No Knead Bread Variations | Recipe (2024)

No Knead Bread Variations | Recipe (1)

No Knead BreadVariations

There are countless ways that making food from scratch offers a huge savings over buying the pre-packaged version in the grocery store. One of the best examples is Roasting Whole Chickens and Making Chicken Stock. A very close second would be baking your own bread.

It’s no secret that we’re crazy about Jim Lahey’s No Knead Bread around here. This big, beautiful loaf can be made in your own kitchen for less than $1 a loaf. You would easily be paying five times that in a bakery or grocery store for something of similar size and quality. Multiply that over the course of a year and that is some serious savings. Enough to justify buying a Dutch ovenNo Knead Bread Variations | Recipe (2)(Amazon).

Or four. But who’s counting?

In this post, I’ve included our version of Lahey’s recipe, as well as included a long list of possible variations. Once you have the hang of the basic recipe, start putting your own spin on it!

No Knead Bread Variations | Recipe (3)

Basic No-Knead Bread (go here for the step-by-step recipe)
slightly adapted from Jim Lahey’s original recipe(Amazon)

6cups bread flour (recommended) or unbleached all-purpose flour, plus more for work surface
1/2 t. instant or active-dry yeast
21/2 t. salt
2 2/3 c. cool water

  1. In a large bowl, combine the flour, yeast, and salt (add any additional ingredients here). Addthe water and stir until all the ingredients are well incorporated; the doughshould bewet and sticky. Coverthe bowlwith plastic wrap. Let the dough rest 12-18 hours on the counter at roomtemperature. When surface of the risen dough has darkened slightly, smells yeasty,and is dotted with bubbles,it is ready.
  2. Lightly flour your hands and a work surface. Place dough on work surface and sprinkle with more flour. Fold the dough over on itself once or twice and, using floured fingers,tuck the dough underneath to form a rough ball.
  3. Generouslydust a cotton towel (not terry cloth) or parchment paper with enoughflour, cornmeal, or wheat bran to prevent the dough from sticking to the towel as it rises; place dough seam side down on the towel and dust with more flour, cornmeal, or wheat bran. Cover with the edges ora second cotton towel and let rise for about 2 hours, until it has doubled in size.
  4. After about 1 1/2 hours, preheat oven to425 degrees. Place a 6-8 quart heavy covered pot, such as a cast-iron Dutch oven, in the oven as it heats. When the dough has fully risen, carefully remove pot from oven. (You can add some olive oil to the bottom of the pot, if you want.)Remove top towel from dough and slide your hand under the bottom towel;flip thedough over into pot, seam side up. Shake pan once or twice if dough looks unevenly distributed; it will straighten out as it bakes.
  5. Cover and bake for 40 minutes. Uncover and continue baking for 10-15 more minutes, until the crust is a deep chestnut brown. The internal temperature of the bread should be around 200 degrees. You can check this with a meat thermometer, if desired.
  6. Remove the bread from the pot and let it cool completely on a wire rack before slicing.

No Knead Bread Variations | Recipe (4)

If you want to stir in additional ingredients to your bread, add them to the dry ingredients (flour, yeast, salt) before adding the water. This will ensure they get evenly incorporated to the dough. Then proceed with the recipe as written.

The list below is by no means an exhaustive one of possible variations. Olives, herbs, roasted garlic, or caramelized onions would be good. Or cinnamon raisin! Or roasted pepper!

Go to our No-Knead Bread FAQ page for more ideas or create your own combination! We’d love to hear your favorite combination in the comments section!

And I know someone is going to ask: Do you have a gluten-free version? I have searched high and low for a good gluten-free option, but none of the recipes I found seem to be that popular. I am a total amateur when it comes to gluten-free baking, but I am intrigued by the cup-for-cup gf flour. However… I always balk at the price. It would make one expensive loaf of bread. Does anyone have any brilliant gluten-free ideas?

No Knead Bread Variations | Recipe (5)

Cranberry Orange Bread

This version can stand on its own with no problemo. Serve it with some butter and call it a day. But! If you really want to win friends and influence people, invite them over for breakfast and serve this as French toast. They will want to make you President of something, even if it’s just the PTA.


zest of 1 orange
1/4 c. brown sugar
1/2 c.dried cranberries
1/2 c. sunflower seeds or walnuts

No Knead Bread Variations | Recipe (6)

Four Cheese Bread

I can barely handle this bread, it is so delicious. The first time I served it (Christmas Eve 2013, with three kinds of soup), people kept asking, “What is in this bread?!” Cheese! But not just any cheese. Trader Joe’s shredded Quattro Formaggio. Adding some chopped green onion isn’t a bad idea, either.


1-2 c. shredded cheese
1/4 c. chopped green onion (optional)

Depending on the saltiness of the cheese, you may want to decrease the salt called for in the recipe by 1/2 teaspoon. In addition to mixing shredded cheese into the dough, I also sprinkle some on top when I remove the lid for the final ten minutes of bake time.

No Knead Bread Variations | Recipe (7)

Sandwich Bread (with almond flour)

My smarty-pants husband has the mind of an inventor, so on those rare occasions when he enters the kitchen to cook rather than to eat, he’s always trying to put his own spin on recipes. He offered to stir together a batch of bread one night. When I baked it the next morning, it had a finer, softer crumb (interior) than usual. His secret? Almond flour. This bread makes the best sandwiches or toast.


1 c. of almond flour for 1 c. of unbleached flour

No Knead Bread Variations | Recipe (8)

Dark Chocolate Coconut Bread

I’m not a huge fan of sweet breads, but my husband loves them. I cut our recipe in half (back to Lahey’s original amounts) to make a smaller loaf. This bread is great toasted or served up as an afternoon snack.

Add (to 1/2 of original Frugal Living NW bread recipe):

2 T. brown sugar
1/2 c. chopped dark chocolate
1/2 c. shredded coconut (I use Bob’s Red Mill unsweetened coconut flakes)

Cut the covered baking time to 30 minutes, uncovered for about 10 minutes. Sprinkle some shredded coconut on top of the bread when you remove the lid for the final 10 minutes of bake time.

No Knead Bread Variations | Recipe (9)

Tomato Basil Cheese Bread

This combination came compliments of a Frugal Living NW reader. I owe you big time. This makes the most rich, savory loaf of bread. It is delicious served with soup or spaghetti and even better turned into grilled cheese sandwiches.


2 T. tomato paste
1 c. shredded cheese
1/4 c. finely shredded fresh basil leaves

Depending on the saltiness of the cheese, you may want to decrease the salt called for in the recipe by 1/2 teaspoon.

No Knead Bread Variations | Recipe (10)

Whole Wheat Bread

You can play around with different amounts of whole wheat flour, until you find the ratio that you prefer. I like to substitute 3 cups of whole wheat flour for 3 cups of unbleached flour. If you want a lighter loaf, try half of that. Adding some honey or molasses adds a nice touch of sweetness. Cinnamon is also a great addition to this bread. If you go that route, use sugar instead of honey or molasses as a sweetener.


1 1/2-3 c. of whole wheat flour for the same amount of unbleached white flour


3 T. honey or molasses (optional)
1 T. ground cinnamon (optional)

No Knead Bread Variations | Recipe (11)

Trying to think of a gift for the person who has everything? Wanting to bring something special to the friend who just had a baby? Bake them a loaf of bread! If you wrap it up in a big kitchen towel and tie it with a nice ribbon, you are practically Martha Stewart. Of course, Martha would embroider her towel with the person’s monogram and braid her own ribbon from horse hair on her country estate, but who cares! You baked a loaf of bread! Give it to someone and watch their eyes light up. It’s a good gift.

No Knead Bread Variations | Recipe (12)

For wrapping the big loaves of bread, I like to use a towel around 20″ x 24″.

These 18×30″ Liliane Collection Kitchen Towels (Amazon) would work great. They have excellent reviews and a variety of uses. Ditch the wrapping paper and gift bags in favor of something that’s actually! At less than $1.50 a towel, buying a 13-pack is a great way to stock up for the people on your list who will be receiving home-baked treats.

Findmore delicious recipes on our Recipe Page! And make sure you’refollowing us on Pinterestfor more recipe inspiration!

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No Knead Bread Variations | Recipe (2024)


What makes no-knead bread different? ›

No-knead bread is a method of bread baking that uses a very long fermentation (rising) time instead of kneading to form the gluten strands that give the bread its texture. It is characterized by a low yeast content and a very wet dough.

What are the pros and cons of no-knead bread? ›

Pros: Develops dough without adding additional flour (as with traditional kneading). Effective method, especially with slack doughs such as baguettes. Cons: Takes time and repetitions to master. Less effective with doughs that are either stiff or high hydration — best with medium-soft doughs.

Why is my homemade no-knead bread so dense? ›

Why is my bread dense: Usually bread will be too dense when there is too much flour. Keep in mind this dough will be pretty sticky, do not add more flour than specified. Other factors that come into play are humidity and age of flour. Little yeast, long rise, sticky dough are keys to a good, light loaf.

How do you know when no-knead bread is done? ›

Bake covered for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake for 15 minutes more. Remove the lid and bake for 15 minutes more. You can be extra-sure that the bread is done when an instant-read thermometer inserted in the top or side registers 210°F.

How to know dough has risen enough? ›

What bakers call the “poke test” is the best way to tell if dough is ready to bake after its second rise. Lightly flour your finger and poke the dough down about 1". If the indent stays, it's ready to bake. If it pops back out, give it a bit more time.

Why is my no-knead bread gummy? ›

Start by cooking your bread at the temperature prescribed in your preferred recipe, like the one mentioned in our no-knead rosemary bread recipe. Once finished, allow the bread to cool thoroughly and completely before cutting, as cutting too soon can also contribute to a gummy texture.

What is the result of not kneading bread dough enough? ›

A failure to knead dough (unless you're working with a no-knead recipe) can lead to: Poor gluten development: When you don't knead bread, the gluten won't form properly. This can result in a lack of elasticity and strength, meaning your final product is likely to come out of the oven dense and heavy.

Why is my no-knead bread so flat? ›

Editor: Shani, it sounds that your yeast may be too old and expired, or perhaps you're not letting the dough rest adequately after shaping and before baking. Take a look at our no-knead bread step-by-step (with pictures!) and compare your process; you may find a way to tweak it.

Can I use bread flour instead of all purpose for no-knead bread? ›

1. Flour – bread flour will give a more the crumb a more chewy, fluffy texture like bakery Artisan bread because it has higher protein, and bread stays fresher for longer. Plain / all purpose flour still works 100% perfectly, texture is just not quite the same.

How to get no knead bread to rise higher? ›

Folding the bread a few times during its long fermentation helps move the yeast to find more food and to introduce a little more oxygen into their environment.

How can I make my bread lighter and fluffy? ›

All it takes is a small amount of dough enhancer per loaf to create a much lighter and fluffier result. Using a dough enhancer like Vital Wheat Gluten works to improve the texture and elasticity of the dough and elongate the strands of gluten. Doing so allows more room for the gas in the dough to develop and rise.

Can I bake no knead bread without parchment paper? ›

If you don't have parchment paper, your bread will still turn out fine, but be aware it will take a little work to cut through the bottom when slicing.

How do I know if I didn't knead my dough enough? ›

What Does Under-Kneaded Dough Look Like? Dough that has not been kneaded, or hasn't been kneaded long enough, appears lumpy, doesn't stretch very well, and tears easily. If your dough is like this, it needs more kneading. Keep kneading it until it's smooth, stretchy, and more pliable.

How do you know if bread has proved enough? ›

Gently press your finger into the dough on the top. If the dough springs back quickly, it's underproofed. If it springs back very slowly, it's properly proofed and ready to bake. Finally, if it never springs back, the dough is overproofed.

Can you leave no-knead bread too long? ›

An even longer rise: Put this no-knead dough in the fridge immediately after mixing or after the first overnight rise. I've left it for as long as 5 days in the fridge before baking and it works just fine. As a bonus, gluten tightens up in the cold, meaning cold dough is slightly easier to shape.

Why doesn't no-knead dough rise? ›

Yeast was killed, either by something too hot/cold or by direct contact with salt at the beginning (or, maybe the yeast is old and therefore dead); the dough wouldn't rise. Always put the yeast on one side of the bowl, salt on the other.


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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