Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)

v4 4 j-e-ni r. ,1. 1 IS-SPECIAl SERVICES 21 APARTMENTS IS ApARTMEITS MA APARTMIRT Rim Oakland Tribune, Thundiy, June 29, 1950 55 ES-RSUSIEIEpIRI taOBTat Street. CM; kuaekeplnl, I roams, Mi single rosea, plM. 2S SHILBRER B8ARPEB ATTENTION paranta) whlla pas werk: fuU day earoj tnuporUriaa available.

LOck haven l-UM; Binge. HTJ irrboldt S-T04T. ftObM ior 1 elrls: t. S1-VASATI8I US rem atirw 7 1 sw emry. tXM Uth Uraet.

ueeeeptng room; puitabla couple. M. TE mpieber 4-4)17. EAST 11th. Ml; housekeeping rooms! S4 per week.

utUitie included; men onry. A EAif Mth Strnat. ItU; tw. kitchen; garden; gsrage; bua atop IS; 1 persons; 131. iASf Ukh Straet, btl.

cieon. larM. many rooms, wall bad, utiUtlea; adults; SM. ttuitVALE. liii.

larg. auimy room: private entrance: mall room. pt.ov weeK. AiBM6uKT, large, i housekeeping apartment. Call nines, ol encourt i-soct.

GROVE, mi, monthly. utiilnea. laundry pilvlleg' GRAND Avenue, Avenue, 1 Mii: Boubl. suitable husband, wile, ehDdi ma racunwa. GfAAND Avenue, 171.

pleasant room, tingle, near bath; reasonable. MOSS, IS; lovely room, twia beds; kitchen, dinette. OLympIc 1-1443. RECENT, km Bear Aahby; utilities; SM monthly, up; pensioners wel come. TELEGRAM m-.

email, quiet. single; gig (nonthiy; rang, parking, Highgate.e-OM. Avenue, jar sunny room, hot water, linen; weakly; sinile par- eon. TE mplebar e-agag. ITH Street, M7, room, kitchenette; 13th Street SB: chUd welcome.

CTH Avenue, til; room, kitchenette. refrigerator, utilities; aoutta; mat. ITH Street, 733; clean, auiet; ulll- ttlen, linen: M.So-M.M; gentleman. 10TH Street. 514 white; clean, email room; sheet, dishes furniahed; (if monthly.

11TH Street, 114; everything fum- tshed; quiat middle-aged man; $11 monthly. UTH Street. 1044. corner Linden Room and kitchen; all utilities ln-cruded. Hnen: 130 a month: man.

11ST Street, 711; downtown, nice room, kitchenette, clean, working man. MTH Street. HO; 1-room apartment. furnished, utilities, gap; gentleman. 14TH Street.

414; comfortable bed room and kitchenette; employed HIghgate 4-404 31TH Street. IM; between Tela-graph. Grove, 1-room bachelor unit, clean, reasonable. HU mboldt 1-1315. 14TH Avenue, MM; newly redee- orated: kitchen, bath, separate en-trance; man only.

$11 monthly. ANdover 1-4S17. ATTRACTIVE, refined, quiet home; I privileges: middle-aged lady; Lake. TWtnoekt 3-nD. fiUSINtsS people, Lake district; lovely heme, marine view; bed-sitting rooms, running water, phone, laundry, refrigeration, parking; excellent trsnrpo nation.

TE mplebar 1-4M7. BERKELEY, one large room, glaxsed-la porch, private phone; also single room; kitchen privileges; men only. TH ornwall 1-M47. CLOSE in; utilities; $21.50 and 424.70; Inquire 1304 Telegraph Avenue CHILDREN welcome. beautiful room.

Venetian blinds, Prigidaira, washer. KE Uog 1-3170. OIMOND District 1114 Montana Street Large, sunny, everything furnished; baby welcome. Di.MOSD, 3311, lovely, clean, room; kitchen, shower, adults, transportation, reasonable. DOWNTOWN.

3 hot water utilities, furnished: auiet adults-' 17 50 weekly. TW Inaski 1-4157 3wood sVhmtta. mi Mth near Telegraph; euuide rsoai; Bet water. i I i AAJKBt eBpail4ei44e MW1 94mI Murt wk et ma mii aa waiting! vatona whit LOtkhavM mm, A-l brnMiESTTSovbai veteran; al-ways available! ttovee, laiilgoeatae. tnaureai very rnnBH Jlmmlc't.

TBmplobtr H4H. A-l moving; vnlmn aok ftids; covered truck; iaturad; wait. LO ekhaven 4-414. xnr moving Job email, large; anywharai vary reoterubl. LO ek- hivon 4-5204.

Jay aliht tuu true, big awede; Insured ins; rubblak removal. 4-454. LO ekhaven JUUlJttt, eld rubbish; deer away dirt and claea yardt, LOckhavaa i-iiji. MOVING; experiea J. Iarg covered van.

KM par hour. uu-dd t-0305 Return Load Rates Fastno crating nscessory Nebraska, par IN pounda 75 Iowa $454 lllnola jrja Alas, low ratal to ether etatee. TE mpieber 6-0221 II TRAVEL AIR COACH INFORAAATION NO LOWES PASS ANTWBBBK Fly New Oiract tram Oaklaad Aalrparl No Money Down moata la pay. Chicago $65.55 -when purchased at round trip. new rorx ll.n round trio.

Chi. cage $131.14 round trip. SKY TICKETS 161 1 Broadway OL ENCOUXT 1-4 1M, A-LUXURY FLIGHTS LOWEST COST New York-Detroit Chicago $69.00 Reno-Lot Angelas $9.95 Honolulu $121.50 TRAVEL AIR AGENCY TW Inoaki 3-6569 1955 San Pablo-Oakland SAfMvTlU, Arluamt, Rout. laevina July 1: one or two: share driving, expenses. TImplebar 1- nm.

EAST, via Oklahoma City, Chicago; lake three puwnnri. TW lnoake J-5471. LEAVING June 30: Washlnaton. via Memphis: 1PM sedan: take share. LA kehurst 1-4140.

WANT share expense ride East Apartment SI, TW inoaks 1-M71. ItS HERBALIST Fong Wan Nationally Known Herbalist Yukon 1-9719. San Francisco 57) Tenth Street. HIghgate 4-1717. JS APARTMERTS ALBANY, P35 Solano: large rnom furnished apartmenta.

44S and I 171 LAnderape 4-7171; after 4.1 LA ndscapa 4-1M4 er LA edtctpe 1-1543 ADAMS, 381. Lake district: beautl- ful Junior 4 unfurnished, stove, re-' frlgerator: adults: Hi. Ta mole bar 2-iao i-AMFDA ir modern 4 rooms. 7S. LA kehurst! J-iOKl.

a. lurrt. nicely furnished; refrigeretor. LA ke- i hurst -MDfi. ADAMS.

4M: new soartment. 1U i rooms, unfurnished nice view; tovc. refrigerator, 11. ALICE. 1121: 1-room apartment.

furniahed. utilities; share bath; 131. Older woman. ALBANY, Ml Adams; IS room. new, furnished.

Also 1 rooms. BELLA Vista, lilt, off of 11th Ave-nue unfurnished 1 rooms and bath; Ilk new; etove, bow Coldspot, we-ter, garage: MS; middle-aged adults or business women: no peta. BtuKLLEV, ii)5 Shatturk. two rooms, partly furnished: SH; single -rorr: an tnnsportsnon. i lm Street, apply i tornar Lhv eompletoly furnished I edultof reav- tontbie.

An untitle Included. miL Its, naar Telegraph, 1 bath, private entreaea; adulta, TWmeeka S-Mlf. IST Street, 1 ana 2 700a apart- ntnt, S3S and GLenoeurt XTH Street, 400. furnished boute-kooplng, two rooms; $7 -to. trtlHtloc uT street, twi; aearoam, anower, klichenette: attrartivehf furnished: employed person.

PI odnwmt t-77M. itsT fiueet. lie: bodmoov and SSe kitchen: workbur eouple. 5STH Crove; t-rooao. apartraoaL un-funushed; aa utilittoai ttl Mi white.

OLeneourt S-45tt, iiTli, UecArthui; S-reosa fumUhea. Cell aria I o.m.. KK Ilea- S-Mtl. 1ST Street, 36S; 1 room, furnished. OL ymple t-t; Pfadmont t-OOQ.

MTH Street. aii rear. luroUhed; Hi lt month! uUHUee; traasparta- tlon. couple. 78TH Avenue, SUI; bright, larsa, room, kitchenette, utllltlee.

S3I. AFAftTislNT'. fcaWr LaU view-team beat, elertrie rano: furniahed junior 4. SM; also unfurnished Junior 4 fringe, rafrltaratar eup-pUed), gsrage available; prices Include ulllIUosi athar rentals, 4t.W to 1S0; adulta; refer-encea required. Ad Gabala, Reel toe.

Afternoon, evenlnfi. TX mpieber -HI. Apartments-Offices At 07t Webster Street. Vnur nroMesa sea be both afflce space and apartment at this address. Open every day from a.m.

to p.m.: Mr. rraaasaa an Tilth and San Pablo Avenue, Ttl plenar i-uu. AMrtttlvtly Ftrnlshef Kltrhcaette Apartsaeata Bentsl by week or month. A l.ka Last Chaaee Only 1 apartmant left ta this gar (enus buiMing; or i sssnnmi. im-inv Mover Llehtner Com- psnr.

ANdover 1-S0; HUmboldt a-waa evenings A lovely, nearly new. Park vard district, 4 room unrumumea. separaU tile ehower, stove, refiif- tivtw Oeraea TE mplehST l-MoT, A-Coldwell, Banker Co. Two, S. 4 and t-room unfurnished spartments for lea.

Call Mr. Kaliy. GLcncourt t-TWW. ALAMEDA, 2- room, unfurnished: stove, refrigerator, beater, waaher; all transportation: adulta; LA kehurst S-SSM. ISU Santa Clsra, after 4.

ALAMEDA. 1 Urge partially fur nished: private bath and entrance: child accepted, no pets; t8. LA ke hurst S-7J7J. AtAn mt 'urntahed- de luxe nM, new fur niture, (lad. Owner, KI Uog 4-PMJ; Klllog ALAMEDA; thro rooms unfur- lshed.

no Btllttlee, tBeiuaes nove. Frialdaire, garaga; adulta; via. LA kehurst j-7811. ArTrUcttVkLV furnlsKed Iroom apartmant, fireplace, all trensporu-tion; Dana and AVcatraa, ptl.H. Thornwall S-45t.

aHRaCTiVE ana i room, partially furniahed; uMUtles Included, 3.1 snd M. TW inoaks '-11'9 at Wulfins Realty, apartment and IduDlex: other rental available. S-4, Mri. Wulfmg. TW Inoaks J-T7II.

A LAMEDA. 1 rooms; Frtaidalr. stove, charmingly decorated. AdulU, t.A Whurst 1-4MM. A beautiful junior four, furnished: all transportation; adults.

OL ympic A1.AV1EI3A. sinile. furnished; utili ties included. LA kehurst 1-4447 after 30 p.m. ALAMEDA, 1 room, unfurnished apartment: utllitiee included, fat month.

LOckhven t-HOO. ALAMEDA, unfurniahed new I rooms: stove, refrigerator, garage. LA kehurst 1-41. Central, near Webster; bachelor partment, M-0 weekly. LA kehurst 1-4M0.

ALAMEDA; Immaculate, modern. unfurnished; excellent shopping. transporutlon. LA xshurst 1-J078. stove, retrtgerator, garage, eta.

LAkehutst-lTn. APARTMENTS; IS! 13 rd Avenue. rurnianeo refrlgersuon. KK Hoe 4 -At 3 3 BEAUTIFULLY decorated, uniSnr- -nished 4-room apartsnaati wood burning fireplace, electric kltchea and all latest feature: block from Lake Merrttt, shopping and llt nMHh fll court 1 -8923. rv- T'-l, siiv: de luxe hratt new laraa snd 3 -room apartments, fireplaces choice location 1313 Piedmont Ave- nue (corner uwignti.

vwner bo nrrrniw 1-S i BEALtlPUL apartment, lil; 14x30 livinc room, bath, kitchen, one room, electric range, automatic washing machine, comer Uth, Hilton. P. Kooymaa. LA kehurst 1-1113, BERKELEY. 4-roora a pertinent.

completely furniahed inarudtng un-ens, utllitiee, sublet July and August 173 month. BErkeley T-4M4W, between 7-4 p.m. Bachelor Apartments Uk district, 441 Capital Street, aft Wesley. KB llog 4-104. BERKELEY, new, tunny luxury pertinents; vacancy Jury loth; rooms, refrigerator, stove; perma nent only.

LA ndscpe 4-Q841 BERKELEY. 1 room furniahed. "'lv repainted; ell transportation; 170; no leqse. LA ndscapa 4-11M; Juniper 7-441 bCAlWUL and rooms. partially furnished, utllitiee included.

MS up. 1555 Foothill. KB I- log 4-47M TrnF unfurnished modern BEAUTIFUL new IVa rooms: Gen- eral Electric stove, refrtgerater. 411 Merrttt BACHELOR 1-room, all electric fur- ntshed. utilitiee, separata entrance, garden.

OL ytnntc 1-0947 Colonial Gardens Modern 1-bed room, garden apart ments: range and rrigldslre nenis; sane anu rnniwn 1. 1, 1 KE 1 or FRUlfVAll district; clean, com- rtu' foruble double; child welcome: ttootB- LOhvn 4- rUIMlSlUO I roeasa, aewtr deea-ratedi etoaa baaasuuei all traps, nation, Careae, laraa aaelssid ard after bjb. aTUaaboidt eren's play-creuad: fit weekly up, Oakland Auto Oaarh turn at tatk on wacATtnuT. -v RPFh" Avenue Wemaa abara 1 room furnished, with eesnei Tele- vuion -atuid weitera. (hie 4-WTt.

mmttlb unfurnished i-raaaa. Bear Walnut Creek. HU aibaMt S. J00. or HUmboldt 1-tJeeS, 1 rooms: eoIW transporutlon: SM.M PMBthii', tout street.

iootuIll furnished, aarase. StlM: Ible adult only. OL encourt l-aOtT. ntUrrVAU dlstrtet: nam furn-Ished apartment, bath. ANdover 1-eoiT.

FURNtsian ,0. aawabrera. M. separate a trance; utllltMe; aduru. i tntete a-iaa.

OttANfa Lake dlsWi: UauUful Junior I. ISO: stove, Prlaidatra, utllltlat intruded: adult. HI ansa ta 4-109 1. Lake iistrlcL HI luelli Avenue; furalanad 1 rssas; trtilltlea paid; PM. can aitar p.mH jOLea court 1-tm.

HOttSC trailer, larfs. .1 respectable eeuple; aa pets LOekhavtn t-dMT. LAXE district; lovely new 1 unfurnished; taculded; uUUtlee; ra-frlgerator. stove, automati wssher: convenient trans portstiea, store. theaUr: couple: tllM.

fit Valla Vlit. TW Inoaka J-SSSi. LaKKUoRE sn.Uct; uArVrnUad 1 room with storsgs; laundry room; na garage; working couple pee erred; tal with utiUtie. OLea-court 1-14I1, evening. Ukl district, nicely iurnUheJ; 1 roams, private entrance; shopping, transportation, utilities; pit.

TW la- oaks J-51JO, LEASE apartments: I rooms, on unfurniahed; on partly furniahed; restricted. ISM Manila Avenue. OLympIc 3-IWI. LAKE district beautifully furnished 1-room apartment; thopptnf. trans porutlon; aw meaouy.

sinaMy t-MPU. LAKE district, furnished; newly renovated; 1-I-reom apertments; duits. Highgate 4-7w LAKE; large rumpus, kitchen, child welcome, ta month, utllitiee. OL n- rourt 1-054 LAKE district: 1-room apartmant dult only, (M.M. OLeneourt l-7OT.

LAKE district: unfurnished 1-room apartment; no garaga. CL encourt i-5T7a LAKE district; 4 rooms, furnished; $71 SO; adulta only. TE mplebar 530 MODERN 1 room apartmenta. fur- nished or unfurnished. Pes Wast Mic Arthur; restricted.

PI edmont 5-83B7, GL encourt 1-IOM. MILLS' district, nearly aew unfur uniu nished 3-bed room apartmant; 177.00, Awaover I-S57. fiirnliherf lasrt, menu 3 roam: fireoiace: areas M0. KE lki 4-17U MODERN 1-room fumisked pert inent, privet bath. utlUUea paid.

TE mplebar 1-P031. NEW 1-room unfurnished court ptrtmeet tSS monthly, tilt Bancroft Avenu. East Oakland. AN dover 1-3281: evening CL encourt 1- 75. NORTH Oakland, new 1ft uafur-nlhed; stove, Frlgldaire, garage, water; children; 7S.

Berkeley 7- S57HW. hort'fli Oakland; 1 rooms and bath; adults: white. HU mboldt 1-42M 6W and two-room apartments, utllitiee Included; reasonsbl. TW la- oak 3-1131. PARK Boulevard district: de luxe large 4 rooms; sub deck: roof garden; unfurntshed; private entrance: view; adulta; 1100.

TW inoaka S- 1M0. PARK iouUard; furnished, M4, tadudrag wUtttiea. lev, frigidalre, garage. KXUog 3-4131. PjEDMiNT Avenue district: living room, bedroom, prlvat bath; share kitchen; employed people.

PI ed mont a-zero BOCKAibGE, i room, furniahed; private bath, uUUtie, refrigerator, washing facilities: 130. HUmboldt 1-114. SUNNY 1-room corner, unfurnished; Lea Street, near Lake: plus sub deck; ail utilities; PM. PI ed-mont I-4M0. STUDIO apartment, furnished, utlli-tiee included.

454. Working couple only. 1SJ0 3rd Avenue. SHARE our home, exchange child care day: free rent, utillUea. LO ck-haven s-40ao.

SEMINARY district, i rooms, unfur nished, private bath. 434, TR tnMad lie SAN Leendro; furnished private bath; all transportation; THREE rooms, and laiindrv room partly furnished; private entrance; near transportation; oaay welcome. LA kehurst 1-5711 after THKaiE rooms, unfurniahed, be-tween Lafayette and Walnut Creek. KE llog 4-5357. TWO rooms, bath, utilitiea, fur-nished; shsre laundry, refrigeriton.

40. LA ndscape l0. VERNON; furnished, athlmttU 1 sunny rooans. prlvat bath, entranee, tun deck. PI edmont S-SVTIW.

mi Linden; ewnfartabl Uving room, bslrsea. kftchenene: aaa, light, water included; furniahed. Pleasant surround tngs; SM; WBlu. TE mplebar 1-4474. 1-room furnished, unfurnished: large refrigerators, gse range.

Venetian blind: excellent tranaporta-tion; adults. KE llog 4-7IX, KE llog S-room furnished apartment. utiUtlea Included. 40. Apply Wtitxner, Bout Box SM.

San Luis Road, lVa mite north of Wtlnut Creek. rooms, partly furnished, Berkeley'; excellent transportation, shopping. llog 1-4040. IMS Mth Street, 1 room, furnished, privtte. bath, utilities; 441 monthly.

47TH Avenue. 1447; modern fur. niahed four room apartment, adulta, 177.50. room furnished, colored couple: near transportation, 144. OLympIc 1-1644, 2IA APARTMENT WANTED APARTMENT 1-4 rooms, furnished partially furnished.

East Oakland iiickecc a. Lk-J I rsom eottege. SBanmsni er au- Pies: marine view: tirenlaM! to I tgS. Pi edmont S-S11IW refined young man, employed, de- rn room, urntehesl Nlal tricta: to Mi. AN dover 1-47M after I p.m.

APARTMENT, 1 or I rooms, middle-; age coupie, to esv; reset oin.ee. ii, encourt a-itee, -ie a.m. APARTMENT (cottage preferred furnished, unfurnished, 1-1 rooms. elderly eouple. LQ ekhaven 4-SMl.

BUSINESS womaa deeiree tmall fur nished apartment vicinity Piedmont, MacArthur. edmont 4-uP4j, COUPLE, 1 smU children, desire 1-4 room furnished apartment, to SM; prefer garage, by July desperate. KE HOg 3-3141. COUPLE, rhildrL hildren, desire 1-bed. iwuan, wuiumnaaaj Bivw, mneH slor; near campus: to HIS.

TXmpl a a rrJ i deeiree S-4 furniabea. unfurniahed; vicinity Worm oaktana. ri edmont -ntw EUpLoVP oual a sal re room. furalahad. Brady.

BErkeley T-4M4 between e-t. aner tMtur-dsys, Sundtyt, Jordan f-IMS. EMPLOYED ceo pie deeiree 1 reams, preferably unfurnished wtth ra-f lies rater and garage, tm Oaklaad. KXUog 1-477 after I. GENTLEMAN desire nice S-room furniahed apartment In Beat Oak- tend.

SWeetwood 4-4704, extension dtyv LITTLE Phil, I months old, graduate student father, mother Mod SH er 4 room apartment er flat; North Oaklaad, Berkeley. PI l-MMW. KOlUrlnki.uj werklng ooupio runuaned toeiusstjt Oak tend. Sea Loan it ar to 444. Boa a-srn.

I i ORAWO Lake. Its Tea aturoa: hre- ttriaua, aocaar taasa. prlvat beta. ear liui, ta bautlfut beam. ttaa; ma at Bandla waaher, ela- vlstoa and kltchea it desired.

StS. HARRISON. UM near UacAj-tliur. aauv wiontnry; pnvuege. TW tsv oake S-ltM.

JAVNE Avua, aieoly tWahaa. cleaa sunay esraer ream, overlook ma garaea, OL encourt me gardea, arrvate eatrsace, bath. I-eos. JaVME. X7i; master aedraam.

aal Joining bath, maid serriee. TIsv pieoar a-ips. "TO" Laoaljf for two; attnsry i twia Sadat bathroom attached; LAWtiN Aue, Iffl TiTET private home; gmtltmaa. OLrm- pie l-mtfi. LDA Avue.

It; PUamoat lu- tien duttrict. room, centleman: good tranaponanoa. MacAJktKUR. Hi, Vernon 1 1 eosnaartable ream; gentle man; par ate antranea. sa monthly.

MacARTHUR. 114 Grand Lake: ori- vata entraoee, bath, SH. OL encaurt i-ouex. MfeftRIMXc fitre.1. ik between jvin-xaut; naar tranaporutlan; ara- piovea person, tx mpieber I-aS3.

NINTH Street, (34. Sunny front, (4 waea. anw person, wniu. WAVERLY Street, SMS, corner ttrd Street, downtown, near Lake; stusctively furnished, wan bad. It weak; alea mall apartment, H4.H month.

TEmolebar S-1S41 after pin. YOSEM ITE venue. rking tlri; off Plaaaaaat Bear MacArthuri heet. prreiiegee. Piedmont i-4saJ TH Avenue; modern, private en-t ranee; SSt; aba housekeeping, SM; gentlemen, tw moaas a-aaai.

1ST Avenue; room with kitchen prtvilegee. GL encourt 1-113. 11TH Avenue. 1U4: clean, eultabla couple, kitchen privilege. KE llog l-Sftl.

11ST Avenue, 14M; furnished rooms kitchen, laundry: excellent transpor tation: weakly tf up. 14 TH Street, 111; sepsrste share kitchen, bath with en. Mil M- TatT, adionlaa bath: arivileees: Mil weekly; working bub. XX llog e-eetuL 11ND Street. MO; near TelearapC; sleeping ream; reesonable; gentle- man.

Afternoons. 35TH Street. 4M: sleeping roan, gentleman: private entrance. Pled- mont S-4431J. 3TH Street.

Ui. near Telegrtpn: clean, comfortable room; localv Key trsnsportatlon; gentlemen, 41ST Street. 4M; lovely large room adjoining bath; ill transportation. OL yrnpic 1-7M. I0TH Avenue.

1371, large and small room, very reasonable; one block to all transportation; gentlemen. SWeetwood 4-M44. I'TH Street: 133; bedrooms, aiagle. double, heat, shower, bathi ganUa-men. OLympIc 1-1341 district; rear cottage with furniahed: gentleman preferred; 434 montniy.

nt miata i-toii. ATTRACTIVE room, private bath and entrance. breakfast nook; gs- rase- gentleman. HU mboldt 1- Al TRACTIVE newly decors ted vale entrance; close in: gentlemen. HI rhrste 4-0443 after 7 m.

BERKELEY. North. Large studio type, upstair. Private entrance. balcony, bath.

Bun. view, dean Transportation. Oentleman. Reier- ences. LA ndscape 4-T7I1.

BRAND new. large room, private bath; garden entrance; single, employed: close ts trsnsportatlon. LAndwap 1-741. bErKPJT Park: Uaueual prtvata entrance: garage; gantlemn LA ndscape 4-4101. BERkxIXY: i wnployed msUiea: twin bods, ahewer, Immaculata.

OL ympic S-44M. bIautiful with home oxiv- llegee; Lake district; bualnasansn GL encourt 14414. BERritLM; pleesant room, centrally located; private entrance. TH ornwall 3-0143 CLAREMONT district; I block trains, two double rooms, one with view: laundry, telephone privileges. ASbberry 1-0471.

COLORED: quiet, sunny room; nicely furnished, kitchen, bath shared, all transportation; sinci lady preferred. OL ympic l-UM. ttlifoftTAftil room; aeotlesnan; exclusive district; transportation; kitchen privilege. CL encourt I-44W. COLORED: large front room: pri-vat entrance; PS month.

-1451 40th Street. CLAREMONT district: attractive front room, lovely home: all transportation OL ympic 3-4444. COLLEGE Broadway; attractive: comfortable: bath adjoining; em- is loved people. HI! mboldt 3-4234. OLORED couple or single man, "tmisneu.

aiicnen pnvueees. iaj ca "even v-iijo. DIMOND district: private entrance. btth. nearly new home.

KB Uog RLj1tV ALE-f seuilll district; large front room, private gentle- men. AN dover 1-1504 FRbrTVAil, Urge entrance: employed i prlvat hie. KB nog 1-743. HARRISON above liawArthvw: epe- doua matter biOrtam. petvata bath.

I cleoeta, fl replace, OKceilsmt bad. PT edmont S-tllTR. LA let dutnet, MO UcFUUy Av-nue; lovely, large, slean, bed-ertUng roam, adjoining bath; petvata ess-trance: business couple ar ladlea. TW Inoaks 3-tlrl. uisinct; law atraet, rye transportation.

GL encourt 1-1745. LAKESHORE district, studio rooenT private bath, enUnce; elcee train; rererencea. ra mpieoer -aai. A district, apartment-bed-room: borne privileges; businessman. hi ghgate 4-4141.

LAKE district, gentleman, private entranee. both; close transportatioa. TX mplebar 1-4415. i I LOWER Park Boulevard; lovely bed- room; gentleman; transportation. restaurants.

GLcncourt 1-1774. lakX district; large, front; em ployed aentlemeni tresvtportatlaai MS. TE mpieber 3-3171. LAKE district. 'ill Steten: lovely room.

1-1 people; garage. HI ghgate 4-4407. MASTER, private bath, unusual, excellent location; trtnspertation: gentleman. After I. PI edmont 4- I painted, NEAR 45th Crave, Ji kitchen, laundry, PI edmont 5-17MW.

NEAB Technical High; room, private bath: utilities; glrla. HU m-boktt 1-4444. OfUNDA. near Crasarnada: nrivate entrance, parting apace, use of swimming pool; genuemaa, unnaa M24 PARK and Brtehton: private en-' trance: telephone; an man; 50; two, 47.sg. KEllOg 1-4174.

PIEDMONT section; furnished room, small kitchenette, share bath; $17 month, LO rkhtven 4-51M. REAR cottaaa. 1 small room, util-Itles paid, $44; furnished. LU cerne 1-4411 SLEEPING room, kitchen, laundry privileges: transportation; child wei-come. AN dover 1-MM.

SIND-Telegraph; elaaa, quatt room; employed gentleman; garaga. OL ymple 1-1454. SU-Faraliiial InmWiiM ROOMS and aptrtmeat aaadad eleee ta CaUifornU College ef Arte ead Crafta. SUS Broadway, far rummer ssssica. Jury 1-Augutt 1L PI dmaat 1-47M bet ten le-4.

SS-II8USEKEEFIRS ALAMEDA. SM LmcatB Avenue furnished houssstsplng per month. AkRiULlY. fcoi Emerson; fertable room; cooking, laundry facilities; infant weecesn. TB arawtll i e.

EAST lltt-Street, Uit; lag. ele slsplg isssiis; dally, weakly rates; laautdry, telepheos: near baby wsJcosma. tinet f-sni dry yivUage. reetns: atoe tasla, raataaabla. Kt Hag 4-1US.

i I 1 I aparanaat, yietnlty ad aUvaancurt, uo exnevea i-aoaa. Burse deslrasawmtesU7ur attbadi Ofaad lake district, alt court 1-4111 ajB. ta 1 after p.m. TWO young 1 ijalnsM womeM. en raaca apartment at eettage; fur.

uarumisrtea; Lake auetrtet preferred: aa vet: laferaaeea; ta ISO. TW Inoaks l-4 after TWO three rooms, partly fur-alined; am ployed bo eh alec; perma nent; around SM. OLympt S-i7tl nr I. WILL toma one open their heart ana give negro women, i eiioaraa. partment: being evicted July 1 reaaonaBia rent.

BSrholey T-PU1M. WORKINO aeuBla wanta auiet room unfurniahed or paruy fur- ntshed; private bath. TI mplebar t-till. ftr I p.m. WORKINO wemaa with (mall child needs small furnished apailmoni ar rumishea roam with kitchen; tnclB-tty Allendalp School.

KE Hog t-l0t. VOUNQ eeupie aa YMCA ataft de- tr a rooms furnished, ta SM. utiUUe Included, near campus. Call Associate Program Director lire Monty Cattle, Tuxedo S-4t till pjn. 21-OUrHHI, APTvFLATS MacARTHUR.

J0C Nearlr am 1 oea room unfurBianaa; includes stove, Beadix, garage) arranged for utmost privacy, owner. LUceta 7TH Avenue; furniahed lewarT room duplex, baths, near abODBln and bus. Call ANdover 1-B4M, after t. 21ST Avenue. iM; l-oodroom flat.

unramisnao. utiuuee peia; portetfon. parflr lumisnea. cau meenings, OU ysspu t-im. unfunushe3, redecorated, etove.

refrigerator, 71M; ejuiet middle-eged eouple only. 111 Park Boulevard, GLen- cout 1-7757. 6APiAl itreot; Lake autrict, IV. year aid; specious living room, bad-room, large closets, kitchen, electric rang, refrigerator, farage. Slat month: will lea; accept child.

OL ymple 1-MTt. CASTRO Valier; duplo, new I bedrooms, stov. garaga LUtaraa l-70, CASTk6 ValW-Hew 1 Ui. unfurnished; duplex, gang. Lu cerne i-ixxs, DUPLEX, unfurniahed it room, rtovs, refrigerator; patle; garden; excellent transportation; pea to appreciate available July ISth; re-hble adults, bo pet, 70l Mil Bart-lett, near ISth Avenue and Breok-dale.

KE Hog 1-3471 DUPLEX, large 1. newly decorated, service porch, bath, nice yard, garage; unfurnished. LO ckheven t- 1719, DUPLEX, rooms, Hayward; garage; laundry; stovs; excellent locetion, 967.30 monthly. LUcerae l-37t. DUPLEX, furnished, newly deco- rs ted: near Highland Hospital: pre fer working couple; for I month.

KE llog 4-4416. DUPLEX, new two bedroom, unfur-nlshed. Us kitchen and bath; adult. 3 Ml Liese Avenue. DUPLEX, unfurniahed 1 rooms and tile bath; good location; adults, LO ckheven B-axis.

EAST Oakland, 1 large rooms, ua-furnished modern; good district. shopping. transportation: leas. t.M.30. BE aeon I-I7M.

j'l'HNISttEb 4 room, i bedrooms; washing machln. garbage Included, utilities extra. 471. Phone LOk-hsven 1-1411 or KEIleg 1-43C1. LAKE district, 441 Wlckaon; sunny, 4 rooms: 44; all utllitiee lnehided: Pngidalr and ttove, HIghgate 4-1314.

LAUREL district, aew 1-bed adult; aa pet; PM. KE uog l-un. MONO Avenue, 1S14. ecf IMth Ave-nue: four aew 1's. LO ekhaven 4-574T, NEARLY new S-room furniahed or unfurnished: a 1 1 transportation.

shopping -block. Ml 14th Street. PI edmont 4-4M7. OL encouH 4-1044. NORTH Oakland, two room, bath, furnished, a 1 1 1 1 1 1 respectable coupler1 HO.

GL encourt 1-JJ7J Iter t. HITH Avenue: -Modern unfi umianed 1-room duplex, garage. LUcern 1-1311. 1-bed room duplex; garage and yard; near transportation, shopping; adult only, LU earn l-m 4Uj room duplex, I years aid; close la; SM; adulta. TW Inoaka 1-4404.

HA-Dipiex, Ayt Flats Wistii ALAMEDA: eouple needs 1-4 rooms. unfurniahed; reference; ta 440 LA kehurst I-103S. A Catholic family of three, urgently need 4 rooms, unfurnished; refer- nce. LO cxneven -i477 COUPLE, expecting (husband. 1 engineer! pay 175 unfur II 1 VI A VWi I twrilip UB9t 1 IT I ST.

Ad Cebala. Realtor (Mnd- lord free services TE mplebar 1-13)3. anytime COUPLE, baby, desire 1-bed room, unfurnished; permanent. IM. HU m- boldt 3-1771.

CAL student, wife, baby, email child. 1 bedracen. up 14. Mor-mona TR Inldad 1-1414. iMPLOVffi eouple; 1 reooL furnished apentanent, duplex; ease to 434.

TE mplebar 4-1144 after EMPLOYED couple, daughter, 14, need 1 bd rooms, furniahed; to IM. After I p.m. Mission t-QOM. EAST Oakland; adult: to 44. KE Uog 4-44M Saturday anly.

OAKLAND polka officer, family desir 1 bedrecen flat, duplex; to PM. LA kehuret 4-7404. PROFESSIONAL couple desire 1-1 bedroom, partly ar unfurniahed: prefer Montclair or Lake district, to sso. TE mplenar e-4ll. REFINED, middle aged couple with 1 rooms including bedroom, unfurnished; clean, modern; Piedmont Avenue or upper Park Boulevard; to 154; by July 15.

KE llog 4-0811. SAN FRANCISCO business man, wife, need furniahed fist, duplex, bout near transportation: refer-ences: to 175. Yukon 4-4143 days. THREE adulta; to IM; unfurnished 4: must be clean. OL ympic 1-7145 after 4.

21 HOTELS COLONIAL Inn, 1104 Oak Street: quiet, euuide roetea; weekly tt up; special monthly rate; near ail iranaporraiion. in mpieoer j-esi. HOTEL 1100 Wi-ter: to. Irsn'porlatton. TE mpieber 1-4414.

wkly-moathly tites; permanent nests. i HOTEL Grant. modern. Wee! rttet; up. 133S Eaet 14th; KX1- 'la, TV OLYMPIC Hotel, 14S Ind Avaoue.

SSEv WILL Roger. 471 12th; leweet rate. dally service, beet transportation 17 week; room; quiet; heat, aU new Innertpring maitrsisoti all eut-aide rooms; newly redecortted. Ptlm Hotel. 22nd -Grove Streett.

Bo" monthly up; redecarttei; Inner-tpringt; private phone. Savoy, Ilea Jefferson. 24 FURNISHES ROOMS ALAMEDA. 1144 Weber; large, sunny front room, adjoining privtte btth; 1-1 persons; quiet location, feed transportation; reasonable. LA kehurst 3-14.

ALAMA. itll Central: room: men only; some with bouaekeeping; weea, up. rk" ELEY, 14M Shaituck; working lentil kitchen. lefriteratur laundry prtvilegee; 114-4M it KK llog 1-514. ikit kth Strwet.

iiii VU treoti artvata entraaear beta. tached; aB trasuportatsea: 14 KX1- log S-tMI. H-M ttreei. MM. Mr Uerriti fiosl pltM; ptnt freati BAST 1444; restricted: 1 rooms, garage; hitch to privilege.

KE llog 4-1 154, iAST list Street, H0; sunny fro-Ml. KX llog 1-1484 evenings, FA1RUOUNT. 454: al tractive mora. bom privilcae, convenienl lecatkta. HI ghgate 4-4474.

GRAND Lake. W.lU; Uely pleasant thewtr aad tub bath; all OLtmamirt M7M. S4-N0USES URIISXf 8 XL Cerrito: bedroota bauta. ytrd. faneedi take child rea of pe mmmIiU iim Mk aaa leese.

LA ndscapa 4-14x1 ar LA ad. scspe s-svos UGL6YU'mothc IntanL' hara nmtmw wim wmmw, wlWvwll WVWiV LOVELY furnished1 two bedroom home in exclusive district. miles aouth of Walnut Creeki beeutlful yard, trees, SIM a month: oner year lease. Coekcrtoa, SMI Mt DtsBja ttouicvtrd. walnut Crack ptro.

LAKE district: 7 rooms furnished Ideal guest ar rest home: tilt. nroaer, it mpieoer Mm MIDDLE- ed lady will shars i- room bom with raarpnnsible lady! wiin references; seo month. OLym pic )-nsr. RICHMOND, 471 Santa Maria load. A lovely home, completely furnished with automatic waaher; larg fenced front and back yard with garden: tun, year lea.

BE aeon 1-4071. SAN LEANDRO; Moora furnished cottage, utility room, SM; adults, no pets. LU cerne 1-T749, 10441 Merclor. SAN Leandro; I rooms; Bendtx; near everything; 4113, Including util ities, tr inioad j-mn STUDENT, nun, family welcome. near school, hospital, transportatioa.

ympic 3-5113. SAN LEANDRO; wiU share Urge noma with lady ar couple; adults; no pets, sw eetwood 4-3443 UNTIL September 14; one-bedroom home, view Golden Gate, patio; closed yard; IMS. LA ndscapa 5-4214 WALNUT rntl-tr- Julv 1 nished or unfurniahed; csraa; adults oniy. wisui uerex ajei MTH Street. 454; I rooms, near Mtrritt Hospital; child accepted.

7ITH Avenue, I room. I7I.S0: worth 1125; adulta only. Box P14M77, Tribune. S-room horn practically new, 4 rooms furnished, weatherst ripped, floor furnace with thermostst, attached firsts; children accepted; near Oak Knoll Naval Hospital. 7900 Sterling Drive, TW Inoaka 1-1027, LO ekhaven -m.

I large rooms near schools and transportation. 74th Avenue. SW et wood 4-1031. rooms: M5 month, no utilities; child welcome. I0M Castro Valley Boulevard, Castro Valley, )U-Hfisit Firaltki.

WM ADULTS (31. child, need 1 bedrooms, preferably Santa Boat near schools, transportation, to MS. Olympic 1-4074, ADULTS, four; need 1-1 bedroom home, desirable neighborhood, prefer North Oakland-Berkeley. OL ymple 1-1344. CIVIL engineer and family want house, 1 bedrooms, 1 Vt baths, for 4-4 months; furnished or unfurnished, but with range; about 1115; Oakland or Berkeley.

Call HUmboldt 3-1907. CHRISTIAN family of 1 desire 1-4 room house to 145, ar duplex. KE Uog 1-4747. EXECUTIVE and wife deal re Btceiy furniahed home er dppiex; SIM. TR Inldad 1-1704.

EXECUTIVE family' of I require 1-3 bedroom, to 1100. KB Uog 1-4474. RESPONSIBLE parent desir ait tractive 3-3-bedroom Soma, furnished or partially; aa son, 4 years; expecting second chUd Seo- temoer. LA kehurst 3-4195. RESPONSIBLE couple with child oesire i oearooma; ta 175; Hoc ridge area.

HU mboldt 1-4351 3S rVtffMieaal Laeatian ATTENTION doctors; good effies location; large corner horn San Pablo Avenue. Richmond: Rheem; bus, market, good parking. os aeon -74. IS luliass LaeaflMsi Rut AVColdwell, Banker Co. For lease: excellent auloinotlsa er taeacy aalee location aa Broadway.

Just above Grand Avenue; a 114; owner will subdivide, entirely re model interior and front, Mr. Datay, ijl encourt i-Ttot. A-Coldwell, Banker A Co. Office space available, Fndtvtls. professional building.

SIM East 14th Street. 104 ta 450 sauare fact, ele vator service. Janitor service, beat. lights and water, call Mr. Afntara.

OLeneourt I-73O0. AVAILABLE, office space, dee In; spectacular comer location, puk ing, telephone service. OL ympic 1-1314 from 10 to pjsu daily far information. BUILDING, kxSM, 4114 lhattack; ideal for bowling allay, faraltura, grocery, variety store or any large merchtndixlng binlnsse. BE rkelcy 7-711 5M.

CASTRO Valler Boulevar htt; 4-room haute, lease; good tar doctor tny kind. COLLEGE Avenue, 143 1: steam heat; hot water. OL ympic 3-M43, FOR lease, 15x10, excellent location. very reasonable. 7414 MacArthur, KE Hot 3-5473.

Mrs. Maxev. Owner. irRQNT office on ground floor for rent et 1001 East 14th Street, KX 1- 'lot 2-5471. LOT paved.

5(1x106. lith-itVAr. ll 11 irteal far UMS ear knt in.v. haven 4-1741. NEW modern offices available, heart of Lafayette.

Call Lafayette 4814 or sea at corner of ML Diablo Boule- vrd snd Hough Avenue. NEW store for rent in busy section. HU mboldt 1-47M. OFFICE space ground Boor for ea or as vera! deck, furalahad er nnfar-nltbed. With telephone service, downtown Oakland.

$11 per atonth up. MS ISth Street. drflcfcs. i small. mJk Ui, attractivt.

unfurnished, aa Ortnd Avenue; 111 per month each. TW tn-oaks 1-4043. OFFICE building, brick, anodere, square feet, Emeryville Industrial area hu mboldt 1-7709, Mr. Collms. OFFICE and home, I rooms.

Ideal (or architect: 1-S. 1544 Webster. PRIVATE office, telephone service If desired. 130 ISth Btreet. TE mpie-bar 1-5478.

Mr, O'Reilly. San Leandro Heart ef shopping district; tultabl tor any retail business: 17x75; 4244 per month. Call Barbara Mathews, TR tnidad 1-1014. STENOGRAPHER, public, for office oa ground floor, downtown; free rent for answering phone. Ml uth STORE, apartment for lease, ltx-reasonable.

1531 Seminary; LO ckheven 1-7504. if ORE. liable any kind of bui- ness; living quarters. U01 Uth Avenu. Used Car Lot On Broadway, near MacArttuir; mi.

shops In rear: Ideal combination for complete used car business. Mr. Christensen. HU mboldt 1-M74, HI ghgste 4-1414. ISTH.

5a, near Telegraph; store, of- flce. shop, cement floors. $54. 4707 Foothill Boulevard; small store, only 135. AN dover 1-44X1 evenings.

JSAIisiaets Leeaflees Waatee LEASE; building mitabl candy making; soxiee, with rw snsntne HIgngtte 4-4440. I1-VACATI0R FLACES ANDERSON Springs, Lake County furnished cottages, aa stream, swim ming, dancing, flahmgt Available now; mooter. 4-43-4. BOULDER Creek; S-room, clean house completely furnished: hot water, refrigerator, nice yard with available July ISth at $44 per week. Opposite Forest Peal, Big nasia Hignway.

George otexson. Bouldei creek 4-atm. A6ULDIB CreekTT aietely funrished: Vt mil tram torn ea Beer Creek Road; SM weekly: reference; available Jury through August. TX mplebar 1-TOH, SET lawnand; lor rant new fur- ntshed houeekesplng cabtn. SW.

SW eetwood 4.4434. BEN Lomond. San Crut moun-ums: modern cabtn. rtmeatble. OL ym pw 1 044.

after 4 3 CRUli: twnW Ing, horseback ridtna: S-t 1 cat tale. TB mtdad S-44T4. CLLAR Lake Highlande; Bungalow Court; dean, madara housekeeping anibc reswceisMs ratee; imamtiaa. LAlwtsrspe 4-4474. CAPiToLA.

ibe lea. l-roo. eaoin, us waekty. rym 44 I Twain Harta "ftiofamn Ti Ql. 4-roora tumater fcema for tent fat ar part af July, tjs4rea shower, large veranda, sanget av etectrie rang aaad water boa tar.

ail heater: weJarina ainanca la pea cnca, twi. pus snd lake: 1 ovation about 4004 iaet: 14 per weak; also vallabl Sor reariy iaa at reoueea rate. Iaaa Ordwsy S-H47, Sea traneiMa a vmte box in, aonora. Csllfomn. I ELTON cabin In Forest Lake responsible people; lence.

utlHtje included: ewlmmina berbeeue, etc; 445 weekly. OLya pie i-wisx. LAKE TAHOl ImuW: Uutlrul eanon naar ike; first half July, nnt new August, la noscep b.tpl LAKE Tahoe beach cottage, aouth-ern end of lake; BE rkelry f-atSS. nEaI Boulder Crest, tunUeel aaC ins, weex ar month, miBina LOckhavon 4-4U1 evetttag er write H- Aaooraoa, xout M4. Boulder Creek.

PIN EC REST: comfortable. waS- equippad cabin; aleepa 4-11 HU beldt J-JWll. P1NECREST; large cabin, furniahed quiet; boating, fishing, twtmmlng TR inldad 1-455. FINXLAND. Lak Tahoe: cabin: reasonable.

After I as-. KXttaa J-tnsa. RUSSIAN River at Monte Rio; apartmenta completely furnished. I -MS: 1 -444 per weak. Address Box MI, Camp Meeker, phone Camp Meeker X401.

River; new; July 4th week and later, 137.50. GLenooort I-M74. SPEND your vacation aa taeu823 Clear Lake at Hilltop Covart. Oeesr Lak Highlands; furnished for ho us keeping; reasonsbl rates, daily, weekly. Make reservstions new.

At- water 1-8X23; evenings, Valencia 4-4344. TAHOE house, ideal large famiry or 4 bedroom, sleeping poroh, completely furnished, 1100 weakly-. ANdover 1-4001. TAHOE Secluded modern cabin. bedrooms, fun electric ttowe: a mile from Lake Tahoe Ctlp.

LAad-cp 4-4101 TWAIN Harta; small eabta grocery: au eleetria. BUaa- boldt 1-4511 after I bjb. TAHOE; furnished cahiaa; Breaa'-wy Golf Court: lililaalli equipped. AS hberry S-4TM. TAHOE, King Beach.

KirnUM cottages. Booesant, 4X4 whaeier, Reno, Nevada. TAHOE; house, sjcommodateat; fireplace; near beach AS hberry 1-4711. TAHOE BUOU; new housekeeping cabin now available, GL 1-30O5. It fOR RERT 6R SALI THRlX-cadroom home, SM or good terms to responsible Party.

Pied mont S-7SSSW. SI-FIR RERT IR SALI WANTED LEASE, with carina ta bit. 41 bedroom home; prefer Beat Oak-Is nd. Baa Lasndro. LO ckhavea I-4141: KB Bog S-437L II IRDUSTRIAL FOR LEASE TERM lease: ttory.

TtxIM foot, prick tmllding: East Oakland. bvy er ugat tndustruu; rau aemg. aaa Bear, aula thoroughfare. GLtaseatirt I-41. II LOANS OR RIALTT A Immediate action; 1-day oa ipprataal: leant aa apartment houses; aa brokerage; 4 ta 44 per coat MteieMi aaa monthly peyxtenW; refinancing a specialty; quick nrnee ta aroaer.

Dickson. TW Inoaka HIB; HU mboldt S-S044. AAA Courtesy, psndsbUitr; soecialtr: low peytBetrbi to fit aaav jana hsuso. Finattly with kerdn Pladmettt M44J; OL ymple 1-StrTl, rvaningm. private asonay to your monthly payments.

Friedman. MIS Broadway, Boom 1101: TE piefcer S-ISa; evenings, HI ghgate MBS, AHENTIONl Brine la Trust wa buy tr sen. Immediate Men ea tiutiiiti any district. STM Telegraph, OL ympic i-jaos, A Immodtate loan ea real aetata any district: flat and ssnd Seed bought; aaatt advaae earaa a OLympi S-144T; evenings OL ympic AAA Private Money IB convenient amounts aa terms: tmmeditte action. XX Bag 4-1244.

I An actual fact, we loan moaey a I in. real estate, any district. OL ympic t-iser; evenings UL ympic a-ota-e. A Quick loans on real aetata; any amount Kir Wilson. KB Bog 1-4011 evening; HIghgate d-MU.

Wlaaar company. CASH to loan on first deeds of truet Linton and Thornally, 4004 FootlHB. lo ekhaven 4-3111 BOMB loans, long nay i an privileges: also Una loans oa contract lab. JraJeon, Towle-WUloughby Carp-. 171 17th Street, TE mplebar S-44M; evenings SWeetwood 4-0144, LAka- trortt 1-4474.

It's Later Than 1st Ttu Why not take that trtpt your wuuatU now. lam nrtvata loan, easy terms. QtrlBad Realty Loon Service, TW hvsak 1411; evening. KE llog 4-1143. PRIVATE money to lend on twal aetata In multtpto ef I In tercet; Ubertl tpprlL M.

O. Perrin. Hlghgste 4-5400. 4SS Uth Street. PRIVATE loans: homea.

tvy dlatriet. la. and 4 lnwrett: I bay lit assd 2nd loans. Myers, MT 17th Street. OL encourt V0M- 1 PRIVATE money to loan en first deed of trust.

MIS OL ympic 1-045. Press si Asliea FlrstTT Loan. Mr. White, GLcncourt 4071; OL ym pie 1-4405. WX make or buy lit and 2nd HI (hatte 4-1110.

ISAMONET WARTEB ATTENTION, wanted lor construction: Its hom*o. good profit. UL encourt TW knocks 1-lMS, FIRST deed of trust oa- good pro perty, paying 14; unpaid baJance-ta June 14. IIM. it 177.14; aa dhv eounta at security It good: thll Ptyibl at Ml or mor per month.

Chsr Ooln, Mil Mth Aveoua. AN dover liZ MwaBavawaaHaB NttD 'l37JOn en I77JOO dairy ranch for I years; $794 month, I. OLym- SIX per cent first loses, varioul amounU; East Bay home and come property. PrudentiaL 154-lTtb, HI thttte 4-4343. SEVERAL maU seconds, It to 40 discount OL ympic 3-15C3.

tiijtm loan wanwd; apartments mteratt V. Myers, 147 17th Street. Oakland: OL encourt 1-404S. 4 and It money nssdad on loan from $541 te OLympw 1-1501. 40iklti4 Lift Far Salt A tap The Beel Tttae ta BEAUTIFUL MONTCLAIR Three km for I1SM la the moat perfect toot, climatically.

St hill. Down sloping view kaoiL Surrounded by beauttfui ban 44 corner knou, pine setting, $1444. One ed few remaining late IB favored Moo tore; soar new 4t44li 41444 mcludet new sewer. Only level tot heart af MraxS elair. comer too.

asertnea saw. Tears Meatettir Speeeaelsaa ..4 Montclair Realty Co. Moeagat WTJ wtetel tla Acreage Perfection aera wte iterfecttf adtosl for new beam to take ad van tea af wide-span view ef ptvaral unBs end bota nog; wgrouneod ay beeotiful homes to ta axejutiva mev heei ef Oakland; offers hnle af two buildins knollt: front oa mint peved rood: MM. Mr. nrbb, amg.

tel. necsin i-tr4 tat. MrThrffi Ca, Klllee licensed home; graduate aunt; raa-; sonaDie.1,A aovor 1-1T1P. ROOM, board, mother ami elulX fcara cnua axi.i .44 araak, KCUos El BAT RURSERIES CHATHAM Play School. Uk Dta-triet; HI ghgate 44144.

Large. wU-equlpped yard, playroom, pre echeel tnlniag. Mornlag. aO day tssslsns tt SasHariaBS, Rast Rnti ATTRACTIVE, comfortable; hem. cooked meals; 44-hour care, AS It, berry S-9041.

BED, ambulatory, excellent nursing, care and trays, cheerful room; rea- sonanie. i ornwau s-iuonj. GOOD home, for ambulator people: good food; spacious garden; grado- ate nurse, tu cerne 14311. REST home, pleasant surroundings; Grand-Lake; very naaanabla. TE nv.

plebar 4-4444. VALLEY Manor, modem, sps clous; excellent loodi expert care. Ladle Geiger, Re is tared Nurse. MM Clay- ton Road, Concord; phone 134. 10TH Avenue Rett Home; ing In Individual care: tray or table service; special diets, regis tared nurse, hour.

KB Uog 4-0415. 1 JO-FLATS FOR RERT ALAMEDA, 1404 Benton: 4 room. unfurnished: near transportation, snopping. tea. COLORED 4 room, flat, Unfurniahed needs redecorating; $40.

KX llog EAST Oakland; 4 rooms. 450. Col densoa, TW inoaka 1-1531, LU earn NORTH Oakland1; 14 rooms, unfurnished: storage apace, laundry: garage; reference; 1-1 adult; na pets. OLympIc 1-4735. NICE S-room flat, furnished, unfi iur- nished.

BE aeon 1-44M. UNFURNISHED, I rooms, dtily 3-3. 1544 Webster. Apply 16TH Street, 1164; 3 rooms; linoleum, stove, gtrage. utilities 140 50 (white 32ND Street near West; 1-room flat restricted.

Piedmont 1-4454. It -RERTAL SIREARS Associated Rentals Phone us your vacancies; we inves-tigtte tenants; na charge ta landlords. Open evening nd Sunday. OL encourt 1-1400: 51S East 14th. At Wulfing No cost to ltnd lords; yen pro via the property; we provide qualified tenants.

Mr. Wulfing, TW inoaks 1-ntL A Rental Specialist Myrtle Hughes. HI ghgate 4-144 TE mplebar 4-S441, evenings. Alwavs Call Sam Masle's Rental manager. Louise Lee, GLcncourt 1-1751; before offering your property for rent.

AVAILABLE rentals. Elmer Men-donca. Broker. 43 Callan, San Lean dro: LO ekhaven 4-444. ATLAS Estate Rentals; spacious 1-room duplex, 1st far tone; only MS.

LO ekhaven MIS, WANT to rent a house? Let ma help you. Smalt service charge to tan-ante; no cost to landlords. Marlon V. Ballard. 1X1 Orchard Avenue, Hayward.

LU cerne 1-1747. LO ekhaven 4-4111. 4-4 dally. 1-4 Sunday. Closed Mondays.

IS Pat at tawe far Rait TEN acre near Richmond: 1-bed- room, partially furniahed; barn; guest house; plenty SS MOUSES URFURRISHEB available July join, ooa rooms, fireplace, lovely fenced garden, 0117. ALMOST new Spanish stucco, 1 bedrooms; 1104 month, lease; adult. LO ekhaven 4-1444. ALBANY. 1 rooms, stove and re- li4rf A 3-Bed room S-baU Engliah; Trestle Glen district; SIM.

TW moaks 1- 4301. KE Uog 4-313 ALAMEDA; 1 bedroom; nearly new; 415 month; transportation. LA kehurst 3-1170. BERKELEY. 5-room bungalow part- ly furnished: 4-room flat unfur-nished: garage; adults.

MIT Ward. LAKESHORK district; 1 bedrooms, 4-room house; 1130. OL ympic 1-4451. MODERN S-room house with gtrage. newly decors ted, 40.

GL encourt 1-3151. after 4 NEAR Dimond Park; t-room fist. tSO. References KE nog 1-1757. PARtlV furnished, beautifully orated free room; eml-reetrtcted neighborhood.

TE mplebar 4-I7M. WALNUT Creek; five rooms, serv- t- sirenis. eenced vsrd larut; chrM 175; year's uw; pu, service; Agent. AS berry 3-37K4. Walnut Creek 7734.

WALNLT Creek; 1-bedroom. yard: child ra i 4-431 ITH Avenue. 2331 newly redecorated: large home. erred, no pets; references; monthly. Open 11-1.

SSA Haasas Utter. Wasted AUVFJRTTSINO Juakw executive, wife, daughter want 1-bedroom house, duplex or fist: excellent rat io 80. GLcncourt Hill ALAMEDA. Xaat Oakland; room; will redecorate; reesonable rent: er duplex; responsible gW wood 1-1044. COUPLE, no children, need house or duplex, unfurnished er pertly furnished; Oakland, Berkeley; excellent care of property assured; ta MS.

BE rkelcy 7 -4877 COLONEL Medical Corps, tttending "CaL" family: 1 bedrooms; Berkeley, Oakland High district: August 11; to IIM. Box 34412. Tribune. COUPLE. 1 children; unfurnisl hod" or partly.

East Oakland or San IXeandro; permanent; to MS. LO ck- 'haven 4-5428. CIVIL service employee desire 1 oeorooms. nice cusuici. pcxmancni; (a sA Tit mnbhar 1.1041 after 4- FIVE or 4-room unfurnished house.

A I ban er Berkeley; any condition, will redecorate at part of rent; 1 school children; home owners with reference; to ISO. LA kehurst 1-43S3. FAMILY of 5 tl children! urgently need 150 rental: dependable. TE m- plehar 2-4217. FAMILY oi 4 urgently need living quartera; reasonable.

KXUog 2-1311 HOUSE, duplex, flat, 4-1 rooms: middle-aged couple, to MO. OL ym pie 3-4 1 HI ghgste 4-4431. LARGE house, suitable for use at nursery school. LA fcehnrst 1-41M NEED 3-bedroom home urgently: references. TE mplebar 2-1151; Lucerne 2-1144.

PHYSICIAN and family. 1 young children, desire 4-bed room bouse. Piedmont; July; leasee ta IMS HU mboldt 3-5404. PHYSICIAN, wile and daughter. TT desire tV or S-room house, flat or duplex: par to P104.

Beyview I-7S44. RESEARCH company engineer, fam-Uy desires 1-S within next 1 weeks: fenced yard: East bar area; convenient transportation; to IM; will lease. Box 81074, Tribune. SOLitiaKN Pacific of nee manager. wife and 1 welt-behaved children, need 1-bedroom, unfurnished home; prefer Laurel-Dimond district; to 17.

KEIloa 1-1T1T. TWO or three bedrooms, bouse flat: parents, I grown daughter college; guaranteed goad car of bouse and excellent ret- erence. Ka llog 4-4434. THREE adulta, child L' I rooms: first xonat raaaanable' rant: will Iteta. IW eetwood 4-lTtl THREE or four rooms; conscientious young couple; to $54.

TE mplebar 14 NOUSES FURNISHES AUGUST 1: modern: 4 couple; lease 4104. BErkeley 7- 4543J. lady will (hare 4-room horn with 1-1 woman ar couple: modern, clean, near train. PT edmont 4-41 5 W. aLAU3lDA, cabin wah stove.

Webster: tingle: reaeonabla. T7t Earl. cftNGESUL room-auite. mala', here houta wtth tw young male ear: LOckhavaa S-MSTl ANdover 11314 vningi BOND Street. J116: 1 rooms, unfur- AL1.ENDALE, bachelor two-room niahed.

electric ttove. KE llog l-tVIlH furnished, shower, refrigeretor; rea-AN dover l-a47 evenings. soneble. KE llog 1-4M1. BRHKtl.EY.

3107 Telegraph: 1-room ALAMEDA; 1 large, modern rooms. lnttirnisheo spsrtment. Adulta. P. ut room sunny spsrtment, with stove, lourplex: parkin space: adults, no pets.

M. CUSTER Street. 1644. off Uth Ave- nue: 1-bedroom, renovated, partly furnished apartment; PM, including utllitiee, AdulU only. EAST 17th.

1113. lovely room, kitchenette, adjoining bath) Frigidalre. Isundry, every convenience: Venetians; 1 person, man, 1 woman. rhlW accepted. 13J.

KE llog 3-S47. Hlghgste sawn 14lh Street. 4014; apartment. rooms unfurnuhed, KE llog 1- EAST 17th Street, tit; housekeep-ing apartment, private bath, re-irigeretor, edults. 4.V ELIZABETH.

Sail: new. one. two but rooms, unfurnlshtd; 400-171. rent. leese.

EAST lard. 140, furnished 1 rooms, housekeeping: utiliues; 141. EAST 15th Street, 1305; 4 room unfurnished: 400; including water. l-AiRiiONf Villa, 117 aPth Stxeef: Junior 4 unfurnished available July walking distance to lake, down-town: M7M. GLcncourt 1-7454 I AIRMOUNT down town; new, quiet.

Junior four, corner apartment, stove, rrtgtdaire, ga rage: siw monmiy: adulta UMOVE. MM. 1 room apartment furnished, utilities: 131 month: In-! "Uire Apsrtment 1 CiHOVE Street. 1434; kitchenette end both, furnished: a wcc. HARRISON M4I: small nicely fur- niuieo, rodecortted.

1 room tlngle: MOO East Mnd Street. KE 1- lof 3-rwe rooms, children, colored welcome: downtown; weakly. HI (hast 4-4401. tu'6 rooms, rurltW; utflitUi by tranapartatioai eouple ar bachelor; no pet. OL ympic 1-5454.

PIEDMONT Avenue duttrict, nice, clean rooms; employed people Piedmont 5-1403W ROOM and kitchenette, refriaera- tion: chfld welcome: M. LAke- hurst 1-4171. VERNON-Mac Arthur; room, sepa rate kitchenette, refrigerator: em. ployed; 111 50 week. GLcncourt 1-4441.

WORKING couple, hauaekeepuig privilege, a a transportatioa, newly renovated. HI the et 4-0301. S3RD Avenue: 1-room studio aparC ment, light cooking facilities, utilitiea. linen, patio, adloming bath, excellent BtntportaUon; woman. LO ekhaven f-4114.

tlA-MegsalNatac Waatatl ELDEKLT woman need urge room. bath: level location, transportation. GL encourt 1-1301. 11 10 AR DINS ALAMEDA. 1147 San Antonio; one block from Park Street: two meals.

p4CK reasonable. LA ke humt 1-4573. ALICE Street TET; downlowai einglea, doublet, living rooms; ox- cellent food; men, women; 111 up. BOWDITCH, MM; The Kampanela: large rooms: chef etyl food; near campus: atudenta, bueineas; tun deck. BErkeley 7-414 EAST Uth Street, 1441; pi tnt runny moms; teaaioner; Hon.

KB llog 1-4TIT. FOOTHILL, MM; soene thing dhfer-ent In borne for working men: family style meals; lunches packed. KX Dog 1-7511. UNO. woBaierful rood.

nxa TE mplebar 1-5444. AW dover 1-7443. MADISON. Mil; SIS: eomfortsble room; exoellent meal, parking, laundry prtvtlegeat atnecUse lobby; ianenprincs. televutoa: aaatraUy te- cited.

TW meek 1-4401. PALM Avenue. 151: Lake district: sinf lee. doubles, coed food, home atmosphere; men er women. HI gh.

gate 4-4703. PARKVIEW Terrace. tnsar Grand Avenue) Finest TW Inoaks 3-tlM food, ir.rx., view ivvwtj- rawM. excellent food: near transportation: men Piedmont 5-4581 ALAMEDA; bred af eating out? Try delicious home cooked pack lunches, clean rooms, friendly home. 1033 Central.

LA kehurst 1-5741; LA kehurrt 1-747 ltte evenings. A piece to Uvei Newly live; New); rated: excellent food: good trana- porta tion; friendly group. 144 Mae-Arthur, comer Chetwood. ALAMEDA, home -cooked quellty food: clean, nicely rumithod rooms; reesonsble rates. LA kehurst 1-245 A nice room, good food.

I1S.M: lunches, parking AW dover l-tOM BEAUTIFUL guest home; single room; young lady; transportation. KE llog 1-1044. CLOSE-IN single, double, private aatha. functies. 1444 Jackson.

GL l-ttia CONGENIAL humane; excellent rransportatWa; I meal. M. BE rke- ley 7-413BH DIMOND district, room in lovely borne; excellent meals, wtth. without board: gentleman preferred. KE llog 1-tmt.

DIMOND district; neat, sunny room, home looted meals: gentleman preferred KEIleg 1-4454. class residence club: excel- trnt meals; gentlemen. TE mplebar 1-1104 JORGENSEH-1 Ml Street, GL eneeurt 1-744; de haxe ubatantlal meel. Saturday Bights, Smorgasbord. MOTHER and child, board with large beaaa.

TE mplebar S-41M. IT -MOTELS W1TI BOARS ACCOMMODATIONS tor tinftea, couples, famtlee; nicocy furntaaod, eleaa ream; excellent maalt; reasonable rate: laundry nrtvflage. Palm lUadeatlal Hotel, M04 Central Aveaue, Alameda, LA kehurst 1-145. DtAVsMld. 4U Telegraph: excellent food: rata reduced.

PI edmont S-lKtl. FSU1TV IhJ pert4; (u sportatMa; M- evtataa. KX Hoc saaoa. SS-SRILSRER B8ARBEB ALL paren W. day ear, while yea warki transpnrtataoa avmilabte.

PlattM Mm. I i II. large rooms, trs-sao: ne i HLCSON Street, 414. apartment. Co KE Dog 1-Mll i un businessman, wife, tmtll ton, ta 7S.

4-5 m. locker space: MS. Apartment avail. able. Call at 13415 Bancroft, San lasndro.

i 1 --I i entrance, cium viwumai 127 .50. LO ekhaven l-IHl, COLORED couple. Myrtle Street. I clean; furnished, priiata bath. ft-lK I A luuiiauTO, SJI.gu, eauit couple, no pets.

OL ympic 3 110. KINGSTON Avenue. 770; lovely two room apartment, completely furnished, all utilities peld. KKMPTON Avenue. 3253; 1-room apartment, unlurnished: Its fhriud- inc utilities: clow In.

ic ARTHUR West 40. 4 room un- lurnished epsrtment; completely re-ilecorated: adults: no pets; 45. MacAkTHUH, 14ml. bachelor apart ment, two rooms, furnished; 137 50 KF. Iloc 3-2711 RICHMOND Annei.

Santa cTarl Street. 1414: near East Shore; 1-room furnished apartmenl: aaraae, utui-' ties; 4H0 month. SAN Leandro. 141 Beltview Brlve: 1 newly decorated 2, 1-room furnished partment. includes utllitiee, garage: elnae to transportation, store.

SEVENTH Avenue, 1411. 1 large clean rooms. furniahed. utlliuet. adults.

443.50. TENTH Avenue 2201. 1 roomX shower, hardwood floor, stove GL encourt 1-4034. TfcLEGRAPH. tWo; furnished apart-menta.

1-1 rooms; transportation; district. VERNON Street, 440, 135; two smsll room, nicely furniahed: utllitiee: Grand Lake district; quiet working woman. VAN Bum. iii Grand Lak 1 front room furnished, adulta. 453, WtSXEV Avenue, 543, near Lsis and MacArthur.

atUactiva ground floor, furnished I larg rooms, kitchaa and bath, utiUtlea; for lean tioo monrnry WEST Uaclrthur. 41 two nice estea reeens; rrtgtdaire, aU uniiuts; near irsraportatlon; thle; tingle men pre fen ed. WEST, 1703; 1 room, kitchenette, furnished; MEM monthly; sear to 7TH Avenu; (ttractlvt furnished living room, tile kitchen and bath. TW Inoak 1-45M, 1UTH Avenue, IIM; 1-room, Including ullUUes; SM. KK 1- -4ii.

in Avenue, lut 1-room ur- nished: all utllltlee; tettaaj adults; IM. TX mplebar 4- VTta, llTB Street. HI; 1 furnish sd. tunay, prtvet betb, atthbea. rage.

LO ekhaven 4-1174. DE luxe, large, new 1. 11x11 11 Ing room. 11x14 btdiem. unfur.

nished; upper ar tower la fourplex, MS-MI. Owner, KK llog llog a-na. DE LUXE 1-bedroom apartment; near Mill College, shopping, trans portation; tmmediat Owner, SW eetwood 4-143 DIMOND; rooms, furnished. I bedrooms; utilities; gtrage; adulta; no drinking, peta; 111. KB Uog 4-oni DOWNTOWN, 1 rooms, uuhuea) near all transportation; adult.

HI ghgate 4-4747, EXCEPTIONALLY wall fumishsi. laraa, aew, s-raesa eatilmsnt; cbotea loot now i 4M meat-. Maaaaei Apartment 141. 1104 lth Avenue. EAST Oaklaad, tw room fur-nishod, Frtgidelr.

SM tnetadlag utiuuee, woman ar seuutey ed i eref erred. LO ekhaven 4-e467, EL CJUtfUTO; bachelor's apartateaT, clean, aorafertable, completely tar-nished. LA adscape S-7T71. EAST Oakland 1 room apartment, 14, aa lease; sieve, water, garage. KE llog 1-1114.

EL CKRRlTO, view, duplex, I MS: 1 rooms. 442.54, LA adscap 4- 447S EAST Oakland: 1 furniahed. utilities, MB; adult. KE llog 1-2717. EAaT Oakland; raema, turn nee.

171 avening after 4. KE Bog for" rent or lease 4-room tparT- ment. rtnrtad: wnfurnlthed. OiiMrwa weL mi Ml BMwithty. PI ilaa I p-sa.

7 0 V-- ((i-''i' -a -a ax. WalHid i I jtiJ MStwa. Viv W3: a t- -w V-e tfttliltl Jtvl4 aarpKaJap b4.

Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.