Easy Pennsylvania Dutch Apple Dumplings | Hymns and Verses (2024)

Amish Apple Dumplings are a traditional, time-honored treat that has delighted generations of Americans. These delectable desserts feature soft, sweet tender apples with a hint of cinnamon enveloped in a light pie crust and baked until golden brown. The finished product is a scrumptious combination of flavors. For those looking for a unique take on the classic American dessert, this Amish apple dumpling is one that you need to give a try.

Apple dumplings are an American favorite, and they are definitely a Pennsylvania Dutch favorite and are a staple here in Lancaster County.TheHistoric Ephrata Cloistereven has an apple dumpling festival every fall.If you’ve never had an apple dumpling, you are missing out!!!

Easy Pennsylvania Dutch Apple Dumplings | Hymns and Verses (1)

Why you’ll love this recipe

  • Just like other Amish recipes, they’re full of flavor and absolutely delicious
  • You only need pantry staple ingredients
  • Ready in just over an hour

Ingredients needed

Get more info for these ingredients in this Amish apple dumpling recipe in the recipe card below

  • Granny Smith Apples
  • refrigerated pie crusts
  • brown sugar
  • cinnamon
  • nutmeg
  • butter
  • white sugar
  • water
Easy Pennsylvania Dutch Apple Dumplings | Hymns and Verses (2)

How to Make Amish Apple Dumplings

  1. Combine sugar, water, cinnamon, and nutmeg in a small saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring constantly.Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  2. Remove from heat and add 1/4 cup butter.Set syrup aside.
  3. Combine apple filling ingredients in a small mixing bowl.Mix with a fork until you have a crumb consistency.
  4. Cut each pie crust in half.Form each half into a ball and place on a lightly floured surface.Roll into 8 inch circles.
  5. Place each apple onto the center of each circle and fill the empty core with the crumb filling.
  6. Fold the dough over the apples, pinching at the top to seal the unbaked dumplings.
  7. Place each apple in a lightly greased 13″ x 9″ baking dish.Drizzle with the syrup.
  8. Bake at 375 degrees for 40 – 45 minutes until crust is golden brown. Tent these easy apple dumplings with foil if the crust is browning too much.


Leftover Apple Dumplings should be stored in an airtight container and should be kept in the fridge for up to 3 days.

The best way to freeze them is in a freezer safe container for up to 2 months. An easy way to reheat these is by popping them back on a baking sheet in the oven until warmed through again. Or, you could reheat them in the Air Fryer.

Easy Pennsylvania Dutch Apple Dumplings | Hymns and Verses (3)

Are Apple Dumplings hard to make?

I used to be intimidated by the thought of making these pastry-wrapped apples, because I thought it would be difficult.But, guess what?They are so easy to make!!!

What kind of apples should I use?

The best answer to this is whatever apples you prefer and have on hand! But if you are looking for a few ideas to try something new or see what others like, try any of these:

  • Granny Smith apples (known for a tart flavor and will stay firm in your dumplings)
  • Honeycrisp
  • Gala (these tend to soften up when used in dumpling recipes)

We use medium apples, but you can use any whole apples that you prefer and have on hand. Whatever apples you enjoy are the best apples for this warm apple dumpling recipe

How do you core an apple?

We like to use an apple corer to easily core the apples. You can also get one of those apple spiralizer corers where it spins the apple, peels the apple, and cores it all at once.

Can I make this ahead of time?

You can fill and wrap the dumplings and then bake them later in day. You can also wait to make the syrup until later as well.

How should I serve these dumplings?

You can serve warm or room temperature with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and maybe some caramel sauce on top if you’re really looking for a treat!

Tips and Variations

  • It is normal for the syrup to be runny, it will not thicken up as it cooks. If you really want a thicker sauce, I suppose you can thicken it with a cornstarch slurry.
  • You can use any apples really, smaller, bigger, whatever you have.
  • Feel free to use your homemade buttery dough recipe that you have if you prefer that over a storebought crust.
  • Make sure your press the dough firmly together so you don’t have the dumplings falling apart.

Now that you see just how simple it is to make this delicious fall dessert, what are you waiting for? Go whip up a batch of Amish Apple Dumplings any time of the year.

Easy Pennsylvania Dutch Apple Dumplings | Hymns and Verses (4)

Yield: 8 Apple Dumplings

Easy Pennsylvania Dutch Apple Dumplings | Hymns and Verses (5)

This recipe creates a shortcut for traditional Pennsylvania Dutch Apple Dumplings by using refrigerated pie crusts! It's a real time saver! But, if you prefer to make your own crust, simply follow the remaining recipe ingredients for this traditional Lancaster County dessert!

Prep Time30 minutes

Cook Time40 minutes

Total Time1 hour 10 minutes


  • 8 Medium Granny Smith Apples
  • Two 15 oz. packages refrigerated pie crusts
  • 1/2 C brown sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 2 TBS butter, softened
  • 1 1/2 C sugar
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 C water
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/4 C butter


  1. Combine sugar, water, cinnamon, and nutmeg in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring constantly.Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  2. Remove from heat and add 1/4 cup butter.Set syrup aside.
  3. Combine apple filling ingredients in a small mixing bowl.Mix with a fork until you have a crumb consistency.
  4. Cut each pie crust in half.Form each half into a ball and place on a lightly floured surface.Roll into 8 inch circles.
  5. Place each apple onto the center of each circle and fill the empty core with the crumb filling.
  6. Fold the dough over the apples, pinching at the top to seal.
  7. Place each apple in a lightly greased 13″ x 9″ baking dish.Drizzle with the syrup.
  8. Bake at 375 degrees for 40 – 45 minutes until crust is golden brown. Tent with foil if crust is browning too much.


Delicious served warm with vanilla ice cream.

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If you like this recipe, you may also enjoy these yummy cupcakes that are another fall treat in our home!

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Easy Pennsylvania Dutch Apple Dumplings | Hymns and Verses (2024)


What is the origin of apple dumplings? ›

Apple dumplings are believed to be native to the northeastern United States, around Pennsylvania. Often found among the delicious Amish recipes, it is frequently eaten as a breakfast item, too. However, they are also regularly eaten as a dessert and sometimes served with ice cream.

What do you know about dumplings? ›

In Asian cuisines, dumplings are delicate, bite-sized treats of different fillings wrapped in a thin layer of dough. They can be both savoury and sweet, and may be boiled, steamed and fried - the choice is yours!

What were dumplings originally called? ›

In ancient times, a typical day was split into 12 two-hour intervals in Chinese timekeeping. The interval between 11 pm to 1 am was named Zi. The same interval was called Jiaozi. Jiaozi is very similar to the Chinese name for dumplings.

Why did Cracker Barrel stop serving apple dumplings? ›


In some ways, the dumpling was a victim of the coronavirus pandemic, as Cracker Barrel had to downsize its menu following supply chain issues after the virus. The dish brought ice cream to an apple fritter-like dessert, and many customers are still missing the item two years later.

What are traditional dumplings made of? ›

Dumplings are made from a simple dough consisting of all-purpose flour, water, and salt. The shaped dumplings are either fried in a pan until golden brown or boiled in a soup. The fried version is usually served as an accompaniment to breakfast codfish.

What is the American version of dumplings? ›

Originating in the Pennsylvania region the pierogies have been a staple in the city of Pittsburgh and all over western Pennsylvania. Pierogies are soft semicircular dumplings that are usually filled with potatoes or cheese. However, just like other dumplings, fillings are interchangeable depending on culture.

Are dumplings healthy or not? ›

The consensus is that dumplings carry a whole lot of micronutrients and are typically healthy options.

Where did fruit dumplings originate? ›

Czech cuisine offers various types of dumplings (knedlíky in Czech), making use of all sorts of ingredients. Especially tasty are fruit dumplings, which are traditionally filled or glazed with apricots, plums, cherries, or other fruits. The first written recipe for this dish originated in the 17th century.

What was Thomas Edison's favorite food? ›

Apple dumplings were Thomas Edison's favorite food. Louis Hughes, born a black slave in Virginia in 1832, recorded an account of a Fourth of July barbecue for the slaves with roasted pigs and sheep, but apple dumplings and peach cobbler were still the favorites "relished by all the slaves".

Are dumplings a Chinese thing? ›

Originating in Northern China, these dumplings are filled with ground meat and vegetables, such as cabbage, scallions, garlic and ginger and wrapped in a thin, circular-shaped wrapper made of flour and water.

Where did Hunan dumplings come from? ›

Nope, these bad boys are not actually Chinese. You likely wouldn't even find them if you travelled to China. These are a Chinese-Canadian tradition found only in Quebec. More commonly known as Hunan Dumplings, they debuted in Montreal in the 80s at Le Piment Rouge.


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