rare earth metals are used in color television phosphors, fluorescent bulbs, lasers, and magneto-optical storage systems with a capacity 15 times greater than that of conventional magnetic disks.

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High-performance Materials - Timeline

1986-1990s Synthetic skin Engineers develop "synthetic skin." One type seeds fibroblasts from human skin cells into a three-dimensional polymer structure, all of which is eventually absorbed into the body of the patient. Another type combines human lower skin tissue with a synthetic epidermal or upper layer.

1990s-present Nanotechnology Scientists investigate nanotechnology, the manipulation of matter on atomic and molecular scales. Electronic channels only a few atoms thick could lead to molecule-sized machines, extraordinarily sensitive sensors, and revolutionary manufacturing methods.

The 20th century's greatest engineering achievements - [PPT Powerpoint] (2024)


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